I took the encyclopedia draconis rar / Acane spell lists 101 doc and did a little formatting.
the formatting took a little longer than i liked, but less time than hand writing it all...
so, here is the product (i didnt say finished, but i doubt i'll refine it)
here is (afaik) all the arcane non wizard spells.
some stuff like Domain spells was left in, mostly because it wasnt much #lazy
Detect Crossroads (Bard) Detects fey crossroads within 60 ft.
Easy Math (Bard) Solve complex math problems with a perform check.
Fine-Tuning (Bard) +2 Circumstance bonus on perform checks.
Ghostharp (Bard) Object records, plays a song at your command.
Know Direction (Bard) You discern north.
Lullaby (Bard) Makes Target drowsy; -5 on Spot and Listen checks, -2 on Will saves against sleep.
Mending (Wu Jen) Makes minor repairs on an object.
Minor Disguise (Bard) Makes slight changes to your appearance.
Percussion (Bard) Fill the area with the sound of percussive instruments.
Songbird (Bard) Grants +1 bonus on your next Cha check after performance.
Summon Instrument (Bard) Summons one instrument of the caster’s choice.
Accuracy (Warmage) Doubles weapon’s range increment.
Addiction (Assassin) Target becomes addicted to a drug.
Ambient Song (Bard) Transform Bardic music into background noise.
Amplify (Bard) Lowers Listen DC by 20.
Angry Ache (Assassin) Target takes -2 penalty on attack rolls.
Animate Water (Wu Jen) Turn Small or smaller quantity of water into animated object.
Animate Wood (Wu Jen) Turn Small or smaller wooden item into animated object.
Arcane Lock (Thayan Slaver) Magically locks a portal or chest.
Arcane Sight (Trapsmith) Magical auras become visible to you.
Augment Familiar (Hexblade) Your familiar becomes more powerful.
Axiomatic Water (Silver Pyromancer) Makes lawful-aligned axiomatic water.
Bane (Dread Necromancer) Enemies suffer -1 attack, -1 on saves against fear.
Barlen’s Crabwalk (Bard) Touched creature gains bonus while charging.
Bear’s Endurance (Sand Shaper) Target gains +4 to Con for 1 minute/level.
Beastland Ferocity (Bard) Target fights without penalty while disabled or dying.
Blaze of Light (Silver Pyromancer) 60-ft cone of light dazzles creatures.
Bless (Exalted Arcanist) Allies gain +1 to attack, +1 against fear.
Bless Water (Silver Pyromancer) Makes holy water.
Bless Weapon (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon strikes true against evil foes.
Bless Weapon, Swift (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon strikes true against evil foes. Lasts 1 round.
Blessed Aim (Silver Pyromancer) +2 bonus for allies’ ranged attacks.
Blindness/Deafness (Telflammar Shadowlord) Makes Target blinded or deafened.
Bloodletting (Assassin) Your light weapon creates bleeding wound that deals an extra 1d6 damage per round.
Bull’s Strength (Sand Shaper) Target gains +4 to Strength for 1 minute/level.
Camouflage (Harper Scout) Target gets +10 on Hide checks.
Cat’s Grace (Trapsmith) Target gains +4 to Dex for 1 minute/level.
Catsfeet (Bard) Reroll a Balance, Climb, Jump, or Move Silently check with +5 bonus.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Trapsmith) Hear or see at a distance for 1 minute/level.
Clear Mind (Silver Pyromancer) +4 on saves against mind-affecting spells and abilities.
Climbing Tree (Wu Jen) Temporarily grow a tall tree for use as a ladder.
Cobra’s Breath (Wu Jen) Cone of poison deals 1d3 Con damage.
Combined Talent (Bard) Allows one Target to use the skill ranks of a second Target in place of her own.
Command (Thayan Slaver) One Target obeys one-word command for 1 round.
Confusion, Lesser (Bard) One creature acts randomly for one round.
Conjure Ice Beast I (Frost Mage) Conjures ice creature to fight for you.
Corrupt Weapon (Bard) Weapon confirms critical hits against good foes.
Create Water (Prime Underdark Guide) Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Cure Light Wounds (Bard) Cures 1d8 +1/level damage (Max +5).
Cure Minor Wounds (Merchant Prince) Cures 1 point of damage.
Curse Water (Maho-Tsukai) Makes unholy water.
Darkness (Telflammar Shadowlord) 20-ft radius of supernatural darkness.
Darkvision (Telflammar Shadowlord) See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Deafening Clang (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon deals sonic damage, deafens.
Deathwatch (Maho-Tsukai) Reveals how near death subjects within 30 ft. are.
Demonflesh (Demonologist) Caster gains +1 natural armor/5 CLs.
