Author Topic: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project (PEACH)  (Read 6544 times)

Offline PsyBomb

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[PF] Incarnum Conversion Project (PEACH)
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:15:34 PM »
NOTE: Almost done with the initial draft. Races, base classes, feats, and soulmelds are effectively complete, all that's really left is to write out the Prestige Classes, then clean up formatting.

Welcome to my very first homebrew post! I love the Incarnum system, and have actually played a Chaotic Incarnate as-written in a PF game (converting only the skills getting boosted). I believe, though, that it deserves a much more in-depth rewrite to fit with the philosophy, structure, and power of the Pathfinder classes. I am not nearly done yet, but I wanted to put this up so that anyone who wants to can comment on what they see. If I have not posted an alteration, just assume it is as written in 3.5. Once I get a decent handle on how to use the Tables in the sticky thread, I will convert the displays to them (not guaranteeing Vertical Tables, since there are tons of cells, but I'll at least table them)

I do know that this has been done (thrice) elsewhere, but I was not quite satisfied with the first two outcomes. I would, however, like to acknowledge both BelGareth (of GitP) and paradox42 (of ENWorld) and everyone who contributed to those threads for many of the original ideas I have used here. I would also like to point everyone to Ssalarn's work for Dreamscarred Press, the Akashic Mysteries, which is published and playable. This is meant to directly convert the older classes and Soulmelds, though.

Finally, please note that this subsystem does not currently fall under the OGL (someone please correct me if this has changed, but if it has I'm not aware of it). Therefore, I will be mostly posting changes from the previous system. Anything significantly changed or new is still fair game, though, and some things have changed enough to be recognizable almost by name only.

Table Of Contents:

Post 1: Introduction, TOC, Races, and general rules/changes
Post 2: The Soulborn
Post 3: The Totemist
Post 4: The Incarnate
Post 5: Soulborn/Incarnate Soulmelds
Post 6: Totemist Soulmelds
Post 7: Incarnum Feats
Post 8: Prestige Classes


Shaping Soulmelds: Much like a Wizard preparing his spells, a Meldshaper requires 8 hours of rest followed by anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour of concentration to shape his soulmelds. Also like a Wizard, a Meldshaper may voluntarily leave some of his maximum unshaped in order to later take 15 minutes to shape it.

Soulmeld capacity: The base capacity for any essentia receptacle (Soulmeld, Feat, Class Feature, item, etc) shaped is 1+HD/5, round down. This means that, upon reaching level 20, the basic maximum capacity of each such receptacle is 5. Note that many feats and class features will change this maximum, and most items that can be powered by essentia will also have built-in limits.

Incarnum Feats: Reallocating essentia from an Incarnum Feat is identical to doing so from a soulmeld, class feature, or item. There is no delay or locking unless otherwise stated

Azurin: Azurins are Humans with an alternate racial trait.
-Heart of Incarnum: A Human with this racial trait increases his Essentia pool by 1. If he does not have an Essentia pool, this racial trait gives him one. He also gains the Incarnum subtype. This trait replaces Skilled

-Stat adjustment +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int. Dusklings are quick and sturdy, but disdain strict education and learning.
-Humanoid (Duskling, Incarnum). Dusklings are no longer extraplanar and do not need to pick a home plane.
-Size, Speed (including investment ability), Low Light Vision, Essentia Pool, and Languages remain unchanged.

-Stat adjustment +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str. Rilkans are graceful natural conversationalists, but physically weak.
-Humanoid (Mishtai, Incarnum).
-Racial Knowledge: No longer specifically applies to Bardic Knowledge (not a nerf, just fits current mechanic wording now)
-Aid: Applies to anyone the Rilkan uses Aid Another action on, not just other Rilkans
-Size, Speed, Skill bonuses, Essentia Pool, and Languages remain unchanged

-Stat adjustment +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex. Skarn are extraordinarily strong and tough, but slow.
-Humanoid (Mishtai, Incarnum).
-Size, Speed, Spines, Skills, Essentia Pool, and Languages remain unchanged.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 03:41:37 PM by PsyBomb »

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 01:16:10 PM »
The Soulborn

The Soulborn is a front-liner, the Paladin of the Incarnum world. They train in martial might as they train their souls to match, borrowing the prowess of those who have come before as they apply their own to the battlefield.

