Author Topic: Psion (Kineticist) updated post - please comment on this build  (Read 9204 times)

Offline Kyrae

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Re: Psion (Kineticist) updated post - please comment on this build
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2015, 05:46:31 AM »
Well, Xaero the Psion is no more. The Blink Dogs were just too much. Fantastic thread of information though, thank you everybody for the contributions.

I had to quickly make a new character there and then, am going with a Lesser Tiefling Warblade.  Yet to have used him in combat or use any skills, so no harm in picking Swordsage instead I reckon. I'll make another thread later perhaps.

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Re: Psion (Kineticist) updated post - please comment on this build
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2015, 06:20:58 AM »
So sorry about that.

If you don't mind, I'm working on the final touches of the Erudite handbook. I know you played a psion, but they are somewhat related. You mind sharing any observations/pros/cons/why you think you died?
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Offline Kyrae

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Re: Psion (Kineticist) updated post - please comment on this build
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2015, 07:48:10 AM »
Well, we were escaping up a narrow spiral staircase, a crowded party of 5, with teleporting blink dogs *bamph*ing every which where on all sides, dividing us, flanking, etc. we were making a slow and tactical retreat with five foot steps and withdraw actions. Unfortunately, an AC of 16 with relatively squishy HD made me fairly easy to bring into negatives. I will add that Autohypnosis is amazing in place of the standard fortitude roll to stabilize.

I had started with Matter Agitation on the first blink dog (before we became aware there were at least another 4 or 5) with the idea of just keeping meat shields between it and myself whilst providing sustained damage. If I had played more sensibly, I probably would have manifest Vigor on myself and ran away faster.

Observations from earlier combat scenarios is that Astral Construct is invaluable at low levels, especially shouting "I-MANIFEST-ASTRAL-CONSTRUCT" just before the DM gets to say "Roll Initiative" - he'd often allow that to count so that it appeared at the very start of my first turn :P. It was useful as a meat-shield, especially with Improved Trip as the selected quality, in combo with Grease it was very useful for debilitating enemies and allowing the melee party members to finish them off.

Energy Ray at low levels was so-so, often with the poor BAB etc. it would miss more often than it hit, although that may be due to unlucky dice rolls. Also, the damage at this levels was relatively unimpressive, and sucked a lot of PP. A Crossbow was generally a more effective option at this level. No doubt at higher levels it would be much more useful.

So I probably found Grease, Astral Construt and Vigor the most useful powers in terms of keeping myself alive and making opponents less of a threat. Energy Ray was not very useful as we had the melee members for damage, and Matter Agitation would probably be more appropriate once there was more BFC in place and I was not being attacked.

Erudites are awesome. I had a Level 21 StP Erudite in the last campaign with Persist Power metapsionics, funny stuff. I look forward to the handbook. :D

Offline sambojin

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Re: Psion (Kineticist) updated post - please comment on this build
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2015, 05:30:50 PM »
Pity about the character loss. Kineticists don't really get going until lvl 3-5, when energy missile and wall kicks in and things get auto-blasted with plenty of PP to back it up. That said, a pack of blink dogs is a nightmare for any early level casters and sometimes there's not a lot you can do without good party coordination.

Movement based encounters are why I so highly advocate Up the Walls as a feat rather than Boosted Construct or any of the other early feats. There are a lot of things you can simply walk around to make your getaway or to move into a better formation with it. Needs Wis 13, but that's not excessive, although if you're constantly getting hit then staying psionically focused can be tough to do. Boosted Construct is still an amazing feat though.

The Energy Ray usage was a bit of a bugger. With no metal armour on the enemies for lightning to boost your attack with, it does fall flat early on and gets phased out later anyway :(

It was pretty much the sort of encounter that you're worst against, thrown at you pretty early on. Oh well, at least we all learned heaps :)

Offline Jackinthegreen

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Re: Psion (Kineticist) updated post - please comment on this build
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2015, 02:33:17 AM »
Why would staying psionically focused be an issue?  There's no concentration check to maintain it and it's not getting used on metapsionic stuff or other feats that make use of it.  The only ways to lose psionic focus are to get down to 0 PP, become unconscious (willingly or unwillingly), enter a meditative trance like Elans and Elves, or intentionally expend it.  There might be an item or some other effect that expends a creature's psi focus on hit, but that's unlikely to be used very often if it is.