I adore Bards, I have to say. However, I haven't played one in a while. The game is going to be starting at either 1st or 5th level (depending on what the other players want to do), and I've been asked to not go full-out insane with Inspire Courage (so no dumpster-diving for ALL THE BONUSES!)
So anyway, here's my projected build stub for the 5th level game; I tried to stick with simple stuff that's pretty up-front about what I can do.
Race and Classes: Silverbrow Human Bard 3/Marshal 2
Alignment: CG or NG, haven't decided.
1 - Melodic Casting
H - Dragonfire Inspiration
3 - Heart of the Song
Healing Hymn: +[Perform Ranks] to magical healing OR improve natural healing.
Loresong: 3/day get a +4 bonus to an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Spellbreaker Song: Give casters a 20% failure chance on their spells.
0 - Who really cares?
1 - Instant of Power, Inspirational Boost, ???
Inspire Dexterity
Draconic Aura (Vigour)* OR Motivate Attack OR Motivate Care
* By RAW and RAI, the ability to take Draconic Auras instead of a Major Aura only applies to the ones listed in Dragon Magic. I'll take it if I can convince the DM; if not, my fallbacks are listed above.
Basic Plan:
Turn on Inspire Courage, Inspire Dexterity, and my Major Aura. Then sit back, tossing out Instant of Power to give allies a +4 bonus to a save, attack roll, or damage roll when they need it.
If I need to get my own hands dirty, I can drop maintaining Inspire Courage and head into battle myself, using Instant of Power to
I can't trade out Inspire Competence because it's required for Songs of the Heart. I also have no idea if I'm going to have any control over which magic items I get, hence no mention of Badge of Valour. I also don't think I'm going to be rocking Masterwork Instruments or any of the other more "obscure" stuff; I was asked to keep the bonus to 2~3 at 5th level, after all, and I'm committed to sticking with that.
Also, no flaws is a bit of a bummer.
I'll probably just end up playing the first level of this build if we start at 1st level as well. As for where I'll go from here... well, I might dip another level in Marshal, or I might just continue with Bard. Can anyone suggest any good PrCs for a Bard that aren't OMFG good?