This class was the easiest one to rewrite, simply because it required such a deep revision in the first place. I decided to play up the link to the Paladin, which when combined with the other system rewrites (and giving them an actual capstone...) ended up generating a very usable class. Notably, I have not restricted their access to Incarnate soulmelds at all (and vice-versa). Several of the soulmelds which were alignment dependent have had to be somewhat rewritten to take this into account, but it was worth it.

HD: d10
Skills: 2+Int/level
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Profession, Perception, Ride, Spellcraft, Swim
Restrictions: A Soulborn must be one of the extreme alignments (LG, CG, LE, or CE). A Soulborn who ceases to be his chosen alignment immediately loses access to all alignment-dependent class features (Smite, Detect, Defense, and many soulmelds) and may not progress further in the class until they become one of the allowable alignments. If it is not their original alignment, then their class features change to match their new one.

(click to show/hide)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Soulborn is proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons; light, medium, and heavy armor; and shields (except Tower shields).

Aura: As the Paladin class feature, except that the Soulborn's aura corresponds to both of his chosen alignments.

Smite Opposition: As the Paladin class feature, usable on any foe opposed to at least one aspect of your alignment (LG can smite Chaotic or Evil, for example)

Detect Opposition: As the Paladin class feature, detects both opposing alignments

Incarnum Defense: as in book

Open Least Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If all three Least Chakras are open, this is wasted.

Bonus Feat: Any Combat or Incarnum feat, must meet prereqs

Share Incarnum Defense (Touch): As book, except usable 1/minute and no limit to times per day

Open Lesser Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If all three Lesser Chakras are open, you may gain Open Least Chakra instead.

Share Incarnum Defense (Aura): Activation and duration are as sharing by Touch. All qualifying allies within 30 feet share your Incarnum Defense.

Open Greater Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If both Greater Chakras are open, you may gain Open Lesser Chakra instead.

Timeless Body: As the Monk class feature

Punishing Soul: As a swift action, the Soulborn calls upon the deepest reserves of power within his soul and brings them forth. This has three effects, all lasting for one minute. First, the Soulborn sheds light as the Daylight spell. Second, all soulmelds the Soulborn has shaped count as being Bound to the chakra that they occupy, whether or not the Soulborn could normally bind a soulmeld to that chakra, and give all associated bonuses and abilities. This effect does not lock out the slots so occupied from being usable by magic items, since the soulmelds are not actually bound. Finally, the Soulborn's Smite Opposition becomes usable on any creature that does not have an Aura matching his own. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to the Soulborn's Charisma modifier.

Soulmeld List by Slot:
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« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 09:37:54 AM by PsyBomb »

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 01:16:38 PM »
The Totemist

The Totemist borrows the capabilities of the magical beasts they revere, becoming in tune with nature in a way that very few can match. All Totemists have a unique chakra bind called the Totem, which is not associated with any body slot. This encompasses their very being, and binding a soulmeld to this slot has profound effects on the Totemist's body and mind.

Revising this class for Pathfinder involved easily the least amount of actual change of any of the three base classes. The big thing was just spacing bonuses out, and adding just a hair extra to bring the class in-line with other Pathfinder material.

HD: d8
Skills: 4+Int/level
Class Skills: Craft, Fly, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Survival, Swim

(click to show/hide)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Totemist is proficient with simple weapons, light armor, and shields (except for Tower shields)

Totem Chakra: As in book. At level 2 and 12, the capacity of any soulmeld bound to the Totem chakra improves by one. At 7 and 17, the Meldshaper Level of any soulmeld bound to the Totem chakra improves by one. At level 11, any soulmeld bound to the Totem chakra may also be bound to the chakra it is occupying (this takes 2 binds). At level 19, you may bind an additional soulmeld to the Totem chakra at the same time (this stacks with the Split Chakra feat)

Open Least Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If all three Least Chakras are open, this is wasted.

