Assuming you're a race with no LA and no racial HD, what if you could gain 4 racial HD instead of each class level? Regardless of your current creature type, you could choose Outsider or Dragon racial HD since they're the best.
As a Dragonwrought Kobold, heck yes. If you're already at the oldest age category and gain Dragon HD, you gain a TON of crazy benefits. See here: every three racial HD you gain, you get +2 Caster Level, +3 Natural AC, +2 Spell Resistance, +2 Str and Con, +1 to all mental stats (technically, it's +2 to all for every 6 HD), and some occasional size increases and, if you have them, breath weapon damage increases (+2d8). Also, you gain DR 15/Epic the first time you do this. Plus you get a feat for every three hit dice, so that's free feats, as well as +4 BAB and a ton of skills. Strictly better than Fighter levels by a country mile. And don't forget it's +2 initiator level, so this makes initiators insane.
So I think I'd go with a Dragonborn Dragonwrought Kobold with a breath weapon. At level 1 we'll start with Lion Totem Barbarian (for Pounce), and then I'm thinking 9 "levels" of dragon along with all the metabreath feats I can get, followed by one level in each initiator class to get 9th level maneuvers all over the place. And I'll take the Improved Dragon Wings feat, since I get +100 to flight speed for this as well.
At "level 13" I have the following:
BAB 39
40 Hit Dice
Insanely good saves (the Dragon levels alone give +20 to all saves)
A breath weapon that instant kills everything, basically (these extra hit dice give +36d8 damage, and the save DC is insane)
All the 9th level maneuvers (I might need some items to fill in prerequisites) at initiator level 20
+36 Str and Con, +18 to all mental stats
Collosal+ size (or, to be less nonsensical, 4 size increases from small to Gargantuan, but I probably would also then get +200 to flight speed).
+36 Natural AC
DR 15/Epic
Enough feats to get all the metamagic feats I want, in addition to melee feats
So, everything dies. In fact, I can widen my breath weapon to destroy entire dungeons, most likely. As a swift action.