Author Topic: Skybleeder  (Read 5820 times)

Offline oslecamo

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« on: February 08, 2012, 06:25:12 PM »

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feature
1 +0 +0+0+2Skybleeder  Body, No Discernible Anatomy, Unnatural Mist, Flaring Magic, +1 Str
2 +1 +0+0+3Wind Magic, +1 Con
3 +2 +1+1+3Flight, +1 Str
4 +3 +1+1+4Growth, +1 Con
5 +3 +1+1+4Tentacles, Improved Grab, +1 Str
6 +4 +2+2+5Acid Rain, +1 Con
7 +5 +2+2+5Sky Magic, Amusing Torment,+1 Str
8 +6 +2+2+6Growth, Constrict, +1 Con
9 +6  +3+3+6Cloud Magic, Unnatural Flying Object, +1 Str
10+7 +3+3+7Regeneration, Acid Torrent, +1 Str, +1 Con
11+8 +3+3+7Flying Unnatural Monster, Slimy Assault, +1 Str, +1 Con
12+9 +4+4+8Terrible Nightmare, Ideal Monster, +1 Str, +1 Con
4 Skill points+int per level, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills: Concentration, Intimidate, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival

Proficiencies: a Skybleeder isn't proficient with any armor or weapons, besides his own natural weapons.


Skybleeder Body: The Skybleeder loses all other racial bonuses, and gains Aberration traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). It is a medium sized aberration with base speed 40 feet, three natural Claw attacks dealing 1d8+Str mod damage each and immunity to acid. It can speak, but has no limbs capable of fine manipulation.

In addition it gains a bonus to its Natural Armor equal to its Con mod.

No Discernible Anatomy: The Skybleeder is immune to critical hits and can't be flanked.

Unnatural Mist:At will as a swift action, the Skybleeder can surround itself with an unnatural white mist to a radius of 60 feet. This mist grants the Skybleeder a circumstance bonus on Hide checks equal to its HD and Concealment to all inside. The Skybleeder can hide inside its own mist, the mist itself will remain visible. It remains in existence for a number of rounds equal to its Con mod, after which it dissipates and the Skybleeder must wait 2d6 rounds before being able to use it again.

Unlike a normal fog, those inside the Unnatural mist find they can see trough it clearly. Strong winds dissipate the Unnatural mist instantly, except for winds created by the Skybleeder itself if he doesn't want to disperse its own mist.

Flaring Magic: The Skybleeder can use Flare and Shocking Grasp as SLAs each 2/day per HD. Save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Con mod.

Ability Score Increase: The Skybleeder gains a permanent
+1 to Str at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
+1 to Con at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

For a total of +8 Str and +6 Con at 12th level.

Wind Magic: At 2nd level the Skybleeder can use Gust of Wind and Wind Wall as SLAs each 1/day per HD. Save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+Con mod.

Flight: At 3rd level the Skybleeder can fly at double its base speed with average maneuverability.

Acid Drizzle: At 3rd level the Skybleeder develops special glands that can drip acid below it as a standard action, dealing 1d4 acid damage per  HD to all directly below it, Fort save DC 10+1/2 HD+ Con mod for half damage. The Skybleeder must wait 1 minute after using this ability before having enough acid to use it again.

Growth: at 4th level the Skybleeder grows one size category. At 8th level it grows another. Notice it's a long creature, and that its bigger size means the area affected by Acid Drizzle and similar abilities also increases.

Tentacles: At 5th level the Skybleeder's acid glands start growing into long apendages fit for securing food. The Skybleeder gains a tentacle natural attack dealing 1d3+1/2 Str mod damage plus 1d6 acid damage.

For every new Skybleeder level, another gland becomes a fully flegeded tentacle, up to 8 tentacles at level 12.

Improved Grab:At 5th level if the Skybleeder hits an oponent with a tentacle attack, it deals normal damage plus acid damage and can attempt to start a grapple as a free action whitout provoking an attack of oportunity.

At 8HD the Skybleeder ignores Freedom of Movement effects on its targets.

Acid Rain: At 6th level the Skybleeder can make its tentacles weep a slimy red acid. This acid does 1d4 points of acid damage per 3 HD per round to anything and anyone the Skybleeder hovers or flies over. A Reflex save with DC 10+1/2 HD+ Con mod halves this damage. The acid becomes inert right after it deals damage, so a target is only affected for as long as the skybleeder remains overhead. The Skybleeder can stop using this ability or resume it as an immediate action. It can also still use Acid Drizzle as normal.

Such is the corrosive nature of this rain that it ignores an amount of acid resistance equal to the Skybleeder's HD. Even other creatures normally immune to acid simply count as having Acid Resistance 20 against this.