Totem's Protection: Gain the listed bonus as Insight to AC and all saves against any creature associated with any soulmeld you have shaped. This bonus improves by one at level 9 and 15, and also improves by two if the soulmeld is bound to the Totem chakra. Only the highest bonus applies, a creature falling into more than one applied category dues not get multiple bonuses*

Rebind Totem: As book

Open Lesser Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If all three Lesser Chakras are open, you may gain Open Least Chakra instead.

Open Greater Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If both Greater Chakras are open, you may gain Open Lesser Chakra instead.

Open Heart Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If the Heart Chakra is already open, you may gain Open Greater Chakra instead.

Totem Embodiment: As book, except duration of 1 minute, usable Con/day.

*Though there is some gray area as to what consists of an "associated creature", a brief list will accompany most of the Totemist soulmelds. Just as a quick example until then, the Worg Pelt might be associated with Worgs, Wolves, Winter Wolves, and Werewolves. It is not meant to be strictly the precise creature bound in most cases.

Totemist Soulmeld List

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 10:29:21 PM by PsyBomb »

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2013, 01:16:58 PM »
The Incarnate

The Incarnate is an avatar of his chosen cause, a veritable font of Incarnum energy. He shapes it as the finest craftsmen shape wood, metal, or stone, and to just as varied a result. An Incarnate could be the stern judge or capering thief, the defender of the weak or the murderer of the innocent.

This class is easily the most difficult of the conversion projects, and the essence of the change really is not reflected well here. This class is flat-out the best at using the new Metameldshaping feats presented later on, and their use of these heavily influences their party role. Notably, they can become fairly effective blasters under the new system, or keep to the skill monkey role. Melee is not meant to be their thing, as both of the other Incarnum classes excel there.

HD: d6
Skills: 2+Int/level
Class Skills: Craft, Fly, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), Profession, Spellcraft
Restrictions: An Incarnate must choose one alignment component (Good, Evil, Law, or Chaos) to be his Incarnate Cause. He must always adhere to this alignment and only this alignment, his other component must be Neutral (thus NG, LN, NE, or CN). An Incarnate who ceases to be his chosen alignment immediately loses access to all alignment-dependent class features (Detect, Radiance, and many soulmelds) and may not progress further in the class until they become one of the allowable alignments. If it is not their original alignment, then their class features change to match their new one.

(click to show/hide)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Incarnate is proficient with simple weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except Tower shields).

Aura: As the Paladin class feature, except that the Incarnate's aura corresponds to his chosen alignment.

Detect Opposition: As the Paladin class feature, detects his opposing alignment.

Open Least Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If all three Least Chakras are open, this is wasted.

Soulmeld Capacity: Beginning at 2nd level, all of the Incarnate's soulmelds can hold one additional Essentia over their normal maximum. This increases to +2 at 12th level

Incarnum Radiance: As book (with Share, doesn't cause fatigue). Radius starts at 10ft and increases as you level

Rapid Meldshaping: As book, plus can shape an unshaped soulmeld slot as a Move action.

Open Lesser Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If all three Lesser Chakras are open, you may gain Open Least Chakra instead.

Expand Soulmeld Capacity: Gain as a bonus feat.

Open Greater Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If both Greater Chakras are open, you may gain Open Lesser Chakra instead.

Open Heart Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If the Heart Chakra is already open, you may gain Open Greater Chakra instead.

Open Soul Chakra: Gain as a bonus feat. If the Soul Chakra is already open, you may gain Open Heart Chakra instead.

True Incarnation: As book

Perfect Meldshaper: As book, except duration of 1 minute, usable Wis/day.

