Oh thanks a ton Kethrian & aDM. And while its definitely capable of cheese, i had decided to go with a simple prestidigitation living spell to avoid books being thrown at me, i was after the goo girl aspect rather than doing anything cheesy with it
. On the other hand i do still get all the benefits of the ooze type so there is that. All those immunities and never needing to sleep does put me ahead of some members of the group i suppose.
After all the changes from the template and awaken ooze spell, along with a 32 pb at a 1:1 ratio with a max of 24 in a single stat. She's ended up with:
Str: 11
Dex: 12
Con: 22
Int: 24
Wis: 14
Cha: 20
As far as what version of erudite goes, i'm using the 3.5e version in CPsi with the StP ACF. I planned on picking a level of Thrallherd up since i intend on being the group support for heals and buffs, and just in case it doesn't work out, i'll have a thrall to help me out as both a pocket crafter with chameleon crafting and as a support character. Aside from the thrall, i planned on using the rest of the minions to construct a brothel in whatever town we'll be working out of to act as both an information hub and a minor source of income
Hopefully i'll be able to talk the GM into allowing some of the powers in the Damage Control article to aid with my role in the group, but if not i'll probably have to make many more visits to a local psy-am for divine healing spells till i get my thrall. The GM is usually pretty tolerant with 3.0e material so long as there is no updated version of it floating about in 3.5e which means Persistent Power metapsionics may be on the table as well.
Granted, im well aware i'd probably help the group more by simply wiping the floor with enemies before they can actually -deal- damage, but a few players are rather inexperienced, so im settling for the less efficient route
But boy is this character feat starved with my choice of race/classes heh. Hopefully it doesn't hold me back from fulfilling my role. though im quite adamant about trying to get this to work with psionics xD <-- one of those terrible, stubborn players.