Author Topic: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.  (Read 4790 times)

Offline imurrx

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Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:43:49 AM »
Back 18 years ago the group I game with made a bunch of over the top characters (all brothers) who have now become the heroes to an upcoming war against the horsemen of an upcoming apocalypse in our campaign setting. These four characters have been played up to 20th level. They have evolved from 2nd edition, Skills & Powers, 3rd and finally to 3.5.  We have gamed with other characters in between.

I want to add a new dimension to my character called Sar-Alec. What he is currently a 10th level Psion and a 10 level Thrall Herder. His main focus has been almost exclusively to telepathy.  He is a lawful evil character who unfortunately played with a Deck of Many things and was forced to change his alignment  to lawful good. He cannot stand it but does comply with the switch. At one point, this character ended up getting involved with a NPC who was actually a blue dragon mascaraing around as a woman. Her name was Bliss. She was a magic user and probably of chaotic neutral alignment. She was quite mischiefes but not evil or good. These two characters have not seen each other for over 20 years of game time.

I wanted to throw off the some of the party members by introducing a new character. The unknown son of Sar-Alec. The blue dragon would have been raising this new character. This characters personality would be probably closer to Sar-Alec evil tendency with playfulness or charisma of his mother. I am naming this character  and basing his mannerism after my favorite character in Star Trek's DS9, Elim Garrak. I will only call him by Elim. The long term goal would be to acquire as many spells/powers and find out whether he can fit in a world where he does not fit in.

The GM is fine with it he thinks it is a great idea.

Now here are the parameters I wanted to stay with in.

Now, the one thing I am struggling  what feats  and what physical attacks he should take. Should I double down on the natural attacks with improved natrual attacks for claws and bite? How about improved multiattacks?  know I will take a breath weapon feats, but I need 6hd to get the multiple use of it. Should he go with the standard simple weapons the class slows? Should he take any levels in any other class? One caveat is that any other caster level that exceed the Erudite level will halt the Erudite (except the ones that add to levels of manifester class)

Any other suggestions with the parameters I have set forth? All suggestions are welcome.


Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 05:24:39 PM »
(and I go: Woman mascara-ing as a Blue Dragon = yes)

Erudite + multiclassing is either a bad idea or tricky,
IF you're playing it absolutely r.a.w. straight. 
Half-Dragon template doesn't trigger this.
Erudite + even partial combat is a bad idea, excepting
Metamorph + Transfer goodies.  You can do that.
The Erudite options key off the "bonus feat", and the
psicrystal is listed as a "bonus feat" too.  So you could
also take Mantled Erudite and pick Magic Mantle, and
get full transparency without houseruling it.
Garrak didn't have a psicrystal, he had a spoon head ...  ;)

Could you go with an SRD Dragon Bloodline instead of the template?
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline imurrx

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2013, 12:44:20 AM »
And he make fine tailored clothing as well.

I will back off the melee part. Cannot be all things at once. At later levels I will probably spend the feats to augmenting the breath weapon. I will probably buy the GM pizza to swap out the psi crystal for the magic mantel (perhaps the blue tooth keyboard I just got him would suffice).

For feats I am planning to get improve initiative and also take the trait aggressive to boost the initiative by +6 on top of dexterity. This way I can get the drop and make my move first.

I took two flaws to get couple more feats. Now, I was thinking of spending the rest of the 1st level feats increasing the AC. I really cannot see any other decent feats at 1st level. I have had many characters die over the years, and this guy starting out with few HP for several levels.

I looked at the bloodline and I am still on the fence. What I could do is take the Bloodline and then convince the GM to allow this character take Draconic feats from Races of the Dragon. I would have to say using some of these feats would use up one of the Erudites unique powers per day, but I can see over time emulating many of the half-dragon templet over six levels minus the level adjustment. The trade off would be not getting the huge bump in stats.

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2013, 01:25:56 AM »
If you want to look into initiative in more detail, I recommend looking at:

And shall we assume you're not using the Spell-to-Power variant Erudite?

