Author Topic: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels  (Read 11095 times)

Offline bhu

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« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 07:21:13 PM by bhu »

Offline bhu

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 04:20:08 PM »
Cat Burglar


 Cat Burglars originated in an ancient city with a group of Wizard students who had decent power but little patience.  Having flunked out of school, they had turned to theft to support themselves.  While discussing how best to use their powers for gain while drunk one night, one came up with the idea of changing form into a small cat and appearing before the children of the richer households until one of them adopted him.  He would then scout the place for the group, and they could have advance information where the valuables were and how best to get to them.  Their plan was wildly successful and they became the leaders of a fairly decent Guild until their secret got out. 

Eventually the Cat Burglars art spread to other cities after the original Guild was disbanded.   Many have become adventurers, scouts, and people of a thiefly persuasion.  There are now schools (legitimate or otherwise) where the art can be learned at an early age (i.e. it was originally a Prestige Class but has now become a full Class after many decades).

You are best at being a party scout.  Small, sneaky, and difficult to see, you blend in every where. Concentrate on Feats that take advantage of your high Dex and Cha, and small Size.  Cat Burglars are best at not being seen, and snitching information (among other things).
 Abilities: Dexterity and Charisma are of paramount importance to the Cat Burglar.  Much of their skills and abilities key off these two stats.  A decent Constitution and Wisdom wouldn’t hurt either.
 Races: Humans and Halflings by far make up the bulk of Cat Burglars.  Some Gnomes and Elves practice the art as well but it isn’t at all common among them.  Dwarf and Half Orc Cat Burglars are virtually unknown.
 Alignment: Cat Burglars may not be Lawful.  Most tends towards Chaos and Neutrality.
 Starting Gold: Same as Rogue.
 Starting Age: Same as Rogue.

Class Skills
 The Cat Burglars class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana, Local, Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at 1st Level : (8+ int)x4
Skills Points at Each Additional Level : 8+ int

Hit Dice: d6

   BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
1.  +0       +0     +2       +0    Purr, Kitty Form, Feline Empathy, Cat Powah
2.  +1       +0     +3       +0    Kitty Magic
3.  +2       +1     +3       +1    Burglaring, Enhanced Kitty Form
4.  +3       +1     +4       +1    Kitty Form
5.  +3       +1     +4       +1    Kitty Magic
6.  +4       +2     +5       +2    Burglaring, Enhanced Kitty Form, Scamper Bonus
7.  +5       +2     +5       +2    Kitty Form
8.  +6       +2     +6       +2    Kitty Magic
9.  +6       +3     +6       +3    Burglaring, Enhanced Kitty Form
10. +7       +3     +7       +3    Kitty Form
11. +8       +3     +7       +3    Kitty Magic
12. +9       +4     +8       +4    Burglaring, Enhanced Kitty Form, Sneaky Kitty
13. +9       +4     +8       +4    Kitty Form
14. +10      +4     +9       +4    Kitty Magic
15. +11      +5     +9       +5    Burglaring, Enhanced Kitty Form
16. +12      +5     +10      +5    Kitty Form
17. +12      +5     +10      +5    Kitty Magic
18. +13      +6     +11      +6    Burglaring, Enhanced Kitty Form
19. +14      +6     +11      +6    Kitty Form
20. +15      +6     +12      +6    True Kitty, Bonus Feat

Weapon Proficiencies: Cat Burglars are proficient with all Simple Weapons, plus the Sap and the Garotte (as well as any attacks you gain in Kitty Form).  They are proficient with Light Armor but not with Shields.

Purr (Ex): Over time you have been taught a secret language you can only use in Kitty Form.  It is composed of the sounds cats naturally make, and their body language.   Using it, two Cat Burglars can have a conversation in front of people without their knowledge.  Other Cat Burglars can understand you regardless of the form you're in, so you can even point out a target by, say, rubbing against him in a certain manner while meowing in a specific tone. You also may communicate with other cats as though you had permanent use of the spell Speak With Animals (cats only) at will.  Using Purr to speak to cats is a Supernatural Ability.   Purr has no written form, and requires your target to be able to either see and/or hear you.  Purr may also be used for Scent Marking,  Effectively this works as being able to cast Arcane Mark at will as an Exceptional Ability, with a few differences.  Only creatures with Scent can perceive the Mark, and obviously it is undetectable by Detect Magic, True Seeing, etc. Only beings with an Int of 3 or greater can perceive any message you leave with the 6 characters available to you, while animals will assume it's a territorial marking and will be able to identify you.  Scent Marks last a number of days equal to 1 plus your Cat Burglar Level divided by 4 (round up).

Kitty Form (Su): At will as a standard action you may transform into a cat (or from a cat back to your normal form) for as long as you want.  In addition, you may transform between Kitty Forms without returning to your normal form first.  You retain your normal Hit Dice, hit points, base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and skill ranks regardless of the specifics of your new form.  You also retains your normal ability scores, although you may gain bonuses from the Kitty Form or other class features.  You keep all extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like special attacks and qualities of your normal form, except for those requiring a body part the Kitty Form does not have.

When transforming into a Kitty Form, you can choose to have any equipment you wear other than armor and held objects shift with you, altering its form to accommodate the new shape.  Objects that do not or cannot resize themselves meld into your new body, but retain their properties.  Any melded items (including weapons and armor; see below) can still be targeted and affected by spells and effects as though they were worn normally.

At your discretion, you can meld a suit of armor, and/or a magic weapon that you are wearing or wielding while transforming into your new form.  You must be proficient with the object in question to meld it and gain its benefits while transformed.  If you meld a suit of armor, you are still considered to be wearing it, as though it was armor appropriate to your new shape and size.  Magic armor with the Glamered special quality can appear as kitty clothing or even just a collar or part of your existing collar (if you have one).  Shields can be melded, but become completely inert and do not provide any bonuses or magical properties when melded.

If you meld a magical melee weapon, you can apply its magical weapon properties to your kitty form natural weapons.  The properties are shared between the weapon and a single natural weapon of your choice (usually claw or bite); daily uses of weapon special abilities are still counted against the magic weapon.  If you use this option, the affected natural weapon is treated as a manufactured weapon when determining what weapon special abilities it gains and the effects of them (though not for any other purposes, such as iterative attacks), even for the purpose of interacting with other magic items (such as a Necklace of Natural Attacks).  If you are wearing or wielding two weapons when transforming, you can meld them with separate natural attacks (example: meld primary magic weapon with claws and off-hand magic weapon with bite).

While in Kitty Form you may use your Dexterity or your Strength bonus for Climb and Jump Checks, whichever is greater.  Since you do not have hands, certain skill checks (Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Rope) will be all but impossible.  You can only speak as a cat in Kitty Form.  You may not cast spells with Verbal or Somatic components unless you have a Feat allowing you to do so.  If you are killed or knocked unconscious in Kitty Form you revert to humanoid form next round.

At first level you gain the ability to transform into the Base Cat Form.

Base Cat Form: You can assume the form of a Tiny cat, this allows you to pretend to be any species of housecat or the smallest of the feral wildcats. You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Claw Attack (1d2 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d3 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain -2 Str and +2 Dex.  You become Size Class Tiny, giving you a +2 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a +8 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a -8 Size Penalty to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are 3/4 those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 2 1/2 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 0 ft.  Unlike normal Reach 0' creatures, you are considered to be Flanking if you are inside the same space as an opponent, and you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when entering his square.  You still do not receive Attacks of Opportunity for those moving past you as per normal.

At levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 you gain an additional Kitty Forms from the following list, if you meet the prerequisites (all of these forms count as Kitty Form for purposes of Feats, effects, etc.).  Forms that list a specific level as a prerequisite cannot be taken until that level, regardless of whether or not all those levels are in the Cat Burglar class:

Big Cat Form (Prerequisite: Level 4+): You may now become a Small Cat in Kitty Form, mimicking larger housecats such as the Maine Coon, and smaller feral cats such as the Bobcat or Jaguarundi.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Claw Attack (1d3 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d4 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +2 Dex.  You become Size Class Small, giving you a +1 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a +4 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are the same as those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 5 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 5 ft.

Bigger Cat Form (Prerequisite: Level 7+): You may now become a Medium Cat in Kitty Form, mimicking most wild cats such as Cheetahs, Cougars, Lions, etc.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Claw Attack (1d4 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d6 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +4 Str.  You also gain a +1 Natural Armor Bonus.  Your lifting and carrying limits are one and a half times those of a Medium Size PC.

Cat Faced Baboon Form (Prerequisite: Level 4+): You now become a Small Baboon sized creature with a cat's face.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Claw Attack (1d3 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d4 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +2 Str.  You become Size Class Small, giving you a +1 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a +4 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a -4 Size Penalty to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are one half those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 5 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 5 ft..  You may now use Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Rope as normal, but with a -2 circumstance penalty do to misshapen pawlike hands.  You may also swing from tree to tree and move at your full land speed while doing so similar to the Brachiation Feat listed in Complete Adventurer.

Cat Faced Monkey Form: You become a Tiny monkey creature with a catlike face.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Claw Attack (1d2 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d3 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +2 Dex.  You become Size Class Tiny, giving you a +2 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a +8 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a -8 Size Penalty to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are one quarter those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 2 1/2 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 0 ft.  Unlike normal Reach 0 ft. creatures, you are considered to be Flanking if you are inside the same space as an opponent, and you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when entering his square.  You still do not receive Attacks of Opportunity for those moving past you as per normal.  You may now use Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Rope as normal, but with a -2 circumstance penalty do to misshapen pawlike hands.  You may also swing from tree to tree and move at your full land speed while doing so similar to the Brachiation Feat listed in Complete Adventurer.

Cat Faced Yeti Form (Prerequisite: Level 7+): You may now become the dreaded Medium Cat Faced Yeti.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in snow, a Primary Claw Attack (1d4 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d6 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action. Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +2 Str and +2 Dex.  You also gain a +1 Natural Armor Bonus.  You become Size Class Medium, and you occupy a 5 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 5 ft..  Unlike other Kitty Forms, you are humanoid and have hands so have no difficulty using any skills you have, or wielding weapons, and may cast spells normally.

Catfolk Form (Prerequisite: Jibba Jabba Feat, Level 4+): You may now assume the form of one of the Medium Catfolk.  Usually this ability is only found among Cat Burglar guilds near a large Catfolk population (see The Miniatures Handbook or Races of the Wild for the Catfolk).  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, and Scent.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +2 Dex.  You also gain a +1 Natural Armor Bonus, and a +2 Circumstance Bonus on Listen and Move Silently Checks.  Unlike other Kitty Forms you can cast spells normally. You are Size Class Medium, and you occupy a 5 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 5 ft.. Unlike other Kitty Forms, you are humanoid and have hands so have no difficulty using any skills you have, or wielding weapons, and may cast spells normally.

Dire Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Level 10+): You may now become a Large Cat in Kitty Form, mimicking the biggest of feral cats such as Ligers or prehistoric monstrosities.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Claw Attack (1d6 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d8 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +6 Str and +4 Con.  You also gain a +3 Natural Armor Bonus.  You become Size Class Large, giving you a -1 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a -4 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a +4 Size Modifier to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are triple those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 10 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 5 ft.

Housecat Form (Prerequisite: Level 16+): You may now become a Huge Cat in Kitty Form, mimicking giant cats.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a Primary Claw Attack (1d8 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (2d6 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +8 Str and +6 Con.  You also gain a +6 Natural Armor Bonus.  You become Size Class Huge, giving you a -2 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a -8 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a +8 Size Modifier to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are six times those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 15 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 10 ft.  You may remain in Housecat Form for (3 plus Charisma Modifier) rounds.  Once the time limit runs out you must wait one hour before using this form again.

Katgrrl/Katboi Form (Prerequisite: Jibba Jabba Feat, Level 4+): You may now become a Medium Katgrrrl, essentially being a cuter version of your humanoid self with lil kitty ears, eyes, and a tail.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a Primary Claw Attack (1d4 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (1d6 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +2 Dex and +2 Cha.  Unlike other Kitty Forms, you are humanoid and have hands so have no difficulty using any skills you have, or wielding weapons, and may cast spells normally.  You occupy a 5 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 5 ft.

Kitten Form: You may now become a Diminutive Cat in Kitty Form, mimicking kittens.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, a Primary Bite Attack (1d2 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Claw Attack (1 point plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain -2 Str and +4 Dex.  You become Size Class Diminutive, giving you a +4 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a +12 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a -12 Size Penalty to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are half those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 1 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 0 ft.  Unlike normal Reach 0 ft. creatures, you are considered to be Flanking if you are inside the same space as an opponent, and you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when entering his square.  You still do not receive Attacks of Opportunity for those moving past you as per normal.

Pixie kitty Form (Prerequisite: Fey Heritage, Level 7+): You turn into a Fine Size kitten with little deely-bobber antennae.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Hide Checks in tall grass or heavy undergrowth, and a Primary Bite Attack (1 point plus Str Modifier).  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain -4 Str, +4 Dex, and +4 Cha.  You become Size Class Fine, giving you a +8 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a +16 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a -16 Size Penalty to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are 1/4 those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 1/2 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 0 ft.  Unlike normal Reach 0 ft. creatures, you are considered to be Flanking if you are inside the same space as an opponent, and you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when entering his square.  You still do not receive Attacks of Opportunity for those moving past you as per normal.

Warcat Form (Prerequisite: Level 19+): You may now become a Gargantuan Cat in Kitty Form, mimicking giant cats.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, a Primary Claw Attack (2d6 plus Str Modifier), and a Secondary Bite Attack (2d8 plus 1/2 Str Modifier).  You get 1 Bite and 2 Claw attacks with a Full Attack Action.  Your stats are modified as follows: you gain +10 Str and +8 Con.  You also gain a +9 Natural Armor Bonus.  You become Size Class Huge, giving you a -4 Size Modifier to AC and Attack rolls, a -12 Size Modifier to Hide Checks, and a +12 Size Modifier to Bull Rush/Grapple/Overrun/Trip Checks.  Your lifting and carrying limits are 12 times those of a Medium Size PC, you occupy a 20 ft. Space, and your effective Reach is 15 ft.  You may remain in Warcat Form for (3 plus Charisma Modifier) rounds.  Once the time limit runs out you must wait one hour before using this form again.

Feline Empathy (Ex):  At 1st level Cat Burglars gain the Wild Empathy ability.  This is identical to the Druid ability of the same name, except it may only be used on felines, does not take a -4 penalty if used on Felines who are Magical Beasts, and you have a +4 Circumstance Bonus to the check.  Felines is defined as anything that is obviously a cat (magical cats), creatures that are part cat (Lamia, Sphinxes, etc.) or that resemble cats (Displacer Beasts).

Cat Powah (Su): At 1st level the Cat Burglar gets his first taste of Kitty Magic in the form of an untyped Bonus equal to his Charisma Modifier.  Once per day for an entire encounter he can apply this Bonus to one of the following: Checks with a specific Charisma or Dexterity based Skill, one specific Opposed Combat Check (Grapples, Trips, etc.), a bonus to his Armor Class that lasts until the beginning of his next turn, or as a bonus to either Attack or Damage rolls made with his Natural Weapons in Kitty Form that lasts until the beginning of his next turn.

Kitty Magic (Su):  Kitty Magic represents the Cat Burglars innate mystical powers, usually ones based on the cats abilities in life, folklore, and rumor.  The Cat Burglar can choose one ability from the following list at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 if they meet the prerequisites.  These are considered Spell-Like Abilities unless it says otherwise:

A Cat Always Lands on His Feet: You may cast Feather Fall at Will.

A Cats Ego (Su) (Prerequisite: level 5): You do not take Size Penalties to opposed combat checks (Bull Rush, Grapple, etc) while in Kitty Form.

A Cats Prowess (Su): You may substitute your Dex Modifier in place of your Str Modifier for the following rolls: Str based Skill Checks, Attack and Damage rolls when using Natural Weapons, and Opposed Combat Checks (Trip, Overrun, Grapple, et al.).

Bouncies: You may cast Jump 3/day.

Cat Gravity (Prerequisites: Level 5): You may cast Cat Gravity 3/day (see Kitty Magic).

