There's something that's always been bothering me with magic weapon and armor pricing. My character is at the level where he has a lot of gold to spend on weapons and the cost for magic weapon rules aren't really well written.
Let's say I want a weapon with multiple enchantments, let's say with Flaming Frost and Shock enchantments.
Here's how my DM has laid it out and then I'll provide my own understanding of the whole thing:
DM ruled:
Price of Base Weapon
Price of Masterwork
Price of Magic Enchantment up to +3
Price of Flame Enchant (+1)
Price of Frost Enchant (+1)
Price of Shock Enchant (+1)
So Total: Base + Masterwork + 6 enchantment levels (+3 magical + the elemental ones)
He sees it as you buy 1 magic enchantment and unlock a "slot" which can be filled with another magical enchantment.
Here's how I see it:
Price of Base Weapon
Price of Masterwork
Price of Magic Enchantment +1
Price of Flame Enchant (+1)
Price of Frost Enchant (+1)
Price of Shock Enchant (+1)
So Total: Base + Masterwork +4 magical enchantment levels
Obviously, it would mean a huge price difference.
So, who is right?
Also, on a little sidenote, the magical enhancement to armor is to AC?