Soulmeld List by Slot:
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« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 09:40:58 AM by PsyBomb »

Offline PsyBomb

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 01:17:23 PM »

Note: No difference now exists between the Soulborn and Incarnate Soulmeld lists. What is usable by one is usable by both. Original text of the Dragon Magic online excerpt can be found here. Draconic Soulmelds no longer require the user be of draconic blood. Psionic Soulmelds can be found here

Acrobat Boots: Skills boosted are now Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Jump.
Adamant Pauldrons: Essentia bonus DR is now bypassed by an attack of an alignment opposite to either non-neutral component of yours.
Airstep Sandals: Feet bind now allows flight for rounds equal to invested essentia, and gives a +2 bonus to Fly checks per point
Apparition Ribbon: Base soulmeld allows 75% damage instead of 50% in melee against Incorporeal foes
Arcane Focus: No change
Armguards of Disruption: No longer needs to declare attacks. Adds damage to first successful melee attack against an undead foe each round.
Astral Vambraces: No change
Bloodwar Gauntlets: Arm Bind no longer unshapes, only usable once every five minutes. Hand Bind gives the benefits of Improved Critical.
Bluesteel Bracers: No change
Cerulean Sandals: Feet Bind no longer unshapes when out of power.
Charming Veil: No change
Crystal Helm: No change
Diadem of Purelight: Can quench/reduce at will. Add soulbind to Brow: At will (change as Move action), light perceptible only to you.
Dissolving Spittle: No change
Dragon Mantle: No change
Dragon Tail: Feet bind now gives bonus to Swim and Acrobatics checks to maintain balance or footing.
Elder Spirit: No change
Enigma Helm: Crown bind also grants immunity to Compulsion
Fearsome Mask: Unbound bonus is +4 Intimidate, +2/essentia
Fellmist Robe: Miss chance cap is now 95% (good luck... highest it can hit in-system is 65%)
Flame Cincture: No change
Gloves of the Poisoned Soul: Poison profile of 1Wis/round for essentia rounds, cure requires 2 saves. Remove the 1/day limitation
Hunter's Circlet: Crown Bind grants Track as the Ranger class feature.
Illusion Veil: No change
Impulse Boots: No change
Incarnate Avatar: When you shape this soulmeld, choose a non-neutral component of your alignment to determine form.
Incarnate Weapon: Takes the form of any Simple or Martial weapon you are proficient with.
Keeneye Lenses: Bonus applies to Perception checks having to do with sight
Lammasu Mantle: No change
Lifebond Vestments: Heart bind still excludes self, but also provides Fast Healing 1/essentia for damage dealt to you by the Vestments.
Lightning Gauntlets: Hands bind no longer requires declaration, applies to first successful melee attack each turn.
Lucky Dice: Essentia no longer boosts duration, instead increases bonus by 1/2 essentia (round down).
Mage's Spectacles: Bonus applies to Linguistics (does not grant languages), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Mantle of Flame: Shoulder Bind damage is automatic at the end of your turn unless you choose not to activate.
Mauling Gauntlets: Hands bind also grants unarmed damage as a Monk of 1/2 meldshaper level (stacks with Monk levels).
Necrocarnum Circlet: No change.
Necrocarnum Mantle: Essentia bonus becomes DR 2/bludgeoning per essentia. Throat Bind also grants immunity to negative energy.
Necrocarnum Shroud: Bonus stacks with itself, lasts until the end of your next turn (HD turns if they die).
Necrocarnum Touch: No change.
Necrocarnum Vestments: Waist bind is 1d6/essentia cold, can choose not to activate
Necrocarnum Weapon: No change.
Pauldrons of Health: No change.
Planar Chausible: Brow bind also gives one additional use/day of Smite Opposition.
Planar Ward: No change.
Psion's Eyes: Skills boosted are Autohypnosis, Knowledge (Psionics), and Use Magic Device. Allows use untrained.
Psychic Focus: No change.
Riding Bracers: No change.
Sailor's Bracers: Skill Bonuses are to Swim, Profession (Sailor), and Knowledge (Geography). Allows checks untrained.
Sighting Gloves: No change.
Silvertongue Mask: No change.
Soulspark Familiar: Now specifically counts as a Familiar for all effects which require it. Soulspark can be up to 100ft from you before unshaping.
Soulspeaker Circlet: Shape to speak and understand. Crown Bind to read/write
Spellward Shirt: No change.
Strongheart Vest: No change.
Theft Gloves: Skill Bonuses are to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand. Allows use untrained.
Therapeutic Mantle: Bonus specifies "spell or effect level"
Thunderstep Boots: No change.
Truthseeker Goggles: Skill bonuses are to Perception, Sense Motive, and Diplomacy checks to gather information
Vitality Belt: No change.
Wind Cloak: No change.