Offline imurrx

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2013, 02:33:35 AM »
Yes I am using the Spell-to-power variant for the Erudite.

As most dragons like to a mass treasure, this goal of this character is to a mass knowledge. The main question is what will he do with it and how will he use it as the game progresses.

Thanks for the link. I will look into it in the morning tomorrow with a clear head. My sleep pattern has been turned upside down with working overnights for 7 days  and off.

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2013, 05:12:02 AM »
On a scale from 1 to 10, how set are you on using the Half Dragon template as it appears in the SRD?  Races of the Dragon and Dragon Magic have some cool draconic themed races and templates, such as Draconic Creature, or refluffed versions of any of the "Races of the Draconic Realm" or Dragonborn or Spellscales.  Any of those would have less of a Level Adjustment, which means more Power Points and access to higher level Powers. 
I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right.

Offline imurrx

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2013, 07:55:41 AM »
I am open to using another path to achieve the same goal. I would say the only thing that is 100% set is using an Erudite with Convert Spell to Power and having a lineage of a Blue Dragon. Anything else is on the table.

I really have not read Races of the Dragon or Dragon Magic in detail. I will look at it this evening. I did check out the feats there, but not the templates.

By the way, thank you all for the suggestions.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2013, 06:32:20 PM »
Blue Dragon bloodline is right next to
the Black Dragon bloodline I linked.

Erudite says ...
Psicrystal: At 1st level, an erudite gains Psicrystal Affinity (EPH 49) as a bonus feat.
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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2013, 06:53:56 PM »
there are a number of breath weapon powers. don't waste feats on acquiring a breath weapon.

you might want to look over the master psionic list for a full listing of all powers in the game, especially since you're playing an erudite. there's a thread on here somewhere with the master list linked.

Offline imurrx

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2013, 01:53:45 AM »
I spoke with the GM about a few things the other day and it looks like I should be able to work something out.

This is the angle I am looking at. May choose to go with Spellscale as a race and going to take Draconic Heritage and Draconic Breath at 1st level. As taking the class as an Erudite with Convert Spell to Power, I will sacrifice the psicrystal for a psionic feat (such as manteled Erudite-Magic or Overchanneled).  I took two flaws ( feeble and non-combative ). I will have one feat left over at first level. I am thinking one more Draconic Feat,  improved initiative ( or other defensive feat ), or some other feat.

I got the OK from the GM that we can use an alternative class or template for the half-dragon. I also got the a waver to allow the Erudite with the Spell to Power to qualify for the Sorcerer requirement for the Draconic Feats.

For the feat Draconic Breath, the GM said it can be powered by PSP's and probably not by using a unique power per day spot.

The Spellscale class features does fit better with the character and there is no level adjustment. Also, I may also consider using a custom made paragon class for the Spellscale.

Again, thank you for the leads.

Offline DMVerdandi

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2013, 06:49:03 AM »
Honestly, I would actually pick up Metapsionic feats above all.
Especially Persistent Power (3.0).
Maybe also leadership to get a generic spellcaster as a follower. Fluff it as him following after his fathers footsteps.

Have the guy sit out on most the adventures, but in downtime teach you spells.
They can learn cleric and druid spells as arcane spells. This is good for buffs like divine power :D
Pick his brain, get some awesome divine spells.

As for flavor, DEFINITELY get spells from Draconomicon and the other dragon flavored books.
They have some cool spells that thematically will kick butt. Breath weapon spells, spells to increase bite and claw damage, ect.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Creating a Half-Dragon Erudite. Need some advice.
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2013, 08:37:35 PM »
Spellscale + refluff + Dragon something heritage +
dragons mate with anything because it really is "Magic".
Yeah that'll work.

idk why this popped into my head(s).

Psi Arty 10 / core Dragon Disciple 10
(and who really knows how those 2 interact)
Magic Mantle dip 1 at level 21 = decent epic cheese
Psi Arty +1 at level 22 = game over ;
might as well have had the troubles on the way up.

It's like Young Spock stranding proto- Captain Kirk.
Your codpiece is a mimic.