Hello there.
I am currently playing an archivist following yours (and Phaxi's) guide. It's been a huge help. There are however some things that I find odd. Maybe I am missing something, or maybe the guide could use some clarification at some places.
It is mostly from the equipment section. You suggest getting a buckler, shield spikes and a quarterstaff for a weapon (when you get 6:th level spells).
The only problem is that a buckler can't have shieldspikes... You could throw them onto a Darkwood heavy shield (0 armourcheck penalty means you can use it without proficiency
), but if you do that you can't wield the quarterstaff, seeing that is it a double weapon...
Also, the reason for the spikes on both armour and shield is to get them as defending. The wording for defending, although worded poorly, might make it applicable only for swords...
I think you should clarify more when you think it is a good idea to use a buckler + quarterstaff and when to use a Spiked heavy shield + gauntlet (or some other 1h/light weapon). I would also suggest putting in a note that people should check with their DM whether defending work for all weapons, or just swords.
Thank you for a good guide
Edit: Also, on what I wrote above... It might be good to point out to people that Spiked shield + 1H/light weapon gives the same number of "slots" for defending as the quarterstaff. (Making it Warning defending/defending is probably a great idea.)