Eat My Dander (Su): 3/day as a Supernatural ability while in Kitty Form you may release a 10 ft. cloud of cat dander centered on your square. All non feline entities in this area must make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus half your hit dice plus your Constitution modifier) or be Sickened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

HAHAHAHA!! (Su)(Prerequisite: Eat My Dander): Your Dander may be used in place of doing damage in a grapple check. The opponent you are grappling is Nauseated if he fails his Save, instead of Sickened. All others in the area are Sickened as normal.  This counts as 1 daily use of your Eat My Dander ability.

Hep Meeee! (Prerequisite: Level 5, Cha 15): You may cast Summon Cat Swarm I 3/day (see Kitty Magic).

Hep Meee! II: The Sequel (Prerequisite: Level 11): You may cast Summon Feline VI 3/day (see Kitty Magic). 

Hey! Hey Over Here!!: You may cast Hypnotism 3/day by indulging in the normal catlike tomfoolery of chasing dingle balls, or being silly.

Hissing Fury: You may cast Cause Fear 3/day. 

Innocence (Su): You gain Spell Resistance equal to your Character Level +11. This spell resistance only applies to spells attempting to detect your alignment or whether you are a shapechanger and Detect Magic or similar spells/abilities. If the spell can’t get through your spell resistance you show up as Neutral and non-magical.  This protection extends to any items you are wearing or that are in your possession.

I Must Shred This Couch (Prerequisites: I Must Shred This Paper): You may cast Greater Magic Fang 3/day.

I Must Shred This Hyoomin (Prerequisites: I Must Shred This Couch, Level 11): You may cast Superior Magic Fang 3/day (see Draconomicon).

I Must Shred This Paper: You may cast Magic Fang 3/day.

I Wuv U: You may cast Charm Person 3/day.

Kitty Wuvs Dwagon (Prerequisite: Level 8): You may cast Charm Monster 3/day.

Let Sleeping Kitties Lie (Su)(Prerequisite: Level 5): While asleep you are under the effects of a Sanctuary spell (Save DC is 10 plus 1/2 Hit Dice plus Cha mod).

Lick Your Wounds (Prerequisite: Level 5): You may cast Cure Moderate Wounds or Remove Disease 3/day.  Note you get 3 uses of this ability and can mix and match between the 2 effects, you don't get to use both of them 3 times a day.

Missed Me! (Su) (Prerequisite: Level 5): You gain a Bonus to Armor Class equal to your Charisma Modifier.  The type of Bonus depends on what Kitty Form you are using.  It's a Sacred Bonus for Angel Kitties, and a Profane Bonus for Debbil Kitties and Black Cats.  Katgrrl's, Pink Panthers and Pixie Kitties get a Luck Bonus.  Catfolk, Cabbits, Non-Euclidean Kitties, and Dragon Kitties get an Insight Bonus.  Cat Faced Yetis increase their Natural AC Bonus.  Cheshire Cats, Ghost Kitties and Thundercats get a Deflection Bonus.  All other Kitty Forms get a Dodge Bonus.

Mommie's Little Heating Pad (Su) (Prerequisite: Foofy Kitty Form): Anyone within 10 ft. of you while you're in Foofy Kitty Form gains the benefits of Foofy Kitty Form (i.e. the Endure Elements spell and Cold Resistance).

Paw at the Door: You may cast Open/Close and Instant Locksmith 3/day (see Complete Adventurer).  Note you get 3 uses of this ability and can mix and match between the 2 effects, you don't get to use both of them 3 times a day.

Purrsnuggles (Prerequisite: 11th level): You may cast Heal 3/day.

Pwease (Prerequisite: Level 5): You may cast Entice Gift (see Spell Compendium) 3/day.

Pwetty Pwease Wif Sugar on Top (Prerequisite: Pwease): When using your Pwease ability, your opponent no longer immediately snaps out of it after handing you whatever object is in your hand.  Instead he gets another Willpower Save each round (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Charisma Modifier, with a cumulative -1 each round for each failed Save) to realize what he has done while you are scampering away.  Many Cat Burglars use this as a way of getting free food.

Schrodingers Kitty (Prerequisite: Level 8): You may cast Dimension Door 3/day.

Spookity Glowing Eyes of Dooom (Prerequisite: Level 5): You may cast Scare 3/day.

Spookitty Pounce (Su) (Prerequisites: Bouncies, Hey! Hey Over Here!!, and one of the following: Hissing Fury, or Spookity Glowing Eyes of Dooom):  When you perform a charge attack or Grapple Check in Kitty Form your opponent must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Charisma Modifier) of be Frightened for 1d4 rounds.
(Original concept by Dilvish of the BG boards)

Stubborn Kitty (Su) (Prerequisite: Innocence): Your Spell Resistance now extends to Charms and Compulsions.

Super Scamper Powers: You may cast Expeditious Retreat 3/day.

Super Stubborn Kitty (Su) (Prerequisites: Stubborn Kitty): Your Spell Resistance now extends to Polymorph and similar spells that would involuntarily change your form.

Swift Paws (Su): If your opponent is flat footed, and you are in Kitty Form, you may reroll a failed attack roll a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You must accept the results of the second roll.

The Power of Cute (Su):  As a Standard Action you may make a Perform (Kitty) check to Daze all opponents within 10 ft. for 1 round if they fail a Willpower Save (DC is equal to your Perform check).

They Were Mean to Me Daddy! ( (Prerequisite: Level 17): You may cast Summon Feline IX 1/day (see Kitty Magic).

You Are My New Best Friend (Su) (Prerequisite: Eat My Dander): By spending a full round action, you may discern which of the creatures in your field of vision has the lowest total Fortitude Save (and is thus most vulnerable to your dander attack). You don't know what his Save is, just that he has the lowest.

YOU MUST PET TEH KITTEH! (Prerequisite: I Wuv U, Level 8): You may cast Suggestion 3/day.

Burglaring (Ex): Burglaring represents the Cat Burglars more mundane abilities, learned in his career as a thief, con man, or all around scoundrel.  They can choose one ability from the following list at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 if they meet the prerequisites:

Always Underfoot (Prerequisites: Improved Trip): People are so used to you being underfoot that you can trip them and make it look accidental, while looking at them and meowing innocently.  Make a touch attack to trip an opponent of a Size Class 1-3 Size Categories larger than yourself.  If the touch attack is successful you immediately get a Trip Attack against your opponent using your Dex Modifier instead of your Strength Modifier (with a +4 Circumstance Bonus).  Unless your Opponent can Make an Opposed Sense Motive versus your Bluff Check, he assumes this wasn't on purpose (unless you do it more than once per encounter).

Deep Hurting (Prerequisite: Sneak Attack): Whenever you successfully use Sneak Attack on an opponent they lose x additional points of damage per round, where x is equal to the number of Sneak Attack Dice you have. This bleeding damage lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Dex modifier, and is stackable (this option can me taken multiple times).  For example, if you have 5 Sneak Attack Dice, you do +5 damage.  If you take this twice you'd  do +10 damage.

Defensive Roll (Prerequisite: Level 12+): The Cat Burglar can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the Cat Burglar can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the Cat Burglar must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue’s evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Disruptive Attack (Prerequisite: +2d6 Sneak Attack):  Whenever you successfully hit an Opponent, and would be entitled to Sneak Attack damage, you can choose to forego 2d6 Sneak Attack damage to give him a -5 Penalty to AC until the end of your next turn.  Multiple hits do not stack, and this ability may be used on Creatures normally immune to Sneak Attack such as Undead.

Evasion: A Cat Burglar can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Cat Burglar is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Cat Burglar does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Feign Death (Prerequisite: Level 12+): As an immediate action, you can enter a catatonic state in which you appear to be dead. While feigning death, you cannot see or feel anything, but you retain the ability to smell, hear, and otherwise follow what is going on around you.  While under the effect of this ability, you are immune to all mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, ability drain, negative levels, and death effects. Attempts to resuscitate you, such as raise dead or reincarnation, automatically fail, though resurrection and true resurrection immediately end your feign death ability.  Spells and other effects that assess your current condition, such as status and deathwatch, indicate that you are dead.  However, a character who succeeds on a Heal check (DC 15 + 1/2 your level + your Con modifier) can discern that you are actually alive.  You can remain in the catatonic state indefinitely, though you still require food, water, and air. Emerging from feigned death is a standard action.

Improved Evasion (Prerequisite: Evasion): This ability works like evasion, except that while the Cat Burglar still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Cat Burglar does not gain the benefit of Improved Evasion.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Prerequisite: Uncanny Dodge): You can no longer be flanked.

This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more Rogue/Cat Burglar levels than the target does.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum Rogue/Cat Burglar level required to flank the character.

Knock Off Balance: If your Movement provokes an Attack of Opportunity from an Opponent, and he misses with the attack, he is considered to be Flat-Footed until the beginning of your next turn.

Opportunist (Prerequisite: Level 12+): Once per round, the Cat Burglar can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the Cat Burglar’s attack of opportunity for that round. Even a Cat Burglar with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Rawr! (Prerequisite: Sneak Attack): Whenever you successfully hit an opponent with a Charge Attack, you get your Sneak Attack damage.  The Sneak Attack only applies to the first attack made in the charge if you are allowed to make more than one.

Roof Runner: A roof runner becomes entirely adept at moving across the tops of buildings, spires, and similar locations. Provided she is wearing light or no armor, the roof runner can move at full speed while traveling across the tops of buildings or similar structures, and takes no penalties on any Dexterity-based Skill checks or Reflex saves that might be incurred from moving about on a roof.

Sharpened Claws (Prerequisite: Sneak Attack): When rolling damage dice, you may re-roll any results of '1', but must keep the results of the new roll.  This includes Sneak Attack dice.

Skill Bonus: You gain a +4 Competence Bonus to any one skill you possess ranks in.  This may be taken multiple times, but only once for each skill.

Skill Mastery (Prerequisite: Level 12+): Upon gaining this ability, she selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. A rogue may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.

Slippery Mind (Prerequisite: Level 12+): This ability represents the Cat Burglar’s ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a Cat Burglar with Slippery Mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Slow Fall: A Cat Burglar can slow her descent. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is.  It may be taken multiple times, and the distance you may subtract from falls increases by 20 ft each time.

Sneak Attack:  If a Cat Burglar can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The Cat Burglar’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Cat Burglar flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6, and it increases by 1d6 every time this ability is taken. Should the Cat Burglar score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a Cat Burglar can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A Cat Burglar can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Cat Burglar must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Cat Burglar cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Sneaky Paws (Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 6 ranks): You may substitute a Sleight of Hand Check for an Opposed Combat Check.

Swat (Prerequisite: Sneak Attack): If you successfully perform a Sneak Attack, your victim cannot make Attacks of Opportunity until the beginning of your next turn.

Trapfinding:  Cat Burglars can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.

Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Cat Burglars can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A Cat Burglar who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Uncanny Dodge: A Cat Burglar can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

If a Cat Burglar already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Enhanced Kitty Form (Su): At levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 the Cat Burglar gets to choose an Enhancement to his Kitty Form from the list below (optionally they may take a Bonus Feat if they wish).  These Enhancements can be used in any version of Kitty Form unless otherwise noted, and their benefits stack with the abilities gained from your various Kitty Forms (You may use more than one Enhanced Kitty Form at a time, but see restrictions below.):

Angel Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Celestial Heritage Feat from Planar Handbook): You gain a lil' halo in Kitty Form.  3 times per day any spell you cast in Angel Kitty Form that has the Good Descriptor is considered to have been cast with the Empowered Spell Feat.  This does not increase the spell level or it's casting time.  You may not use Angel Kitty Form along with Black Cat Form, Debbil Kitty Form, or Non-Euclidean Kitty Form.

Bipedal Kitty Form: If you are Large or Bigger in Kitty Form you become tall instead of long (i.e. you gain increased Reach).  There are also benefits for combining this with Polydactyl Form (see below).  You also gain a +2 Circumstance on Perform (Dance) Checks.

Black Cat Form (Prerequisite: Spell Focus: Necromancy): You are a very, very black cat.  All spells you cast with the word 'Curse' in the title are cast at +2 caster level. You may not use Black Cat Form with Angel Kitty Form.

Cabbit Form (Prerequisite: Level 6): Your enhanced ears give you Cabbit radar.  You effectively have Blindsight in a 30 ft. radius as long as you aren't deafened.

Cheshire Cat Form (Prerequisite: Level 6): You may cast Invisibility 3/day as a Supernatural ability.  Unlike normal this is cast as a Swift or Immediate Action and can only be used on yourself.

Cute Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Kitten Form, and either Diplomacy 6 ranks or Spell Focus: Enchantment):  All spells you cast with the Charm or Compulsion descriptor are at +1 caster level.  If you cannot cast spells, you gain a Competence Bonus on Diplomacy Checks equal to half your Cat Burglar level (this is a supernatural ability). You may not use Cute Kitty Form in combination with Ghost Cat, Hairless Kitty, Mean, or Non-Euclidean Forms.

Debbil Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Fiendish Heritage Feat from Complete Mage): You gain teensy horns in Kitty Form.  3 times per day any spell you cast in Debbil Kitty Form that has the Evil Descriptor is considered to have been cast with the Empowered Spell Feat.  This does not increase the spell level or it's casting time.  You may not use Debbil Kitty Form with Angel Kitty Form.

Dragon Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Draconic Heritage from Complete Arcane or Dragon Magic): You are immune to Fear and Morale penalty effects while in Kitty Form.

Exotic Cat Form (Prerequisite: Level 9+): You turn into rare and exotic (possibly extinct) big cats, such as spotted lions, or blue/black tigers, or albino jaguars.  While in a Kitty Form you permanently have the benefits of a Sanctuary spell unless you attack someone.  They're more intent on capturing you as a rare animal to show off in their zoo than killing you.  You can still be attacked by non lethal attacks such as Nets that are meant to capture you.  This Ability does not work against opponents who are Mindless, or with an Int of less than 3.

Foofy Kitty Form: You are immune to exposure to the elements as if you permanently had the benefit of an Endure Elements spell on you.  This only works on exposure to cold though, not heat.  You may not use Foofy Kitty and Hairless Kitty at the same time.  You also gain Cold Resistance 5.

Ghost Cat Form (Prerequisite: Necromantic Presence from Libris Mortis, Level 6): You appear as a ghostly cat wreathed in illusionary flames.  Any opponent you successfully strike in Kitty Form (even if it's just a touch attack) must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus half HD plus Charisma Modifier) or be Shaken for the duration of the encounter.  Opponents who Save successfully are immune to your Ghost Cat Form for 24 hours.  You may not combine Ghost Cat and Cute Kitty Forms.

Hairless Kitty Form: You are immune to exposure to the elements as if you permanently had the benefit of an Endure Elements spell on you.  This only works on exposure to heat though, not cold.  You may not use Foofy Kitty and Hairless Kitty at the same time.  You also gain Fire Resistance 5.

Lynx Paws (Based on a Feat originally made by Chemus):  While in Kitty Form you take no movement penalties and have no risk of falling in snow or ice, even if it's magically created.  You also gain the benefits of a Spiderclimb spell.

Mean Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Spell Focus:Necromancy or Intimidate 6 ranks): All spells you cast with the Fear descriptor are at +1 Caster level.  If you cannot cast spells, you gain a Competence Bonus on Intimidate Checks equal to half your Cat Burglar level (this is a supernatural ability).  You may not combine Mean Kitty and Cute Kitty Forms.

Non-Euclidean Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Aberration Blood Feat from Lords of Madness, Level 6): You gain the benefits of the Avoid Planar Effects spell (see Spell Compendium) in Kitty Form.  You may not use Non-Euclidean Kitty Form with Angel Kitty or Cute Kitty Forms.  Ranged Attacks also suffer a 20% miss chance against you.

Pink Panther Form (Prerequisite: Bigger Cat Form): While in a Kitty Form that is Medium Size Class or Bigger you are constantly followed by your own Jazz soundtrack.  Hide and Move Silently checks become impossible for you, but any spells with the Sonic descriptor or cast by a Bard within 30 ft. of you require an Opposed Level Check to function.  If they fail they dissipate harmlessly.

