Author Topic: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?  (Read 17242 times)

Offline Phoenix00

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Re: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2013, 10:32:24 AM »
Half-Fey (FF, 3.5up) changes type to Fey, is only CR +1, and doesn't add to Strength.
Fey are not legal effigies
Unseelie Fey though would have done it in with no cr change.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2013, 03:59:44 PM »

Can you make an effigy out of an ooze? Bone Ooze has ...

I had an ex-girlfriend that could make an effigy out of a bone ooze.

I did say ex ...  :blush
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline Nunkuruji

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Re: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2013, 04:20:10 PM »
Consider Sacred Guardian (Beastiary of Krynn) on top afterwards, if you're only avoiding abusive pre-template use and not avoiding post-template.

I would guess Tigers/Lions are reasonable early level low HD options. I think you're probably looking at a similar list as the Druid/MoMF favored forms.

Offline Phoenix00

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Re: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2013, 10:56:14 PM »
Consider Sacred Guardian (Beastiary of Krynn) on top afterwards, if you're only avoiding abusive pre-template use and not avoiding post-template.
I forgot about Sacred Guardian template, since it is from a weird book.  Sacred Guardian can also be added to effigies in addition to or instead of Rudimentary Intelligence.  Sacred Guardian makes the intelligence of an effigy equal to 10 (this gives you feats and skills for your intelligence is greater than 2) as well as stat boosts and many other benefits.

You have to be a cleric to make a sacred guardian.

It adds to the cost of creating an effigy equal you add this cost to make it a sacred guardian
Fine         500 gp +10 XP
Diminutive      1,000 gp+20 XP
Tiny         1,500 gp+30 XP
Small      2,000 gp+40 XP
Medium      2,500 gp+50 XP
Large         3,000 gp+60 XP
Gargantuan   3,500 gp+70 XP
Colossal      4,000 gp+80 XP

(Note in the book it lists steel pieces instead of gold pieces.  This is a dragonlance term for money and gold pieces in the phb are supposed to be converted to steel pieces with a 1:1 ratio.

Note it is never made clear if a sacred guardian is a npc or still under your control.  Rudimentary Intelligence specifically states the construct is under your control.  Awaken Construct specifically makes the construct an npc.  Sacred Guardian does not state so it is a DM call.  Flavor wise though Sacred Guardians are supposed to be Guardians of Temples and sometimes Avatars from which gods speak to the mortals.

If your DM allows Sacred Guardians to be under your control, then Sacred Guardian is a vastly superior template to Rudimentary Intelligence.  It gives vastly more abilities and is cheaper.  Only time you should do Rudimentary Intelligence is that you need a high int on the character for a feat or you really want the skills.  That or you do not want to be a cleric. 

Offline Phoenix00

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Re: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2013, 10:58:23 PM »
I would guess Tigers/Lions are reasonable early level low HD options. I think you're probably looking at a similar list as the Druid/MoMF favored forms.
Agreed on Tigers/Lions for low level forms.  Also agreed on Druid/MoMF forms, I realized this myself last night when I realize you can't make an outsider effigy, most of the forms will be MoMF forms for most creatures a MoMF can shape into are effigy legal.

Offline Phoenix00

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Re: What are the Best Effigies you can make without using templates?
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2013, 01:43:51 PM »
Just realized the lycanthrope template allows you to add more HD to a humanoid or giant, but not give any special traits to the effigy that the template does not remove besides +2 Na.  Thus it is a balanced way to give more HD to a effigy giant beyond what the normal advancement rules allow.