Detect Chaos (Wu Jen) Reveals chaotic creatures, spells, or objects.
Detect Evil (Wu Jen) Reveals evil creatures, spells, or objects.
Detect Good (Wu Jen) Reveals good creatures, spells, or objects.
Detect Law (Wu Jen) Reveals lawful creatures, spells, or objects.
Detect Taint (Corrupt Avenger) Reveals creatures or objects with taint.
Detect Thoughts (Thayan Slaver) Allows listening to surface thoughts.
Devastating Smite (Silver Pyromancer) Double the extra damage dealt by your next smite attack.
Dispel Magic (Trapsmith) Cancels spells and magical effects.
Disquietude (Bard) Target avoids physical contact with others.
Distort Speech (Bard) Target’s speech becomes unintelligible, hampers spellcasting.
Divine Favor (Silver Pyromancer) You gain attack, damage bonus, +1/3 levels.
Divine Sacrifice (Silver Pyromancer) You sacrifice HP to deal extra damage.
Doom (Maho-Tsukai) One Target takes -2 on attacks, damage, saves, and checks.
Elemental Burst (Wu Jen) Elemental target explodes with varying effects.
Energized Shield, Lesser (Silver Pyromancer) Shield provides user resistance 5, shield bash deals +1d6 damage.
Entropic Shield (Hexblade) Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
Exorcism (Silver Pyromancer) Drive a fiend out of the body of a creature or object it possesses.
Faith Healing (Silver Pyromancer) Cures 8 hp +1/level (Max +5) to worshiper of your deity.
Fiery Eyes (Wu Jen) Your glowing eyes illuminate area and can ignite combustible items.
Find Temple (Silver Pyromancer) You know direction of your deity’s nearest temple.
Focusing Chant (Bard) Gain +1 on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.
Fox’s Cunning (Trapsmith) Target gains +4 Int for 1 minute/level.
Gaseous Form (Trapsmith) Target becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
Ghost Light (Wu Jen) Ghostly green radiance can be shaped and manipulated, causes fear.
Ghost Pipes (Bard) Causes an instrument to float above the ground and play itself.
Ghostly Tail (Sorcerer) Your tail of force can be used to take advantage of an attack of opportunity.
Golden Barding (Silver Pyromancer) Your mount gets force armor.
Grave Strike (Silver Pyromancer) You can sneak attack undead for 1 round.
Guided Path (Bard) Find nearest establishment of designated type.
Handfire (Harper Scout) Your hand glows and can make a touch attack dealing 1d8+1/level, more against undead.
Harmony (Bard) Increased moral bonus when you inspire.
Haste (Trapsmith) One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Healer’s Vision (Assassin) Gain +5 bonus on Heal checks, and +2 attack and damage on sneak attacks.
Healthful Rest (Bard) Subjects heal at twice the normal rate.
Heartache (Mortal Hunter) Target helpless for 1 round.
Herald’s Call (Bard) Creatures of 5 HD or less within 20 ft. slowed for 1 round.
Hide from Undead (Dread Necromancer) Undead can’t perceive one subject/level.
Holy Spurs (Silver Pyromancer) Special mount’s speed increases by 40 ft. for 1 round.
Immediate Assistance (Bard) Allow Target to reroll a skill check.
Improvisation (Bard) Gain luck bonus 2 x CL; spend to improve attack rolls and skill/ability checks.
Inflict Light Wounds (Dread Necromancer) Touch attack, 1d8 damage +1/level (Max +5).
Insidious Rhythm (Bard) Target has -4 penalty on Int-based skill and Concentration checks; Concentration checks to cast spells.
Inspirational Boost (Bard) The bonuses granted by your inspire courage ability increase by 1.
Instant of Power (Bard) Grant ally a brief +4 bonus on attacks, saves, or damage, even when it is not your turn.
Invisibility (Telflammar Shadowlord) Target invisible 1 minute/level or until it attacks.
Invisibility, Swift (Bard) Invisibility lasts 1 round.
Iron Scarf (Wu Jen) Ranged attack deals 1d8 damage +1/level.
Ironthunder Horn (Bard) Intense vibrations trip those in area.
Ivory Flesh (Bard) Flesh turns white, granting +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice.
Joyful Noise (Bard) You negate silence in a 10-ft radius emanation for as long as you concentrate.
Knight Unburdened (Silver Pyromancer) Remove the speed penalties for medium and heavy armor.
Knock (Trapsmith) Open locked or magically sealed door.
Know Greatest Enemy (Silver Pyromancer) Determines relative power level of creatures within the area.
Levitate (Telflammar Shadowlord) Target moves up and down at your direction.
