Grinds My Gears: Brittle, easily offended people are a dime a dozen.
RPGs as Kids Shows: Would've been a good point to state why it was like Burning Wheel. Have you guys ever talked about Wild Talents RPG? It reminds me heavily of Superfriends, and other kid oriented super-hero material where you constantly ask yourself, "Wait... if he can do *blank*, why doesn't he use it *blank*?"
The Culture War: The term "progressive" is so obnoxious, since it suggests that you are supporting something "new," which you generally are not. I mean, the Spartans were offing deformed kids 3000 years ago, so wouldn't someone who supports the abortion of a Down's Syndrome kid be Ultra-retro-conservative? And how is a neo-Victorian stance on sexuality a more "orthodox" position than an ancient Athenian approach to sexuality? "I'm right because this is the way it has ALWAYS been done!" and "I'm right because this is THE WAY OF THE FUTURE!" are equally insipid and vacuous arguments.
Likewise, the terms hardly apply to the gaming situation you failed to describe in more detail than "Grognards are ULTIMATE EVIL while we... umm... progressives are ULTIMATE GOOD!" The concept of equality at the table and abiding to the rules are kinda the fundamentals of gaming, going back to things like Go. The God-Douche-DM is a "progressive" concept that evolved from the idea that RPGs were supposed to be different than their parent war-games with strict rules and egalitarian player relationship.
The attempt to link social conservatism (defined as EVIL for the purposes of the podcast) with Grognardia was also pretty laughable. I rarely encounter socially conservative gamers (a few Libertarians is about as far to the right as it gets), but I have had PLENTY of railroading, Gygaxian, Douche Masters.
Drinkin': Yes.
Other Questions:
Formatting was good. The kid was cute. I enjoyed the Attack of the Stool. "Damn you and your stupid semen" needs to be a shirt or something. Red wine and coke sounds disgusting. If you're looking for something sweet and barely alchoholic, you could always pick up some Boone's Farm.