human Cleric1/HParagon3
undeath domain
2 flaws, 28+ point buy
wis 20 (18 buy, +2 paragon), cha 10+, con 13
flaw: improved counterspell
flaw: heighten spell
1st: DMM heighten
domain: extra turning
human: extra turning
paragon: earth sense
3rd: earth spell
With DMM, can heighten 0-level spell to 9th, Earth Spell counts it as 10th @ CL 12.
@ 1st level, can counter any 8th-level spell @ CL 9.
With my left over WBL (i.e., all of it), I'm sure I could buy something that let's me increase my CL.
(I'm quite sure that I'm not breaking any new ground here; but the idea just happened to have occurred to me last night while contemplating a couterspelling sorc)