Author Topic: Ethereal Defiler  (Read 6446 times)

Offline Retrokinesis

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Ethereal Defiler
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:40:53 PM »
Ethereal Defiler

HD: d8
Level   BAB   Fort   Ref   Will   Features
 1    +1    +0    +0    +2   Tainted Body, Tainted Energy
 2    +2    +0    +0    +3   Ethereal Scales, Str +1, Cha +1
 3    +3    +1    +1    +3   Tainted Arts, Str +1
 4    +4    +1    +1    +4   Defensive Insight, Defiled Sight, Cha +1
 5    +5    +1    +1    +4   Ethereal Bore (full-round), Str +1
 6    +6    +2    +2    +5   Growth, Cha +1
 7    +7    +2    +2    +5   Swift Strike, Str +1
 8    +8    +2    +2    +6   Ethereal Bore (standard), Cha +1
 9    +9    +3    +3    +6   Anchoring Aura, Str +1
10   +10   +3   +3   +7   Ghost Stalker, Cha +1
11   +11   +3   +3   +7   Piercing Taint, Str +1
12   +12   +4   +4   +8   Ethereal Bore (move), Cha +1
13   +13   +4   +4   +8   Endless Bore, Str +1
14   +14   +4   +4   +9   Hideous Taint, Cha +1
15   +15   +5   +5   +9   Roiling Energy, Str +1
16   +16   +5   +5   +10   Ethereal Bore (free), Cha +1

Skills: 4+int mod. Class skills are Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival.

Proficiencies: Ethereal defilers gain proficiency with their own natural weapons.


Tainted Body (Ex): At 1st level, the ethereal defiler loses all other racial bonus and gains aberration traits (darkvision 60 feet, basically). It’s a medium sized aberration with base speed 40, two natural claw attacks (1d6+Str) and a natural tail attack (1d6+half Str). The claws are considered to be its primary natural attack, while the tail is secondary.

The ethereal defiler gains a natural armor bonus equal to its Str or Cha modifier, whichever is higher.

Tainted Energy (Sp): At 1st level, the ethereal defiler has the ability to unleash a blast of eldritch energy from its body as a standard action. This blast is a ranged touch attack with a range of 10 feet per HD that deals 1d6 magic damage per HD.

Alternatively, the ethereal defiler can imbue one of its claw attacks with this energy as a swift action, dealing the same damage plus the damage of the claw. This energy dissipates at the defiler's turn if not used.

Any creature damaged by this energy must make a Fort save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds (DC 10 + half HD + Cha mod).

Ethereal Scales: At 2nd level the ethereal defiler gains fast healing and DR/cold iron both equal to half its HD. It also receives the Extraplanar subtype, with its plane of origin as the Ethereal Plane.

Tainted Arts: Ethereal defilers, despite their capable magic, revel in tearing foes apart with their claws and can develop several powers to assist with this. At 2nd level and every 2 other levels thereafter, pick one of the following options. Unless otherwise noted, each ability is permanently active, and they're all supernatural abilities.
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Defensive Insight: At 4th level the ethereal defiler gains SR equal to 11 plus its HD, plus resistance to fire and cold equal to its HD. It may raise or lower its SR as a free action at any time even if it isn't its turn.

Defiled Sight: At 4th level, the ethereal defiler gains blindsense with a range of 5 feet per HD and telepathy with twice that range. Also, the ethereal defiler may see into the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane and vice versa at all times.

Ethereal Bore (Su): Starting at 5th level, once per day per HD the ethereal defiler may shift to the Ethereal Plane as the spell ethereal jaunt, except it requires a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The defiler may remain on the Ethereal Plane as long as it wishes. It may return to the Material Plane at any time as another full-round action, dealing 1d6 points of damage per HD in a 20-foot radius centered on itself. Once it has returned to the Material Plane, it cannot reenter the Ethereal Plane for 2d6 rounds.

At 8th level, it may use this as a standard action.

At 12th level, it may use this as a move action.

At 16th level, it may use this as a free action.

Growth: At 6th level the ethereal defiler increases in size. It becomes Large; recalculate all natural weapon damage appropriately.

Swift Strike: At 7th level the ethereal defiler’s tainted energy ability can be applied to its natural weaponry as a free action, allowing it to make multiple attacks imbued with its energy damage.

Anchoring Aura (Su): At 9th level, an ethereal defiler projects a 20 foot aura that inhibits spells with the teleportation descriptor. Furthermore, all creatures within the aura must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + half HD + Cha mod) to move more than 20 feet from the creature.

Ghost Stalker (Su): At 10th level, the ethereal defiler gains the ability to drag foes to the Ethereal Plane. It makes a grapple check; provided it succeeds in holding the target, it may shift to the Ethereal Plane as a swift action, bringing the target with it. Once there, it can end the grapple with no ill effects.

Piercing Taint: At 11th level, the ethereal defiler's Tainted Energy blasts are treated as non-magical: they pierce spell resistance and magic immunity and are not suppressed by antimagic field and the like.

Endless Bore: At 13th level, the ethereal defiler may use its Ethereal Bore ability at will instead of once per day per HD.

Hideous Taint: At 14th level, any creature that fails the fortitude save against the defiler's Tainted Energy is nauseated instead of sickened.

Roiling Energy: At 15th level, the ethereal defiler’s tainted energy blast becomes unstable enough that it may make iterative attacks with it.

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« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 06:27:23 PM by Retrokinesis »

Offline Amechra

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 12:53:07 AM »
Put limitations on how many times per round you can use Ethereal Bore, because otherwise, come 16th level, you are killing everyone with no real challenge.

And that is bad.
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

Offline Retrokinesis

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 12:59:37 AM »
Forgot about that part, thanks. Added a cooldown like a breath weapon.

