Author Topic: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC  (Read 9935 times)

Offline phyxion

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Re: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2014, 02:01:15 PM »
As of last night, compatible or not, all the non-PF stuff is off the table. Third party PF stuff is case by case, I bought a copy of the DSP psionics book and am reading it as I get time.

The two main options I'm looking at right now are deaf oracle/sorcerer/theurge/ (maybe EK or just more oracle/sorc) for CAST ALL THE SPELLS, or going full blasty with sneak attacks, which means probably mostly vivisection alchemist (with maybe a few levels of ninja thrown in for shiggles, can still get +10d6 that way). If I wanted to go utility/crafting/buffing/non-combat traps and such, could go with 1 level of synth summoner to make a body (skill bonuses only, but with good stats), then whenever things go pear-shaped just dismiss the eidolon.

I'm planning to use bloodlines (probably 3-4, maybe more if I want to burn feats) to get extra immunities and such. Rakshasa seems like a no-brainer, giving native outsider type (can resurrect, although it comes so late we'll have true res already anyway) and constant nondetection (screw you, see invis) and alter self. Maestro for all spells Stilled for free and immunity to sonic and language-dependent. Pit-Touched for +6 inherent con, immunity to fire/poison, resist acid 10/cold 10. Verdant for +4 nat armor, tremorsense 30, constant ring of sustenance effect, and immunity to poison/polymorph/sleep/stun. Daemon to remove any effect that allowed a Fort or Will save, and immunity to death effects.

There's just too many good ones spread out over too many focused skills... but very nice abilities, and they definitely seem worth a couple feats each.

Offline kitep

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Re: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2014, 09:06:32 AM »
I'm not really familiar with PF, but can you play a druid?  You start with an animal companion, so that solves your arm problem.  Later you get wildshape.  Spells galore, so there should be some you can cast, and when you qualify for Natural Spell, you'll get them all.

The big problem is archons are lawful good, and druids need something neutral, but there might be an alternate class that solves that.

Good luck!

BTW, can you say "Hey" and "Listen" in all 3 languages, Celestial, Inferno, and Draconic?

Offline phyxion

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Re: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2014, 03:49:55 PM »
In theory, I could pick up druid, but only starting around level 7-8. Level ~6 is when we start getting mythic stuff, including the ability to be whatever alignment is best in any given situation, including different alignments at the same time. Specifically lets you ignore prereqs to enter classes, also lets you be selectively immune or benefited by things like hallow/dictum/protection from X. I couldn't find any variant druid that allows non-neutral, though.

And yes, I get the whole vocabulary in every language (not just the 3 explicitly listed) via truespeech.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2014, 04:51:03 PM »
Hey be an Incarnate/Totemist and get a second Ball of Light, this one Blue.  It'll do the fighting and talking for you.  The "Same" Guy Is With Me.

(oh, too late)
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline TiaC

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Re: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2014, 02:32:52 PM »
Be a Binder, Bind Zycrell, constantly summon more  Lantern Archons.

Offline PsyBomb

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Re: [PF] "Hey, Listen!" - Lantern Archon PC
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2014, 02:45:47 PM »
He is playing Pathfinder, guys, and already stated that he can't do any 3.5 material until further notice.