There's also the "Your DM will slap you, every Psion class is every other Psion class" 2 level Chameleon dip. The pre-reqs and race requirements are annoying, but... You get to learn a feat available to you every day. That feat is Expanded Knowledge, which you switch in and out with something else, every second day. Within a couple of months, you will have learned every power known to man. You will also be "well slapped". He could also rule that the power goes away when you learn a different feat. Still pretty handy to learn any power you might need on-call each day.
Shaper is quite powerful early on, with Boost Construct, Skin of the Construct, etc giving you a nice little grab bag of things to do. You can have multiple skins, but it's mostly for early game flight with any race. It's kind of nice to have little bursts of flight at any time really, for 1PP a go. The Boosted Constructs are awesome at level 1, and just keep getting better. You can only have one at a time by errata, but they're still nice. Not as versatile as Summon Monster " x", but still pretty good.
There's also the Constructor class that really specializes in astral constructs. It may even get around the whole multiple construct errata by having multiples as a class skill. It depends on how your DM plays it. But any Boosted Construct will have a list of abilities a mile long, and you get a few more abilities to pick from than a standard Psion does. Create-your-own-monster, but you can shape it like a giant walking dong or a mega-sized Marilyn Monroe statue if you want to as well. Why would you want to? Who knows? Science?