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2012, 03:13:27 AM »
-Once more, all monster classes should be useable with just the srd and any other online material. Warlock class is neither. You need to include a custom alternative here, even if it means making up your own invocations and progression.
-Blindsight with that kind of fast progression is reserved for a few, select monnsters that actually have massive ranges with that ability. The Ethereal Defiler is not one of them. In particular because said other monsters aren't progressing warlock casting.
-At will ethereal jaunt is simply not reasonable at 5th level. Make it limited per day, then changes to cooldown at some point(take the chance to fill an empty level). Also longer cooldown. Dragons don't get to turn ethereal as part of their breath weapons (neither do they get to breath as a free action).
-Spell out DC formulas.
-Clarify tainted energy. Right now you can just charge your claws ahead of time for massive damage.

Offline Retrokinesis

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2012, 02:53:34 AM »
-Once more, all monster classes should be useable with just the srd and any other online material. Warlock class is neither. You need to include a custom alternative here, even if it means making up your own invocations and progression.
Should I give the standard Arcane Soul ability applicable to sorcerer casting, straight sorcerer casting like a rakshasa, or create some custom, choose-able powers for it?

-Blindsight with that kind of fast progression is reserved for a few, select monnsters that actually have massive ranges with that ability. The Ethereal Defiler is not one of them. In particular because said other monsters aren't progressing warlock casting.
Dropped to 5 ft./HD.

-At will ethereal jaunt is simply not reasonable at 5th level. Make it limited per day, then changes to cooldown at some point(take the chance to fill an empty level). Also longer cooldown. Dragons don't get to turn ethereal as part of their breath weapons (neither do they get to breath as a free action).
It's already limited to once per HD per day; doesn't become unlimited until 13. Changed cooldown to 2d6 rounds.

-Spell out DC formulas.
-Clarify tainted energy. Right now you can just charge your claws ahead of time for massive damage.
Done and done. Thanks!

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2012, 08:59:36 PM »
-Once more, all monster classes should be useable with just the srd and any other online material. Warlock class is neither. You need to include a custom alternative here, even if it means making up your own invocations and progression.
Should I give the standard Arcane Soul ability applicable to sorcerer casting, straight sorcerer casting like a rakshasa, or create some custom, choose-able powers for it?
Whatever you think is more apropriate and you're willing to invest work on. I've actually done a whole new supernatural ToB school for the Frostwind Virago, but also used "casts as sorceror with some limitations" plenty of times.

Dropped to 5 ft./HD.

It's already limited to once per HD per day; doesn't become unlimited until 13. Changed cooldown to 2d6 rounds.

Done and done. Thanks!
Great, looking much nicer now!

Offline Retrokinesis

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2012, 10:14:39 PM »
I think I'll write-up a list of "unlimited use with a cooldown"-style abilities like with the Illurien. That should match the IDEA behind invocations as at-will utility powers better than straight sorcerer casting.

Offline McBeardly

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2012, 01:55:39 AM »
The improved monster class system as a whole is great, not just because of rule, but because the community is able to come together and make rules for playing creatures as obscure as this leftover monster from the MM5.

Offline Retrokinesis

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2012, 05:47:00 PM »
The improved monster class system as a whole is great, not just because of rule, but because the community is able to come together and make rules for playing creatures as obscure as this leftover monster from the MM5.
Aww, I like the poor ethereal defiler! Just look how happy it is!

Added the Piercing Taint (ignores antimagic, spell resistance, and magic immunity, to replicate the Vitriolic Blast invocation) and Hideous Taint (nauseated instead of sickened on a failed saving throw) abilities to fill out the dead levels. I'll be adding in Illurien-style powers as I think of them.

Edit: Added some Tainted Arts. Could you check the balance on those?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 06:25:34 PM by Retrokinesis »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2012, 03:55:19 PM »
Tainted energy has a little typo in that energy channeled into the claw should dissipate at the end of the defiler's turn if not used.

Twisted elementals looks kinda like a weak choice since going from untyped damage to elemental damage is only really good against enemies with elemental vulnerabilities.

Defiler's Word looks kinda too good, removing enemy gear and dazing and the same time. The deafening should probably be enough, the Shatter invocation was already pretty popular before.

Claws of hate may also be kinda too strong at that level, and also don't fit the flavor very well. The other monsters where I put that kind of ability are usually more of a "illusion" or "combat master" theme. It could probably work better as a bunch of more limited abilities directly tied to the Ethereal Defiler.

Everything else looking pretty good, I like it!

Offline Retrokinesis

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Re: Ethereal Defiler
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2012, 10:34:16 PM »
So I've been trying to come up with more abilities. . . I stepped back and look at what the ethereal defiler is and isn't:

It's an 1. ambush predator with 2. strong ties to the ethereal plane and 3. a natural affinity for magic. I was thinking about what it would spend most of its time DOING, and came up with "hunting for magic" either to hoard or eat. In keeping with that theme, I was thinking about creating a few new powers that let it:

1. "Hide" its body in the ethereal plane, effectively disguising it as something else, for the purpose of infiltrating magic schools and getting closer to people, as it basically has no stealth except for hiding on the ethereal plane and waiting.

2. In the same vein, hide small objects in the ethereal plane, to steal magic items from people.

3. Some kind of arcane sight to IDENTIFY magic and mages.

4. And the ability to count as a class for the purpose of activating magic items (or should I just add UMD as a class skill?).

What does everyone think of those? I see it as a creature that's not really stealthy; it's a giant, angry, spell-slinging lizard. So it needs some way to avoid being seen at all. If it IS seen, it's more likely to leap into combat than try to retreat and hide. It hordes magic items not only because it feeds off their "energy" but because it likes to USE them as well to aid its combat abilities.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 10:37:28 PM by Retrokinesis »