My real name is Dylan Best
I go to Gaston Collage for IT
I live in North Carolina near Charlotte
My favorite games are Skyrim, Ikariam and Resident Evil.
My friends and I recently started playing D&D weekly and drink.
I have another campaign with some guys from collage and our DM is scared of you.
I prefer lurking but I'm having trouble piecing some builds together
I'm currently playing:
A Chaotic/Good Bard/Paladin to make my DM cry (lol JK).
Party may be evil but we gotta save the world.
A Chaotic/Good, D.Bard/C.Cleric with domains in Magic, Planning and Knowledge (not to late to trade for Bardic Knack or Travel Devotion. Buffer and Troll, gotta keep a crazy chaotic party in line.