Author Topic: Mmmm... Tasty souls (3.5 Build-type Thing)  (Read 1752 times)

Offline Amechra

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Mmmm... Tasty souls (3.5 Build-type Thing)
« on: November 15, 2011, 09:14:11 PM »
NE Magic-Blooded Elan Urban Companion Ranger 4/Warblade 1/Soul Eater 10/Warblade 5

1st: Illithid Heritage
Flaw: Illithid Skin
Flaw: Illithid Grapple
Bonus (Ranger): Two-Weapon Fighting 
3rd: Weapon Focus (Tentacle)
6th: Improved Energy Drain
9th: Ironheart Aura
12th:  Stormguard Warrior
15th: Life Drain
18th: Illithid Grapple
Bonus: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting if you can't get Gloves of the Balanced Hand, and Greater Two-Weapon Fighting if you can.

BAB +20
Full Attack: +20/+20/+16/+16/+15/+15/+10/+10/+5 (Drop one of the +10 attacks if your DM doesn't allow you to use Gloves of the Balanced Hands for prereqs.)

Your target takes 2 Negative levels each time you hit them; additionally, for each negative level you inflict, you gain a +1 UNTYPED bonus to all skill checks, ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws for 1 hour; stack it as much as you want!

Also, you add your Charisma modifier to the HP lost due to a negative level AND to the Temporary HP you gain from draining levels, you gain a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity on any day you inflict a negative level, a +2 Enhancement bonus on saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 24 hours under the same conditions, and you get the option to Shapechange into any creature you kill through negative levels, who then, like all creatures you kill through negative levels, transforms into a Wight under your control (unlimited in number, by the way).

Now, how are we going to get all of those attacks to hit? By using Combat Rhythm, of course! The energy drain occurs whether or not the attack deals damage, so 9 touch attacks, each dealing 2 negative levels are in order.

And each attack gives you 2*Cha modifier+10 temporary hit points (which stack with themselves), +2 to pretty much any form of check you care about, and your opponent loses a goodly amount of their usefulness.

So, if your touch attacks hit (and face it, they probably will), your attack sequence goes something more like:
+20/+22/+20/+22/+23/+25/+22/+24/+21, AND you deal +45 damage on every attack next round.

Which will each be done with a +18 to hit.

Now, I know, there is the problem of people who are immune to energy drain; in those cases, I suggest carrying around some people who AREN'T (say, orphans), pummel them for a round, then unleash tentacle-y goodness on the fool who had the temerity to be immune to your life-draining abilities.

Also, unlike most people, your turn spent pummeling orphans (or Black Ethergaunts your Wizard friend has Feebleminded and you have tied up, for example) gives you something more than just a temporary bonus to practically everything; it also gives you some Wights, and if you have  a cool enough creature trussed up, you can Shapechange into them.

And if your Wizard friend complains about your using him as a dinner menu, remind him that you go that ability to use Shapechange at 11th level, and that it will give your party a second Wizard-type-fellow, anyway.

(Gating Solars is best, especially since it gets the forces of good in TROUBLE!)

I suggest getting Haste cast on you at some point, along with a lackey getting an item of Mass Snake's Swiftness or something.

Also, you need to get your hands on a high-ish Charisma score; shouldn't be that hard to get your modifier to +10, which would net you 30 damage a hit (and 30 Temporary hit points) per hit, even while using Combat Rhythm.

Your maneuvers are pretty open; beyond grabbing two Iron Heart maneuvers and a Iron Heart Stance, you are free to take Tiger Claw maneuvers, to ramp up EVEN MORE hits.

Go around and punch some orphans, and thus bring about the Wightocalypse. With your fists, tantacle-beard, and some orphans.
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."