Back 18 years ago the group I game with made a bunch of over the top characters (all brothers) who have now become the heroes to an upcoming war against the horsemen of an upcoming apocalypse in our campaign setting. These four characters have been played up to 20th level. They have evolved from 2nd edition, Skills & Powers, 3rd and finally to 3.5. We have gamed with other characters in between.
I want to add a new dimension to my character called Sar-Alec. What he is currently a 10th level Psion and a 10 level Thrall Herder. His main focus has been almost exclusively to telepathy. He is a lawful evil character who unfortunately played with a Deck of Many things and was forced to change his alignment to lawful good. He cannot stand it but does comply with the switch. At one point, this character ended up getting involved with a NPC who was actually a blue dragon mascaraing around as a woman. Her name was Bliss. She was a magic user and probably of chaotic neutral alignment. She was quite mischiefes but not evil or good. These two characters have not seen each other for over 20 years of game time.
I wanted to throw off the some of the party members by introducing a new character. The unknown son of Sar-Alec. The blue dragon would have been raising this new character. This characters personality would be probably closer to Sar-Alec evil tendency with playfulness or charisma of his mother. I am naming this character and basing his mannerism after my favorite character in Star Trek's DS9, Elim Garrak. I will only call him by Elim. The long term goal would be to acquire as many spells/powers and find out whether he can fit in a world where he does not fit in.
The GM is fine with it he thinks it is a great idea.
Now here are the parameters I wanted to stay with in.
Now, the one thing I am struggling what feats and what physical attacks he should take. Should I double down on the natural attacks with improved natrual attacks for claws and bite? How about improved multiattacks? know I will take a breath weapon feats, but I need 6hd to get the multiple use of it. Should he go with the standard simple weapons the class slows? Should he take any levels in any other class? One caveat is that any other caster level that exceed the Erudite level will halt the Erudite (except the ones that add to levels of manifester class)
Any other suggestions with the parameters I have set forth? All suggestions are welcome.