Notes: Almost nerfed the Astral Vambraces, until I realized that the Arms bind comes online at a minimum level 7. 20 ft Fly is not broken at that level.

<Intent is to change as little as possible, other than minor buffs to very underused ones and correcting skills/mechanics. Will include the online supplement>
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 09:46:57 AM by PsyBomb »

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2013, 01:17:48 PM »
Reserved for Totemist Soulmelds

Much more writing is warranted here than for Incarnate/Soulborn. Many of the ones that grant natural weapons are going to read that they give a set of natural weapons, rather than saying you can take X action to do Y attack, in order to clarify things. In addition, suggested associated monsters are being added for the Totem's Defense class feature, in italics at the end. These are not hard and fast lists, more a guideline for DMs.

Ankheg Breastplate: Throat Bind usable at-will. (Ankhegs, Ants, and Beetles, including Giant versions)
Basilisk Mask: No change (Basilisks and lizards)
Beast Tamer Circlet: No change. (All Beasts and Magical Beasts, half normal bonus round down)
Behir Gorget: No change. (Creatures with the Electric subtype)
Blink Shirt: No change. (Blink Dogs and and all canines of the Beast type)
Bloodtalons: Works at 0 until your max negative HP. (Blood Hawks, Boars, Orcs, and other creatures noted for ferocity beyond death)
Brass Mane: Throat Bind, Fatigued enemies that fail their saves become Exhausted. (Dragonnes, Lions, and other large roaring cats
Claws of the Wyrm: Notes a set of two claws dealing 1d6 slashing each. (Dragons other than True Dragons)
Disenchanter Mask: No change. (Spellcasters and creatures with more than one SLA)
Displacer Mantle: Totem specifies tentacles as natural weapon set, rather than a full-round action. (Displacers, panthers. and other large, stealthy cats)
Dragon Mantle: No change (True Dragons)
Dragon Tail: Notes the tail as a natural weapon, rather than a Standard Action. Feet bind skills are +4 +2/E, Acrobatics other than Tumbling and Swim (Dragons other than True Dragons)
Dragonfire Mask: No change (True Dragons)
Dread Carapace: No change (The Tarrasque)
Frost Wyrm: No change (Frost Worms and other creatures of the Cold subtype)
Girallon Arms: Bonus applies to Climb checks, and CMB/CMD for the purposes of Grapple maneuvers. (Girallons, Gorillas, and other Beast and Magical Beast primates)
Gorgon Mask: Bonus becomes +1 Resistance to Fort saves and to CMD. Throat usable 1/hour (Gorgons, bulls, and other bovine enemies)
Great Raptor Mask: Bonus becomes +4 to Perception. (Rocs, Giant eagles, and other birds of prey)
Heart of Fire: No change (Creatures of the Fire subtype)
Hunter's Circlet: Crown Bind grants Track as the Ranger class feature. (Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids, half bonus)
Kraken Mantle: Totem also grants a Swim speed equal to your base land speed (Kraken, Octupi, Squid, and Giant versions thereof)
Krenshar Mask: Bonus applies to Jump and Stealth. Totem bind lasts one additional round per point of essentia. (krenshar, leukrotta, and other fear-using magical beasts)
Kruthik Claws: Bonus applies to Stealth. (Kruthiks, Giant Bees, and other insects)
Lamia Belt: Bonus applies to Bluff and Stealth. (Creatures of the Evil subtype)
Lammasu Mantle: No change. (Creatures of the Good subtype)
Landshark Boots: No change. (landsharks, Velociraptors, and other leaping predators)
Manticore Belt: Bonus applies to Jump and Survival. (Manticores, Pocupines, and other spined creatures)
Pegasus Cloak: Bonus applies to Jump and Fly. (Pegasi, Nightmares, and other Equines)
Phase Cloak: Totem poison becomes 1Con for 3 rounds, 1 save ends. (Phase Spiders, Driders, and other arachnids)
Phoenix Belt: Waist Bind applies to all energy resist, grants Fast Healing equal to essentia invested. (Phoenixes, Couatls, and other effectively immortal living creatures)
Psion-Killer Mask: Base detect magic 10ft+10/ess. Totem Bind Dispel Magic 1/min, Area only, use meldshaper level as caster level (Psionic Creatures)
Rageclaws: <WIP, need ideas distinct from Bloodtalons>
Riding Bracers: No change. (Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids)
Shadow Mantle: Bonus applies to Perception other than vision. Totem skill bonus is to Stealth. (Darkmantles, Bats, and other echolocators)
Shedu Crown: No change. (Shedu, Lillends, and other non-humanoid healers)
Sphinx Claws: No change. (Sphinxes, Lions, and other creatures with the Pounce ability)
Threefold Mask of the Chimera: Essentia bonus applies to Perception. Totem specifies the three heads as a set of natural attacks, rather than Standard or Full Attack actions. (Chimerae, Ettins, and other multiheaded creatures)
Totem Avatar: Heart bind is DR ess/-. (Applies to beasts and Magical Beasts with a CR at least 3 higher than yours)
Unicorn Horn: Bonus applies to Wild Empathy and Heal. ([/i]Unicorns, Triceratops, and other monsters that use their horns to attack[/i])
Urskan Greaves: Bonus applies to Acrobatics checks made on ice. Feet bind is 1d4 per essentia on every successful attack at the end of a charge. (Urskans and other bears)
Winter Mask: No change. (Winter Wolves, Fire Giants, and other mortals that thrive in especially harsh environments)
Worg Pelt: No change (Worgs, Wolves, Werewolves, and other pack hunters)
Wormtail Belt: Totem bind specifies the sting as a natural weapon, removes the restrictions. Poison becomes 1Str for 3 rounds, one save cures. (Purple Worms, Scorpions, and other monsters which use a stinger)
Yrthak Mask: Bonus applies to Perception other than sight and Fly. Brow becomes full Blindsense, visual dulling remains.