Polydactyl Kitty Form:  You now has thumbs in Kitty Form.  Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Rope Checks only take a -4 Penalty instead of being impossible.  If you also have Bipedal Form you take no Penalty at all.  You may hold weapons, but take a -2 Penalty on Attack rolls with them unless you also have Bipedal Form.  If you also have Bipedal Form you may cast spells with Somatic components (but still can't cast ones with Verbal components).

Sabre-Toothed Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Bigger Cat Form, Improved Natural Attack: Bite): While in a Kitty Form that is Medium Size Class or Bigger, your Bite threatens a critical on a 19-20, and does x3 damage on a successful critical.

Seacat Form: While in Kitty Form you may instead become a Seacat, with the back half of your body being a fishes tail.  You gain a Swim speed equal to your Land speed.  You gain a +8 Racial Bonus to Swim Checks, and may always Take 10 on a Swim Check.  You may use the Run Action while swimming in a straight line.  You gain the Aquatic Subtype, and are Amphibious as well.

Strong Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Level 6): While in Kitty Form you get a +x Bonus to Damage rolls, where x is equal to the number of Size Classes larger OR smaller than you your opponent is.  In other words if you are Medium and your opponent is Small or Large you get a +1 Bonus to Damage rolls.  If he's Tiny or Huge you get a +2 etc.

Swift Kitty Form: You gain a +5 ft. increase per 5 Levels to all Movement modes in Kitty Form.

Thundercat Form (Prerequisite: Level 6+): All your attacks in Kitty Form do +1d6 electrical damage, and you gain Energy Resistance 15 (Electricity).  You may also do 1d6 electricity damage with a touch attack.

Watchcat Form: While in Kitty Form you gain Dark Vision 60 ft.

Winged Kitty Form (Prerequisite: Level 6): While in Kitty Form you gain wings, and have a Fly Speed equal to your Land Speed with Average maneuverability.

Scamper Bonus (Ex): At 6th level on any round in which you do nothing but move, you may double your base movement rate.

Sneaky Kitty (Su): At 12th level you permanently gain the benefits of the Pass Without Trace spell.

True Kitty:  At 20th level you become one with your inner cat, and now qualify as a cat for purposes of any spell/power/effect that would be beneficial to cats temporarily (this includes spells specific to animals such as Animal Growth, because Cats are Animals).  For purposes of effects that would be detrimental to Cats/Animals, you are still of your original race.  If knocked unconscious you no longer revert to your original form if you are in Kitty Form.  You also gain the Shapechanger Subtype.

 You are based on stealth and guile.  The entire goal is to learn to play a cat so well no one can tell the difference, not even a Druid.  Or other cats.  If the other players get captured you can likely escape because no one will be paying attention to you unless they know what you can do. You can feel free to go for help or sneak in, get the keys, and unlock their cell. You can even get yourself adopted by their enemies as a pet and learn their plans.  When the evil Blaufeld rip off your DM is using appears stroking his pet cat, you might BE that cat.  And weird old ladies will give you free munchies and cuddle you.  Lets not forget the weird old ladies y'all.
 Religion: Cat Burglars are partial to feline deities, or to gods protecting thieves.  Many worship the Fluffy Pantheon aka the Kitteh Gawds.
 Other Classes: Cat Burglars prefer to band together with others of like mind such as the non lawful classes.  Monks, Paladins, most Clerics, Knights, and others that take themselves quite seriously do not get along with the Cat Burglars.  Either because they don’t like their aloof and capricious nature, or because of the Guilds long association with illegal activities in the past (and present)...
 Combat:  You’re a snuggler, not a fighter.  Let other classes worry about combat.  There are options for fighting if you wish to pursue them, but you will never be a frontline combat expert unless you take a Prestige Class devoted to making you such.
Advancement: Cat Burglars are infamous for multiclassing on a whim.  Usually because they wish to emphasize some ability cats are supposed to have (such as black cats ability to cause bad luck).  Most Prestige Classes they take will be specific to their class.

”Kitties done stole mah cheese!”
 Cat Burglars are not well liked.  They tend to foil a lot of schemes.  They tend to scheme a lot themselves too.  But telling them apart from your regular beloved pet kitty is kinda difficult.  Some actually enjoy being a cat more than a person, and spend much of their life in Kitty Form.  After all, they get free food and board, and don’t have to do any work (except possibly mousing). On the downside sometimes owners want them fixed or declawed, and then you have to bribe somebody...
 Daily Life:  If you’re a younger guild member you probably become an alley cat, and keep lookout on headquarters, or roam the streets trying to overhear info (and beg for free munchies).  Or you may be a little kitten in the rich neighborhoods looking to be adopted.  Or you’ve already been adopted, and are living the high life while probing the houses defenses.  Or maybe your there to spy on the occupants instead of casing the joint.
Notables: Notables among the Cat Burglars include the infamous Pinky (Cat Burglar 3/Barbarian 3/Son of Pinky 10).  A Chaotic Neutral human, Pinky became so infamous that modern Cat Burglars who follow his path are called the Sons of Pinky (it is one of the few combat PrC’s designed for this class). Pinky was a dedicated warrior who ‘took care’ of any threats to his guild who were his adopted family ( ).  He was also infamous as an entrepreneur, starting the first known Trained Attack Sheep dealership. The other is Mommy’s Little Angel (Cat Burglar 5/Sorcerer 5/Good Kitty 6) who pioneered many of the techniques used to charm and persuade others.  Her species is unknown, and it is believed she was Chaotic Good. An expert on mind control, she was the favored pet of the brutal dictator who oversaw her home city-state, and oversaw the revolution that toppled him from power ( ).
 Organizations: Most Thief’s Guilds (or for that matter any organization devoted to fighting or committing crime) have at least a few Cat Burglars if they can afford them.  Most are regional, as the art has spread around the world, and Cat Burglars are as aloof and fey as the animals they portray.  Many Guilds are composed almost entirely of Cat Burglars.

NPC Reaction
Most NPC’s will immediately be somewhat superstitious if they have any idea what you are.  In some countries you can still be burned at the stake for being a practicing witch.  In others you will immediately be assumed to be a spy or thief.  It’s best you adopt a traveling disguise (“I’m an out of work actor”, "I'm a woodsman", I'm a professional pig strangler", etc).

 Cat Burglars will likely supersede Rogues as the most adaptable class.  Their somewhat magical abilities make them different enough that the two should be able to co-exist though.  Rogues are usually better stabbers if it's any consolation to them.
 Adaptation: This is … a difficult class to adapt to a campaign.  It’s meant purely for humorous campaigns, and as such will not fit in elsewhere.  Except possibly a super spy, James Bondish type deal, where everyone’s uncertain what’s really going on till the end, and anyone can be a double agent.  Prestige classes can make it suitable for other campaigns though.
 Encounters: Most of the time NPC encounters with Cat Burglars will go unnoticed, as the PC’s will simply think they are feral cats or house pets.  Or they might occasionally fall victim to theft or manipulation by them.  If the Cat Burglars do it right the PC’s may never even realize they were there.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 03:21:58 PM by bhu »

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 04:21:57 PM »
Epic Cat Burglar

You are among the worlds most famous cats.  Shrines are devoted to your magnificence.  Well in your mind maybe..

Hit Die: d6

Skill Points at each Additional level: 8 + Int modifier

Enhanced Kitty Form: The Epic Cat Burglar gets a new Enhanced Kitty Form ability beginning at level 21 (and every 3 levels thereafter), and may now choose from the Epic Kitty Forms listed below.

Kitty Magic: The Epic Cat Burglar gets a new Kitty Magic ability beginning at level 22 (and every 3 levels thereafter), and may now choose from the Epic Kitty Magic listed below.

Burglaring: The Epic Cat Burglar gets a new Burglaring ability beginning at level 23 (and every 3 levels thereafter), and may now choose from the Epic Burglaring abilities listed below.

Bonus Feats: The Epic Cat Burglar gains a Bonus Feat every 5 levels higher than 20th

Epic Enhanced Kitty Forms

Cutest...Kitteh...Evar Form: (Prerequisites: Cute Kitty Form)  While in Kitty Form you may Fascinate all Opponents within 30 ft. as a Move Equivalent Action at will unless they make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 Hit Dice plus Charisma Modifier).  If they fail the Save they are Fascinated so long as you continue to make a Move Equivalent Action each round to maintain the effect.  Basically as long as the bitty kitty plays with the dingle ball they will watch.  You may not use Cutest...Kitteh...Evar Form in combination with Ghost Cat, Grumpy Cat, Hairless Kitty, Mean Kitty, Non-Euclidean. or Sphynx Forms.

Epic Kitty Form: (Prerequisite: True Kitty) You gain +6 Charisma while in Kitty Form.

Epic Sabre-Toof: (Prerequisites: Sabre Toothed Kitty Form) If you successfully critical with a Bite attack while in Kitty Form, your opponent must make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Str Modifier) or die.

Floaty Kitty: Prerequisites: Winged Kitty Form) While in Kitty Form you have a Flight Speed equal to one and a half times your Land Speed with Perfect Maneuverability.

Fwuffy Dwagon: (Prerequisites: Dragon Kitty Form) You gain DR 20/Epic while in Kitty Form.

Grumpy Cat: (Mean Kitty Form) While in Kitty Form you gain Frightful Presence.  Whenever you make an Attack while in Kitty Form any Opponent within 30' who has less Hit Dice than you must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 Hit Dice plus Charisma Modifier) or be Frightened for 2d4 rounds.  You may not combine Grumpy Cat with Cute Kitty Form or Cutest...Kitteh...Evar Form.

Persian: (Prerequisite: Foofy Kitty Form) You gain the Cold Subtype.  In addition you take no penalties while in falling snow or blizzards (See DMG or Frostburn) and are immune to non lethal damage cause by them.  You may not use Persian with Hairless Kitty Form or Sphynx.

Pitty Kitty Form: (Prerequisite: Debbil Kitty Form) Twice per day a while in Kitty Form you can automatically summon 2 Lemures, Bone Devils, or Bearded Devils, or 1 Erinyes, Horned Devil, or Ice Devil. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell. You may not use Pitty Kitty Form with Angel Kitty Form or Solar Kitty Form.

Solar Kitty Form: (Prerequisite: Angel Kitty Form)  While in Kitty Form you gain a +4 Sacred Bonus to all Saving Throws.  You may not use Solar Kitty Form along with Black Cat Form, Debbil Kitty Form, Non-Euclidean Kitty Form, Pitty Kitty Form, Wicked Kitty Form.

Sphynx: (Prerequisite: Hairless Kitty Form) You gain the Fire Subtype.  In addition you take no penalties while in Sandstorms (See DMG or Sandstorm) and are immune to non lethal damage cause by them.  You may not use Sphynx with Foofy Kitty Form or Persian.

Wicked Kitty Form: (Prerequisite: Black Cat Form): While in Kitty Form you may cast any spell with the word 'Curse' in the title, and your opponent receives no Saving Throw.  You must announce you are using this ability as you cast the spell, and may use it 3/day.  Wicked Kitty Form cannot be used with Angel Kitty Form or Solar Kitty Form.

Epic Kitty Magic

Asmodeus Was Mah Daddy!:  You may cast Unholy Aura 3/day.

Basement Cat's Gentle Reminder of Debt: You may cast Energy Drain 3/day.

Break the Rules: You may cast Invoke Magic 3/day (see Lords of Madness).

Epic Scamper Powers: You may cast Freedom 3/day.

Ghosty Kitteh: You may cast Ghostform 5/day (see Complete Arcane).

Glazed Stare Into Nothingness: You may cast Foresight 3/day.

I SAID These Are Not The Kitties You Are Looking For: You may cast Programmed Amnesia 3/day (see Complete Arcane).

Mawm's Watchful Gaze: You may cast End to Strife 3/day (see Book of Exalted Deeds).

Patron Deity of the Internet: You may cast Holy Aura 3/day.

Poopin' In Someone's Slippers: You may cast Unbinding 3/day (See Spell Compendium).

Epic Burglaring

Defensive Flinch: (Prerequisites: Defensive Roll) When using your Defensive Roll Ability you now take no damage with a successful Reflex Save.  You are no longer limited in your use of Defensive Roll.

Epic Skill Mastery: (Prerequisites: Skill Mastery) You may now Take 20 with the skills you chose via Skill Mastery.

Improved Sneak Attack: (Prerequisites: Sneak Attack) Any time you successfully do damage with a Sneak Attack your Opponent must make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Dex Modifier) or be Stunned 1d4 rounds.

Infamous Opportunist: (Prerequisites: Opportunist, Sneak Attack) You now get your Sneak Attack Dice with successful Attacks of Opportunity (with an additional +2d6 Sneak Attack dice). 

Lucky Bastard (Su) (Prerequisites: Improved Evasion) You now gain the benefits of Evasion while Helpless or sleeping.

Schrodinger's Trip (Su):  As a Swift Action make a touch attack to trip an opponent of any Size Class within 60 ft.  If the touch attack is successful you immediately get a Trip Attack against your opponent using your Cha Modifier instead of your Strength Modifier (with a +4 Circumstance Bonus).  Your opponent does not get his Size Bonus to oppose this Check, and may not attempt to Trip you back if your attempt fails (nor do you provoke an Attack of Opportunity). 
« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 03:27:01 PM by bhu »

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2011, 04:22:17 PM »

Additional Vocation
You are well educated for a kitty tinker.
 Prerequisites: Vocation, Level 6
 Benefits: This Feat may be taken multiple times, choose an additional Vocation each time.

Advanced Kitteh Magic
You may learn one of the hidden arts of the cat.
Prerequisites: Kitty Magic class ability (Humanoid Magic if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Level 6
Benefits: You may choose one spell from the Kitty Magic list here.  It must be a spell a Sorcerer the same Level as the number of Levels you have in Cat Burglar could take.  In other words if you're a 5th Level Cat Burglar you could choose a spell of any Level that a 5th Level Sorcerer could choose.  You may now cast that spell once per day as a Spell-Like Ability.

Advanced Softee Paw Kung Fu
You may now refer to all lesser mortals you meet by the term 'grasshopper'.
Prerequisites: Softee Paw Kung Fu
Benefits:  Your Chaos Monk and Cat Burglar levels stack for purposes of determining what abilities you get with Chaos Strike.

Alchemical Dabbler
You have dabbled in Alchemy despite not being a spellcaster.
Prerequisites: Must have a Spell-Like or Supernatural ability as a Racial or Class feature., or have 4 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana)
Benefits: You can create items via Craft (Alchemy) despite not being a spellcaster.  You also gain a +2 Bonus on Craft (Alchemy) Checks.

Alley Cat
Your brother Rogues have taught you where to bite so it hurts the most…….
Prerequisites: Trap Sense, Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Rogue and Cat Burglar levels stack for purposes of determining how many Burglaring abilities you get. Your Rogue and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining your Sneak Attack dice.

Allergy Curse
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Hexblade's Curse, any 2 Curse Feats
 Benefits: Instead of the usual effect, if your Hexblade's Curse is successful your victim is now permanently and violently allergic to cats.  They must make a DC 15 Fortitude Save whenever a feline (or a Cat Burglar in Kitty Form) is within 60' or be Nauseated as long as they are present and for 1d6 rounds after they leave.  Remove Curse will dispel this effect.  Once you get Greater Hexblade's Curse the Save DC is 17 (19 once you get Dire Hexblade's Curse).

Anger Management Issues
You have emotional problems
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: You gain a +2 Bonus to the Save DC on all Spells or Abilities with the Fear descriptor (or that cause a Fear effect), and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Anonymous Kitty
You spend much time perfecting the forms of the Kitty.
Prerequisites: Kitty Magic, 6th level
Benefits: You can choose this feat multiple times.  Each time you choose it you gain an additional Kitty Form or Enhanced Kitty Form.

Bad Cattitude
"Of course his efforts have failed. He's a Paladin, I'm a kitty. It was foreordained. "
Prerequisites: Cat Burglar Level 12, Cattitude
Benefits: You may reroll a Saving Throw a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier instead of just once. You only get one reroll attempt per save.