Lightfoot (Assassin) Your move does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Lionheart (Silver Pyromancer) Target gains immunity to fear.
Lucky Streak (Bard) Target gains +2 luck bonus on rerolls made with luck feats.
Magic Mouth (Bard) Speaks once when triggered.
Melt (Wu Jen) Melt ice and snow or deal 2/level damage (Max 10) to magical ice or cold creatures.
Mimicry (Bard) Perfectly mimic familiar sounds, voices, or accents.
Moment of Clarity (Silver Pyromancer) Target immediately makes a new saving throw to resist a mind-affecting spell or effect.
Obscure Object (Bard) Masks object against scrying.
One Mind, Lesser (Silver Pyromancer) You gain +4 on Spot and Listen checks while mounted.
Phantom Threat (Bard) Target thinks it’s flanked.
Protection from Energy (Trapsmith) Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
Protective Interposition (Silver Pyromancer) Trade places with ally, who gains +2 to AC; you gain +2 on next attack.
Purify Food and Drink (Prime Underdark Guide) Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
Ray of Hope (Bard) Target gains +2 bonus on attacks, saves, and checks.
Remove Fear (Bard) Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one Target + one per four levels.
Resist Energy (Prime Underdark Guide) Ignores 10 hp/round from one energy type.
Restoration, Lesser (Silver Pyromancer) Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Resurgence (Silver Pyromancer) You grant Target a second chance at a saving throw.
Rhino’s Rush (Silver Pyromancer) Next charge deals double damage.
Rooftop Strider (Assassin) Move across uneven surfaces with ease.
Sanctuary (Fatemaker) Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack.
Scales of the Lizard (Wu Jen) Grants +2 or higher enhancement bonus to natural armor.
Second Wind (Silver Pyromancer) Dispel fatigue, grant bonus on Constitution checks.
Secret Signs (Wu Jen) Communicate a simple non-verbal message to one intelligent creature.
Sense Heretic (Silver Pyromancer) Glow reveals when evil creature is near.
Shadow Double (Assassin) Shadowy figure attacks enemies.
Shadow Mask (Telflammar Shadowlord) Grants +4 on saves against light spells, protection from gaze attacks.
Shadow Spray (Telflammar Shadowlord) Deals 4 points of Str damage and dazes.
Share Talents (Bard) Subjects gain +2 bonus on skill checks.
Silence (Court Herald) Negates sound in 20-ft radius.
Silverbeard (Silver Pyromancer) You grow a hard silver beard that gives +2 bonus to armor.
Silvered Weapon (Silver Pyromancer) Transforms one weapon into a silvered weapon.
Smoke Ladder (Wu Jen) Smoke transforms into ladder up to 10 ft. long/level.
Sorrow (Bard) Target takes -3 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks.
Soul of Order (Silver Pyromancer) +2 on Will saves to resist enchantments, you are treated as being lawful aligned for adjudicating effects.
Speak with Animals (Sand Shaper) You can communicate with natural animals.
Spider Climb (Assassin) Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
Spores of the Vrock (Demonologist) All within 5 ft. take 1d8 damage and 1d2 damage each round thereafter for 10 rounds.
Spring Sheath (Assassin) Simulates Quick Draw feat.
Stay the Hand (Bard) Change Target creature’s attitude to helpful for 1 round.
Sticky Fingers (Bard) You get +10 on Sleight of Hand checks.
Sticky Saddle (Silver Pyromancer) You become stuck to special mount, gain +10 Ride checks.
Strategic Charge (Silver Pyromancer) Gain the benefits of the Mobility feat.
Strength of the True Form (Sorcerer) Polymorphed/shapechanged casters can use their new stats, or original stats, whichever is better.
Summon Desert Ally I (Sand Shaper) Calls dustform creature to fight.
Summon Holy Symbol (Silver Pyromancer) Wooden holy symbol appears in your hand.
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter (Bard) Target loses actions for 1 round/level.
Traveler’s Mount (Silver Pyromancer) Creature moves faster but can’t attack.
Undersong (Bard) Make Perform checks in place of Concentration checks.
Undetectable Alignment (Bard) Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
Virtue (Silver Pyromancer) Target gains 1 temporary hp.
Vision of Glory (Silver Pyromancer) Target gains morale bonus equal to your Cha modifier to one saving throw.
Vision of Heaven (Exalted Arcanist) Evil creature is dazed for 1 round.
Warning Shout (Silver Pyromancer) Allies are no longer flat-footed.
Wings of Bounding (Sorcerer) Get a +20 circumstance bonus on a Jump check.
Wings of Swift Flying (Sorcerer) Increase your temporary fly speed by 30 ft.
