Looking over the
New Dragonfire Adept HB, it struck me that there's a known way to get invocations to be prepared spells: Nosomatic Chirurgeon (Dragonmarked) + Ocular Spell (LoM). An enterprising DfA (DrM), willing to lose a level to illusionist could possibly get to Shadowcraft Mage (RoS), if the DM allowed non-gnomes a la the adaptation section of ScM. Alternately, said halfling could cocoon-reincarnate to gnome (whisper gnome, of course)(RoS), while still
keeping the dragonmark (check the sidebar) but would lose the heal as class skill bonus of glimmerskin halflings. That only means that you'd have to start later, not any less power.
Where's this going, you ask? Here's a build.
Tim, the "Enchanter"N/N Glimmerskin Halfling(RDr) (Heal always in-class)
30 pt buy: S: 6 D: 16 C: 14 I: 14 W: 14 C: 14
(Illus ACFs: Shadow Shaper for hide as in-class for illusionist, Illusion Mastery for free spell mastery for all illusions learned. UA)
Illus 1/ DfA 1/ScM 3/NosCh 1/ScM +2/Rua 1/MotAO 10
1: Spell Focus Illusion, (Wiz 1st, not lost with other bonuses, per UA) Scribe Scroll, (Flaws 1&2) Heighten Spell, Metamagic School Focus (CM)
3: Least Dragonmark of Healing (EBCS)
6: Ocular Spell, (DCFS, FC1) Scribe Scroll -> Arcane Thesis Inflict Minor Wounds
7: Lesser invocations arrive, (Retrain) MM Sch Foc -> Signature Spell: Silent Image (PGtF)
9: Cooperative Spell (CArc), (DCFS) Ruathar (RoW) 1 -> Earth Sense (RoS)
11: Mage of the Arcane Order 2 (CArc): Invisible Spell (City)
12: Earth Spell (Ros)
15: Arcane Thesis Silent Image
17: Dark Invocations; Retrain Invisible Spell -> Rapid Spell (CDiv)
18: (Open)
19: MotAO 9: Free MM (make it a +1 MM, Deceptive (City), Sculpt (City), Selective(SSouth), or Transdimensional (CDiv) all have merit)
Invocations of note: Least, 3rd, Endure Exposure (lvl 2); Lesser, 6th, Enthralling Voice (lvl 7); Greater don't get higher than 6th; Dark, 8th, Energy Immunity (lvl 17)
At 7th level, the Ocular Inflict spell is a 5th level spell, due to arcane Thesis. Signature spell lets you trade that 5th lvl spell for a Still Silent Silent Image Heightened to 5th, so 4th level Cnj/Evoc at will, every two rounds, taking both your move and standard action each round. At the start of an encounter you can have 2 ready to go, so that you only have to use a full-round action to cast, as with any other spontaneous metamagic; it goes off after your standard and move action, using them up, not the next round, and you can still adjust 5'.
At 9th, the Cooperative Ocular Inflict is 6th, 5th's are in.
At 11th, the Invisible Cooperative Ocular Inflict is 7th, so 6th's are up.
At 12th, Earth spell adds 2 levels, once when you heighten the inflict on your invocation 7th->8th, then again when you heighten your silent image on your inflict 8th->9th. 8ths are here!
At 15th, Arcane Thesis lets you heighten your Still Silent Cooperative Silent image to 9th. Earth Spell pops it up to 10th. No need to use invis on this part, since heighten limits you to 9th. Thank Mystra for earth spell!
At 17th, Retrain the Invisible Spell to Rapid Spell (+1); you don't need it if you're touching the ground. And if you aren't, you can only emulate 8ths anyway. Rapid Spell means that you load each eye as a standard action, and convert each to a MM'd Silent Img as one as well, so it still takes 2 rounds, but now you can move more.
At 19th, if you kept up the MotAO, you get 1 more MM feat. Make it another +1 one and you're good to go.
There you have it; 9th level Conjurations/Evocations every other round. Forever, if you can stay awake.
[edit] Ocular spells cast into your eyes aren't prepared spells, so this doesn't work. Damn. [/edit]