I am working on a toon for an upcoming game that will supposedly require a lot of optimization, and I have hit a major stumbling block! The DM has ruled that anyone can take levels in the
Scion classes, and I take that as an open invitation to cook up a griffon übermount. I want to do well enough even without my mount, meaning that I want to be able to hold my own against monsters in melee and have 9th level spells available to me before we hit epic levels, but the prereqs for Beastmaster is proving difficult for me to fulfill.
My stats (28 PB):
Str: 15 (+1 at lvl 4)
Dex: 8
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 15 (+1 at lvl 8, 12, 16 and 20)
The build:
-1: Cleric 1 Feat (Dynamic Priest), bonus feat (Skill Focus: Handle Animal), bonus feat (Weapon Focus: Longsword), bonus feat (Law Devotion - Traded in for the Law domain)
-2: Cleric 2
-3: Cleric 3 Feat (Mounted Combat)
-4: Cleric 4
-5: *** OPEN ***
-6: Beastmaster 1 Feat (Ride-By Attack)
-7: Prestige Paladin 1
-8: Prestige Paladin 2
-9: Aglarondan Griffonrider 1 Feat (Devoted Tracker), bonus feat (Fly-By Attack)
-10: Faith Scion 1
-11: Faith Scion 2
-12: Faith Scion 3 Feat (Power Attack)
-13: Faith Scion 4
-14: Faith Scion 5
-15: Faith Scion 6 Feat (Improved Initiative)
-16: Faith Scion 7
-17: Faith Scion 8
-18: Faith Scion 9 Feat (Natural Bond)
-19: Faith Scion 10
-20: Prestige Paladin 3
The problem:
I need 8 ranks in Handle Animal by level 5, but it is not a class skill for cleric. I cannot afford to loose more caster levels than I already do, and the build is already feat starved.
Possible solutions:
- Find a 1-level dip into something that is easy to qualify for, that confers a caster level and has Handle Animal as a chase skill. I have left the 5th level open for such a dip.
- Take a feat that grants me Handle Animal as a class skill, and hopefully find a dip that grants me a bonus feat to make up for what I loose.
- Find a LA 0 template or a trait that lets me have Handle Animal as a class skill.
Material allowed:
Anything 3.5 with WotCs seal on the cover, including Dragon Magazine.
- No flaws.
- No further stretching of the rules.
- I would prefer to remain human.
What can I do?