I'm working on cleric designed to abuse DMM Persist (like most clerics seem to do), but I'm wondering on the efficacy of the build I'm looking at, while also trying to stay somewhat fluffy
So the build I'm looking at right now looks like
LG Azurin
Cloistered Cleric 3 (with Spontaneous Domain Healing from PHB2, the Azurin Cleric 1 ACF, and the Divine Restoration ACF)
Church Inquisitor 1 (dropping the Inquisition Domain for Knowledge Devotion)
Cleric 1 (Destroy Undead ACF)
Death Delver 1 (RPing it as inner reflection on death and what it means / how to stand against it)
Radiant Servant X (DM is willing to waive the alignment and Diety requirement to work for a custom LG diety)
Sacred Exorcist 1
Once that's done Just finish out Radiant servant 10 and Contemplative 1. That gets me a total of 4 different turning pools that I can use for DMM Persist, right? (Azurin ACF, Destroy Undead ACF, Turn Undead, rebuke Undead) and all by 9th level.
The questions I have are these:
1) Can I move up the basic Cleric 1 to level 4 and take something better instead of Church Inquisitor at level 5? (So I can also trade away Knowledge Domain for Knowledge Devotion at level 1, also not a huge fan of the Church Inquisitor fluff)
2) Extra turning is only going to apply +4 to the destroy / turn / rebuke Undead pools right, not the Azurin ACF one?
3) Even if I take Practiced Spellcaster to make up the CL difference of taking Cleric 1 and Death Delver 1, how much would I be hurt being 2 levels behind in spells known?