Author Topic: Becoming Undead with Magic Jar  (Read 1915 times)

Offline Debussy

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Becoming Undead with Magic Jar
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:22:50 AM »
I am pretty sure this works. But I am not sure what the end result means mechanically. Feedback desired and appreciated.

The Idea:

What you need:
Ability to cast Magic Jar
Any means of creating undead - spellcasting prefered for desecrate, corpsecrafter, e.t.c abuse (good play).
A relibable (willing or compelled) possesable servant, capable of carrying out simple tasks on command.

If the undead created is not under your control you may also want restraints capable of securing the before mentioned undead, applied to a lifeless body before creation. Restraints that your servant is capable of unfastening is most convenient, but a time or contingent releasing mechanism would also work.

What you do:

Phase I

1. Cast Magic Jar

Your body is soulless and your soul is in a jar.

2. Posses servant

Your body is soulless, your soul is in your servant and his soul is in a jar.

3. Kill your body

Your body is now a corpse and still soulless, your soul is in your servant and his soul is in a jar.

Phase II

The next step creating an undead creature can be done as part of 3, we will look at two cases A and B.

Case A

      4. Create mindless undead

      Your body is now an undead creature and still soulless, your soul is in your servant and his soul is in a jar.

      5. Dismiss Magic Jar

      Your body is now an undead creature containing your soul, your servants soul is back in his body and there are no souls in a jar.

Case B

      4. Create intelligent undead

      Your body is now an undead creature containing a soul, your soul is in your servant and his soul is in a jar.

      5. Dismiss Magic Jar

      Your body is now an undead creature containing your soul and the undead creatures soul, your servants soul is back in his body and there are no souls in a jar.

      Having two souls is by no means a drawback, but for those determined to have only one voice in their heads the second soul can be removed with soul trap and other such 

I really hope this has been done before, and a consensus has been reached.
I am confused about, what my physical stats (including HD) are in both Case A and B, and as in Case B I am not sure what having two souls means mechanically.


*The point of this whole excercise is to create more choices for PCs flirting with the idea of spending eternity as a corpse.*
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 03:57:02 PM by Debussy »