What you're essentially trying to say is the Psionic version of Fighter (psychic warrior) gets Power Points and the non-psionic version (fighter) doesn't say he don't. Therefor it is debatable that Fighter gets Power Points.
This is so off-base that it's funny.
Let me explain: Ahem.
Genesis is to Psychic Genesis in a way that is unlike
fighter is to psychic warrior. You see, Psychic Genesis is almost exactly the same as Genesis, except they tacked on a bit about no time traits. Otherwise, they do the same thing.
Psychic Warrior is so unlike Fighter that I wonder if you have read it. Psychic warrior, interestingly enough, has
class features, and is assuredly NOT a retooling of fighter.
The comparison is not similar at all. Therefore, the fundament of your inflammatory comment is ungrounded.
The only way what you said would be relevant is if, at the end of the section on bonus feats in the Psychic warrior entry, it said, "You may not trade in your bonus feats for more power points."
Then one is made to wonder, "Well, could I trade in my bonus feats for power points
That is the only situation in which your laughable comment would make sense. Please attempt to think out your arguments before passionately spewing them forth.
That is all.