Woodwisp Arrow (Assassin) Enables a masterwork arrow or bolt to pass through wood.
Absorb Weapon (Assassin) Hide a weapon, gain a Bluff check with a +4 bonus on feint attempts when you draw it.
Air Walk (Telflammar Shadowlord) Target treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle).
Alliance Undone (Hexblade) Suppress team oriented effects.
Angelskin (Silver Pyromancer) Lawful good creature gains DR 5/evil.
Animal Messenger (Bard) Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
Animal Trance (Bard) Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals.
Animate Fire (Wu Jen) Turn Small or smaller fire into animated object.
Animate Instrument (Bard) Your instrument animates and plays by itself.
Animate Weapon (Assassin) Weapon animates and fights for you.
Apparition (Wu Jen) Target’s face looks terrifying; viewers may become shaken.
Arcane Eye (Trapsmith) Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Augury (Magewright) Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
Aura of Glory (Silver Pyromancer) Remove any fear effect from allies.
Awaken Sin (Silver Pyromancer) Target faces its sins, takes 1d6 non-lethal damage/level(10d6 max).
Battle Hymn (Bard) Allies can reroll one Will save/round.
Beckoning Call (Bard) Lures target creature closer to you.
Benediction (Silver Pyromancer) Target gains a +2 luck bonus on saves, can reroll one attack roll, save, skill check, or ability check.
Bestow Curse (Demonologist) -6 to an ability; -4 on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
Blacklight (Telflammar Shadowlord) Creates a 20-ft radius of supernatural darkness you can see through.
Blackrot (Wu Jen) Deal damage to plant creatures, or use wooden weapon to sicken foes.
Blade Brothers (Bard) Use higher saving throw result between two creatures, but both suffer effects if the saves fail.
Blade of Pain and Fear (Assassin) Creates blade of gnashing teeth.
Bladebane (Silver Pyromancer) Slashing weapon becomes a bane weapon.
Bothersome Babble (Bard) Subject’s speech becomes incoherent; second casting makes speech painful.
Brilliant Energy Arrow (Assassin) Masterwork arrow or bolt radiates light and ignores armor.
Burrow (Prime Underdark Guide) Target can burrow with a speed of 30 ft.
Cacophonous Alarm (Bard) First creature to trigger alarm affected by sound burst spell.
Call Mount (Silver Pyromancer) Call your special mount, even if you have already called it today.
Calm Emotions (Bard) Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
Caterwaul (Bard) Horrible wail renders creatures nauseated or sickened for 1 round.
Checkmate’s Light (Silver Pyromancer) Your weapon becomes a +1 axiomatic weapon and bolsters the morale of allies.
Chill Metal (Cold Wizard Domain) Cold metal damages those who touch it.
Circle Dance (Bard) Indicates direction to known target.
Clarity of Mind (Silver Pyromancer) +4 bonus on saves against mind affecting spells and abilities, allows reroll of concealment miss chance.
Cloak of Bravery (Silver Pyromancer) You and your allies gain a bonus on saves against fear.
Conduit of Life (Silver Pyromancer) Heal 2dl0+1/CL (Max. 10) points of damage to yourself while channeling positive energy.
Conjure Ice Beast II (Frost Mage) Conjures ice creature to fight for you.
Consecrate (Exalted Arcanist) Fills area with positive energy, making undead weaker and deathless stronger.
Control Darkness and Shadow (Bard) Manipulate existing areas of darkness and shadow.
Crescendo (Bard) Create a inspiring martial fanfare.
Crisis of Confidence (Hexblade) Target loses commander rating, aura; can’t add Cha to rally checks.
Crown of Smiting (Silver Pyromancer) +2 damage bonus, discharge to gain +8 damage on single attack.
Crown of Veils (Bard) Gain +2 to Disguise and Hide, discharge to gain +8.
Cure Moderate Wounds (Bard) Cures 2d8 +1/level damage (Max +10).
Curse of the Brute (Silver Pyromancer) Up to +1/level to Str, Dex, or Con, both Int and Cha down the same.
Dancing Dragonmark (Bard) One dragonmarked creature/level is nauseated.
Death Knell (Dread Necromancer) Kill dying creature; Gain 1d8 temp hp, +2 Str, +1 CL.
Deceptive Facade (Bard) Disguise appearance of another creature or object.
Delay Poison (Bard) Stops poison from harming Target for 1 hour/level.
Demoncall (Demonologist) Grants +10 profane bonus on one Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge(the planes), or Knowledge(religion) check.
Denounce (Silver Pyromancer) Target outsider takes -4 on attacks, saves, and checks.
Desecrate (Maho-Tsukai) Fills area with negative energy, making undead stronger.