<Intent is to change as little as possible, other than minor buffs to very underused ones and correcting skills/mechanics. Will include the online supplement>
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 09:09:59 PM by PsyBomb »

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2013, 01:18:14 PM »
Incarnum Feats:

Any feat that directly grants, uses, or keys off of either Essentia, Soulmelds, or other Incarnum mechanics is an Incarnum Feat. Some feats are dependent on how many Incarnum feats you have, these feats always count themselves. You may never allocate essentia that is currently in use away from an Incarnum Feat. Remember that Incarnum Feats now "lock" invested essentia for only two hours. Most, though not all, Incarnum feats also grant 1 point of essentia when taken.

I am only listing further changes below, including updating skills to PF. If labeled "Unchanged", the new investment rules still override the once-per-day clause.

*new* Azure Channeling (Incarnum): Adds 1 to any damage or healing caused by your Channel Energy per point of essentia invested. This replaces Azure Turning
Azure Enmity: Skill bonus list updated to Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival.
*new* Azure Performance: Adds one to the save DC of all bardic performances, and Perform checks for them, per point of essentia
Azure Talent: Unchanged
Azure Touch: Now adds an amount equal to twice invested essentia to the healing from each use of Lay on Hands or Wholeness of Body.
Azure Toughness: Now adds HP to your max equal to half your HD (round down) per point of essentia invested.
Azure Wild Shape: Unchanged

Bonus Essentia: Now has the (Incarnum) identifier. Gain 2 points of essentia. If you are capable of shaping soulmelds, instead gain 3. You may take this feat one additional time for every 5 Incarnum feats you possess.
Blue Bomber: Adds one damage to your Bomb for every point of invested essentia.

