Well. Been kicking around some ideas. I got sort of a rough draft here. Note, it's far from complete. it's more of a series of notes to myself of what to flesh out later. I'm just... paralyzed here. I keep looking at it and it's just not going anywhere. I need some harsh feedback.
You can imbue your spells with the essence of your alignment.
Spell Level: +2
Prerequisites: Any non-neutral alignment.
Benefit: The spell gains any one non-neutral alignment that you possess. You may select the alignment when you cast the spell, if you have more then one available. The spell gains that alignment for purposes of overcoming damage deduction. Against targets of the same alignment, the damage is reduced by 50%. Against targets of the opposing alignment, damage is increased 50%.
Your summoned creatures have superior strength and constitution, and can apply beneficial spells as you summon them.
Prerequisites: None
Spell Level: +1
Benefit: This metamagic feat modifies spells in two ways. When placed on a summon X type spell it enhances the creature. Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
You also can cast any buff spell that you have memorized that has augment summoning on it at the same time as a quickened spell.
Example: You have an Augmented Monster Summoning I and an Augmented Barkskin. When you summon the monsters, they all get +4 to all physicals, but you can choose to cast barkskin on one of them as a quickened spell as they are summoned.
Your spells deal extra damage to a particular type of creature.
Prerequisites: None
Spell Level: +1
Benefit: You select a type of creature (use the ranger preferred enemy list) and any spell you cast with the bane spell does +50% damage, but only to that type of creature.
Special: The feat can be bought more then once. Every time you select this metamagic feat, you pick a different creature.
You can make your spell silent and invisible.
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat.
Spell Level: +1
Benefit: You can modify any spell you cast so that it makes no noise and has no visible manifestation. The silence does not extend to targets and the after effects are also visible. When you fireball a group of goblins, the explosion is quiet, but the screams are not. The initial explosion is invisible and gives off no light, but the burns on their corpses are visible and the flames from the burning trees give off light. Unless the target has arcane sight, see invisible, true seeing, or detect magic up at the time the spell is cast, the spell is considered an attack from an invisible source and is resolved as such.
You can make multiple attacks with your spells.
Prerequisites: Weaponize Spell, Quicken Spell.
Spell Level: +3
Benefit: You can modify any spell that has a ranged touch attack roll or a touch attack roll. It must have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. The attack is no longer a touch attack but against the target’s normal AC. If you make a full-attack, You can now treat this spell as a weapon for purposes of determining how many attacks you get in a round. You must have a free hand to use a combat spell as a weapon. If it is your off-hand, you must have two-weapon fighting, or take off-hand fighting penalties. Combat Spells are considered light weapons.
Example: You have a BAB of 8 and two weapon fighting. You are holding a dagger in your off hand and have a combat cause serious wounds memorized and a combat cause light wounds memorized. You make a full-attack. You attack with your Cause Serious Wounds at -2 BAB. You attack with your dagger at -2 BAB, and you attack with your cause light wounds at -7. You could have chosen to not use your dagger and just use your combat spells, in which case the CSW would have been at your base BAB and the CLW at -5.
You cast a spell with a greater chance of damage.
Prerequisites: None.
Spell Level: +1
Benefit: Can be applied to any spell that has to a to hit roll and does damage. The critical range expands to 19-20 and does X3 damage instead of X2. This will stack with any other critical bonus.
You can cast a spell as if it were a higher-level spell than it actually is.
Spell Level: Variable
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A heightened spell has a higher spell level than normal (up to a maximum of 9th level). Unlike other metamagic feats, Heighten Spell actually increases the effective level of the spell that it modifies. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level. The spell also gains +2 to caster level per additional spell level for the purposes of overcoming spell resistance. If there is a cap on how much damage the target does, the cap is raised according to the chart below.
Maximum Damage for Arcane Spells
Spell Level Max Dam.
(Single Target) Max Dam.
(Multiple Targets)
1st 5 dice —
2nd 10 dice 5 dice
3rd 10 dice 10 dice
4th 15 dice 10 dice
5th 15 dice 15 dice
6th 20 dice 15 dice
7th 20 dice 20 dice
8th 25 dice 20 dice
9th 25 dice 25 dice
Maximum Damage for Divine Spells
Spell Level Max Dam.
(Single Target) Max Dam.
(Multiple Targets)
1st 1 die —
2nd 5 dice 1 die
3rd 10 dice 5 dice
4th 10 dice 10 dice
5th 15 dice 10 dice
6th 15 dice 15 dice
7th 20 dice 15 dice
8th 20 dice 20 dice
9th 25 dice 25 dice
You can cast spells to do 50% more damage.