Dimension Door (Trapsmith) Teleports you short distance.
Displacement (Telflammar Shadowlord) Attacks miss Target 50%.
Divine Insight (Silver Pyromancer) You gain insight bonus of 5 + CL on one single skill check.
Divine Presence (Silver Pyromancer) Gain a +5, +10, or +15 bonus on Intimidate checks against those who don’t worship your deity.
Divine Protection (Silver Pyromancer) Allies gain +1 to AC, saves.
Doublespeak (Bard) Subjects’ speech is masked from listeners.
Dragonmarked Weapon (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon deals +1d6 damage to dragonmarked foes, hardness increases by 50%.
Ease Pain (Celebrant of Sharess) Remove lingering effects of pain.
Easy Trail (Harper Scout) Create safe passage through overgrown areas and hide your back trail.
Eilistraee’s Grace (Bard) Grants +2 Dexterity, +10 feet to land speed, melee attacks treated as good; take -20 to Hide checks.
Elation (Bard) Allies gain +2 to Strength and Dexterity, +5 ft. of speed.
Energized Shield (Silver Pyromancer) Shield provides user resistance 10, shield bash deals +2d6 damage.
Entangling Scarf (Wu Jen) Successful ranged touch attack entangles a foe.
Enthrall (Bard) Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
Essence of the Dragon (Sorcerer) Confer the dragon type on touched creature.
Estanna’s Stew (Silver Pyromancer) Conjures stew that heals 1d6+1 per serving (one serving/two CLs).
Evil Eye (Mortal Hunter) Target takes -4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks.
Faerinaal’s Hymn (Bard) Up to one creature/level cannot take attacks of opportunity.
False Lie (Bard) Target seems to be lying, both to Sense Motive and divinations, even when she is not.
Fear (Thayan Slaver) Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Fell the Greatest Foe (Assassin) Deal extra damage to creatures larger than you.
Fire Shuriken (Assassin) Magical shuriken deal 3d6 fire damage.
Fire Trap (Warmage) Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level fire damage.
Flame of Faith (Silver Pyromancer) Gives weapon the flaming burst special ability.
Flexform (Bard) Target’s form shifts and deforms, grants +10 on Escape Artist and Tumble.
Fortissimo (Bard) Double the volume of one source of sound.
Freedom of Breath (Silver Pyromancer) Protects against suffocation and dangerous vapors.
Gentle Repose (Dread Necromancer) Preserves one corpse.
Getaway (Assassin) Elude Pursuers by causing them to turn the wrong way.
Ghost Companion (Silver Pyromancer) Animal companion, familiar, or special mount temporarily becomes a ghost.
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser (Trapsmith) Stops 1st through 3rd-level spell effects.
Glossolalia (Bard) Cone-shaped shriek distracts smart foes, makes concentrating difficult.
Hand of Divinity (Silver Pyromancer) Gives +2 sacred or profane bonus to worshiper of your deity.
Harmonic Chorus (Bard) Give another caster +2 to CL and +2 on save DCs as long as you concentrate.
Harmonize (Bard) Starting a Bardic music effect requires only a move action.
Heartfire (Bard) Subjects outlined by fire, take 1d4 damage/round.
Heat Metal (Sand Shaper) Make metal so hot it damages those who touch it.
Heroism (Bard) Gives +2 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Hold Person (Bard) Holds one person helpless; 1 round/level.
Holy Mount (Silver Pyromancer) Special mount gains celestial template.
Hydrate (Bard) Heals desiccation damage.
Ice Blast (Wu Jen) Spray of ice crystals deals 1d6/two levels cold damage (Max 10d6) and makes targets fatigued.
Illusory Script (Assassin) Only intended reader can decipher.
Incorporeal Disharmonics (Bard) Sonic energy harms an incorporeal creature.
Inflict Moderate Wounds (Dread Necromancer) Touch attack, 2d8 +1/level damage (Max +10).
Insignia of Alarm (Bard) Alert bearers of special insignia.
Invisibility, Greater (Telflammar Shadowlord) As invisibility, but Target can attack and stay invisible.
Iron Silence (Bard) Armor touched has no armor check penalty on Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour/level.
Jig of the Waves (Bard) Force creatures to dance a jig which causes penalties and forces random movement.
Karmic Backlash (Hexblade) Any creature damaging you becomes exhausted for 2 rounds.
Kiss of the Toad (Wu Jen) Touch deals 1d6 Con damage, repeats in 1 minute.
Knight’s Move (Silver Pyromancer) You instantly move to flank a subject.
Know Vulnerabilities (Bard) Determines target’s vulnerabilities and resistances.
Leomund’s Tiny Hut (Merchant Prince) Creates shelter for ten creatures.
