Author Topic: Thoon Soldier, Awakened  (Read 3447 times)

Offline oslecamo

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Thoon Soldier, Awakened
« on: October 20, 2013, 09:54:29 AM »
Thoon Soldier, Awakened

1+0+0+0+0Thoon Soldier Body, Natural Healing,  Aspect, +2 Str
2+1+0+0+0Quintissence Construct
3+2+1+1+1 Aspect, +1 Str
4+3+1+1+1Quintissence Construct, Heat Resistant
5+3+1+1+1 Aspect, +1 Str
6+4+2+2+2Quintissence Construct,Sharp Axes
7+5+2+2+2 Aspect, +1 Str
8+6+2+2+2 Security Patrol, Aspect, +1 Str
Skills:2+int modifier per level, quadruple at first level. Class skills are:Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen(Wis), Profession(Wis), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str)

Proficiencies: Its own natural weapons


Thoon Soldier Body: The Thoon Soldier loses all other racial bonuses and becomes a construct, with all of it's penalties and disadvantages, except for the extra HP:

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The Thoon Soldier is a medium sized construct with base speed 30 feet. It has two “arm-axe” attacks dealing 1d8+Str mod damage each. The Thoon Soldier may attack with both arm-axes as a standard action whitout penalty.

It also gains a bonus to it's Nat armor equal to its Str modifier.

Finally it gains +1 HP per HD. This bonus retroatively increases by +1 for every 5 HD of the Thoon Soldier.

Natural Healing: A Thoon Soldier is capable of natural healing, albeit very slowly. A Thoon Soldier heals1 hit point for every 8 hours it remains motionless. It can also be healed trough magic means such as cure spells and potions as if it was a living being.

Aspect: At first level, and at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, the Thoon Soldier learns one of the following Aspects. Each takes a swift action to activate and deals 5 damage to the Thoon Soldier itself when activated.  Only have one active at a time.
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Ability Score Increase: The Thoon Soldier gains +2 Str at the first level of this class and then +1 Str at levels 3, 5, 7, 8  for a total of +6 Str at 8th level.

Quintissence Construct:At 2nd, 4th and 6th levels pick another of the following options:

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Heat Resistant: At 4th level the Thoon Soldier gains resistance to fire equal to 2+HD.

Sharp Axes: At 6th level the Thoon Soldier's axe-arms now have a critical multiplier of x3.

Security Patrol: Thoon Soldiers are mass produced and rarely act alone.  At 8th level, if the Thoon Soldier is destroyed, it may choose for all of its gear to self-destruct along with it. If it does so, another Thoon Soldier 2 levels lower appears in a place whitin view, with the exact same build, including equipment except for the two less levels. This new Thoon soldier is at max HP, but otherwise isn't in any Aspect and has the same expended resources otherwise. So for example if the previous Thoon Soldier had Future Tech and had expended the ammo of its weapon, the new Thoon Soldier doesn't have ammo for said weapon as well.

If the Thoon Soldier was high enough level, it is possible for multiple lesser Thoon Soldiers to follow on its wake. So for example a Thoon Soldier 8/Fighter 2 destroyed would lead into an 8th level Thoon Soldier and then into a 6th level Thoon soldier. Either way, if the last remains of the destroyed Thoon Soldiers can be recovered, the newest one can fuse with them over an 8 hour process to recover its lost levels.

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 07:24:47 PM by oslecamo »