Shadow CreaturePrerequisites:Race-Must be an aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast,
monstrous humanoid, plant, undead, or vermin
Special- Must have spent at least one week whitout being exposed to any kind of light.
Level | Bab | Fort | Ref | Will | Feature |
1 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | Shadow Body, Unnatural Stalker, Shadow Blend, Unnatural Skill |
Skills:2+Int modifier per level. The Shadow Creature's Class skills are Bluff, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Hide, Listen, Knowledge(any), Move Silently, Perform(any), Spot, Survival
Proficiencies:The Shadow Creature gains no new proficiencies.
Features:Shadow Body:The Shadow creature keeps all of his previous racial traits. Animals or vermin
become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. Shadow creatures on the Material Plane gain the extraplanar subtype and are native to the Plane of Shadow.
In addition the Shadow Creature gains low-light vision and darkvision 60 feet if it still hadn't it, plus resistance to cold equal to its HD.
Unnatural Stalker: The Shadow Creature gains a racial bonus on move Silently checks equal to half its HD and all its movement speeds increase by 50%.
Shadow Blend: In any conditions other than full daylight, a shadow creature can disappear into the shadows as an immediate action, giving it total concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, but a daylight spell will. This concealment lasts until you're exposed to full daylight, magic or mundane.
If you're under an opponent's darkvision range, Shadow Blend only gives you basic concealment against that opponent unless you're standing on actual shadows, in which case you gain Total Concealment. This doesn't apply if you have 4 or more HD than your opponent.
Unnatural Skill: You gain one of the following abilities, plus another for every 5 HD you have. You may only pick each option once.
-+2 Luck Bonus bonus on all saving throws.
-Cause Fear as a SLA once per hour, save DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest Stat mod, and it can affect creatures up to your HD instead of up to 6 HD. If you have 12 or more HD even creatures normally immune to fear can be affected, but they gain a +5 bonus on their saves. You can combine this with a normal charge as a single fullround action.
-DR/magic equal to half your HD. If you already had DR it now demands magic to bypass. If it already demanded magic to bypass increase it by 2.
-Evasion, as the rogue class feature. If you already had evasion it stacks to Greater Evasion.
-Fast Healing equal to ½ HD.
-Mirror Image as a SLA 1/hour.
-Plane Shift 1/day, to or from the Plane of Shadow only. Save DC 10+1/2 HD+Highest Stat mod.
CommentsAfter doing the gods, something more basic. The Shadow Creature's kinda ready to go from the start, just needed a few tweaks here and there. In particular the options were pretty diferent power-wise between them so buffed up the weaker ones. Left the bonus to save fixed because usually save DCs scale more linearly than everything else.
Also weakened Shadow Blend a bit, since going by the original version it kinda works as an unbeatable invisibility as long as you're not standing out there in the sun, which will be pretty much all the time with trees and houses and dungeons and whatnot.
Still gives a lot of goodies for just 1 level, so low HD, Bab and skills.
So if you want to add a touch of darkness to your character, the Shadow Creature is for you!