Lightning Blade (Wu Jen) Blade of electricity energy deals total 1d6 damage/level as touch attack or ranged touch attack.
Loyal Vassal (Silver Pyromancer) Ally gains +3 against mind-affecting spells and abilities and cannot be compelled to harm you.
Magic Circle against Evil (Demonologist) As protection from evil, but 10-ft radius and 10 minute/level.
Magic Circle against Good (Demonologist) As protection from good, but 10-ft radius and 10 minute/level.
Magic of the Dragonheart (Sorcerer) Enhance the benefits of your draconic feats.
Magic Savant (Bard) Gain +4 bonus on Use Magic Device; take 10 on check if you have 10 ranks.
Make Whole (Magewright) Repairs an object.
Mark of Doom (Silver Pyromancer) Target takes 1d6 damage for each hostile action.
Mask of the Ideal (Bard) Gain +4 bonus on skill checks, checks to influence enchanted or conjured creatures.
Master Cavalier (Silver Pyromancer) Gain a +10 bonus on Ride checks, or +20 with special mount; use with other spells grants mount fly speed.
Mesmerizing Glare (Bard) Your gaze fascinates creatures.
Miser’s Envy (Bard) Target jealously covets nearby object.
Near Horizon (Assassin) Remove increment-based penalties on ranged attacks.
Nightmare Lullaby (Bard) Target is confused as long as you concentrate +2 rounds.
Nondetection (Telflammar Shadowlord) Hides Target from divination, scrying.
One Mind (Silver Pyromancer) As lesser one mind, but also gain +2 to attack while mounted.
Opportune Dodge (Bard) Target can avoid a single attack of opportunity.
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere (Trapsmith) Force globe protects but traps one subject.
Painful Echoes (Bard) Deal 1d4 sonic damage per round and sicken targets.
Pass Without Trace (Assassin) One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Peaceful Serenity of Io (Bard) Grant Target +4 bonus on Concentration checks and against compulsions and fear effects.
Persuade to Manifest (Bard) Target dead creature gains bonus on its attempt to manifest.
Primal Hunter (Sorcerer) Gain a +5 bonus on Climb, Jump, and Swim checks.
Protection from Charm (Wu Jen) Target gains +1/three levels bonus (Max +5) on saves against charm and compulsion.
Quick March (Silver Pyromancer) Allies’ speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round.
Rage (Bard) Grants +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, -2 to AC.
Rain of Needles (Wu Jen) Ranged attacks deal total 1d4/level damage (Max 5d4).
Ray of the Python (Bard) Creature can only attack once per round, cannot make attacks of opportunity,-10 ft. penalty to speed.
Remove Paralysis (Silver Pyromancer) Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect.
Resounding Voice (Bard) Your voice carries 100 ft./level.
Reveille (Bard) Dead creature speaks a short sentence about what caused its death.
Shield of Warding (Silver Pyromancer) Shield grants +1 bonus on AC and Reflex saves/5 levels (Max +5).
Shield Other (Silver Pyromancer) You take half of subject’s damage.
Smite of Sacred Fire (Silver Pyromancer) +2d6 damage on smite, continuing each round until you miss target.
Smoke Stairs (Assassin) Walk up a column of smoke as if it were solid.
Song of Festering Death (Bard) Target takes 2d6 damage per round while caster concentrates.
Sonic Whip (Bard) Whip of magical force keeps animals at bay and can frighten animals as ranged touch attack.
Sonorous Hum (Bard) Removes need to concentrate to maintain next spell cast.
Soul of Light (Silver Pyromancer) Healing spells cast by or on you have greater effect.
Sound Burst (Bard) Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them.
Spellslayer Arrow (Assassin) Masterwork arrow or bolt deals extra damage to a creature with ongoing spells cast upon it.
Spiritual Chariot (Silver Pyromancer) Creates ghostly chariot behind your mount.
Stabilize (Silver Pyromancer) Cures 1 point of damage to all creatures in area.
Steed of the Seas (Silver Pyromancer) Make your special mount amphibious.
Stone Fist (Silver Pyromancer) Your fists turn into menacing, rocky lumps capable of inflicting deadly wounds.
Stone Shape (Trapsmith) Sculpts stone into any shape.
Stoneskin (Trapsmith) Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
Strength of Stone (Silver Pyromancer) +8 Str bonus that ends if you lose contact with the ground.
Striking Fist (Duskblade) Hand deals 1d6 non-lethal damage/2 levels (Max 5d6) and knocks Target back.
Stunning Screech (Demonologist) All within 30 ft. are stunned for 1 round.
Suggestion (Bard) Compels Target to follow stated course of action.
