Author Topic: Example Guilds  (Read 4207 times)

Online bhu

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Example Guilds
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:09:14 PM »
Mommy's Little Angels   (Typical Urban Cat Burglar Guild)
Symbol: Cat hugging a kitten.
Background, Goals and Dreams: One of the original Cat Burglar Guilds run by Mommy's Little Angel, who invented the bulk of the techniques upon which the modern Guilds derive their powers from.  Her Guild honors her memory by preserving the peace as unofficial protectors of the common man (and incidentally the city-state they live in), and fleecing an corrupt or dishonest authority figures.  It is well known in the city that cats are sometimes magical creatures who look after their own.  As the Guild also oversaw the regime of a murderous dictator in it's initial founding, current members also strive to head off evil influences in the government. 
Type: Thieves Guild/Shadow Government
Scale: 8 (City/County)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
5 or more ranks in Bluff and Diplomacy
Has the Innocence Kitty Magic ability
Discovers new target to fleece
Protects fellow Guild Member from discovery or helps them escape Evil
Steal at least 10,000 GP and give it to either the Guild or the poor
Lawful or Evil Alignment
Affiliation Score Modifier
1/2 PC's Level
+1 per 5 ranks in each skill
+2 (max 3/year)

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
No Affiliation
Member: So long as you're pretending to be a stray housecat you have free room and board.
Member in Good Standing: +2 Insight Bonus on Bluff, Gather Information and Knowledge (Local) Checks within the country.
Squad Leader: So long as you are on Guild Business, you are un-prosecutable within the city.  If a mission requires back-up you may request it at no cost, but if it goes bad you get a -4 to your Affiliation score.
Inner Council: Get a stipend of 200 GP per month.
Sub-Leader: Personal Honor Guard of 4-12 appropriate critters (EL 12).

Executive Powers: Law, Research, Shadow War
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 02:39:41 AM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 03:14:58 AM »
Uncle Pinky's Trained Attack Sheep Emporium (Typical Rural Cat Burglar Guild)
Symbol: Angry sheep face
Background, Goals and Dreams: Pinky (for whom the Sons of Pinky are named) founded a small operation of his own after retirement.  Originally the first trained attack sheep dealership of it's kind, it has since franchised out.  Unknown to many would be sheep purchasers is that many of the dealerships are also training schools for problem solvers who hire themselves out to other Guilds (or occasionally do the innocent a good turn by beating up their oppressors).
Type: Business/Thieves Guild
Scale: 9 (Regional)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Tomcat Feat
Sells 1000 GP in Trained Attack Sheep
Bring the head of a major Guild enemy
Display Cowardice
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 PC's Level
+1 per sale (max 1/month)

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Not Affiliated
Member: +4 Competence Bonus on Handle Animal Checks.
Member in Good Standing: Your Rage lasts an additional round, and you have a +2 Competence Bonus on Diplomacy Checks within the Cat Burglar Guilds.
Trainer: Competence Bonus on Diplomacy Checks within the Guilds increases to +4, +2 Resistance Bonus on Fortitude Checks.  +2 Inherent Bonus to Int or Cha.
Salesman: Competence Bonus to Diplomacy and Handle Animal Checks increase to +8, _2 Inherent Bonus to Int or Cha (whichever one you didn't choose at the previous level).
Head Salesman: Free +2 Weapon, Damage Reduction gained from Barbarian Levels increases by 5 (i.e. if it was DR 3/-, it's now DR 8/-.

Executive Powers: Crusade, Trade, War
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:01:25 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2015, 03:15:20 AM »
Bitty's Kitty's
Symbol: Stylized Pocket Kitty
Background, Goals and Dreams: This Guild has been biding it's time in the city of Le Gevaudan.  Crushed by a force of invaders who exposed them, they now oppose the new government formed of those very same invaders grown soft and corrupt.  They wish to overthrow them, free the people, and re-establish the Guild.  Currently they must research various new methods of Kitty Magic in order to remain hidden.  The Guard have orders to kill them on sight.
Type: Cabal
Scale: 6 (City)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Levels in Aristocat, Critter, Iron, Floof, Pocket Kitty
Kitty Magic (Innocence)
Bring down a Noble
Betray the Guild
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 Character Levels

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
No affiliation.
Member in Good Standing:
Squad Leader:
Inner Council:

Executive Powers: Assassinate, Plunder, Shadow War
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:41:41 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2015, 03:15:34 AM »
Sheba's Raiders
Symbol: Tent on sand colored background
Background, Goals and Dreams: Sheba's Raiders lurk along the caravan routes between major cities.  It's the perfect disguise since the area is rife with vermin and attracts small wild cats of all sorts.  Life for the Raiders is harsh and unforgiving in the desert, and even with frequent caravan attacks they often have to resort to living as actual cats to avoid going hungry.  The Guild is slowly stockpiling it's wealth in hopes of better days though.
Type: Thieve's Guild
Scale: 7 (City and outliers)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Sand Cat
Heat Endurance Feat
5 or more Ranks in Hide or Survival
Steal at least 10,000 GP for the Guild
Lawful Alignment
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 PC's Level
+1 per 5 Ranks in each skill