Beast Breath
Prerequisites: Level 6 Goatsquatch, Cha 15+
Benefits: You gain a Breath Weapon you may use in Humanoid Form, but only in Beast/Big Beast/Bigger Beast/Kaiju Beast Forms.  Choose either a 60 ft. line or a 30 ft. Cone, and it does either Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Force or Sonic damage when taking this Feat (this may not be changed later).  Damage is 1d6 per Goatsquatch Level.  This is a Supernatural Ability, and can be used every 1d4 rounds.

Big Cat on the Block
"You talkin' to me??"
 Prerequisites:  Any Kitty Form (or Humanoid Form if using the Mows Alternate Class Features) that is Size Category Large or bigger Str 15+ (before modifiers for Kitty Form are taken into account).
 Benefits: You do not take Size penalties to AC or attack rolls in any Kitty/Humanoid Form that is Size Category Large or bigger.

Big Paw
You are adept at smooshing those smaller than you.
 Prerequisites: Big Cat on the Block
 Benefits: While in any Kitty/Humanoid Form that is Size Category Large or bigger you gain a damage Bonus equal to half your Cat Burglar Level against any opponents at least 2 Size Categories smaller than yourself.

Bitty Kitty Magic
You have studied little tricks cats know.
 Prerequisites: Forever Kitty
 Benefits: You may add all the 0 Levels spells on the Kitty Magic list to your spell list.

Black Cat
You have studied hard to gain the Black Cat’s mythical ability of bad Luck.
Prerequisites: Hexblade’s Curse, Kitty Form (Humanoid Form if using the Mows Alternate Class Features).
Benefits: Your Hexblade and Cat Burglar levels stack for purposes of determining how many Enhanced Kitty (or Humanoid) Form abilities you get. Your Hexblade and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining the Save DC of your Hexblade’s Curse ability and the number of times per day it may be used.

Both Barrels
"Hurts don't it monkey boy?"
Prerequisites:Eldritch Blast, Oh hi...I upgraded MAH LAZOR!!
Benefit: When using you Eldritch Blast you fire two Blasts at once.  Both Blasts must be aimed at the same target however, and each Blast does damage as if you were a Warlock 3 levels lower.  When using your IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZOR! ability, the extra dice applies to both Blasts, as do any Eldritch Essence or Blast Shape Invocations.

Brood Rabbit (Vile)
You can spawn Evil Bunnehs!
Prerequisites: Evil Brand, I Am All That Is Bunneh!
Benefits: As a full round Action you can squat and 'summon' a litter of Devil Bunnies.  This is effectively Summon Monster VIII, but you summon 2d3 Devil Bunnies (i.e. Fiendish Dire Lions).  This can be used once per day as a Spell-Like Ability.

Bull Bonobo
You am quite tough.
 Prerequisites: Con 13+, Kitty Form (Cat Faced Gorilla)
 Benefits: Your Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases in Kitty Form by an amount equal to the Dexterity you lose.  For example in Cat Faced Gorilla form you take -2 Dex, your Natural Armor Bonus to AC would increase by +2.

Mommy why does the bunny have fangs?
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Sabre Toothed Kitty), I Am All That Is Bunneh!, Kitty Magic (I Wuv U)
Benefits: Opponents you successfully bite in Bunny (Kitty) Form take a -6 Penalty to all Mind-Affecting Effects for 24 hours.  Any Mind-Affecting Effect that you can use via spells or other Feat/Ability/etc now also works on Plants.

Bunny Boots
Your pawsies are now lucky.
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Kitty Magic (Missed Me!)
Benefits: While in Cabbit Form (or Bunny Form if you have I Am All That Is Bunneh!) you get a +2 Luck Bonus to Armor Class.

Bunny Jump
Boingie, boingie, boingie!
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Kitty Magic (A Cat Always Lands on His Feet, Bouncies)
Benefits: You gain a +4 Luck Bonus to Jump Checks.

Burlap Wanna-Be
You reeally wanna be a member of the Burlap Throat-Wattle Guild, but alas one of your parents does not meet the prerequisites.  Note the Members of the Guild can still take this Feat.  They teach it after all.
Prerequisites: Draconic Aura, Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Dragon Shaman and Cat Burglar levels stack for purposes of determining how many Enhanced Kitty (or Humanoid) Form abilities you get. Your Dragon Shaman and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining your Draconic Aura Bonus and the number of Auras known.

Cacophonous Chimp
Your voice drives the bad guys away.
 Prerequisites: Gorilla Dust
 Benefits: When using your Gorilla Dust ability, you may choose between having your opponent Shaken for 1d4 rounds, or unable to approach within 10' of you for 1d4 rounds.

I reject your reality, and substitute my own!
Prerequisites: Cat Burglar Level 6
Benefits: Once per day you may reroll one Saving Throw in Kitty Form.

Cheetah's Rage
You run with the fury of the wind. Or some crap like that.
Prerequisites: Rage, Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Dex 15+
Benefits: When using your Rage while in Kitty (or Humanoid) Form, your base land speed is +20 if you are unarmored and unencumbered.

Craft Cheezburger
You make the most delicious Cheezburgers.  And sometimes you make them quite special indeed...
Prerequisites: Caster Level 5th
Benefits: This is similar to Brew Potion in most respects, except the following: You may make most spells of 5th Level or lower into a Cheezburger, and time to make one is 15 minutes plus the casting time of the spell (i.e. long enough to cook a decent Cheezburger and enchant it).  You of course must have the necessary ingredients to make a cheeseburger and cook one.  Unlike Potions Burgers are good for 1 day after being made.  Because of their temporary nature they do not cost XP to make.

Cross Not the Kitteh
"Toldja not to cross me pinky."
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Hexblade's Curse, any 2 Curse Feats
 Benefits: You may expend one daily use of your Hexblade's Curse Feat to create a path as you move this turn.  Each square you step on this turn is magically booby trapped invisibly for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma Modifier.  Anyone stepping on or through one of these squares must make a Willpower Save (Same DC as normal Hexblade's Curse), or lose any Luck Bonuses they may have.  If you have a Greater Hexblade's Curse they lose all Luck Bonuses they currently have as well as being unable to gain any Luck Bonuses from any other source until their curse ends (and the path is now 'trapped' for a number of hours equal to your Charisma Modifier).  If you have the Dire Hexblade's Curse you can negate any one type of Bonus, not just Luck (and the path remains trapped for 24 hours).  Once the path has successfully curse someone it is safe to walk through again.

Daring Fuzzball
You protect the innocent. Especially if the innocent are hawt, and they like the kittehs.
Prerequisites: Grace +1, Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Swashbuckler and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Kitty (or Humanoid) Magic abilities you get. Your Swashbuckler and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining your competence bonus to Reflex Saves from the Grace Class Feature, and from the Swashbuckler's Dodge Bonus to AC.

Defensive Blast
"Back off monkey boy!"
Prerequisites:Eldritch Blast, Precise Shot
Benefit: You may use your Eldritch Blast without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Devil Bunny
You have a tremendous craving for ham.  You're pretty sure they're kept in tall buildings, and that you can get them by killing the people in those buildings.  Also, you may be crazy.
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Fiendish Heritage, I Am All That Is Bunneh!
Benefits:  You get a Profane Bonus to all Attack rolls or Opposed Checks of any kind equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum of +1). 

Double Mocha Latte
Prerequisites: Java
Benefit: You may know use your Java Feat twice per day.  In addition while hasted your base movement is increased +20 feet. This is a Supernatural ability.

Dust Bunny
You are surrounded by dust clouds, even in wind.
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), must be able to cast any spell with the Earth descriptor (or have a Spell-Like or Supernatural Ability duplicating it's effects).
Benefits: Effectively in Cabbit Form you are permanently surrounded by an Obscuring Mist spell except it only affects your square and all adjacent squares, and it's unaffected by wind.  You can see through it fine, and it makes others feel dirty.  Literally.

Easter Bunny
You may hide small objects in such a way that they can only be found by the person you intend to find them.
Prerequisites: I Am All That Is Bunneh!, Kitty Magic (Schrodinger's Kitty)
Benefits:  When you hide any object you can designate someone who is able to find it.  Anyone who is not this designated finder gets a -10 Penalty on all Search or Spot Checks meant to find it.  If someone else manages to find it, the item immediately teleports up to 30' away to a random place, but only once.  This is a Supernatural Ability.

Your brother Rogues have taught you where to bite so it hurts the most…….
Prerequisites: Arcane Channeling, Kitty Form
Benefits: Your Duskblade and Cat Burglar levels stack for purposes of determining how many Kitty Magic abilities you get. Your Duskblade and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining your Arcane Channeling and Quick Cast Abilities.

Prerequisites: Double Mocha Latte
Benefit: You may now use your Java Feat 3 times per day.  In addition while Hasted all attacks have a 20% chance to miss you.

Extend Kitty Form
You have practiced hanging out in Kitty Form for long periods of time.
Prerequisites: Any Kitty Form with a limited duration.
Benefits: You double the number of rounds you may spend in these Kitty Forms.  In addition you now only have to wait 1 Minute before using these forms again as opposed to one hour.

Favored of Da Gawds
You can use Cat Powah more often.
Prerequisites: Cat Powah (man Powah if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Level 3
Benefits: Each time you take this Feat you may use Cat (or Man) Powah one additional Encounter per day.

Fluffy Bunny
Mah lord you is fuzzy...
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Enhanced Kitty Form (Foofy Kitty)
Benefits: You gain Cold Resistance 10.

It's easier to grab people when you barrel into them...
 Prerequisites: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple
 Benefits: If you make a successful Bull Rush attack you may immediately make a Grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.  Your grapple check gets a +2 Competence Bonus for  every 5 feet you push your opponent back.

Goofery Gibbon
People find you harmless and like to watch your antics.
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Cat Faced Monkey)
 Benefits:  As a Full Round Action you can make a Perform (Antics) Check, and anything watching you must make a Willpower Save (DC is equal to Perform Check).  If they fail they may not attack you this round, and will instead passively watch you Fascinated unless there is an obvious nearby danger (in which case they still won't attack you).

Greater Spell Focus (Color)
Your spells of a certain color are more important.
Prerequisites: Spell Focus (Color)
Benefits:  This Feat acts just like Greater Spell Focus but instead of a particular school it applies to Wisp Fire Guide spells of a particular color.  You can choose from Black, Brown, Blue, Clear, Green, Gray, Red, White or Yellow.  The prerequisite Feat must be the same color as this Feat.

You're good at swiping burgers.
Prerequisites: Craft Cheezburger
Benefits: As a Swift action you can teleport any Cheezburger within 30' to your person (or any other location within 30').   It does not need to be a Cheezburger made by you.

Hazard Maker
You find it easier to create Hazards.
Prerequisites: Hazard Spawn
Benefits:  You get a +4 Competence Bonus on Checks made to create Hazards via your Hazard Spawn Ability.

Hunting Sock Mice
You have practiced swatting at the unsuspecting.
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), 6th Level
Benefits: When in any Kitty Form that is Size Class Tiny or smaller you are now considered to threaten adjacent squares and may make Attacks of Opportunity as normal.  If you are a Mows you may do this in you non Humanoid Form.

I Is Kitteh, Hear Me Roar 
"Yu will respeck mah authoriteh!"."
Prerequisites: Cat Powah, Level 9
Benefits: When using your Cat Powah Ability, you may choose to shorten the duration to one round, and the Bonus is equal to your Charisma Score instead of your Charisma Modifier.

I Got Looks and Brains 
"No I don't have evil alien mind control powers.  And I didn't just talk either."
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Able to manifest second level powers
Benefits: Choose one manifesting class. Your manifesting class and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Burglaring Abilities you get. Your Cat Burglar and chosen manifesting class levels also stack for purposes of determining your total Manifester level and power points. (Originally by Teshen on the Wizards forum).

Improved Spookiness
You are now much scarier in some ways.
Prerequisites: Spookiness Class Ability.
Benefits: Instead of being Shaken for 2d6 rounds the Bakeneko can choose from the following if an opponent fails a Save: He can make it Shaken for the duration of the encounter, or Frightened for 1d6 rounds.  If the Bakeneko also has the Improved Fire Feat, and chooses to use the Illusionary Flames version instead of real fire, the opponent is also Shaken for 1d6 rounds if it fails the Save against the flames.

Improved Reach
You are the long arm of the Kittehs!
Prerequisites: Manipulate Reach Class Ability.
Benefits: When using your Manipulate Reach Ability, your Reach can now be up to 20'.

Improved Fire
The Flames you can create with your Spookiness Ability are real now.
Prerequisites: Spookiness Class Ability (Illusionary Flames)
Benefits: When using your Illusionary Flames ability, you can now decide to produce actual as opposed to illusionary fire.  Your flames are no longer a Pattern effect, and if an opponent Saves against them they are no longer immune to this Ability for 24 hours.  Instead they must make a Reflex Save (Same DC) to take half damage.  The flames now do fire damage instead of untyped, and do not provide a Fear Effect.

Improved Precision
You study the weaknesses of potential targets
Prerequisites:  Precision, Level 6
Benefits: You may take this Feat multiple times, and your Precision Bonus increases by +1 each time.

Improved Mockery
Messing with peoples heads is an art form.
Prerequisites: Art of Mockery, Bluff or Intimidate 8 ranks
Benefits: The Penalty cause by your Art of Mockery ability is increased by -2 (i.e. if it was a -2 it's now a -4). 

I Must Shout My Love From the Fencepost Wall
Please just shut the hell up...
Prerequisites: Bardic Music, Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features).
Benefits: Your Bard and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Enhanced Kitty (or Humanoid) Form abilities you get. Your Bard and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your Bardic Music.

Initiate of Alley Kat (Initiate)
Prerequisites: Cleric Level 5th, Patron Deity is Alley Kat
Benefits: You become immune to Fear effects, and gain a +2 Bonus on Will Saves against Charms or Compulsions.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 2nd (Opportune Dodge), 4th (Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Ray Deflection), 5th (Indomitability), and 7th (Spell Turning).

Initiate of Blue Eyes (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Cleric, Patron Deity is Blue Eyes
Benefits: Spells you cast with the Death Descriptor are cast at +2 Caster Levels.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 1st (Spirit Worm), 3rd (Vampiric Touch), 5th (Graymantle) and 7th (Arrow of Bone).

Initiate of Charmaine Pussyfoot  (Initiate)
Prerequisites:  4th Level Cleric, Must have Charmaine Pussyfoot as Patron Deity
Benefits: You may "lose" a prepares spell of any Level to become Invisible as per the spell for a number of rounds equal to the spells Level x2.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 1st (Serene Visage), 2nd (Shadow Mask), 3rd (Crown of Veils) 4th (Shadow Form).

Initiate of Da Bad Kitteh in Da Night (Initiate)
Prerequisites: Cleric Level 5th, patron Deity is Da Bad Kitteh in Da Night
Benefits: Spells you cast with the Fear descriptor have a +4 to rolls to overcome Spell Resistance (this stacks with Feats like Spell Penetration).  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 3rd (Bedevil), 5th (Fiendform), 6th (Eyebite), 7th (Whirlwind of Teeth)

Initiate of Da Great Kitteh In Da Sky  (Initiate)
Prerequisites: Cleric Level 5th, patron Deity is Da Great Kitteh In Da Sky
Benefits: Summon spells you cast have their duration doubled so long as you are using them to summon felines.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 3rd (G'Elsewhere Chant), 5th (Evacuation Rune), 6th (Steal Summoning), 7th (Gimme a Break Here)

Initiate of Goober  (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 4th Level Cleric, Must have Goober as Patron Deity
Benefits:  3/day as a Swift Action you may convert one Bonus of any Type (including Untyped) into a Luck Bonus for the remainder of the Encounter.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 1st (Catnap), 2nd (Norr's Nifty Rebuke), 3rd (Longcat), 4th (Catapult).

Initiate of Housecat (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 4th Level Cleric, Housecat must be Patron Deity
Benefits: Opponents who make attacks against you while are sleeping or unaware take a -2 to their attack and damage rolls.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 2nd (Furby), 3rd (Suggestion, Unca Maat's Fond Embrace).

Initiate of Itty Bitty  (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Cleric, Patron Deity is Itty Bitty
Benefits: In addition to spontaneously casting Cure spells you may also spontaneously cast spells from the Charm subschool.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 1st (Charm Person), 3rd (Charm Monster), 5th (Mass Charm Person) and 7th (Symbol of Persuasion Heightened to 7th Level as per the Heighten Spell Feat).