Spell Level: +2
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. An empowered spell deals half again as much damage as normal, cures half again as many hit points, affects half again as many targets, and so forth, as appropriate.
You can change the energy descriptor of any spell that has energy in the spell and does damage.
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This metamagic feat can be applied only to a spell that has an energy descriptor. When you select the Energy Spell Feat, you pick one of the five energy forms (Fire, Cold, Acid, Sonic, Electricity). When you apply it to the spell, it changes to that energy description and gains 1 point of damage per die of damage or does +2 damage for every level of the spell. The caster chooses which to apply when he casts the spell.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. When you do, you select a different energy descriptor.
Choose an energy descriptor (Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Sonic). You cast spells with that descriptor more effectively than normal.
Prerequisite: Energy Spell, Elevate Spell
Spell Level: +0
Benefit: You cast spells with the chosen descriptor at +2 caster level and +2 to spell DC. Of your chosen energy type, the damage cap increases to the total modified level of the spell after metamagic modifiers are applied. See Elevate Spell for the table.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new element.
You can cast spells with a greater range than normal.
Spell Level: +2
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range to the next level. Close becomes Medium. Medium becomes Long. Long becomes one mile a level. Also, the area doubles. A 20’ sphere becomes a 40’ sphere. A 5’ cube becomes a 10’ cube. Any other distance that doesn’t fall under range or area effect is doubled.
You can cast spells that last twice as long.
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with the duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.
You can rearrange your metamagic feats when you cast
Spell Level: Variable
Prerequisites: Any two metamagic feats
Benefit: You can increase the level of your spell by any amount up to what you can cast. Subtract one from the number of levels you added. That is how many levels of metamagic feats you can add when you cast the spell.
Example: I have a 6th level Flexible fireball. When I cast I can make it silent and still. I can empower it. I can expand the spell. I can add Align and Bane. I can add up to two levels of metamagic feats in any combination I have available.
You can cast any damage spell to do force damage instead.
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat.
Benefit: Any damage spell will lose all damage descriptions and become force damage. There are no other changes to the spell.
You can cast spells that don’t take effect immediately.
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat.
Benefit: When casting a spell, the spell doesn’t activate at once. Instead, the spell gains the requirement concentration. It doesn’t take effect until that concentration lapses. The spell takes effect on the target, as long as the target is within range at the time of release. Releasing the spell must be done on the spellcaster’s turn and is considered an immediate action, thus you cannot release a spell and cast a quickened spell in the same round.
You can cast Personal Spells on other people.
Spell Level: +3
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You can use this on any personal spell. It now becomes a spell with a range of touch and gains Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless), meaning any target can choose to not be effected by the spell automatically.
You can cast spells that effect entire crowds.
Spell Level: +4
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat.
Benefit: Any spell with a range of touch can be made into a Mass Spell. The spell gains a range of close and can affect one target per caster level, up to a maximum of 20. It hits automatically. If the spell does not have a saving throw, it gains Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless).
You can cast spells that do maximum random damage.
Spell Level: +3
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by this feat are maximized. A maximized spell deals maximum damage, cures the maximum number of hit points, affects the maximum number of targets, etc., as appropriate. Only random numbers are affected. If there is any randomly determined numerical effect, it is maxed out. It has no effect on random effects on a table.
You can use a spell to make an attack of opportunity
Prerequisites: None.
Spell Level: +2
Benefit: Can be applied to any spell that has to a to hit roll and a range of touch. If anyone provokes an AoO in your threat area, you can choose to spend an AoO use for the round to cast the opportunistic spell as an immediate action. This prevents you from using your swift action on your next turn.
You can cast spells with poison.
Spell Level: +2
Prerequisites: Weaponize Spell
Benefit: Any spell that has an attack roll to hit and affects a single target can be made into a poisoned spell. If the spell targets multiple targets, only one target can be poisoned. You must have a vial of poison at the ready when you cast the spell. The poison cannot have been applied to another weapon. You can use this with touch or ranged spells. As long as you hit the target, the subject is poisoned, regardless of poison type, or the outcome of the spell. Poison that affects multiple targets (such as inhaled poison) only affects one target. If the target makes it’s save, it still is poisoned and must resolve the poison separately. If the spell fails to overcome spell resistance, the poison does not take effect and is wasted.
You can cast a spell as a free action.
Spell Level: +4
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Casting a quickened spell is a free action. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. You may cast only one quickened spell per round. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full-round action cannot be quickened. Casting a quickened spell doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. This feat can’t be applied to any spell cast spontaneously (including sorcerer spells, bard spells, and cleric or druid spells cast spontaneously), since applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action.
