Note: No difference now exists between the Soulborn and Incarnate Soulmeld lists. What is usable by one is usable by both. Original text of the Dragon Magic online excerpt can be found
here. Draconic Soulmelds no longer require the user be of draconic blood. Psionic Soulmelds can be found
hereAcrobat Boots: Skills boosted are now Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Jump.
Adamant Pauldrons: Essentia bonus DR is now bypassed by an attack of an alignment opposite to either non-neutral component of yours.
Airstep Sandals: Feet bind now allows flight for rounds equal to invested essentia, and gives a +2 bonus to Fly checks per point
Apparition Ribbon: Base soulmeld allows 75% damage instead of 50% in melee against Incorporeal foes
Arcane Focus: No change
Armguards of Disruption: No longer needs to declare attacks. Adds damage to first successful melee attack against an undead foe each round.
Astral Vambraces: No change
Bloodwar Gauntlets: Arm Bind no longer unshapes, only usable once every five minutes. Hand Bind gives the benefits of Improved Critical.
Bluesteel Bracers: No change
Cerulean Sandals: Feet Bind no longer unshapes when out of power.
Charming Veil: No change
Crystal Helm: No change
Diadem of Purelight: Can quench/reduce at will. Add soulbind to Brow: At will (change as Move action), light perceptible only to you.
Dissolving Spittle: No change
Dragon Mantle: No change
Dragon Tail: Feet bind now gives bonus to Swim and Acrobatics checks to maintain balance or footing.
Elder Spirit: No change
Enigma Helm: Crown bind also grants immunity to Compulsion
Fearsome Mask: Unbound bonus is +4 Intimidate, +2/essentia
Fellmist Robe: Miss chance cap is now 95% (good luck... highest it can hit in-system is 65%)
Flame Cincture: No change
Gloves of the Poisoned Soul: Poison profile of 1Wis/round for essentia rounds, cure requires 2 saves. Remove the 1/day limitation
Hunter's Circlet: Crown Bind grants Track as the Ranger class feature.
Illusion Veil: No change
Impulse Boots: No change
Incarnate Avatar: When you shape this soulmeld, choose a non-neutral component of your alignment to determine form.
Incarnate Weapon: Takes the form of any Simple or Martial weapon you are proficient with.
Keeneye Lenses: Bonus applies to Perception checks having to do with sight
Lammasu Mantle: No change
Lifebond Vestments: Heart bind still excludes self, but also provides Fast Healing 1/essentia for damage dealt to you by the Vestments.
Lightning Gauntlets: Hands bind no longer requires declaration, applies to first successful melee attack each turn.
Lucky Dice: Essentia no longer boosts duration, instead increases bonus by 1/2 essentia (round down).
Mage's Spectacles: Bonus applies to Linguistics (does not grant languages), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Mantle of Flame: Shoulder Bind damage is automatic at the end of your turn unless you choose not to activate.
Mauling Gauntlets: Hands bind also grants unarmed damage as a Monk of 1/2 meldshaper level (stacks with Monk levels).
Necrocarnum Circlet: No change.
Necrocarnum Mantle: Essentia bonus becomes DR 2/bludgeoning per essentia. Throat Bind also grants immunity to negative energy.
Necrocarnum Shroud: Bonus stacks with itself, lasts until the end of your next turn (HD turns if they die).
Necrocarnum Touch: No change.
Necrocarnum Vestments: Waist bind is 1d6/essentia cold, can choose not to activate
Necrocarnum Weapon: No change.
Pauldrons of Health: No change.
Planar Chausible: Brow bind also gives one additional use/day of Smite Opposition.
Planar Ward: No change.
Psion's Eyes: Skills boosted are Autohypnosis, Knowledge (Psionics), and Use Magic Device. Allows use untrained.
Psychic Focus: No change.
Riding Bracers: No change.
Sailor's Bracers: Skill Bonuses are to Swim, Profession (Sailor), and Knowledge (Geography). Allows checks untrained.
Sighting Gloves: No change.
Silvertongue Mask: No change.
Soulspark Familiar: Now specifically counts as a Familiar for all effects which require it. Soulspark can be up to 100ft from you before unshaping.
Soulspeaker Circlet: Shape to speak and understand. Crown Bind to read/write
Spellward Shirt: No change.
Strongheart Vest: No change.
Theft Gloves: Skill Bonuses are to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand. Allows use untrained.
Therapeutic Mantle: Bonus specifies "spell or effect level"
Thunderstep Boots: No change.
Truthseeker Goggles: Skill bonuses are to Perception, Sense Motive, and Diplomacy checks to gather information
Vitality Belt: No change.
Wind Cloak: No change.
Notes: Almost nerfed the Astral Vambraces, until I realized that the Arms bind comes online at a minimum level 7. 20 ft Fly is not broken at that level.
<Intent is to change as little as possible, other than minor buffs to very underused ones and correcting skills/mechanics. Will include the online supplement>