Initiate of Mawm (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Cleric, Patron Deity is Mawm
Benefits: At the beginning of the day you may choose yourself or an Ally to gain a +1 Sacred Bonus to all Saving Throws for 24 hours.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List:  1st (Lionheart), 2nd (Clarity of Mind).

Initiate of Mean Kitteh (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Cleric, Patron Deity is Mean Kitteh
Benefits:  When you cast Inflict spells on an opponent you add the Spells Level to the damage done.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 1st (Bigby's Tripping Hand), 3rd (Bigby's Disrupting Hand), 5th (Bigby's Interposing Hand) and 7th (Bigby's Grasping Hand).

Initiate of Mrrow (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Cleric, Patron Deity is Mrrow
Benefits: You gain a +8 Bonus on Diplomacy rolls against Felines of any kind.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List:  1st (Augment Familiar), 2nd (Familiar Pocket).

Initiate of Outside Cat (Initiate)
Prerequisites: 4th Level Cleric, Outside Cat must be Patron Deity
Benefits: Opponents who make attacks against you while using Sudden Strike or Sneak Attack Dice take a -2 Penalty to the attack and damage rolls.  In addition you add the following spells to your Cleric Spell List: 2nd (magic Savant), 3rd (Crown of Clarity, Detect Scrying).

Interspecies Attractiveness
You should avoid Frost Giant's daughters man...
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Hexblade's Curse
 Benefits: Instead of the usual effect, if your Hexblade's Curse is successful, beautiful women of any species except his own find your victim incredibly sexy.  The further removed from your own species they are, the worse it is.  For example if you are a human, a Frost Giant woman might take no for an answer.  If you have been confronted with a female Aboleth however, there's trouble ahead.  Your Charisma based skills have a -2 Penalty (-4 if you have Greater Hexblade's Curse, -6 if you have Dire Hexblade's Curse) against all women not of your species as they don't view you as intelligent or worthwhile, just doable.  Until they bed you their alignment is effectively Neutral Evil as they will consider any act to get you.  This effect is permanent until removed by Remove Curse or a similar spell.  Bad Kitties really love using this spell on Elves for some reason...

You has lil' bitty antlers!
Prerequisites: I Am All That Is Bunneh!, BAB +13
Benefits: You do double damage with a charge attack in Cabbit or Bunny Form, and you get a Gore attack doing 1d3 plus Str Bonus in Tiny Size (this scales up or down in the usual manner).  If the Charge is successful you get a Bull Rush Attack as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity, and you do not take the usual Size Penalty to the roll.

Prerequisites: Watcher class ability
Benefit: Once per day you may drink one cup of coffee or other stimulant (or eat the equivalent in coffee beans) and it converts to a Potion of Haste inside you. This is a Supernatural ability.

Jibba Jabba
You can speak normally in Kitty Form, and can speak cat in humanoid form.
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: You can speak any language you know while in Kitty Form or Humanoid Form, and cast spells with Verbal components. You also gain a +2 Circumstance Bonus on Intimidate checks the first time you met someone and use this ability.  The Bonus only applies to the initial roll against them, and you must speak to get it.

Killer Bunny
You are a warrior bunny, and a known weapons specialist.  After all you have to protect the more timid bunnies.
Prerequisites: Fighter Level 1, Kitty Form (Cabbit, Kattgrrl), I Am All That Is Bunneh!
Benefits:  You are proficient with all weapons (Exotic or otherwise), and take no penalties to attack or damage rolls with improvised weapons.  Any Feats you have that apply to a specific weapons now apply to all weapons.

Kitty Knowledge (by Solara)
You are an unusually scholarly kitty.
Prerequisites: Dark Knowledge, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Knowledge (any) 6 ranks
Benefit: Your Cat Burglar and Archivist levels stack for the number of times per day you can use Dark Knowledge. Your Cat (or Man) Powah ability depends on your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.

Kitty Sniper
You are adept at sniping targets from hidden locations.
Prerequisites:  Able Sniper, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Spot 9 ranks
Benefits: If your target is unaware of you (i.e. you are sniping from concealment at a distance usually), the Critical Threat range of the first ranged attack you make is doubled.  If for some criticals are not applicable to this ranged attack, you do extra dice in damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier (i.e. if your Wisdom Modifier is +2, you do +2d6 damage).

Lazor Kitteh
"Watch me shoot that skwirl."
Prerequisites: Eldritch Blast, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Warlock and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Burglaring abilities you get. Your Cat Burglar and Warlock levels also stack for purposes of determining the damage of your Eldritch Blast. 

Leopard's Rage
You have sharpened your claws for the daily fun...
Prerequisites: Rage, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), BAB +4
Benefits: While using your Rage in Kitty  (or Humanoid) Form your attack and damage rolls with your Natural weapons gain an Enhancement Bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Lion's Rage
You become extra foofy while raging..
Prerequisites: Rage, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Cha 15+
Benefits: While raging and in Kitty (or Humanoid) Form you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the Save DC of any special attacks using your Charisma modifier for their DC (i.e. Kiai Shout and such).  These can be Racial or Class Abilities.

Litter Box Curse
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Hexblade's Curse, Extend Curse, Curse of Failure
 Benefits: Instead of the usual effect, if your Hexblade's Curse is successful, the victim spontaneously empties his bowels anytime he hears or sees a cat within the next week.  Aside from being the usual social Faux Pas, he suffers a -1 Morale Penalty on all rolls that week, increasing to -2 for 1 hour after each episode.  Also, no matter how many times he "relieves" himself, there's still more to be emptied for purposes of the curse.  If you have Greater Hexblade's Curse this increases the Penalty to -2/-4.  Once you get the Dire Hexblade's Curse this increases to -4/-6.

"I has a flavor."
Prerequisites: Jesters Performance, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Cat Burglar and Jester levels stack for purposes of determining how many times per day you can use your Jesters Performance (if you also have the appropriate Perform Ranks).  Additionally your Jester and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Burglaring Abilities you get.

 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Hexblade's Curse, any Curse Feat
 Benefits: Instead of the usual effect, you may expend one daily use of your Hexblade's Curse ability to cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter as a Spell-Like Ability.  Once you get Greater Hexblade's Curse the Save DC fro this ability is +2 (+4 once you get Dire Hexblade's Curse).

Menacing Macaque
You have the worst of reputations, and as such people are quite afraid of you.
 Prerequisites: Gorilla Dust
 Benefits: When using your Gorilla Dust ability your opponent now becomes Panicked instead of Shaken.

Monkey Gone to Heaven
You like to pranky monkey.
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Pixie Kitty), Level 12, Cha 15+
Benefits: You gain an additional daily use of all Spell-Like Abilities you have.

Running down mice has helped keep you fit, and developed an attack strategy even.
Prerequisites: Skirmish, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Scout and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Enhanced Kitty (or Humanoid) Forms you get. Your Scout and Cat Burglar levels also stack for purposes of determining your Skirmish Damage and Armor Class bonus.

Lo you have partied with the ninja.
Prerequisites: Ghost Step, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Benefits: Your Cat Burglar and Ninja levels stack for purposes of the number of times per day you can use your Ki Power and determining your AC Bonus. Burglaring Abilities which enhance Sneak Attack now work with Sudden Strike as well, and Sudden Strike may be used in place of Sneak Attack as a prerequisite for Burglaring Abilities.  Additionally your Ninja and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Burglaring Abilities you get.

Ninja Bunny
You are Ninja Bunneh!  The world shall tremble in Fear!  Well it would if you weren't trying to deceive it into thinking you're harmless. 
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Improved Feint
Benefits: If you successfully Feint in combat you do +2d6 damage if your subsequent strike is successful.

O I Dare U
Just try removing me from this kitchen pan.
Prerequisites: Cat Burglar Level 18, Bad Cattitude
Benefits: You may reroll any roll, not just Saving Throws. You still only get one reroll attempt for every roll though.

Orangutan's Orifice
You are known for eating fruit containing strychnine...
 Prerequisites: Con 13+, Kitty Form (Cat Faced Gorilla)
 Benefits: You are immune to ingested poisons, magical or otherwise.  You can pretty much eat anything without harm.

"Thought I was nappin' dintcha?"
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Spot 4 Ranks
Benefit: Your eyelids are transparent to your own vision , and you may see even with your eyes closed, allowing you to be watching while pretending to sleep. You also gain a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Spot Checks. this is a Supernatural ability.

Playboy Bunny
Your naked form and /or sex life is quite legendary.
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form, Katgrrl Form), I Am All That is Bunneh!
Benefits: The Save DC of your Beware the Power of the Hypnobutt ability increases +2.

Poker Magic
Your a lil more versatile than the average Duskblade.
Prerequisites: Shady Poker, Poke Class Ability
Benefits: You add the following Kitty Magic spells to your Duskblade spell list (spell Level doesn't change): Cataplexy, Catapult, Catwalk, Dander Blast, Lix Lorn's Patented Cat Scan, Longcat, Nom Nom Nom, Pew Pew Pew, Walk With Purpose Kitty.

Pocket Dimension
Kitty likes to play Peekaboo.
 Prerequisites: Pocket Kitty Level 3 or Schrodinger's Kitty
 Benefits: You may use the spell Teleport 3 times per day as a Supernatural ability, but only to teleport yourself and up to a light load from one clothing's pocket to another.  Your disappearance and arrival in unnoticed as the spell has no visual or audible effects.  The exception is whoevers apparel you were in, if he knew you were there.  He may get a Spot Check to notice you gone.

You spend much time flinging yourself through the air at people...
Prerequisites: Kitty Form, Spring Attack
Benefits: Whenever you do a charge in Kitty Form you may make a Full attack, including Rakes if you have them.

Practiced Kitty
You spend much time perfecting the arts of the Kitty.
Prerequisites: Kitty Magic, 6th level
Benefits: You can choose this feat multiple times.  Each time you choose it you gain an additional Burglaring or Kitty Magic ability.

Sand Master
You spend much time learning the ways of the desert.
Prerequisites: Sandswimmer
Benefits: You gain a +2 Bonus on Fortitude Saves against the effects of Sandstorms, and take 1 less point of damage per round from them.

Scratching Post
Cats know you mean trouble...
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Hexblade's Curse, any 2 Curse Feats
 Benefits: Instead of the usual effect, if your Hexblade's Curse is successful, feline's (this includes part felines like Sphinxes and Magical beings, not just animals) now hate your victim for the rest of his life, and receive a +4 Morale Bonus on all rolls made against him.  Nothing will convince them to befriend him unless they are magically forced to.  Remove Curse will dispel this effect.  If you have the Greater Hexblade's Curse the Bonus is +6 (+8 if you have the Dire Hexblade's Curse).

Silver Kitty
You may now cause Lycanthropes to poop themselves.
Prerequisites: Iron Transformation
Benefits: Your natural Attacks are in your metal body are now also considered Silver for purposes of penetrating DR.

Smite Mousie
 Prerequisites: Big Paw
 Benefits: 3 times per day while in any Kitty Form that is Size Category Large or bigger you can Smite any creature of a smaller Size Category than you are.  You gain +xd6 damage on a successful hit, where x equals your Charisma Modifier. You must declare you are using the Smite before rolling.

Snuggle Bunny
People fight to hold you.
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Kitty Magic (Kitty Wuvs Dwagon)
Benefits: Living intelligent beings within 30' who see you must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Charisma Modifier) or be compelled to pick you up and hold you for 1 minute.  This is a Mind-Affecting Compulsion Effect, and is instantly dispelled if you attack them or do something to reveal you aren't just an animal.  Whether or not they adopt you after the duration is over is up to them.

Softee Paw Kung Fu
 For a time you hid out in a monastery where they thought you were just an Awakened Cat on the run. Or perhaps you were a Monk to begin with and you survived the destruction of your temple by hiding out as a cat.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features).
Benefits: Your Chaos Monk and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many Burglaring Abilities you get. Your Chaos Monk and Cat Burglar levels also stack for determining your Unarmed Strike Damage and AC Bonus.

For those who don't have the Dragon Magazine with the Chaos Monk, I am working on revising it for 3.5 here  Be warned some parts of it could be nsfw.

You do so love the things what goes boom.
Prerequisites: Must be able to Cast Spells or Manifest Powers of 3rd level, and must know one of each that does Sonic and Electrical damage.
Benefits: This Feat can be taken multiple times.  Each time it is taken you can learn one spell with the Electricity or Sonic descriptor that isn't on your classes Spell List.  If Psionic you can learn one Power not on your list doing Electrical or Sonic damage.

Spell Focus (Color)
Your spells of a certain color are more important.
Prerequisites: 1 level of Wisp Fire Guide
Benefits:  This Feat acts just like Spell Focus but instead of a particular school it applies to Wisp Fire Guide spells of a particular color.  You can choose from Black, Brown, Blue, Clear, Green, Gray, Red, White or Yellow.

Spittin' Fury
Your breath smells like peppermint and butt kicking!
Prerequisites: Breath Weapon as a Class or Racial Ability, Kitty Form
Benefits: The Save DC of your Breath Weapon is based on your Charisma Modifier instead of your Constitution Modifier.  This does stack with Feats like Ability Focus.

Spookity Yeteh
 Prerequisites: Large Yeti Form (Beast Form if using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
 Benefits: While in Large or Bigger Yeti Form you gain Frightening Presence (Beast/Big Beast/Bigger Beast/Kaiju Beast if using the Mows Alternate Class Features).  When you charge or attack all living opponents within 30' of you must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Charisma Modifier) or be Shaken for the duration of the Encounter.

Spreading the Legend
Don't go out there Bob.  There's Yetis in them there hills.
 Prerequisites: Large Yeti Form (Beast Form if using hte Mows Alternate Class Features)
 Benefits: You may use the spell Major Image 3 times per day as a Supernatural Ability.  You may only create images involving Cat Faced Yetis (or Goatsquatches).  For example you couldn't make an illusion of a fire by itself, but you could make an illusion of a Yeti/Goatsquatch starting one.

Stabbity Ears
You can turn your ears into stabbity backup weapons!
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Versatile Unarmed Strike
Benefits: When making a Full Attack in Cabbit Form (or Bunny Form once you get I Am All That Is Bunneh!) you get two additional attacks per round at your (highest BAB -2).  The ears do 1d3 plus Str Modifier damage if Tiny sized, and can be used as slashing or piercing weapons (damage scales up or down if Size category changes as usual).

Steel Kitty
You are one tough kitty.
Prerequisites: Iron Transformation, BAB +10
Benefits: This increases your natural AC Bonus by +2 or your DR/- by +2, and can be taken multiple times.

Stop Hitting Yourself
People Leave you alone for good reason.
Prerequisites: Tiger Rage
Benefits: When grappling an opponent 2 size classes or more larger than you (i.e. your hanging onto a limb), and he makes a weapon strike to dislodge you, you can dodge it with a successful Reflex Save, and he takes the damage instead. DC of the Reflex Save is equal to 10 plus half the opponents level (or hit dice) plus his Strength modifier (or Dex modifier if he's using weapon finesse).  By using this Feat you immediately end the Grapple.

:dancin: You can make the little kitties dance! :dancin:
Prerequisites: Level 18, Monkey Gone to Heaven
Benefits: As a Spell-Like Ability you may Cast Otto's Irresistible Dance a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. Caster Level is equal to half your Cat Burglar Levels.

The Look
Man that cat really makes me nervous...
 Prerequisites: Cha 15+, Intimidate 9 ranks
 Benefits: You gain a Gaze Attack with a 30' range.  You may make an Opposed Intimidate Check to Demoralize all Opponents within range.

They Call Me Mister Thumper
Your kicks are a blur.
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form), Snap Kick, Superior Unarmed Strike
Benefits: When making a Full Attack in Cabbit Form (or Bunny Form once you get I Am All That Is Bunneh!) using your Unarmed Strike you get two additional attacks per round at your (highest BAB -2).

Tiger's Rage
People Leave you alone for good reason.
Prerequisites: Rage, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Str 15+
Benefits: While using Rage in Kitty (or Humanoid) Form you gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to all grapple checks, and you may grapple an opponent of any size. If that opponent is 2 or more Size classes larger than you he may use any size weapon to attack you to get you to release the grapple.