You can cast touch spells without touching the spell recipient.
Spell Level: +2
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You may cast a spell that normally has a range of touch and give it a range of close. The spell becomes a ray for all intents and purposes, including the need to roll a ranged touch attack to hit the target.
You can alter the area of your spells.
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat.
Benefit: You can modify an area spell by changing the area’s shape to either a cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet high), a 40-foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, a ball (20- foot radius spread), or a 120-foot line. A sculpted spell works normally in all respects except for its shape.
Example: A lightning bolt whose area is changed to a ball deals the same amount of damage, but affects a 20-foot radius spread.
Rod: Not really worth it as a feat, as a rod, the variable dimensions more then pay for itself. For a few thousand gold, you can be so much more precise with your fireball, or make a flame strike spread out to hit more targets. 3,000 gp (lesser), 11,000 gp (normal), 24,500 gp (greater)
You can cast spells that only hit selective targets
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This spell has many benefits depending on how it is cast.
Area Effect:
You can choose to limit the dimensions of the area.
You can choose to place a 5’ diameter hole in the area.
Damaging Spell:
You can choose to do non-lethal damage.
You can choose to target just your foes.
You can choose to only target animate targets and leave inanimate object unharmed.
You can choose to only damage objects and leave animate objects unharmed.
You can choose to target living or undead as you desire.
You can set a maximum amount of damage that is inflicted down to the minimum amount that can be rolled.
Your spell becomes dismissable at will.
If it is a ranged spell, you can choose to limit it down to touch range. If you do this, it can only affect a single target. You have to make a touch attack to hit. The old defenses still apply. For example, if you made a fireball a touch attack, the target would still get a reflex save for half. You cannot reduce this to a touch attack if it will improve the chances of hitting.
You can choose to have it ignore your allies.
You can choose to limit what schools the spell counters.
Your spells of a chosen school are more potent than normal.
Prerequisites: None
Spell Level: +0
Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. This bonus stacks with any other bonus.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, select another school.
Your spells of a given school of magic are more potent.
Prerequisites: Spell Focus
Spell Level: +0
Benefit: Add +2 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. You get a +2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. This bonus stacks with any other bonus.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, select another Spell Focus feat and the associated school you selected it for.
You can cast a spell without gestures or incantation.
Spell Level: +0, +1, +2, +3
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A stealthy spell needs no verbal, somatic, and perhaps, material components. If a spell needs verbal components, you can cast it without any incantations, for a +1 to the spell level. If a spell needs somatic components, you can cast it without any gestures, for a +1 to the spell level. If a spell has a material cost of 1 gp or less, you can cast that spell at no level modification. If the material cost is a 100 gp or less, but over 1 gp, you can cast that spell with a +1 to the spell level. If the material is over 100 gp in cost, you will need to have it available and use it normally.
You can cast any ray spell into melee without penalty. You ignore cover modifications
Prerequisites: None.
Spell Level: +1
Benefit: Any ranged spells you cast into melee do not have the standard -4 penalty to hit. If the target is within 30 feet, you gain a +1 bonus to hit. If the target has cover or concealment, you may ignore the penalties. While this means you will not suffer any penalty for trying to hit an invisible target, you still have to target the correct square the target is in.
Your Spells are no longer language dependant.
Spell Level: +1
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Your spell is now telepathic based. You no longer need a common language in order to use a language-dependant spell on a target.
Your touch spells can be used through a weapon.
Spell Level: +2
Prerequisites: BAB +5
Benefit: You can cast a spell and have it affect a target while you make a melee weapon attack, through the weapon. This cannot be used with a ranged weapon. The attack must be successful with the hand held weapon. If the attack misses, the spell fails. If the attack is successful, the damage from the weapon is applied first, then the spell takes effect.
You can apply a metamagic feat to a spell as a sudden by spending turn/rebuke undead.
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat
Benefit: This acts like sudden meta except that you can apply it to any metamagic feat you know. You can only spend turn/rebuke undead that you cannot lose in an antimagic field. If the turn/rebuke undead is part of your equipment or a temporary power, you cannot spend it to use this metameta feat. To use this you spend 1 turn/rebuke undead + 1 more for every spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat you wish to use. You cannot use this with any variable metamagic feats.
You can modify a metamagic feat so that you can apply it once a day as a free action to any spell.
Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat
Benefit: You cannot apply this metameta feat to any metamagic feat with a variable cost. The metamagic feat in question performs as normal, but now you can apply it as a sudden once a day to any spell.