HD: 12d8 (
HP: 105.5 avg)
Saves: Fort +9 (6+3), Ref +5 (3+2), Will +6 (8-2) (+3 Resistance with Major Resistance Spell)
AC: 30 (10+9nat+2dex+8armor-1flaw+2dodge)(Power Attack provides no bonus to dmg vs. him)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20', Swim 60'
Senses: Darkvision 60',
Lifesense 60', sees
and hears Invisible/Ethereal/Incorporeal as if normal (yes, this means incorporeals have to make MS checks or he hears them)
BAB/Grapple: +7/+11 (+15 grapple in natural form)
Attacks: Five tentacles +11 (1d6+9, 19-20/x2) (Stunning Surge 8x/day each, Fort DC 24, 1 rnd)(Magebane)(Slime Fort DC 20)
Full Attacks: All Five tentacles, or (Styx-Forged) weapon + tentacles as secondary weapons
Non-standard Defenses: Power Attack doesn't give damage bonus vs. him, treated as undead for cure/inflict, immune to memory modification