There's an idea I've been rolling around in my head, but I'm not very familiar with Pathfinder, so I'd like some input. This isn't for any particular campaign, but let's assume Pathfinder rules with un-updated 3.5 material allowed. Also 3.0 material if it wasn't updated by either 3.5 or Pathfinder. Further, let's assume both 1st- and 2nd-party material is allowed.
The first ingredient I'd like to use is
samsaran with the mystic past life alternative racial trait. Choosing trapsmith as the class to draw from would let me get dispel magic as a 1st-level spell and greater dispel magic as a 3rd-level spell on whatever arcane spellcasting class I like.
The second ingredient I'd like to use is divine defiance (Fiendish Codex II, p83). That feat would let me spend a turn undead attempt to counterspell as an immediate action. I'd still need to use an appropriate spell (or dispel magic) to counterspell.
The first thing I need help with is combining arcane casting and turn undead. In 3.5, I know sacred exorcist (Complete Divine, p56) works, but I'm hoping Pathfinder has an easier option.
In 3.5 I know of a few ways to boost dispel checks. The arcane mastery feat (Complete Arcane, p73) would let me take 10 on the check (even in combat, once the errata is figured in). The inquisition domain (Spell Compendium, p275) gives a +4 bonus, or a +8 bonus if combined with the domain focus alternative class feature (Dragon 347, p91) for cleric. The latter option tends to conflict with the arcane casting requirement of the samsaran trick, but the domain granted power alternative class feature (Complete Champion, p52) for wizard or the planar touchstone feat (Planar Handbook, p41) can at least nab the base effect. I seem to remember that a prestige class or two in 3.5 gave bonuses to dispel, but I can't remember which ones. I'm sure Pathfinder added some dispel bonuses of its own. I see it removed the cap on caster level that can be added to dispel checks, which is nice.
I'd really like to be able to cast dispel magic and greater dispel magic spontaneously. I don't have any attachment to spontaneous casting otherwise, so a prepared class is fine if there's an easy way to spontaneously convert prepared spells into those two.
I know 3.5 had a couple of ways to be able to use immediate actions before your first turn in combat. There were dire tortoise (Sandstorm, p151) and mark of stars (Dragonmarked, p142). Did Pathfinder add any? I suppose high initiative is also an option.
Do you think I need to worry too much about turn undead attempts per day? Nightsticks (Libris Mortis, p78) and Tenebrous (Tome of Magic, p48) are options. I don't know if there's anything Pathfinder-specific that gives a lot of turn attempts.
So there's my goal, be able to use an immediate action, a 1st-level spell slot, and a turn undead attempt to negate a 9th-level spell an enemy tries to cast as a standard action. Can anyone help me realize my dream?