Author Topic: [PF] Finishing touches on my Helpful Halfling Oradin  (Read 3737 times)

Offline Julix

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[PF] Finishing touches on my Helpful Halfling Oradin
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:05:56 AM »
Masterhelper Oradin
Who cares who gets the credit, as long as it gets done!
-Nigel Inork, Helpful Halfling, First Paladin of Desna
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Hello everyone!

I'm just starting the Jade Regent campaign and despite having started already I'm not quite clear on some aspects of the Character build. General stuff that is clear about him I put in the Context spoiler, the other info is in the Problem spoiler with the problem it relates to. This was a lot of effort to format like this, so I hope it actually helps with the reading instead of just being confusing.


I need help with five aspects, if you're interested in helping with any aspect that would be dearly appreciated.

  • - Stats: Where do I put the rest of the point buy?
  • - Feats: What do I do at lvl 7 and beyond?
  • - Skills: Can I afford being that wide spread? How do I make this work?
  • - Spells: Which 1st level spells should I chose?
  • - Archetype choices:
  • Psychic Searcher: which Psychic Talent (Su) should I take?
  • Holy Guide: which favored Terrain and which Teamwork feat should I take?

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Looking forward to reading your thoughts. :flutter

- Julix
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 06:02:20 AM by Julix »

Offline Julix

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Re: [PF] Finishing touches on my Helpful Halfling Oradin
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2015, 05:59:50 AM »
The Warrior of the Holy Light works differently than I had expected (i.e. it's not that you trade being able to cast and wand for being able to glow all day with side effects and more lay on hand -- shining actually costs lay on hand which is the opposite of what I want.)

The Community Guardian is sort of fun, I appreciate the perception skill a lot - but that up to +5 to a skill check for an ally is sort of limited by the "within the round"... though with aid another +4 due to helpful halfling that's +9 (plus 8 really since we're a small party), and for some things that can make quite a difference. Though I'm sill gathering ideas for creative uses. I'm thinking I could get the GM to agree to have this effect last for as long as the spirit of the community focuses on that. Such that for example a diplomacy effect where the entire group sends vibes of "We're behind you, Partyface!" works.

Paying those feats for extra revelations to buy this archetype really hurts now that I realize I would love to spellcast heals without provoking and to channel positive energy... -- but then again I got those feats in trade for Drawbacks, so it was only really permitted because of how good it fits. Still the drawbacks are quite severe sofar. Not being able to run very fast sucks (since I don't have a mount yet). But it's also interesting to play.

Stacking heal bonuses is amazing. The life link was the single reason we didn't just have a total party kill last time we played.
Real mild Jade Regent spoiler this time
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My HP being 10 meant I was able to heal two rounds and then self heal once (cause I rolled really good, and have +5 to self heal, so usually result was full health).

First level play is exciting! We're so squishy!

I loved the dream feast spell, since we're going to be travelling a lot and no one has good survival skills -- but I haven't used it yet in case I want to change it for some other spell. What is your favorite non-evil oracle lvl 1 spell?

I got the GM to agree to leave me some space for developing the characters stats as part of the story. I'm still super undecided for stats... Stats currently are 12, 12, 14, 12, 7, 17 -- by level 3 (when the Oradin starts being a true Oradin) I have to have all the stats finalized. All the stat development that is very notaceble in Game needs to come with some fluff for what's happening.

He's currently under nourished from traveling, so if he's much stronger or dextrous normally that might come back a bit, and he can train a bit to grow to the new challenges he's facing. - He might get some common sense with the kind of things they're doing right now, though it's my only true dump stat. He will definitively gain more charisma, as he has the potential for it but is still insecure from his inexperience. Being involved in the killing of "powerful" enemies and in the company of a hot teenage dwarf sorcerer who has a crush on him and seems to actually care about him is definitively bolstering that a bit.

He's a halfling, he's not going to be very strong without heavy investment. I wanted him riding in heavy armor (thus shining knight to not have armor penalty towards riding) thus dex isn't all that important... with his high aid another I want him helping out a lot, which just requires beating DC 10, so he should be fine most of the time just from high BAB (and small size). With Smite he should be able to fight well when it truely matters. -- I could give up shining knight for higher dex/light armor/actual riding skill and an oath of vengence... hm.

I guess this is in the wrong forum since it's really rather characterbuilding in general than min/maxing...

Does anyone know a better place to post it? Or is it my confusing spoilerforest that keeps this from getting answers?

Offline Julix

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Re: [PF] Finishing touches on my Helpful Halfling Oradin
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2015, 03:12:53 AM »
We've just reached level 3. What a blast it's been...

Stats are finalized at 13/14/14/12/7/19 - increases will be cha, str, wis probably.

Oracle: Psychic Searcher & Community guardian (the latter was mechanically mistake, but I'm stuck with it).
Paladin: Shining Knight or Oath of Vengance (Input wanted)

oo/day Spells 0th: Guidance, Prestidigitation, Mending, Create Water
 3/day Spells 1st: CLW, Dream Feast, Divine Favor (extra +1 from Trait)

Minor Drawbacks: Fey Taken, Naive
Traits: Helpful (Halfling), Fate's Favored, Two-World Magic (Prestidigitation), Rescued (Koya)

Major Drawback: Slow Runner
Feats: Fey Foundling (1st), Extra Revelation:Life Link, 1 undecided slot (Considering Squire, else Extra Revelation Channel, or Combat Reflexes -&later->Bodyguard. Flag bearer is also interesting, but I don't have a hand free...)

Weapon: Comp Long bow +1, Battle Aspergillum, Lucerne Hammer (shit to hit unless smiting)
Armor: Four-Mirror Armor + Kilt + Buckler (AC 21)
Riding dog: carrying random stuff, like writing utensils, Any-tool, 'cause it's cool, etc.

Continue to be rather boring until the next few levels of Oracle kick in with Psychic Searcher's Inspiration kicks in, at which point one rank in various things combined with the re-usable inspiration makes for a wide range of skills. Due to wisdom dump the inspiration pool remains low and use will be limited to the free ones: Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, nobility, planes, religion), and Sense Motive. - Also filled with ranks because useful: Ride, Handle Animal, Perception, maybe others.

Sofar I went Oracle 1 / Paladin 2 - next will be 2 levels of Oracle for more life links, inspiration and a psychic talent (most likely Empathy -roll twice for Sense Motive, or eidetic recollection - take 10 on knowledge).

I'd like some advice on the feat choice for level 3 and level 7. - Also I'm considering un-training the Community guardian archetype before I gain another class feature from it, increasing the cost and time it would take. I can think of enough uses for the +1 to +5 on any skill for 1 round to easily be worth a revelation, but the one gained at level 3? 1/day for a really weak buff? Seems weak to me anyway, am I missing something there?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 03:23:50 AM by Julix »