Author Topic: PsyBomb's Guides to the Akashic Mysteries  (Read 5213 times)

Offline PsyBomb

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PsyBomb's Guides to the Akashic Mysteries
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:09:02 PM »
Hello MinMaxers!

I have always been a lover of the Incarnum subsystem. Thus, when I heard about Ssalarn's port of it to Pathfinder, I knew I had a new best friend in Pathfinder. The results did not disappoint. These guides started as a way for me to compile notes and experiences I had during playtest, but eventually got codified and expanded into what you see now. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me organize myself during the testing.




As more hits, I will post the guides for them. Any and all commentary is more than welcome here, this was originally the result of one person's analysis and playtesting, so it is always possible for me to have missed something. Happy playing!

STATUS (1 March 2015): Bloodforge and Teamwork feat sections are completed! Next on the list is Items, to include weapon/armor enchantments. There are a few out there that significantly change the paradigm of the class using it, enabling or enhancing builds and providing options when needed. I might do a 1-2 sentence note about standard equips, but the intent is more to save the readers from having to dig through the PFSRD for gems. The section will be ongoing, and will expand greatly once Ssalarn puts out the Akashic Items.

If there are any requests or comments, please feel free to post them in thie discussion thread.