You am one baaaaaad kitty.
Prerequisites: Rage, Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features).
Benefits: Your Barbarian and Cat Burglar levels stack for determining how many different Enhanced Kitty (or Humanoid) Forms you have access to. Your Barbarian, Cat Burglar and Prestige Class levels also stack for purposes of determining how many times per day you can rage. The Prestige Class must require Rage as a prerequisite.

Turkish Grog
" my heart still beating properly?"
Prerequisites: Espresso
Benefit: You may expend all 3 uses of your Java Feat as a Full Round Action to attack one opponent who must make a Reflex Save (DC is 10 plus half your Hit Dice plus Dexterity Modifier) or take 15d6 damage.  A successful Save halves the damage, this is a Supernatural Ability.

Unnatural Scent
Your sniffer is magic.
Prerequisites: Uncanny Scent
Benefits: You can now pinpoint the location of a Scent within 60 ft,. even if it is in water or snow.

Use Da Fawce
Screwed you are.
Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Humanoid From if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Light Saber
Benefits: Pick a Psychic Power whose Level you can Manifest from any of the available lists.  You may now Manifest that Power, and it does not count toward the maximum number of powers you can know.

Vorpal Bunny
You have studied the weak points of armor.  Knights hate you, and you have a horrible reputation due to eating many of them. 
Prerequisites: I Am All That Is Bunneh!, Kitty Form, Improved Critical (Bite)
Benefits: Your bite attacks are now Vorpal as per the weapon. 

You are freaky!  Legend has it you can eat fire and poop dead whales!  The Dead fear you!  Your venom is an aphrodisiac!  People may also tend to make up weird crap about you too...
Prerequisites: Enhanced Kitty Form (Cabbit Form, Sabre-Toothed Kitty Form, Winged Kitty), I Am All That Is Bunneh!
Benefits:  Due to your rep, all Enemies within 30' of you must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus 1/2 HD plus Charisma Modifier)  or be Shaken for the Duration of the encounter.

Yeteh Hug
 Prerequisites: Large Yeti Form
 Benefits: You now gain the Improved Grab ability when you successfully hit with a Claw Attack while in Large or bigger Cat Faced Yeti Form (See MM page 310 for Improved Grab details).

Yeteh Squoosh
"Dubba Rawr!"
 Prerequisites: Large Yeti Form
 Benefits: You now gain the Constrict ability when you successfully hit with a Claw Attack while in Large or bigger Cat Faced Yeti Form (See MM page 307 for Constrict details).  Damage is double normal claw damage plus double Str Modifier.

Yeteh Stronk!
"Yeteh is the strongest one there is!"
 Prerequisites: Large Yeti Form
 Benefits: You gain +4 Str when in Cat Faced Yeti Form once per day.  This Feat can be taken multiple times, and each time it is taken you gain an additional daily use.

You Want Fries Wit Dat?
You can make a good batch of fries now too.
Prerequisites: Craft Cheezburger
Benefits: You get an additional 2 daily uses of your Fryin' Pool.

People have heard you can scream a magical word that makes them do odd things.  And they believe it enough that it actually works.
 Prerequisites: Kitty Form (Cat Faced Monkey)
 Benefits: When using your Gorilla Dust ability, you may choose between having your opponent Shaken for 1d4 rounds, or Confused instead as they hallucinate they're now puppets or some other weirdness...
« Last Edit: November 16, 2024, 09:48:57 PM by bhu »

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2011, 04:22:40 PM »

Your Blemishes are empowered, and opponents find it difficult to be rid of them.
Prerequisites: Nomad, Con 25+
Benefits: The Save DC of your Blemishes is now +2.  Additionally the duration of your offensive Blemishes is doubled.

Adamantine Kitty
You are the worlds toughest kitty!
Prerequisites: I...AM...IRON KITTEH!, Con 25
Benefits: While in your metal body you are now immune to Paralysis, Stunning, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Ability Drain or Damage, and Energy Drain.

You can venture to the Great Library that links all other libraries in space/time.
Prerequisites: Library Steps, Int 25+
Benefits: Once per day as a Standard Action you may ascend spiritually to the Great Universal Library, in which all knowledge is contained, and you may remain in this state for a number of rounds equal to your Int Modifier).  You may not make physical attacks in this state but gain an Insight Bonus to AC equal to your Int Modifier.  Additionally you are considered to be trained in all skills, and may Take 20 on them (even in circumstances where such would not normally be allowed).

Behold My Objecting Paw
 Prerequisites: Deadly Defense, Defensive Strike, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: When fighting Defensively or using your Defensive Strike Feat you may add up to +3d6 Sneak Attack damage.

Beluved O' the Gods
Keeping you dead is tuff.
 Prerequisites: The Universe Likes Mr. Cuddles, any 12 Luck Feats
 Benefits: You have a contract with Death itself.  Specifically if you can make a Willpower Saving Throw (Save DC is 10 plus half your Killers level plus his Charisma modifier) you have a True Resurrection spell cast on you 1 round after your death.  You can be resurrected in this manner 9 times before your contract expires.

 Prerequisites: Greater Kiai Shout, Kiai Shout, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: If you use your Kiai Shout when your opponent is Flat-Footed or Denied his Dex Bonus to AC, he gets no Saving Throw.

Cat Lord
You are an alpha kitty.
 Prerequisites: Lord O' The Kittehs, Cha 24, Knowledge (Religion) 24 ranks
 Benefits: You may now use your Turn/Rebuke Undead ability to Turn/Rebuke Animals and Magical Beasts as well.

Conjurational Opportunist
You can swipe summoned opponents.
Prerequisites: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own, Cha 25+
Benefits: You may use this as a Supernatural Ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma Modifier.  Using this ability is a Standard Action.  Whenever an opponent within 60' uses a Summoning spell, or if Summoned creatures approach with 60 feet, you can make an opposed check (1d20 plus your Caster Level vs a DC of 11 plus the Level of the spell used for the summoning).  If you are successful, you gained control of the summoned creatures for the duration it would normally appear (the opponent cannot dismiss the spell).

Curse of the Rat Master
You can awaken huge amounts of rats.
 Prerequisites: Say Hello to My Little Friend, Cha 20
 Benefits: When using your Say Hello To My Little Friend ability you may now do one of the following: Awaken (as per the spell) all Rodents within 1 mile, transform all rats within 1 city into Dire Rats or Moon Rats (your choice), or permanently turn all Rats within 10' into Dire Rats with the Titanic Template.  None of these rats are under your control, but they aren't immediately hostile either. 

Da Sword
You can call up a big sword.
Prerequisites: THUNDERCATS!, Cha 20
Benefits: Once per day you can summon a big shiny sword that you can wield even in Kitty Form, gleefully defying the laws of physics.  The sword does 1d6 damage per Thundercat Level, half of which is Electricity damage, and half of which is Sonic. The sword lasts for the rest of the encounter.

Deep Scratching
 Prerequisites: Deft Strike, Master SKirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: Once you make a successful spot check using Deft Strike, you may ignore your opponents Armor and Natural Armor Bonus to AC for the rest of the encounter, not just the next round. However you must make 1 attack per round as a Standard action to gain this benefit.

Deus X Machina
Your opponent has the worst luck...
Prerequisites: Too Cool For You, Cha 24+
Benefits: If any being makes an attack roll against you (whether or not the roll is successful) he loses all Circumstance or Luck Bonuses for 24 hours (nor may he gain any during this time).  He also automatically fails all Reflex Saving Throws, and any Saves against traps or environmental effects for the same period of time.

You can call dibs on the good lewt.
Prerequisites: Cha 24+, Fuzzy Mind
Benefits: As a Standard Action you can place your hand (paw) on any unattended item and loudly exclaim "Dibs!"  All present within 60 feet must make a Willpower Save (Save DC is Cha based), or admit to the authority of dibs, and accept that said item is yours for 1 Day/Class Level.  This is a Sonic, Mind-Affecting Effect (and a Supernatural Ability).  You can claim dibs once per day.

Divine Mandate
You can use your Gawd Kitteh powers quicker.
Prerequisites: Any Spell Like Ability gained via the Cat God Epic Prestige Class, Cha 25+
Benefits: Choose one Spell-Like Ability gained via the Cat God PrC.  You reduce the delay by 2 rounds for that ability (i.e. if it says you have to wait 7 rounds before using this ability again, you now only have to wait 5).  This can be bough multiple times for each ability, but cannot reduce the wait time below 1 round.

Don't Make Me Use This
 Prerequisites: Improved Feint, Tumbling Feint, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: When attempting to Feint you may add your BAB to the Bluff check roll. If you Feint successfully, you may add your Tibbit Skirmisher level to any critical confirmation rolls for the rest of the Encounter.

Epic Alien Mind Powers
The Force is strong with you...
 Prerequisites: Must be able to Manifest 5th level powers from the Lurk or Psychic Warrior List, Cha 20
 Benefits: You gain the ability to Manifest any 3 powers from the Psychic Warrior or Lurk lists you have access to. This may be taken multiple times.

Epic Alley Cat
Even the humans realize Tinpan alley belongs to you.
 Prerequisites: Alley Cat, Sneak Attack +5d6
 Benefits: If you should critical when using your sneak attack you do not have to roll damage for your Sneak Attack Dice, they automatically do maximum damage.

Epic Angel
You are the worlds most perfectest widdle angel ever.
 Prerequisites: Angel Kitty Form (Celestial Form if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Wis 20+
 Benefits: While in Kitty (or Humanoid) form you may cast Greater Visage of the Deity (see Spell Compendium) 3 times per day as a Supernatural ability. 

Epic Bakeneko Form
You can now assume virtually any Size as a cat.
Prerequisites: Humanoid Form, Manipulate Reach, must be able to cast a 9th level spell from the Transmutation school, Epic Fortitude Feat
Benefits: While in Kitty form you may increase your Reach up to +25' as a Swift Action.  You may appear to be any Size Class up to Colossal as a Swift Action as well (though your true Size remains identical to your Kitty Form).  You gain a +2 Deflection Bonus to AC for every Size Class higher your apparent size than your real size is.  For example if you are Medium but appear Huge you get a +4.  This is a Glamer effect, and gives you Total Concealment while you are using it.

Epic Black Cat
People definitely avoid crossing your path now.
 Prerequisites: Black Cat Form, Cha 20+, Hexblades Curse 5+/day
 Benefits: If a victim rolls a natural '1' on his Saving Throw vs your Hexblade's Curse, he dies instead of taking the usual penalty.

Epic Boing
You never worry about falling again.
 Prerequisites: A Cat Always Lands on His Feet, Bouncies, Jump 20 ranks
 Benefits: You may now fall from any height without damage, and when you use your Bouncies Feat the Bonus to your Jump checks is +50, and your Skill Check DC takes no penalty or increase if you don't move (you can probably jump several dozen feet from a sitting position).

Epic Bootay
Yeah we really don't need to describe this one...
 Prerequisites: Naked Fury, Cha 20, Perform (Dance) 24 ranks
 Benefits: You may turn a victim you have Enslaved using your Hypnobutt class ability into a luv slave willing to die for you.  If the Katgrrl has at least 25 ranks in Perform (Dance), she may further Enslave a creature she has previously used her Enslave ability on at least 3 times.  This effect is similar to the Charm Person spell, but is permanent in duration if the victim fails his first Willpower Save (DC 10 plus half hit dice plus Charisma modifier), and she may order him to do things that would go against his self interest.   In other words she can steal his money, treat him like crap, or even ask him to die defending her, and he'll do it gladly.

Epic Brute
"We can do this the hard way, or the hard way..."
 Prerequisites: Big Cat on the Block, Leopardss Rage, Tomcat, Intimidate 20 ranks
 Benefits: You now gain the benefits of Leopards Rage whether you are in Humanoid Form or not, and for all weapons, not just your natural ones.

Epic Burger
You're burgers are sought after even by the Gawds.
Prerequisites: Freak Burgers, Craft (Cooking) 18 ranks
Benefits: When an Opponent eats a Cheezburger you have made, you may choose to make a Craft (Cooking) Check, and replace the Save DC of the Burger with the result of the roll.  You must announce you are using this before your opponent rolls his Save.

Epic Cabbit
 Prerequisites: I Am All That is Bunneh!,
 Benefits: You may now move difficult terrain or obstacles without penalty, and you may always Take 20 on a Listen check in Cabbit Form.  You gain an additional number of re-rolls with your Luck feats equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Epic Cat Fart
OMG the stench is...lovecraftian...
 Prerequisites: Enrage Audience, Perform (Comedy) 20 ranks, Cha 20
 Benefits: A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier you may declare you are using this Feat as an Immediate Action anytime an opponent successfully damages you.  You release an Epic Cat Fart which forms a cloud in a 30' area for 10 minutes.  All beings in this cloud must make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus half Hit Dice plus Charisma Modifier) or be Nauseated for 1d6 rounds, and Sickened as long as they are within the cloud (and for 2d6 rounds after leaving).  If the Save is Successful the opponents are merely Sickened for the duration of the encounter.  Opponent with Scent (or a similar ability) take a -4 penalty on their Saving throw.  The cloud also provides Total Concealment within it's area of effect.

Epic Cat Fu
 Prerequisites: Supastah, Dex 24
 Benefits: Cats you use as weapons are now +3 Keen weapons, and immediately teleport back to you if disarmed or thrown.

Epic Cat Lady
You seem to attract cats like magic.  Soon they may outnumber the people in town.
 Prerequisites: Behold Mah Fuzzy Minions, Cha 24
 Benefits: You may now use your Behold Mah Fuzzy Minions ability to Summon Housecats at will, and may summon them with any template of up to +4 CR.  All cats within 100' of you are automatically Awakened as per the spell when you use this ability.  Housecat stats may be found in the MM.

Epic Cat Powah!
Cue action theme music!
 Prerequisites: Cat Powah, Favored of Da Gawds, I Is Kitteh Hear Me Roar, Cha 20
 Benefits: Your Cat Powah Bonus increases by +5 (i.e. if it is normally +3 it increases to +8).

Epic Cattitude
"You will give unto me...a salmon.  Roasted.  Of the highest quality."
 Prerequisites: Oh I Dare U
 Benefits: You now get +3 more rerolls per day, and may use more than 1 reroll per attempt.

Epic Cheetah's Rage
 Prerequisites: Rage 5/day, Dex 25, Cheetah's Rage
Benefits: When you enter Rage you may voluntarily burn an extra daily use of Rage.  If you do so your Base Land Speed increases to 500 for the duration of the Rage.

Epic Confusion
Talking to you is an exercise if futility, or as you prefer to call it an Epic Fail.
Prerequisites: Art of Confusion, Cha 20, Bluff 24 ranks
Benefits: You may now use the Art of Confusion ability at will.  If your opponent successfully makes his Saving Throw, you must wait another 24 hours before attempting to use this ability on them again.

Epic Critter
You can change into just about anything small and crittery.
 Prerequisites: I'm a Sumthin LOL, Con 15, CHa 15
 Benefits: You may now shapeshift to resemble any Animal, Dragon, Magical Beast, or Vermin of Small, Tiny, or Diminutive Size.  This works as per the spell Shapeshift, but spells (such as Discern Shapechanger or True Seeing) do not reveal you as being anything other than a creature of that sort.  Your Type is whichever is best for you.  In other words if you change to an Animal, you count as an Animal for spells that are beneficial, but as your original Type for spells that are not.

Epic Dander
You are a shedding fiend...
 Prerequisites: Foofy Kitty Form, You are My New Best Friend, Constitution 15+
 Benefits: You may now use your Dander attack at will, and your opponent is Nauseated if he fails his Save whether he is in a Grapple or not.

Epic Depression
Your funk has begun to infect those near you.
 Prerequisites: Flaw (Depression), Cha 24
 Benefits: Morale Bonuses do not function within 30' of you.

Epic Devil
"Wasn't me that stole Mrs. Jacksons pig.  Nope. Nope.  Mm-mm."
 Prerequisites: Debbil Kitty Form (Fiendish Form if using the Mows Alternate Class Features), Cha 20+
 Benefits: You may cast Unholy Aura (despite not being the correct alignment) 4 times per day as a Supernatural ability.

