Author Topic: Greetings and Salutations!  (Read 1056 times)

Offline IonikKnight

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Greetings and Salutations!
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:01:06 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving! Or happy whatever day it is where you live.

Call me Ionik, just don't call me late for dinner.
    I'll hand out my given name if we start exchanging off forum email or agree to get to meet IRL.

I am as old as dirt, I started with the first Red Box and 1st edition AD&D.   I am not older than dirt, I did not start with Chainmail or the White Box. 
I have played Basic, 1stEdition, 2ndEdition, Rolemaster, Star Wars, Stormbringer, Palladium (in many flavors), Champions, HERO Fantasy, Amber, Warhammer Fantasy RPG, Gamma World, Boot Hill, GURPS (in many flavors), Cthulu, VtM, and several others I cannot remember atm.
I am not currently on any MMO, my last was City of X.
I live in the panhandle of Florida, USofA (the Redneck Riviera).  I am in the military.  I am male.
Since this is not a dating site, I think that is enough info for now. 

Hope to hear from you all soon!