I did some analysis of xXKillStealr69Xx, and determined that it's not really overpowered.
A half-dark elf and half-human would be a half-elf. Half-ogre is its own base race, so barring cheating I assume that the
ogrekin template is applied.As for the leather armor, it does not specify if the +2 AC is due to magical enhancement, or a base increase (which would put it on par with a chain shirt). The 1d4 damage in a grapple isn't that much, especially due to the fact that he'll need to use at least one hand to grapple an opponent and thus sacrificing his dagger/slicer gauntlet/claymore attack.
As for bucklers,
shield bonuses to AC do not stack, meaning that at most he'll gain a +1 AC.
Now, the real talent lies in bonus Sneak Attack. Two daggers, plus two ogre claymores, plus two slicer gauntlets effectively applies the SA die six times, a good combination. But as far as I can tell, xXKillStealr69Xx has no means of moving and full attacking, meaning that he'll need to be within reach of an opponent who must be flat-footed, or he must be concealed within shadows.
So fighting in darkness, there's the real kicker. Only bad part is, neither the half-elf nor ogrekin has darkvision unless he gains the Bulging Eye Deformity, which is achieved via a random 1d10 mutation roll. And there's no mention of what mutations he has.
There's some potential in this build, but otherwise it's restricted to a glass cannon role, and a cannon which can only fire when circumstances are just right.