Summon Desert Ally II (Sand Shaper) Calls dustform creature to fight.
Summon Elysian Thrush (Bard) Summon an Elysian thrush, which accelerates natural healing.
Summon Weapon (Bard) Create normal, non-magical light weapon.
Swift Ready (Bard) Enchant armor and weapons so that they appear on you instantly when you wish.
Tactical Precision (Bard) Allies gain additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and +1d6 additional damage against flanked foes.
Tail Slap (Sorcerer) Attack a foe for 1 round/level and knock him back on the first round.
Tongues (Bard) Speak any language.
Touch of Restoration (Silver Pyromancer) Use part of your lay on hands ability to cure 1 point of ability damage.
True Prayer of the Faithful (Silver Pyromancer) Allies gain +1 bonus on most rolls.
Turn Anathema (Silver Pyromancer) Use your turn/rebuke ability to turn creatures with the opposing alignment subtype.
Vampiric Touch (Telflammar Shadowlord) Touch deals 1d6/two CLs; caster gains damage as hp.
War Cry (Bard) Gain +4 on attack/damage rolls on charge. Any opponent you damage must save or panic 1 round.
Warp Wood (Wu Jen) Bends wood (Shaft, handle, door, plank).
Wave of Grief (Bard) Cone imposes -3 penalty on attacks, checks, and saves.
Whip (Wu Jen) Create a whip of force.
Wings of Cover (Sorcerer) Grant cover against a specific attack.
Wood Shape (Wu Jen) Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
Zeal (Silver Pyromancer) You gain +4 AC against attacks of opportunity, move through enemies.
Zone of Natural Purity (Impure Prince) Aberrations in area become weaker, fey and plants become stronger.
Zone of Truth (Silver Pyromancer) Subjects within range cannot lie.
Abyssal Might (Demonologist) Caster gains +2 to Str, Con, Dex, and SR.
Allegro (Bard) You and your allies gain +30 ft. speed for 1 minute/level.
Animate Dead (Maho-Tsukai) Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
Arrowsplit (Assassin) Transform a masterwork arrow or bolt mid-flight into 2d4 masterwork missiles.
Axiomatic Storm (Silver Pyromancer) Lawful-aligned rain falls in 20-ft radius.
Beckon Monster (Bard) Force a creature to approach you against its will.
Bigby’s Interposing Hand (Trapsmith) Hand provides cover against one opponent.
Binding Snow (Silver Pyromancer) Snow freezes, impeding movement.
Blessed Sight (Silver Pyromancer) Evil auras become visible to you.
Blessing of Bahamut (Silver Pyromancer) You gain DR 10/magic.
Blunt Weapon (Bard) Reduce the effectiveness of certain weapons by rendering them semi-substantial.
Break Enchantment (Trapsmith) Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Call Dretch Horde (Demonologist) Summons 2d4 dretches.
Call Lightning (Durthan) Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
Charm Monster (Bard) Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Command, Greater (Thayan Slaver) As command, but affects one subject/level.
Commune with Lesser Spirit (Wu Jen) Lesser spirit answers one question/2 levels.
Cone of Euphoria (Bard) 20-ft cone dazes targets for 1d6 rounds.
Confusion (Bard) Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Conjure Ice Beast III (Frost Mage) Conjures ice creature to fight for you.
Contagion (Maho-Tsukai) Infects Target with chosen disease.
Control Sand (Sand Shaper) Raise or lower the level of sand.
Creaking Cacophony (Bard) Sound distracts and makes foes vulnerable to sonic damage.
Create Fetch (Bard) Craft a temporary duplicate of yourself that follows telepathic orders.
Create Food and Water (Prime Underdark Guide) Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level.
Crown of Courage (Bard) +1 on attacks and damage, +4 against fear; discharge to combat fear.
Crushing Despair (Bard) Subjects take -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Cure Serious Wounds (Bard) Cures 3d8 +1/level damage (Max +15).
Dancing Chains (Demonologist) Animates one chain per level.
Darkbolt (Telflammar Shadowlord) You hurl 1 beam of darkness/2 levels dealing 2d8 damage and may daze target for 1 round.
Darkflame Arrow (Assassin) Masterwork arrow or bolt deals normal damage plus 2d6 damage each round for 3 rounds.
Deafening Blast (Bard) Permanently deafen all targets in 20-ftradius spread.
Death Ward (Dread Necromancer) Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects.
Deeper Darkness (Assassin) Object sheds absolute darkness in a 60-ft radius.
Deific Bastion (Silver Pyromancer) Your shield or armor gains a +1 enhancement bonus plus a special ability that varies by deity.
Demon Wings (Demonologist) Caster flies at his land speed.