Cerulean Fortitude: Unchanged
Cerulean Reflexes: Unchanged
Cerulean Will: Unchanged

Cobalt Charge: Unchanged
Cobalt Critical: Unchanged
Cobalt Expertise: Bonus applies now to AC while using Combat Expertise, and to your CMB
Cobalt Power: Unchanged. Note that the new mechanics of Power Attack may limit you further than the feat's maximum capacity.
Cobalt Precision: Bonus now applies to all ranged damage rolls made within 30ft, in addition to attack rolls made to confirm critical hits with a ranged weapon.
Cobalt Rage: Unchanged

Divine Soultouch: Now spends Channel Energy uses. Adds essentia to your pool equal to half the number dice rolled, does not increase maximums.

Double Chakra: Now has the (Incarnum) identifier.
Expanded Soulmeld Capacity: Now has the (Incarnum) identifier
*new* Extra Soulmeld (Incarnum): Requires 5 Incarnum feats. Increase the number of soulmelds you can shape by 1. You may take this feat one additional time for every five additional Incarnum feats you have
*new* Extra Chakra Bind (Incarnum): Requires 5 Incarnum feats. Increase the number of soulmelds you can bind to a chakra by 1. You may take this feat one additional time for every five additional Incarnum feats you have

Healing Soul: As book, plus now automatically expends one use as a swift action every round if you are unconscious and below maximum health.
Heart of Incarnum: Now has the (Incarnum) Identifier

Improved Essentia Capacity: Unchanged

Incarnum-Fortified Body: Now has the (Incarnum) identifier.
Incarnum Resistance: Unchanged
Incarnum Spellshaping: Unchanged

*new* Indigo Inquisition: For the purposes of the effects of your Judgments, treat your Inquisitor level as one higher for each point of invested essentia.
*new* Indigo Grit: Once per day per point of invested essentia, when you would otherwise gain a point of grit, you may instead gain two. Each use "locks in" a point of essentia for the rest of the day.
Indigo Strike: Unchanged

Midnight Augmentation: Unchanged, you must pick what power it applies to every morning as you meditate for PP
Midnight Dodge: Now gives a flat dodge bonus to AC equal to invested essentia, maximum equal to your Dex modifier.
*new* Midnight Eidolon: Gain one Evolution point for every two essentia invested in this feat. Essentia may not be removed from the feat while the Eidolon remains shaped
Midnight Metamagic: Unchanged

Necrocarnum Acolyte: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor. Note that the Necrocarnate is heavily changing, which also affects the value of the feat.
Open Least/Lesser/Greater Chakra: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor. In addition, if you do not otherwise have the ability to bind soulmelds to a chakra, this allows you to bind one soulmeld to an open chakra per day. No longer gives bonuses to skills/saves.

Psycarnum Blade: Unchanged
Psycarnum Crystal: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor. Now grants 2 essentia.
Psycarnum Infusion: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor.

Sapphire Fist: Unchanged
Sapphire Smite: No longer grants additional smites per day
Sapphire Sprint: Bonus increased to 10ft per point of essentia

Shape Soulmeld: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor. Choose one soulmeld from any list to add to your class list. If you do not otherwise have the ability to shape soulmelds, this choice becomes your "class list", and you gain the ability to shape a single soulmeld per day.
Share Soulmeld: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor
Soul Sight: Unchanged
Soultouched Spellcasting: Unchanged

Split Chakra: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor

Undead Meldshaper: Now also allows you to qualify for Incarnum feats using your Wis score instead of your Con score
<WIP-Incarnum feats for new class features>

In addition, I am introducing here a new category of Incarnum feat, the Metameldshaping feat.

Metameldshaping: Each feat of this category modifies the soulmeld it is applied to in some way. It may change the type of damage or bonus it applies, increase range or area, or any of a host of other effects. All are Incarnum feats. In order to use the feat, one essentia must be invested into it for each soulmeld to be affected (which puts a limit to how many soulmelds can be affected). This essentia may not be uninvested as long as the affected soulmeld stays shaped. In addition, Metameldshaping feats reduce the maximum essentia capacity of any soulmeld which they apply to, the amount differs from feat to feat. A given Metameldshaping feat can only be applied to a given soulmeld once. As many different metameldshaping feats as you want can be applied to any given soulmeld, as long as its maximum essentia capacity does not fall below 1 after all factors. Any Soulmeld with a capacity that falls to 0 or lower immediately unshapes.

