Hey, guys. I'm working on a character for a game with two players and a DM. The DM is really good at off-the-cuff stuff and will challenge us according to our capabilities so wherever I go with my character, he'll follow. The other character is going to be a focused specialist Necromancer and make hordes, save or suck, etc. He's intentionally not doing it out of Cleric, Dread Necro, etc.
I'm going to play a skill-based character since the other guy will cover melee to some extent and casting to some extent. I'd like to figure out a few paths I could go with my build, though, in case RP'ing takes me in a different direction. I've started off my build not committing t too much and just keeping my character somewhat open. I was thinking about being big, stupid, and fighting a bit since I aaaaaaaaaam a Changeling.
Chaotic Good Changeling
Rogue 2/Ranger 1
Stats (unarranged):
Martial Rogue 1 & 2
Changeling Rogue 1
Goliath Rogue 2
Elf Ranger 1
Arcane Hunter
Trap Expert
Shape-changing Ranger (Fast Movement at no trade)
1: Nymph's Kiss
Flaw: Racial Emulation
Flaw: Able Learner
Rogue: Knowledge Devotion (ruled as a Fighter feat)
Rogue 2: Mage Slayer (BAB requirement waived)
3: ????
I'm thinking about:
Iajutsu Focus
Variant'ed Paladin of Freedom 2 or Lion+Wolf Totem Barbarian 2 leading to Warshaper
And that's about as far ahead as I've thought. Iajutsu Focus seems good with pounce.
Anyway, I've looked around Google a bit, but what are some Changeling tips and tricks. Also, how the hell do you name a Changeling (who isn't currently disguised)?