Hello guys,
This is Sirius Wolf (not my real name lol). I'm new here, so if I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.
BTW, English is just a foreign language to me... I'm Asian. So please forgive my terrible GRAMMAR OR SPELLING MISTAKES... the must be a lot.
Now I need advise and help defeating (slaying) a high level wizard. D&D 3.5e Campaign, and the whole party is level 6. So, here's the details:
The Party:
It's a level 6 party, and 6 adventurers in it.
My character is a grey elf Factotum 6, Party Face, Wand-user and poison-user( Master of Poison feat taken ), and has Imperious Command and can boost my Intimidate to ...most probably 21, or more to 29 if we are coming to the agreement to make up a Companion Spirit. Our DM have banned Font of Inspiration... pity. Don't have any powerful poison now though, only Large centipede and Large scorpion and some others. By the way, my character is Neutral Good, so probably he won't take a Mindbender dip.
And there's also a grey elf Wizard 6, with the Elf Wizard Variant. Our DM has banned the use of Domain wizard... pity. She is mostly a buffer, and also a controller, with spells like Dimension Step, Haste and Grease and so on (she seem's don't like Clouds, don't know why). With a Homebrew PrC she has one more Div spell per level. The wizard also has a wondrous item which grants us a single use of a Common(Player's Handbook introduced) 4th-level spell, with a CL of 7.
And the Cleric, human Cleric 5/ Barbarian 1, Whirlwind Frenzy, a worshiper of the god of strength, and a Glass Cannon. Uses a Great Sword. Unfortunately her Build has some problem... she has chosen DMM and Quicken spell (along with 2 Extra Turnings), but she is greatly short of swift action... yet changing feats might be possible, if we can convince the DM.
And there is 3 ToB Charger... actually they don't often show themselves and usually there is only one of them active all the time... and I personally don't quite understand Tome of Battle, so I can't introduce their Builds. I only know that they are actually newer to d&d than us, and they don't actually deal more damage than the cleric... but two of them can fly (Dragonborn).And they all use 2-handed weapons. I don't know more as I actually haven't read their character sheets... Stupid, Stupid Fighters with similar builds... never mind.
So about our enemy. He is most probably a Elf (grey?) Wizard 13 ,probably with PrC. He has shamed my character in all ways by role-playing and Iv (or ,say, my Factotum) now eagerly want to see him dead. As soon as possible. He bothered me with some... Ench spells, and Div spells, but I haven't seen any other schools cast by him. He usually travels alone, or at least I haven't seen any of his allies. Our DM is experienced, and so the wizard will certainly have many 'Triggers' or something on him... and that's what I fear.
I have (or I think I have) persuaded him that I would be his ally, helping him by murdering our party wizard. Well I won't do that of course... and I intends to slay him instead. But I have discussed this in the party... and I don't know if he was scrying me or doing something like that at that time, and finds out my betrayal.
He usually travels with Teleports to find me (and discuss our plans about murdering our party wizard secretly), but he sometimes rides a Phantasmal Steed instead. I plan to slay him when he finds me next time to give me command and cast Geas on me. That would be about 10 days later. And we should be about level 7.
And about the resources of course... Our DM has opened nearly all 3.5E supplements save Unearthed Arcana and Magazines. And any Spell Compendium spells need to ask him whether he would like to open. A special HR is that we all take full HDs when levels up (8 for d8, and so on) And, after a glorious battle against Hob-goblins, I now have about 10,000 separable gold pieces. We can buy Magic Items of CL 14 or below, and we have plenty of time to do so.
No comes the question:
How can we slay the damn wizard?
Well, I have a plan, but I don't know if it would work:
Let the wizard cast Anticipate Teleportation, and wait for the Wizard's approach. As soon as he approach, cast Anti-magic Field on a bought scroll. Then he would be defenseless, probably. But I afraid that ... would he come by foot and discover our ... ambush?
So, do you guys have any better ideas? Or will my plan work at all? I would like your advise... Thanks. And, regards.