If anyone is interested here is the completed build, feel free to point out any mistakes I made or problems you see. This character may see use as a npc in our campaign, so for thematic reasons he needs to be some sort of undead locked in at CR15/13th level character or below. Also needs to have some drunken master which unfortunately means there are quite a few wasted feats.
Male Curst Lesser Zenythri Fighter 1/Passive Way Monk 1 / Lion Spirit Wolf Totem Barbarian 2/Crusader 2/Drunken Master 4
Strength 25, Dexterity 24, Constitution 15 [undead], Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 16
Total Hit Points: 82
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 24 = 10 +7 [dexterity] +2 [wisdom] +1 [DM] + 1[monk] + 3 [natural armor] (+3 on target of choice)
Touch AC: 21
Flat-footed: 18
SR: 22
Fast Healing: 1
Energy Resistance: Electricity 5, Fire [immune], Sonic 5, Cold [immune]
Weapon of choice: 300 foot adamantine hideaway chain
Damage: 1d8 +10 [strength * 1.5] +1d4 with improvised weapon
Trip bonus: +11
I've got Thicket of Blades from Crusader, Combat Reflexes, Stand Still, Robilar's Gambit so anything within 300 feet of me can't move unless it wants to deal with an aoo and free trip attempt. If it's large enough to defeat the trip I can use Stand Still to keep it in place. Caster's provoke anytime they cast and I should be able to trip most of them since they'll have dex or str on the lower end. If not I'm still attacking their concentration. Not high damage but it should create a nasty cycle of trip, get up, trip, etc. Anything large gets frozen in place if it can't make a min 22/ max 32 fort save. And if the area is large enough I can stop most things or at least get free attacks on anything before it can get to me. Magical flying could be a problem but I still get the aoo and with SR22 I'll have a decent chance of negating quite a few magical attacks. Big guys that get through will still get an aoo every time they attack. Grappling could be a problem so I bumped escape artist. Thoughts?