Epic Dragon Kitty
"Why do I have the sudden urge to kidnap Princesses?"
 Prerequisites: Epic Kitty Form (Fwuffy Dwagon) OR Death From Above and Cha 24
 Benefits: You may cast Greater Dragon Ally 3 times per day as a Supernatural Ability.

Epic Familiar
"John!  Take your hands off that woman.  I'm sorry ma'am he's still in training."
 Prerequisites: Channel 4, Cha 24
 Benefits: You may now cast spells of any level through your Familiar. 

Epic Fibber
You can get people to believe anything.  You once convinced a Balor a mouse was Asmodeus himself.
 Prerequisites: Master Trickster, Bluff 24 ranks
 Benefits: This is a Supernatural Mind-Affecting Effect.  You can successfully tell any lie, no matter how unbelievable with a successful Bluff Check vs an opponents Sense Motive check.  Your opponent doesn't gain a Bonus on his Sense Motive Check, no matter how weird what you're telling him is.  You can tell him you have no body hair while standing naked in front of him in your full hedge-hogish glory.  As long as he fails the Sense Motive Check, he perceives you as smooth as a newborn.

Epic Flurry
"Approaching him is like walking into a wall of scratches..."
 Prerequisites: Fuzzy Master, Epic Softee Paw Kung Fu
 Benefits: Once per day as a Full Round Action, everything that begins or enters a square adjacent to yours (including the square you are in) takes xd6 damage, where x is equal to your Charisma score (i.e. if you have a 16 Charisma, they take 16d6 damage).

Epic Foofy
"ACHOO! Damn that cat!"
 Prerequisites: Lord of the Fwuffy, Cha 24
 Benefits: You may now use Dander Explosion 5 times per day, and Dander Tornado 3 times per day. You may also kill anyone by touch that you have successfully used your Allergen Curse on touch if they fail a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus half Hit Dice plus Charisma Modifier).  This touch attack is a Standard Action, and may be used a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

Epic Fury
You hiss with the fury of a Thousand Kitties.
 Prerequisites: Spoookity Glowing Eyes of Doom or Thousand Yard Stare, Intimidate 20+ranks, Cha 20
 Benefits: You gain the Frightful Presence Ability. As a Standard Action you may put on a hissing and scratching it.  All living creatures within 60' must make a Willpower Save (DC is 10 plus half Hit Dice plus Charisma Modifier) or be Frightened for 2d6 rounds.  If the Save is successful they are immune to your Frightful Presence Ability for 24 hours.  Unlike other Frightful Presence attacks you can affect beings of any Hit Dice level.

Epic Fwuffy
You are the warmest lil kitty ever.
 Prerequisites: Mommie's Little Heating Pad, Constitution 20+
 Benefits: You  can extend the benefits of Mommie's Little Heating Pad to 1 ally per point of Charisma Modifier as long as they remain within 30' of you.

Epic Innocence
You're just a little helpless kitty.  That dead Titan has nothing to do with you.  Really.
 Prerequisites: Just A Kitty (SR vs Illusion spells), Bluff 24 ranks
 Benefits: Spells, Powers or effects that would detect your alignment, whether or not you were telling the truth, your true form, or that reveal any personal information about you (such as location) automatically fail.

Epic Inspiration
You have raised flexibility to an art form..
 Prerequisites: Font of Inspiration, Little Problem Solver, Int 15+
 Benefits: When taking this Feat you gain Inspiration Points equal to you Int Score (this does not include temporary increases to Int due to spells or items).

Epic Invisibility
You have mastered the art of fibbing to the world and telling it you don't exist.
Prerequisites: Art of Invisibility, Hide 30 ranks, Move Silently 30 ranks
Benefits: Your invisibility now mimics the spell Superior Invisibility (see Spell Compendium), and you become immune to any spell/power/effect that would reveal you such as Glitterdust, Invisibility Purge, See Invisibility, or True Seeing unless the caster is higher level than yourself.

Epic Java
 Prerequisites: Turkish Grog, Con 16, Cha 16
 Benefits: You now gain 3 additional daily uses of your Java Feat, and if you drink one cup of coffee or other stimulant (or eat the equivalent in coffee beans) that you do not use for purposes of your Java Feat you may reroll a failed Saving Throw against any Compulsion or Mind Affecting effect or spell.

Epic Lazor Kitteh
"Eye lasers make fishing ever so much easier."
 Prerequisites: Both Barrels, Lazor Kitteh, Do not ---- with Lazor Kitteh class feature, Cha 21
 Benefits: When using the Both Barrels (or Triple Barrel) Feat your Eldritch Blast does damage based on your level, not (your level-3).  Your Eldritch Blast now successfully Criticals on a 19-20 (18-20 if you took the Improved Critical Feat). 

Epic LOLcat
"Leave or I will spit a second hairball."
 Prerequisites: LOLcat, Enrage Audience class Feature, Cha 22
 Benefits: When using your Enrage Audience ability you may now affect all Opponents within 120'.

Epic Kitty Magic
you have mastered the secret magic of Cats to a level rarely known.
 Prerequisites: Big Kitty Magic, Cha 24, Knowledge (Arcane) 24 ranks
 Benefits: Choose a number of spells you know equal to your Charisma Modifier.  When casting one of these spells you may choose to spend +4 spell points, and you may use it as a Supernatural Ability instead.

Epic Leopard's Rage
 Prerequisites: Rage 5/day, Str 25, Leopard's Rage
Benefits: When you enter Rage you may voluntarily burn an extra daily use of Rage.  If you do so your Natural Weapons are considered to have the Vorpal property for the duration of the Rage.

Epic Lion's Rage
 Prerequisites: Rage 5/day, Cha 25, Lion's Rage
Benefits: When you enter Rage you may voluntarily burn an extra daily use of Rage.  If you do so anytime during your Rage that you use an Ability that is a Fear effect (or use the Intimidation skill to Demoralize) the effects of it last twice as long as normal.

Epic Madness
Prerequisites: We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes, Cha 20, Bluff 24 ranks
Benefits: Victims of your We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes ability do not get a Saving Throw to avoid it's effects.

Epic Man
You can change into just about anything human-ish.
 Prerequisites: I Have an Identity Crisis, Con 15, CHa 15
 Benefits: You may now shapeshift to resemble any Fey, Giant, Humanoid, or Monstrous Humanoid of Tiny-Huge Size.  This works as per the spell Shapeshift, but spells (such as Discern Shapechanger or True Seeing) do not reveal you as being anything other than a creature of that sort.  Your Type is whichever is best for you.  In other words if you change to a Humanoid, you count as a Humanoid for spells that are beneficial, but as your original Type for spells that are not.

Epic Maw
You are master of the Noms
Prerequisites: Extradimensional Prison, Cha 25
Benefits:  Your Extradimensional Prison is now the equivalent of a Type IV Bag of Holding.

Epic Mockery
You don't understand why you aren't more popular.
Prerequisites: Art of Mockery, Cha 20, Bluff or Intimidate 24 ranks
Benefits: The miss chance victims of your Art of Mockery ability increases to 50%, and you may now use the Art of Mockery at will.  If your opponent successfully makes his Saving Throw, you must wait another 24 hours before attempting to use this ability on them again.

Epic Monkey Grip
You love you some polearms.
Prerequisites: Str 25, Monkey Grip
Benefits: You no longer take a -2 Attack Penalty when wielding Large weapons.  You may also wield a normal sized two handed weapon such as a polearm in one hand.

Epic Mouser
"Heeeere Orcie, Orcie, Orcie..."
 Prerequisites: Mouser, BAB +16, Dex 24
 Benefits: When performing a charge attack you gain additional Skirmish Dice (and the Bonus to your AC increases) equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Epic Nekochan
"I am a Ninja. You do not see me"
 Prerequisites: Nekochan, Sudden Strike +2d6, Sneak Attack +2d6, Cha 20
 Benefits: Your Sudden Strike Dice are now Sneak Attack Dice, and stack with any other Sneak Attack Dice you may have.  If your opponent is Flat-footed you gain additional Sneak Attack Dice equal to your Charisma Modifier for that attack.

Epic Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
You love double-wielding you some polearms.
Prerequisites: Str 25, Epic Monkey Grip, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
Benefits: You may wield a 2 handed weapon in each hand with no additional penalty.  In other words you can use polearms for two weapon fighting.

Epic Pixie
"Greetings fellow fairies.  What? What did I say?"
 Prerequisites: Subbacultcha, Level 24
 Benefits: You may cast Limited Wish a number of times per day equal to (3 plus your Charisma Modifier) as a Spell-Like Ability (you must still pay the XP component cost if it calls for it).

Epic Pocket Dimension
Kitty likes to play Peekaboo on a professional level.
 Prerequisites: Pocket Dimension, Cha 25+
 Benefits: You may now use the benefits of your Pocket Dimension Feat 5/day, and it mimics the effects of a Greater Teleportation spell (you may still only teleport yourself and a Light Load).

Epic Red Cat
Fire is the answer to all of life's problems.  Yup yup.
 Prerequisites: Red Cat, Wis 20, Cha 20
 Benefits: You are now immune to Fire, even when not in Fiery Kitty Form.  Your Fire Flash does an additional +2d6 and affects a 30' area while in Fiery Kitty Form.  While in Fiery Kitty Form your attacks do +1d6 Fire damage (+3d6 on a successful critical), and the Save DC for your Fire Flash and Red Cat abilities gain a +2 Bonus.

Epic Scamper
"Run away!!!!!"
 Prerequisites: Run, Super Scamper Powers, Dex 18
 Benefits: When using your Super Scamper Powers Feat your base land move is now increased by +60 feet.

Epic Screwjob
You can really mess people over.
Prerequisites: The Daily Screwjob, Cha 25+
Benefits: Once per day as a Supernatural Ability you may select one opponent as a Standard Action.  The DM must tell you what his Exceptional, Spell-Like, and Supernatural Abilities he possesses, and you get to switch one off for the rest of the Encounter.

Epic Short Paw Kung Fu
You can explode boulders with a simple paw touch.  Well not really, but you keep hoping.
 Prerequisites: Paw of the Fluffy Kitten, Concentration 24 ranks, BAB +16
 Benefits: When using your Short Paw Kung Fu ability, your opponent is knocked unconscious for 1 round if you successfully critical with your Unarmed Strike. 

Epic Sneakiness
You can hide from someone, even while dancing on his head, causing his friends to think less of him by the second.
 Prerequisites: Master of the Unseen, Hide 30 ranks
 Benefits: You can use your Hide in Plain Sight ability even while touching your opponent.  In other words you could be actively dry humping his bald scalp, and as long as you make a successful opposed Hide vs Spot Check, he has no idea.

Epic Snuggle
"I think this cat likes me..."
 Prerequisites: Lick Your Wounds, Heal 16 ranks, Wisdom 18+
 Benefits: You may cast Heal as a Supernatural ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Epic Softee Paw Kung Fu
"I shall crush you with this paw."
"Uh sir..that's a rock..."
"Good you're paying attention."
 Prerequisites: Advanced Softee Paw Kung Fu, Superior Unarmed Strike, Dex 18, Cha 20
 Benefits: As a Standard attack action you may make a Hide Check vs your opponents Spot check while making a melee touch attack.  If the Hide check is successful, your attack is effectively invisible, and he did not see it (other beings nearby can also get a Spot Check vs your Hide Check to see it occur).  The melee touch attack does your full unarmed strike damage plus any Sudden Strike, Sneak Attack, or Skirmish dice you have, plus an additional +1d6 per point of Charisma Modifier (i.e. +3d6 if you have a 16 Cha).  it can also be used in conjunction with Stunning Fist or similar Feats.

Epic Specialty
You have improved upon the techniques originally taught to you by General Sanda.
 Prerequisites: Specialty, Knowledge (Nature) 24 ranks
 Benefits: Once per day you may cast a certain spell as a Spell-Like Ability.  The exact spell depends on what you chose for your Level 10 Specialty.  If you chose Hide the Path, you get Mind Blank.  If you chose Legend Lore you get Discern Location.  If you chose Veil you get Screen.  If you chose Probe Thoughts you get Brain Spider.  If you chose Transport Via Plants you get Greater Teleport.  If you chose True Seeing you get Greater Prying Eyes.

Epic Tiger's Rage
 Prerequisites: Rage 5/day, Str 25, Tiger's Rage
Benefits: When you enter Rage you may voluntarily burn an extra daily use of Rage.  If you do so your Enhancement Bonus from Tiger;s Rage increases to +10.

Epic Tomcat
"The ladies luv a brute yessir.  Quit laughin' you monkeys..."
 Prerequisites: Big Cat on the Block, Tiger's Rage, Tomcat, Intimidate 20 ranks
 Benefits: Opponents 2 or more Size Classes bigger than yourself are once again restricted to using weapons they could normally use against you in a grapple (as opposed to using weapons of any size as per the Tomcat Feat), and you can now get the benefits of the Tiger Rage Feat even when not in Kitty Form.

Epic Weed
You always make the best stuff.  Granted it's cause you lace your potions with Dire Bear sex hormones, but still...
 Prerequisites: Meister Herbalist, Craft (Alchemy) 24 ranks
 Benefits: Any potion you make has the option of also gives the Drinker a +8 Alchemical Bonus to Strength for (your effective character level) rounds, in addition to it's normal effects.  The Strength Bonus lasts as long as the potions other regular effects do (1 round minimum).

Epic Wuv
 Prerequisites: Kitty Wuvs Dwagon or Inhuman Diplomacy, Diplomacy 18+ ranks, Cha 25
 Benefits: You may now cast Charm Monster at will as a Supernatural ability.

Epic Yarn Ball
Your simple ball of yarn is now an Epic Weapon
 Prerequisites: Yarn Fu Master,  Use Rope 24 ranks
 Benefits: Your Yarn Ball is now a +5 weapon in addition to it's other abilities.

Epic Yeteh Stronk!
Your simple ball of yarn is now an Epic Weapon
 Prerequisites: Yeteh Stronk!, Colossal Cat Faced Yeti  Form
 Benefits: Your Str score now improves by +8 in Cat Faced Yeti Form.

Epic Yowler
Your singing makes the humans put down their shoes, and start reaching for crossbows...or they would if they were still living.
 Prerequisites: Yowling Doom,  Perform (Yowling) 24 ranks, Cha 24
 Benefits: When using your Yowling Doom ability, you now do 1d6 Sonic damage per character level in a 40' area.  Anything inside that area is pushed outside it.

Greased Pig Wrasslin'
Your knowledge of anatomy makes it hard to keep hold of you.
Prerequisites: Mobile Spa
Benefits:  You automatically succeed in all Grapple Checks made to escape a Grapple or Pin.  In short, you are now immune to Improved Grab, Grappling, etc.

Haboob It!
You can summon the most feared of dust storms.
Prerequisites: Sand Whirlpool, Cha 25+
Benefits: 3/day you can cast Sandstorm as a Spell-Like Ability.

Hazard Master
You can walk through mine fields with no problems.
Prerequisites: Scottish Ninja, Cha 25
Benefits: You never have to make Saving Throw rolls against traps as you no longer set them off.

Helicopter Mawm
You tend to hover...
Prerequisites: Puhfeshnal Mawm, Wis 24+
Benefits: The range of your Leave My Kids Alone!, Adoption and Who Needs Hugs? abilities doubles.

 Prerequisites: Distracting Attack, Goad, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: When using your Goad Feat, your opponent is restricted more in his actions. It can only make melee or ranged attacks against you, cast spells that specifically target you, or move to chase after you. It will ignore anyone else, even if they damage him. If it cannot attack you, it must move in position to do so. The bonus from your Distracting Attack Feat becomes +2.

Hide Da Fambly
You can hide allies from others.
Prerequisites: One of da Fambly, Spellcraft 24 ranks
Benefits:  Your Just a Kitty ability now protects all Allies within 30 feet as well.  In additions any spells or abilities that grant you Invisibility, Concealment or Bonuses to Hide or Move Silently Checks are also applied to them.

