a question crossed my mind. 3.5e rules
In the MIC, there are the steadfast boots.
Giving a good bonus vs trip, bull rush and alike, but thats not the selling point.
Furthermore, as long as you carry a
two-handed weapon, you are treated as if
you had readied that weapon against any
creature that charges you (and thus it deals
double damage if your attack is successful),
even if the weapon can't normally be
set against a charge.
I have the feeling that I am missing some sort of drawback that I cant see.
Wouldnt that mean that if I use a greataxe + these boots, that I get a free attack with double dmg whenever I get charged? Its not even an Attack of o. so its not limited? Or can I use a readied action only once, and when the next one charges in the same round it doesnt work anymore. Even with that rule it seems to be very powerfull in my eyes.
Now lets put that into a reach control build.
We get charged > 1 atk with 2x dmg as soon as he enters our reach > as he moves from 10 to 5ft he gets a trip atk + anothe hit if it works and now lays prone in 10ft away.
With a spear we would deal 3x dmg and one more atk instead of the trip.
Is that correct or am I missing something? Especially for the low price of the item it seems to be really powerfull.