Hmmm, another.....
Variant Human
Magical Initiate (Warlock), Hex, Create Bonfire, Eldritch Blast.
Fighter (Eldritch Knight) 11.
Grease, Mage Hand, whatever cantrip and evo/abj spells you wish. Sub out Grease for Expeditious Retreat if you feel like you'd rather move than stop your enemies moving, but it's concentration. Grease isn't.
Three attacks, all affected by Hex. Or three Eldritch Blasts and an attack. Longbow for range, big melee sword or maul for in close, bonded so they're always on call.
Lock them down with grease or keep them away with bonfire and mage handed oil/caltrops/ball bearings (ten pounds is a big container of any of these things. Dropping/pouring isn't an attack, so mage hand does it fine from 15' in the air. Multiple loads in one bag/bottle, or one big load? Ask your DM).
Assuming all attacks hit and no resistance. Not including stat or other bonuses (or proficiency/combat style/feat stuff):
3x(2d6+d6) normal melee with Hex.
3x(1d10+d6)+1d8+d6 with Eldritch Blast and a Longbow shot, Hexxed ranged attacking.
So, basic 31.5 average melee, 35 average ranged. Normal "reasonable" DPS at this level, so go from there. Remember, no stat or feat bonuses included, so you're base "good'ish" to begin with. With some other stuff to do as well.
Action Surges, spells, etc for more burst whenever needed. Bounce hex until combat ends, then bounce it with disadvantaged "whatever" on the first person you meet afterwards. Probably Dex so your BFC works up until that point, but Char/Wis (talky/perception) isn't bad to have disadvantaged if you're just using Hex for damage boost.
Mage hand caltrops and ball bearings whenever possible, or flammable oil for some slotless BFC. And plus to hit attack against prone targets. Grease if you've got to.
Nice continuous DPS as standard, melee or ranged. And plenty of defense or burst through spell slots.
Grab a combat feat or two along the way and you're set (-5 to hit, +10 damage, I'm looking at you). Or commit a great evil, possibly elemental, and pair it with a birdman instead of a human. And have not rocks fall from the ceiling, but from the very sky itself. Because no-one likes a smart alec.