Diffuse Soulmeld Resistance: When you shape any soulmeld that provides energy resistance to any energy type, you may reduce its capacity by 1 and invest one essentia into this feat. Halve the energy resistance granted by the soulmeld (round down), but it applies to Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic damage.

Double Soulmeld: When you shape any soulmeld, you may reduce its maximum capacity by 2 and invest one essentia into this feat. You may shape that soulmeld one additional time. The second instance also has its maximum capacity reduced, and must obey all other rules for shaping a soulmeld.

Enlarge Soulmeld: When you shape a soulmeld that has an effect with a range other than personal or touch, you may reduce its maximum capacity by one and invest one essentia into this feat. That soulmeld has its range increased by 50%

Force Soulmeld: Requires Substitute Soulmeld Energy. Whenever you shape a soulmeld that deals damage, you may reduce its maximum capacity by four and invest one essentia into this feat. That soulmeld gains the (Force) descriptor, and any energy damage becomes it deals becomes Force damage.

Shared Soulmeld: When you shape any soulmeld, you may reduce its maximum capacity by 3 and invest one essentia into this feat. At the start of your turn, you may designate an adjacent ally to gain the benefits of the soulmeld until the beginning of your next turn.

Reclassified Soulmeld: When you shape a soulmeld that provides a bonus to skills, you may reduce its maximum capacity by 2 and invest one essentia into this feat. It provides an enhancement bonus instead of its regular bonus type

Substitute Soulmeld Energy: When you take this feat, choose an either Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, or Sonic. This choice cannot be changed. Whenever you shape a soulmeld that deals any of these kinds of energy damage, you may invest one essentia into this feat. That soulmeld instead deals the type of energy you specified. You may take this feat multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, choose a different energy type.


Epic Essentia: Gains (Incarnum) descriptor
Open Heart Chakra: Gains (Incarnum) descriptor. No longer gives extra HP
Open Soul Chakra: gains (Incarnum) descriptor. No longer gives bonus damage
Rapid Meldshaping: gains (Incarnum) descriptor
Rebind Soulmeld: Gains the (Incarnum) descriptor.

Bonus Soulmeld and Extra Chakra Bind no longer exist, replaced by new nonepic feats.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 11:49:00 PM by PsyBomb »

Offline PsyBomb

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2013, 01:18:55 PM »
Reserved for Prestige Classes
NOTE: This is my current WIP post. Only a couple are posted, I just have notes in the spoilers, as placeholders. While writing, I realized that the way I had Open Chakra written in the base classes was generating a bit of a conflict, so I had to go back and add that it could be used to open lower ones, though not higher.

Incandescent Champion
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Incarnum Blade (completed)
(click to show/hide)

Ironsoul Forgemaster
(click to show/hide)

Necrocarnate (completed)
(click to show/hide)

Sapphire Heirarch
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Spinemeld Warrior
(click to show/hide)

Totem Rager
(click to show/hide)

Umbral Disciple
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Witchborn Binder
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« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 09:40:48 PM by PsyBomb »

Offline PsyBomb

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Re: [PF] Incarnum Conversion Project (PEACH)
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2013, 07:31:01 AM »
Reserved for Incarnum Items and for overflow.

Weapon Enhancement:

Soulbound: A weapon with this enhancement has an essentia capacity, just like a Soulmeld. It gains a +1 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage equal to the amount of essentia invested into it (max 5), which stacks with any other enhancement bonus the weapon has. A weapon with this property does not need to have a +1 on it before recieving this or other enhancements, but if it does not have it then all enhancements are inactive until at least one point of essentia is invested. Lesser is a +1 enhancement and has a maximum capacity of 3, Greater is a +3 enhancement and has a maximum capacity of 5.

<<End of Project Posts>>
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 12:14:06 PM by PsyBomb »