UurKrau Illumian, Rogue 3/Wiz 3.
All the skills of a dex-boosted rogue, with all the utility of a CL-boosted wizard, all run off dex so stats are easy.
Chuck on Exotic Weapon:Spiked Chain/Combat Reflexes/the Enlarge spell if you want to be an arse. Or just Practiced Spellcaster if you want more duration/+CL to your spells.
The floating-candle-sigil-word sucks for stealth, but it's good for everything else. Can be feated out with Invisible Sigil if required.
Level into whatever side takes your fancy (probably rogue by the sounds of it). Rogue 5/Wiz 1 is doable too, for better BAB/SA. Works with any caster dip really well. Can go for a AeshKrau Illumian if you want a Str based character instead. Standard +2CL is good, +6 CL when you get your whole Practised Spellcaster bonus is even better (keeps things relevant far longer than a 1 or 3 lvl spellcaster dip implies). Spiked Chain fighter isn't bad as mêlée goes, although it's a bit over-rated for the feats it sucks up.