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Not Affiliated.
Member in Good Stead:
Raid Leader:
Guild Sub-Chief:
Guild Chief:

Executive Powers: Assassinate, Plunder, Raid
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:54:43 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2015, 03:15:59 AM »
The Snow Rescue Guild
Symbol: Cat face on a field of white.
Background, Goals and Dreams: On the surface the Snow Rescue Guild is all about training cats as mountain guides, and to sniff out avalanche victims.  In practice it has long since been infiltrated by a Guild, who uses the legends of a local bogey called the Cat-faced Yeti to scare off anyone who gets too adventurous on the mountains.  Anyone venturing off the safe paths is greeted by a 'monster' in order to scare them off.
Type: Business/Thieve's Guild
Scale: 8 (City/country)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Abominable Snow Kitty
5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Nature) or Survival
Saves someone important who can help the Guild
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 PC's Level
+1 per 5 Ranks in each Skill

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Not Affiliated.
Member in Good Standing:
Rescue Worker:
Veteran Catsquatch:
Master Squatch:

Executive Powers: Gift, Harvest, Pariah
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:59:31 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2015, 03:17:22 AM »
The Black Paws
Symbol: A black cat paw print
Background, Goals and Dreams: The Black Paw Clan specializes in gossip and blackmail.  Technically they're for hire.   In practice, they often find ways to like their pockets while they work for others (usually by finding out their employers secrets). The goal of course being to acquire enough secrets to retire in power comfortably.
Type: Spy Ring
Scale: 11 (Multiregional/Duchy)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Black Paw Levels
Nekochan Feat
5 or more Ranks in Gather Information
Reveal A Secret the Guild Can Use
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 Character Level
+1 per 5 Ranks

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Junior member with no benefits.
Veteran Genin:
Veteran Chonin:

Executive Powers: Assassinate, Pariah, Shadow War
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:27:29 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2015, 03:17:48 AM »
The Athenaeum
Symbol: Book with cat's face
Background, Goals and Dreams: The Athenaeum collects and guards knowledge, particularly in written form.  They can be found in virtually any library in the world, and are responsible for removing the books in case the Library is attacked (or having made hidden copies just in case).
Type: College
Scale: 16 (multicontinental/empire)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Athenaeum Cat or Library Cat Levels
Master Scribe or Smarty Cat Abilities
5 or more Ranks in any Knowledge Skill
Willingly destroy knowledge
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 Character Level
+1 per 5 Ranks

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Junior Librarian with no benefits.
General Librarian:
Assistant Librarian:
Associate Librarian:
Head Librarian:

Executive Powers: Craft, Research, Trade
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:39:42 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2015, 03:18:42 AM »
The Red Holler Coven
Symbol: Red cat's face with horns inside a pentacle
Background, Goals and Dreams: The Red Holler has long been the home of Awakened Cats the local humans have persecuted.  The Demon Lord Malcanthet has sought to exploit this persecution, and has begun a coven among them.  The cat witches are fanatically loyal to her, as Malcanthet has promised them dominion over the world once the humans are cleared off of it.  She has perhaps not reckoned on the zeal with which the cats would embrace genocide, as in their haste they have even wiped out human cults belonging to her.
Type: Cabal
Scale: 8 (City/country)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Catwitch Levels
Can cast 3rd to 4th Level spells
5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) or Spellcraft
Recruits a new member
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 Character Level
+1 per 5 Ranks in each Skill

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Ally with no benefits.
High Priestess:
Witch Supreme:

Executive Powers: Assassinate, Shadow War, Terrorize
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:12:35 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2015, 03:19:04 AM »
The Cats from Saturn
Symbol: Weird series of squiggles that seem to move on their own.
Background, Goals and Dreams: The Cats from Saturn have made peaceful contact with a Far Realm entity they refer to as Saturn.  What Saturn wants is unknown, but it does give the Guild power in exchange for...something.  What that something is, isn't exactly known.  What the Guilds purpose in acquiring power for in unknown.  In truth virtually nothing about the Guild is known.
Type: Cabal
Scale: 8 (City/country)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Cat from Saturn Levels
5 or more Ranks in any Knowledge skills
Kill anyone finding out about the Guild
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 Character Level
+1 per 5 Ranks in each Skill
-50, and sentenced to Death

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Potential convert with no benefits.

Executive Powers: Assassinate, Craft, Research
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:35:19 PM by bhu »

Online bhu

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Re: Example Guilds
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2015, 03:19:40 AM »
The Meowcenaries
Symbol: Military helmet
Background, Goals and Dreams:
Type: Fighting Company
Scale: 11 (Multiregional/duchy)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Character Level
Levels in Gunner Kitty, Meowcenary, Support Kitteh
Vocation or Battle Clarity Class Abilities
BAB +5 or higher
Defeats Guild Enemy
Affiliation Score Modifier
+1/2 Character Level
+1/4 the opponents CR

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score
3 or lower
Title: Benefits and Duties
Enlistee with no benefits.

Executive Powers: Plunder, Raid, War
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:46:04 PM by bhu »