Thanks for responding.
The character I'm building has some specific focus, and I've been trying to think outside the box to broaden her field of influence. She's always been heavily focused on Force magic, though that's pretty limited. I've been thinking of making her the Goddess of Force/Strength of Will (hopefully finding a specific word or phrase to cover this), possibly with a portfolio of Force Magic, Change, Inner Strength, or something along those lines. She's highly charismatic, has swayed crowds, etc. as well. She's a Drow (in a City of the Spider Queen module), with partial fiendish/demonic ancestry, and former devotee exclusively to Lolth. That's a bit less definite and exclusive now, obviously.
Mainly her focus involves BFC, debuffing, and such. Thus the focus on force effects. I'd like to broaden the spectrum beyond that, because part of the problem is that devotion to force effects make her kind of a one-trick pony.
She's also not good-aligned. She's not Chaotic Evil like most Drow. That kind of rules out Ancestral Relic (requiring good alignment). However, that's sort of built into the campaign. Due to that, Mercantile Background also is highly unnecessary.
What's that Expert Timing feat? I don't think I've heard of that and can't seem to find it.