Now all we need to do is convert this into line-graphs (i.e. "CR vs. Average Saving Throws") to make it easier to interpret. Also, to throw in Flat-Footed AC, DR, and energy resistances for completeness.
It would make things a lot easier we could input all monsters' base stats (i.e. ability scores, saving throws) into a database (such as would be made with MS Access), then make an app so a user could query "CR 16, saving throws" and get a full distribution of CR 16 monsters' saving throws, plus a table featuring other stuff like minimum, maximum, standard deviation, etc. Then throw in other fun stuff (i.e. "list undead CR 4 immune to electricity or have electricity resist 10 or higher"). Of course, such a database would be greatly assisted by including the monsters special abilities and immunities too (i.e. "12% of monsters are immune to fire"). Hell, I could probably design the thing, assuming Paizo hasn't already made it.
It would make optimizing a bit easier. That way, one could say with relative certainty how well a build fares against monsters in general.