Hi Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob always bales you out of trouble.
 Prerequisites: They Were Mean to Me Daddy!, Cat Burglar Level 25
 Benefits: In Kitty form you may cast the spell Summon Monster IX as a supernatural ability once per day.  You may only use it to summon an Advanced  Leonal (i.e. Uncle Bob).  Uncle Bob is a Leonal with Hit Dice equal to (yours-2).

I R The Cat Empurrur
You are a King amongst kitties.
 Prerequisites: Aura of Nobility, Diplomacy 20 ranks, Cha 20
 Benefits: You may cast the spell Greater Command at will as a supernatural ability.

I Reject Your Embrace Kind Sir
 Prerequisites: Clever Wrestling, Close-Quarters Fighting, Master SKirmisher Class Ability
 Benefits: When using the Attack of opportunity you get from your Close-Quarters Fighting Feat, you gain a Circumstance Bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier. You also stop the Grapple even if your opponent has Improved Grapple or Improved Grab. If you critically hit with the Attack of Opportunity you may add your Sneak Attack damage if any to the result.

You now become a flying demon cat that robs graves or conducts errands for Evil Demons or Deities.
Prerequisites: Improved Scent Feat, Uncanny Scent Feat, Cannot have Nekomata or Maneki-Neko, Epic Reflexes
Benefits: This Feat may be taken multiple times.  Each time it is taken you gain one of the following:

1: Permanently gain a Fly speed of 80', Good Maneuverability
2: Cast Control Weather 3/day as a Spell-Like ability.
3: Cast Control Winds and Ice Storm 3/day as Spell-Like Abilities.
4: Cast Commune and Cone of Cold 3/day as Spell-Like Abilities.

Kitteh Not Liek Wallnuts
 Prerequisites: Any 2 of the following Feats (Confound The Big Folk, Giantbane, Underfoot Combat) and the Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: Whenever you succeed on making a critical hit against an opponent at least 2 size classes bigger than yourself it must make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus half your hit dice plus your Charisma Modifier) or be Nauseated for 1d6 rounds.

Lion Dance
Prerequisites: Perform (Dancing) 24 ranks, Bardic Dancing class feature
Benefits: Once per day you may expend a daily use of your Bardic Dancing to cast Shapechange as a Spell-Like Ability.

You are an epic distraction.
Prerequisites: Cha 24+, Perform (Kitty) 24 ranks
Benefits: As a Standard Action you can make a Perform (Kitty) Check, and everyone you choose within 60 feet must make a Willpower Save (Save DC is Cha based) using your Check result as the Save DC.  If they fail they are Fascinated for as long as you keep making Perform (Kitty) Checks.  This is a Supernatural Ability, and a Mind-Affecting Effect.  Unlike normal this ability affects Undead and Mindless creatures.  Because everyone loves Kitties.

You now bring luck to the unfortunate as you have reformed.  You may not be an entirely good kitty, but you aren't evil anymore.
Prerequisites: Cannot have Nekomata or Kasha, Epic Reputation, any 2 Luck Feats.
Benefits: You may now bestow luck on an individual within 60' as a Standard Action.  This luck takes varying effects, and gives the individual one of the following: If there is an ambush set for him by enemies, he automatically gets to Take 20 on his Spot Check to notice and avoid it.  If he would need to make a Saving Throw, he gets a Luck Bonus equal to your Bakeneko Level.  If he is broke, or needs money, he gains a sudden windfall of 5d6 Gold.  If he or a relative falls ill, they are the recipient of a Heal spell.  Once the individual qualifies for one of these effects, the Ability is used and must be re-applied (which many Maneki-Neko do).  This is a Supernatural ability.

Master Masseuse
"You're mighty stiff today sir."
Prerequisites: Mobile Spa, Profession (Masseuse) 24 ranks
Benefits: When using your Deep Tissue Massage ability you may now opt to Paralyze your 'patient' for 1 Minute.

Master of the Stink Eye
You can stop people with a look.
Prerequisites: Intimidate 24 ranks, Dark Assassin
Benefits: You now have a Gaze Attack with a Range of 30 feet.  Opponents within range must make a Willpower Save (Save DC is Cha based), or be Frightened for 1d6 rounds (Opponents who fail the Saving Throw by 5 or more Cower for 1d6 rounds instead).  Opponents with less Hit Dice than you are also Shaken for the duration of the Encounter.   This is a Mind-Affecting Fear Effect.  Additionally you may make an Intimidate Check as a Swift Action to Check a Charging Opponent.

McDonalds, Guaranteed Fresh!
You're burgers last forever.  Gawd knows what you make 'em from.
Prerequisites: Giant Burgers Recipe, Craft (Cooking) 16 ranks
Benefits: Your Cheezburgers now stay fresh forever instead of just a day, and they still don't cost you XP to make 'em!

Mistress of the Toadie Frogs
 Prerequisites: Summon the Toadie Frogs, Knowledge (Things Man Was Not Meant To Know) 20 ranks, Cha 20
 Benefits: When using your Summon the Toadie Frogs ability you now Summon 2d4 Mud Slaad with the Pseudonatural Template, and 10 minutes later 1d4 Gray Slaad with 12 HD and the Psuedonatural Template appear.  10 minutes after that an 18 HD Death Slaad with the Supernatural Template appears.  They now stay for 10 minutes per level, and are summoned with maximum hit points per die.

Monstrous Kitty Form
Your inner Beast is now truly unleashed in Kitty Form.
Prerequisites: Terror in the Night, Cha 20+
Benefits: When you are in Kitty Form you are now considered to be the Outsider Type with the Chaos and Evil Subtypes.  You gain DR 10/-, and radiate Fear as well.  Any Living creature that you attack must make a Willpower Save (10 plus 1/2 Hit Dice plus Cha Modifier) or be Panicked for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice.  If the save is successful, he is merely Shaken 1 Round instead.

My Bite Actually IS Worse Than My Bark
 Prerequisites: Intimidating Strike, Lunging Strike, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: As a Full Round Action you may perform both your Lunging Strike and Intimidating Strike. If you succeed your opponent Cowers for 1d6 rounds, and is Shaken for the rest of the encounter.

My Friends Think You Should Leave
 Prerequisites: Adaptable Flanker, Vexing Flanker, Master Skirmisher Class Ability
 Benefits: As a Swift action 3 times per day you may designate a number of allies equal to your Charisma Modifier as long as they are with in 60' of you. Those allies are considered to have the Adaptable Flanker and Vexing Flanker Feats for 3 rounds plus 1 round per point of your Charisma Modifier.

Your tail forks, you now walk on your hind legs, and you gain significant magical power, and a taste for blood.
Prerequisites: You must be able to cast 9th Level spells, one of which must be Enchantment, and the other Necromancy, and must have either the Automatic Silent Spell or the Automatic Still Spell Feat.  You also cannot have Maneki-Neko, or Kasha.
Benefits: From now on you do 1d4 temporary Constitution damage if you successfully Pin a victim in a Grapple.  You may also cast Charm Monster and Dominate Person 3 times per day as Spell-Like Abilities.

Not On My Watch
 Prerequisites: Hindering Opportunist, Stalwart Defense, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: 3 times per day you may activate this ability for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma Modifier. Any allies within 30' of you gain an Insight Bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.

Parrot of Legend
Your parrot is a celebrity in his own right, and may have endorsement deals for the more famous rum companies as a spokesbird.
Prerequisites: Professional Treasure Hunter, Cha 25+
Benefits: Your Parrot Familiar increases in power.  First, it's hit points are now equal to yours, not half.  The Familiars Natural Weapons are now considered to be magic for purposes of overcoming DR.  The Familiars stats are an Eagle's instead of a Ravens, and the Bonus it normally gets to it's Intelligence score now applies to it's Charisma score as well.

Pink Slime
How you sleep at night is anyone's guess.
Prerequisites: Non Traditional Burger Recipe, Craft (Cooking) 18 ranks
Benefits: When an opponent eats a Cheezburger you have made, he must make an opposed Spot Check vs your Craft (Cooking) Check.  If he fails he does not realize the spell embedded in the CHeezburger has taken effect, even if it would be obvious like setting him on fire. But it can be pointed out to him bystanders if the effect is truly obvious.  For example if the effect is a fireball, that's pretty obvious.  Illusions or Enchantment might not be unless there's a nearby Wizard who knows mind controlling food is possible.

Pirate of Legend
You are everything a pirate wishes to be.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with Martial Weapons and Personal Firearms, BAB 15+, Light Shield Proficiency
Benefits: You gain a +2 Competence Bonus on attack and damage rolls of piratey weapons, as well as increasing their critical hit range by 1 (i.e. if they usually threaten a critical hit on a 20, they now threaten it on a 19-20).  "Piratey" weapons include the following: Belaying Pin (Club), Handaxe, Dagger, Scimitar, any Matchlock, Wheellock or Flintlock Firearms, and Grenade like throwing weapons.  Additionally if you are wearing a Buckler it's Shield Bonus to AC increases by +1.     

Puppet Master
You may now control the Undead you create, and use them to torment their relatives.
Prerequisites: Animation Class Ability,
Benefits: You may Cast Control Undead at will as a Supernatural Ability (Caster Level is equal to your HD).  Duration is 1 hour per level instead of normal, and the Bakeneko can control up to 5 HD of Undead per level.

Rain Dance
Prerequisites: Perform (Dancing) 24 ranks, Bardic Dancing class feature
Benefits: Once per day you may expend a daily use of your Bardic Dancing to cast Storm of Vengeance as a Spell-Like Ability.

Retributive Gaze
Prerequisites: Cha 24, Do Not Fuck With Lazor Kitteh
Benefits: Whenever you are required to make a Saving Throw vs a Gaze Attack, that opponent takes damage as if struck by your Eldritch Blast.

Riddle of the Sphinx
"What poops at midnight in Death's slipper?"
Prerequisites: Greater Sphinx Kitty, Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Cha 24
Benefits: Spells you cast with the Compulsion descriptor had a Save DC of 19 plus your Wisdom Modifier, plus any appropriate Feats

The Robot
Prerequisites: Perform (Dancing) 24 ranks, Bardic Dancing class feature
Benefits: Once per day you may expend a daily use of your Bardic Dancing to cast Summon Golem as a Spell-Like Ability.

Saw It Comin'
You always seem to know about stuff before it goes down.
Prerequisites: You Can't Fool A Cat, Spot or Listen 24 ranks
Benefits: You never make initiative Checks, you instead choose when to act during each round.

Scamper Time
 Prerequisites: Cunning Evasion, Improved Diversion, Master Skirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: When using your Cunning Evasion or Improved Diversion Feats, instead of hiding you become Invisible (as per the spell of the same name). May be used 3 times per day.

Scribe Epic Tattoo
Prerequisites: Epic Manifestation, Scribe Tattoo, Tattoo Master
Benefits: You may now Scribe a Tattoo of an Epic Level spell once per day.  To calculate price Spell Level is 10th and Caster Level is 24th.

Siamese Assassin
You are a born killer.
Prerequisites: Death To All Who Oppose Us!, +5d6 Sneak Attack
Benefits: Whenever an opponent is unaware of you, and you successfully attack him, he must make a Fortitude Save (DC is Dex based) or die.  If the Save is successful he takes an additional 1d6 damage instead.  This is an Exceptional Ability.

Thundercat Form
You have a certain thunderous appeal...
Prerequisites: THUNDERCATS!, Cha 20
Benefits: You may now assume the form of a Humanoid with vaguely catlike features.  You also gain the following abilities: Low Light Vision, and Scent.  Your stats are modified as follows: If your Size is larger than Medium you gain +2 Dex and -2 Str per Size Class above Medium.  If it's less, you gain +2 Str and -2 Dex per Size Class below Medium (minimum Str or Dex is 3). In addition to these modifiers for Size you temporarily gain +4 to all Stats, with the lone exception of Intelligence. You also gain a +4 Natural Armor Bonus, and a +4 Circumstance Bonus on Listen and Move Silently Checks.  Unlike other Kitty Forms you can cast spells normally. You are Size Class Medium. Unlike other Kitty Forms, you are humanoid and have hands so have no difficulty using any skills you have, or wielding weapons, and may cast spells normally.  You may assume Thundercat form three times per day, and each time it lasts for the duration of the current encounter.

Time Warp
Prerequisites: Perform (Dancing) 24 ranks, Bardic Dancing class feature
Benefits: Once per day you may expend a daily use of your Bardic Dancing to cast Time Stop as a Spell-Like Ability.

Triple Barrels
Prerequisites: Cha 24, Both Barrels
Benefits: When using you Eldritch Blast you fire three Blasts at once.  All Blasts must be aimed at the same target however, and each Blast does damage as if you were a Warlock 3 levels lower.  When using your IMMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZOR! ability, the extra dice applies to both Blasts, as do any Eldritch Essence or Blast Shape Invocations.

Prerequisites: Perform (Dancing) 24 ranks, Bardic Dancing class feature
Benefits: Once per day you may expend a daily use of your Bardic Dancing to cast Greater Whirlwind as a Spell-Like Ability.

Vampire Kitteh
People really shouldn't leave their kids alone with you...
 Prerequisites: Dark Soul Kitty, Knowledge (Arcane) 20 ranks
 Benefits: You are now immortal, and are immune to aging effects.  You no longer need to eat the souls of innocents to keep yourself young, but can still do it to temporarily gain power.  When using your Steal Breath ability you may now optionally increase your caster level by +2 for 1 hour.

Vampire Lord
"Will you keep the corpses locked in the funeral home!  Every time the cats get in there all hell breaks loose!"
 Benefits: Despite the name of the ability, you are now considered a friend of all undead, and unless you specifically attack them, they will never attack you (you are effectively invisible  to Mindless Undead unless you attack them).  Vampires and Vampire Spawn also take a -2 penalty on all Saving Throws against spells cast by you.

Veteran Bouncer
 Prerequisites: 9th Level Occupational Specialty (Bouncer), Cha 20
 Benefits: You may now cast Weird 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability.

Veteran Security
 Prerequisites: 9th Level Occupational Specialty (Security), Cha 20
 Benefits: You may now cast Summon Feline IX 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability.

Veteran Voyeur
 Prerequisites: 9th Level Occupational Specialty (Voyeur), Cha 20
 Benefits: You may now cast Hindsight 3/day as a Spell-Like Ability.

You Picked The Wrong Alley
People really should ask permission before entering your territory.
Prerequisites: BAB 20+, Supah Kitteh!
Benefits: Once per day you may choose to use this Feat as a Swift Action.  For the rest of the encounter, you gain a Bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to your Class Level against opponents whose Size Category is bigger than yours.

Your Hastily Thrown Shoe Affects Me Not
 Prerequisites: Any 2 of the following Feats (Elusive Target, Improved Combat Expertise, Melee Evasion) and the Master SKirmisher Class Ability.
 Benefits: Choose 1 opponent. For every round that opponent attempts to attacks you and misses you gain a cumulative +1 Insight Bonus to your AC against him. This lasts for the duration of the encounter.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2024, 10:46:11 PM by bhu »

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 12:53:33 AM »
i like the tomcat feat it has a nice little bit of something something in it

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2011, 05:09:07 AM »
I have begun editing in epic kitty feats/abilities.  Coincidentally I am now taking requests for epic kitty stuffs

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Re: Cat Burglar Core Class and Epic Levels
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2013, 04:26:00 PM »

Other sources for appropriate Flaws (some of which are repeated at Realmshelps):

Bestial Instinct, Coward, Forlorn of Men (Dragon #324)
Curious, Free-Spirited, Fussy, Grudge Keeper, Implacable, Short Attention Span, Skulker (Dragon #328)
Wild (Dragon #329)

The world sucks. 
 Drawbacks: You do not gain the benefit of Morale Bonuses, and Morale Penalties are doubled.

Resting Grumpy Face
You look pissed at the world, no matter how happy you really are. 
 Drawbacks: You have a -4 Penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy Checks.

You constantly swat at things only you can see.  Time to cut back on the nip.
 Drawbacks:  During each Encounter you must make a DC 18 Check  (roll 10 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice plus your Wis Modifier) when attacking an opponent, or attack the empty air instead of your opponent.  You do not make additional checks after you fail the first one.

Turkish Angora
You glow in the dark.
 Drawbacks: You automatically fail all Hide Checks.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 08:11:30 PM by bhu »