Sky Magic: At 7th level the Skybleeder can use Call Lighting and Control Winds as SLAs each 1/day per 3 HD. Save DCs are 10+1/2HD+ Con mod. The Call Lighting deals 1d6  electricity damage per HD instead of just 3d6, or 1d10 electricity damage per HD instead of 3d10 in stormy areas as per the spell description.

Amusing Torment:At 7th level, as a swift action the Skybleeder can add special chemicals to its acid to further mess up with its victims. As a swift action, for 1 round oponents damaged by Acid Rain must make a Fort save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod (regardless of having suceeded on the reflex save or not) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to Con mod.

If they fail between 5 and 9 they're staggered instead (or sickened if immune to staggered, even if they're immune to sickened).
If they fail by 10 or more they're nauseated instead (or staggered if immune to nausea, even if they're immune to staggered).

Constrict: At 8th level whenever the Skybleeder makes a sucessful grapple check against an oponent it can deal tentacle damage (plus acid) to the victim.

Cloud Magic:At 9th level the Skybleeder can use Cloudkill and Control Weather as a SLA each 1/day per 4 HD. Save DCs are 10+1/2 HD+ Con mod. Creatures that would normally be immune to the cloudkill still take half Con damage on a failed save. For creatures whitout a Con score, it deals Str damage instead. The Skybleeder and its attacks are unnafected by ill effects caused by their own weather.

Unnatural Flying Object: At 9th level the Skybleeder can now make its Unnatural Mist last as much time as it wants. It still needs to wait 2d6 rounds if it is dispersed by strong winds. In addition all inside the Unnatural mist gain SR 11+HD against druid and fey spells. Normal and dire animals refuse to enter it under any circumstance.

Regeneration: At 10th level the Skybleeder gains regeneration equal to half its HD. Fire and Force effect deal normal damage to it.

Acid Torrent: At 10th level, if the Skybleeder's already using Acid Rain, it can further intensify it as a swift action for 1 round, making it cause 1d4 acid damage per HD instead of just 1d4 acid damage per 3 HD. It can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Con mod.

Flying Unnatural Monster: At 11th level the Skybleeder's presence in the sky is enough to unravel mysticisms and beliefs, and the older they are the faster they melt. As a swift action, for 1 round the Skybleeder can produce an area dispel magic on the area affected by its Acid Rain with CL=HD. It gains a +4 bonus to dispel divine spells, which increases to +8 against druid and fey spells. It then needs to wait 1d6 rounds before using this ability again.

Slimy Assault: At 11th level as a standard action or at the end of a charge the Skybleeder can envelop all nearby enemies with all its tentacles at the same time. It counts as a single tentacle attack against every oponent whitin reach, but ignores all miss chances (including effects like mirror image), and it can re-roll the attack if it misses the AC. The Skybleeder may also apply this bonus on an Aoo as an immediate action.

Terrible Nightmare: A Skybleeder doesn't always initiate combat to slay or find food. Often, it simply attacks ground-based targets imply for the joy of causing pain and panic, idling in the sky while it rains acid and messes up with the weather, not bothering to dirty its claws and tentacles if it isn't hungry. At 12th level, a number of times per day equal to its Con mod, the Skybleeder can  move up to twice its fly speed and use one of its SLAs as a single fullround action at any point during movement. This includes the SLAs that would normally have a casting time bigger than a fullround action.

Ideal Monster: At 12th level the Skybleeder who has been chosen as the cohort of a kaorti (or vice versa) has a maximum level of one lower than the rider rather than two.

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« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 07:33:45 AM by oslecamo »

Offline GuesssWho

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Re: Skybleeder
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 07:09:49 AM »
Is it supposed to be per HD for acid drizzle? Two or so sounds better.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Skybleeder
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 09:43:54 AM »
1d4 per HD isn't that much really. It takes a standard action to use, and most such effects are usually dealing 1d6 damage per level/HD if not more.

Offline GuesssWho

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Re: Skybleeder
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2014, 10:12:15 AM »
I'm only wondering because of the double space.

Well, that and the fact that you give the same damage for acid torrent, just more so.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 10:14:42 AM by GuesssWho »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Skybleeder
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2014, 12:13:57 PM »
I'm only wondering because of the double space.
That double space is part of my ultimate plan for world galaxy universe conquest. That you have found it means that I'll now have to send one of my ninja teams to track you down and replace your persona with a cyborg clone, after extracting your memories with holy rituals. Nobody will ever notice the difference, and you'll become another cog on my machine. Or perhaps it's a simple typo.

Well, that and the fact that you give the same damage for acid torrent, just more so.
Acid Torrent buffs Acid Rain. Acid Drizzle is an independent ability from both of those.