Hi, to everyone. Atmo made a call in the oficial setting forum, so here i am. Sorry for the gramatical errors, my english is rusty.
I think it will be interesting explain a brazilian OGL system/setting to you guys. I will start with a moderate explanation about each one:
The Setting: The Tormenta RPG setting takes place in the world of Arton. Arton is created by the entities Nada (The Nothing) and Vazio (The Empty) and delivered to your sons, the twenty gods of the Panteão (Pantheon). Led by Khalmyr, the God of Justice they populate Arton with humans, elves, dwarves, dragons and the usual species.
In the recent times, Arton began to be attacked by the Tormenta (The Torment). The crimson storm gather above a area, bringing an acid rain and aberrant creatures, killing and corrupting people and structures and never leaving. It is a whole another multiverse, created by a sin of a triad of gods of Panteão. The ancient people of this multiverse, the lefeu, have no morality and were filled with ambition (a gift of goddess Valkaria, of Humans and Ambition), creativity (gift of the god of creativity) and power (their last gift, from Kallyadranoch, god of Power and Dragons).They kill their own false gods, break the barriers of space and time and assimilate their own multiverse, becoming a one being through collective mind and now pursue conquer Arton, to become gods through the enormous divine power of Arton. In Arton any epic creature can become a minor god, having enough number of devoted followers.
Features: Arton have lots of particularies, being very different of the standard of D&D settings. In Brazil we are big fans of the nipponic culture e Tormenta RPG have tons of influences of this: the scenario have a fantastic Japan/China kingdom called Tamu-ra, the first place attacked by the Tormenta. Their samurai, ninja, monks and people flee to the Reinado (The Reign), a coalization of kingdoms ruled by the King-Imperator Thormy and wait for the chance to revenge and take back their land. The handbooks have the art in anime/mangá style, what also is an cheap means of publishing rpg books in the expensive book market of Brazil.
Another particularity is the pop culture reference through all the setting: Tormenta began its development in the pages of Dragão Brasil (Brazil Dragon), a old rpg magazine here. This magazine monthly brings various adaptations of books, movies and games to systems like Gurps, AD&D and Storyteller and this preference passed to elements of the setting:
- You can find classes like Samurai, Swashbuckler and Lutador, a pugilist/MMA-fighter style class.
- The art is filled of references: The Bard illustration present a halfling dressed like Michael Jackson, for example.
- There are Prestige Class like the Cavaleiro do Corvo (Knight of Crow), of an order of knights trained as spec-ops team like SEALS or BOPE (from the brazilian movie Elite Squad) or Guerreiro Mágico (Magic Fighter), a hybrid fighter/wizard based on the protagonists of the anime/manga Magic Knight Rayearth.
- Even the NPC's don't escape: there's a lot based in pop icons: a city vigilante like Batman/Punisher, a high-priest of one the major gods based on Walter White, from Breaking Bad and a duo formed by a elf with native-american indian elements and a centaur cowgirl.
The System: Tormenta came to have its own system about three years ago. Before that it was just a scenario for AD&D/D&D 3.5 and a local system it took another direction. The Tormenta RPG system is a d20/OGL variant, also with mechanic elements of games like Pathfinder, Mutants and Masterminds and Star Wars Saga. I quickly will detail every element of the core rullebook:
- Abilities: no change in the standard six, but the characters receive one point to expend at each pair level.
- Races: there 8 iconical/initial races: the jack of all trades humans and lefou, the corrupted half-lefeu race; dwarves and minotaurs (favored fighters); favored arcane elves and qareen (like genasi in Forgotten Realms) and goblins/halflings, stealth/rogue races. The racial traits are more iconical and powerful here: the standard abilities adjustments are +4, +2, -2 and the other traits become more useful (dwarves receive bonuses against all creatures above medium size, for example). Compared to D&D 3.5 the races have level adjustment +2. But you have more control of the final value of your abilities.
- Classes: most classes received a upgrade and/or mechanical change: Sorcerers gain 4 lineage powers; Paladins and Rangers have optional no casting progressions; Clerics receive metamagic or granted powers feats: the latter are a unique set of feats, guaranteed by God a character follows. Also have two additions: Samurai and Swashbuckler. No Favored Class and multiclassing is more simple: you dont' receive all inital feats and skill classes, must choose only one.
Skills: they are more useful and less complicated, in my opinion. Each character must choose your skills among the skill classes, in number defined by inteligence modificator + a number defined by the initial class (fighter have 2, rogues have 8, etc). These trained skills receive a graduation value equal character level +3. The untrained skills have graduation value equal to half-level. The skills are different and more comprehensive: Perception, for example, groups the olds Spot, Listen and Search.
Feats: more powerful than in other games. Most of the classes have extra feats and the characters receive one in each unpair levels.
Magic:Work on a magic points system, the caster classes receiving points each level. Also the spells not improve according to the level
Monsters: there are only six types: animals, undead, monsters, constructs, humanoids and outsiders.
Sources: The Revised Core Rulebook :
http://jamboeditora.com.br/produto/tormenta-rpg-edicao-revisada/ The Box Set:
http://jamboeditora.com.br/produto/o-mundo-de-arton/ The System Refference Document:
http://pt-br.tsrd.wikia.com/wiki/Tormenta_RPG_SRD_Wiki O Inimigo do Mundo, the first volume of Tormenta Trilogy, telling the origin of Arton ultimate threat:http://jamboeditora.com.br/produto/o-inimigo-do-mundo-3a-edicao/
http://www.jamboeditora.com.br/downloads/lit-idm2_preview.pdf Holy Avenger: a manga series that goes into Arton, telling the Rubys of Virtue Saga:
http://manga.animea.net/holy-avenger.html Ledd: Another manga series in Arton:
http://www.genkidama.com.br/ledd/ O Desafio dos Deuses (The Challenge of Gods): a PC Beat 'em up game, like Golden Axe or D&D Shadows of Mystara. Funded by crowndfunding, launch in March, 2014:
http://catarse.me/pt/tormentadesafioBy now it is. As interest I'll bring more information to the topic.
P.S:Sorry for the poor english, guys.