Yep, good ol' 2e style Non-Weapon Proficiencies. Assume that there's a Born Psychic Background that goes with these (I'll write it up, I swear!) I personally would limit the availability of these, if only to keep them weird.
Anyone else have any ideas? The theme to stick to is "real life" psychic powers, not Psionics.
Astral Projection:
By meditating for one minute and spending Inspiration, you may separate your mind from your body, letting it wander free. Your mind is insubstantial, passing through walls as if they were difficult terrain, and cannot be struck even by effects that damage Ethereal creatures - however, it cannot affect the physical world through any means, though it may observe its surroundings with your full complement of senses. Your mind moves at a speed of [Intelligence + Charisma]ft per round, and may safely wander free of your body for five minutes times your Proficiency bonus. While your mind is separated from your body, your body is considered to be Unconscious; in addition, for each minute past your safe limit, you suffer one level of Exhaustion.
By spending Inspiration as an action and concentrating (much like how you would Concentrate on a spell), you may project one of your senses 5ft times your proficiency bonus, allowing you to use that sense as if you were standing in that spot (regardless of whether or not you could physically fit in the available space). By default, you may only project your sense of touch; however, you may project your sense of hearing once your Proficiency bonus reaches +3, and may project your sense of sight once your Proficiency reaches +5. You cannot Concentrate on Clairvoyance and a spell simultaneously.
By spending Inspiration as a bonus action and concentrating (much like how you would Concentrate on a spell), you may sense the emotional state of one creature within 5ft times your proficiency bonus. You may change which creature you are reading as a bonus action. Once your Proficiency bonus reaches +3, you may also learn the surface thoughts of any creature whose emotional state you can sense with this ability, and may project obviously foreign snippets of your own emotions to the creature you are reading. Once your Proficiency bonus reaches +5, you may project obviously foreign snippets of your own thoughts into that creature's mind as an action.
By spending Inspiration as an action while speaking to a character, you may force them to make a Charisma saving throw against a DC of 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma modifier. If they fail, they are Charmed by you for thirty minutes times your Proficiency bonus - they perceive you as trustworthy and will take your advice at face value. Wiser creatures are more difficult to sway in this manner - if the creature's Wisdom is 8 or higher, they have Advantage on their save, and if their Wisdom is 12 or higher, they may make a Charisma save once an hour against the original DC - success indicates that they have shaken off your mental influence.
Mental Barrier:
By spending Inspiration and concentrating (much like concentrating on a spell), you have Advantage on Charisma or Wisdom saves (your choice). In addition, while this effect is active, subtract your Proficiency bonus from the Proficiency bonus of creatures using ESP or Hypnosis for determining whether or not you are within range and which effects they may bring to bear. For example, if you have a Proficiency bonus of +2 and an active Mental Barrier and a creature with ESP and a Proficiency bonus of +3 tries to read your mind, they would have to be within 5ft of you, and would only be capable of reading your emotional state.
You may not concentrate on this effect and a spell at the same time.
Object Reading:
By touching an object as a bonus action and spending Inspiration, you may learn some fact about a previous user or use of the object. While this cannot give any concrete impressions older than a number of hours equal to your Proficiency bonus, it does allow you to determine powerful emotional impressions (such as catching a glimpse of the last user of a murder weapon) or can determine the habitual use of an item (such as determining which key on a key ring matches a lock.).
By spending Inspiration and undergoing one minute of meditation, you may duplicate the effects of Augury, except the limit on how far into the future you may see is fifteen minutes times your Proficiency bonus. If your DM sees fit, they may also give you prophetic dreams or sudden uncontrolled visions.
By spending Inspiration as an action, you may cast Mage Hand; unlike a normal version of the cantrip, the maximum weight it can carry is 5lbs times your Proficiency bonus.
By spending Inspiration as an action, you may cast Create Bonfire or Control Flames.