Author Topic: 5e WBL ... not quite yet, but getting closer  (Read 2142 times)

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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5e WBL ... not quite yet, but getting closer
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:05:15 PM »
So a batch of the WBL details, have shone up recently.


Reddit's WBL page


WBL does have some more stuff to work out, but that guy is a good start.
a) ... average distribution of monsters from 1-20 levels
b) ... the ~walking around money per monster is easy , but then a*b
c) ... guesstimate distribution about how many how much magic items edit see enworld link below = good start on it
d) ... the selling magic items table is an easy enough calculation, I'll do it soon, maybe tonight edit DONE see below
e) ... some rough in guideline for crafting
f) ... some pre-rough in guideline for what items you'd really or mandatorily (!) want , 'course this is standard wotc C.O. work edit see Nunku's thread = good start

a , c , and  e , are A LOT of work


awaken_D_M_golem wrote:  Ah ha ... goes and looks.  You mean this one?

Good stuff, and more to read.  I ran the numbers for Selling Magic Items, I'll port it over soon. edit see below.

That is where I got the magic item 'average' from, but someone else ran the numbers for treasure (coins, art, gems, etc) from the Hoards.

edit --->  this is the same poster as SorO's link above


Selling Magic Items ... there's 6 paragraphs for it.

Gateway 1) ... have to find a City or dmfiat
1a ... ho hum lets go to the "market" today, again

Gateway 2) ... Investigation DC 20 check for each magic item ; dm ought to keep this secret
2a ... Rogue 11 with Cha 14, Prof, Expertise = dc 20

Gateway 3) ... bonus to d100 roll with Persuasion DC X for each magic item ; dm ought to keep this secret , Improves(!) the numbers below
3a ... Rogue 11 / X 5 with Cha 20, Prof, Expertise = dc 27 before extra dice roll buffs get added

Gateway 4) ... average amount below cost for sale
4a Common ................. 66%
4b Uncommon ............. 52%
4c Rare ......................... 38%
4d Very Rare ................ 29%
4e Legendary + Artifact sales require adventure or quest, with no guidelines (dmfiat)

Gateway 5) ... flat chance that a +25% cost "Shady" is available

Gateway 6) ... Shady results may (dmfiat) cause Legal Problems

So it's a minigame with side adventures, maybe 50% is a random median guesstimate for magic item sales.
Interesting that that's how it shakes out.
My 1st glance opinion , is to sell Uncommons and Rares for more crafting material as necessary.
Gygaxian DM sense, is you can choose to Not Sell, but "S"omebodies know you have the goods, and might be mad or have connections.


Dude at wotc has done a spreadsheet, here:

There should be more soon enough.
Post anything you find scattered about.

edit misspelled quite as quiet
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 04:45:20 PM by awaken_D_M_golem »
Your codpiece is a mimic.