Detect Scrying (Telflammar Shadowlord) Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.
Dimensional Anchor (Demonologist) Bars extra-dimensional movement.
Dirge of Discord (Bard) All within 20 ft. take -4 on attack rolls and Dexterity, and reduce speed by 50%.
Discern Lies (Corrupt Avenger) Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
Dispel Magic, Greater (Trapsmith) As dispel magic, but +20 on check.
Dissonant Chord (Bard) Deal 1d8/2 levels sonic damage in 10-ft burst.
Distort Summons (Demonologist) Creates an area in which only evil creatures can be magically summoned.
Dominate Animal (Sand Shaper) Target animal obeys silent mental commands.
Dominate Person (Thayan Slaver) Control humanoid telepathically.
Doom Scarabs (Duskblade) Scarab swarm deals 1d6/2 levels, gives you temporary HP.
Dragonblood Affinity (Sorcerer) +2 bonus on all saves, checks, attacks, and damage rolls to one dragon or dragonblood/level.
Earth Hammer (Silver Pyromancer) Base damage of weapon Improves by one step.
Earthbolt (Wu Jen) Seismic pulse deals 1d6/level damage to creatures along its path.
Ebon Ray of Doom (Assassin) Black energy prevents magical healing and special healing abilities from functioning.
Elemental Eye (Wu Jen) See through a designated object.
Embrace of Endless Day (Silver Pyromancer) You imbue the target with positive energy he can use to heal or damage undead.
Emotion (Bard) Arouse a single emotion in the target.
Fabricate (Trapsmith) Transforms raw material into finished items.
Fangs of the Vampire King (Assassin) Caster gains bite attack with +10 bonus that deals 1d6 damage and 1 Con damage.
Find the Gap (Assassin) Your attacks ignore armor and natural armor.
Fire Breath (Wu Jen) You can breathe fire once/round; flame deals 1d8/2 levels (Maximum 10d8) damage to one target within 15 ft.
Fire Shield (Warmage) Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
Fire Wings (Wu Jen) Your arms become wings that enable flight, deal 2d6 fire damage.
Flesh Ripper (Mortal Hunter) Black claw deals 1d8 damage/level and critical hits deal bleeding wounds.
Forceward (Silver Pyromancer) Creates a sphere of force that protects against force effects and keeps out incorporeal creatures.
G’elsewhere Chant (Bard) Teleports target to random safe place within 100 ft.
Geas, Lesser (Bard) Commands Target of 7 HD or less.
Gembomb (Merchant Prince) Gem becomes a bomb that deals 1d8 force damage/2 levels.
Glibness (Bard) Gain +30 on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical discernment.
Glyph of Warding (Magewright) Inscription harms those who pass it.
Good Hope (Bard) Subjects gain +2 on attacks, damage, saves, and checks.
Hand of the Faithful (Silver Pyromancer) Immobile zone of warding stuns those worshiping different deities from yours.
Haunting Tune (Bard) 1 target/level becomes shaken.
Heal Mount (Silver Pyromancer) As heal on warhorse or other special mount.
Healing Spirit (Silver Pyromancer) Ball of light heals 1d8/round.
Helping Hand (Exalted Arcanist) Ghostly hand leads Target to you.
Hold Monster (Thayan Slaver) As hold person, but any creature.
Holy Fire (Silver Pyromancer) Cause sacred fire damage to undead you attempt to turn.
Holy Storm (Silver Pyromancer) Good-aligned rain falls in 20-ft radius.
Hound of Doom (Hexblade) Creates shadowy protector.
Hymn of Praise (Bard) Add +2 CLs to all good divine casters within range.
Ice Storm (Warmage) Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Infernal Threnody (Bard) Add +2 CLs to all evil divine casters within range.
Inflict Serious Wounds (Dread Necromancer) Touch attack, 3d8 damage +1/level (Max +15).
Insignia of Blessing (Silver Pyromancer) Bearers of special insignia gain +1 bonus on attacks and saves against fear.
Insignia of Healing (Bard) Bearers of special insignia healed 1d8 damage +1 point/level (Max +10)
Insignia of Warding (Silver Pyromancer) Bearers of special insignia gain +1 to AC, Fortitude saves.
Invisibility, Mass (Telflammar Shadowlord) As invisibility, but affects all in range.
Know Opponent (Bard) Learn strengths and weaknesses of foe.
Leomund’s Secure Shelter (Merchant Prince) Creates sturdy cottage.
Listening Coin (Bard) You can eavesdrop through a magic coin.
Living Prints (Harper Scout) You perceive tracks as if they had just been made.
Love’s Lament (Bard) Creatures in 60-ft cone take 1d6 Wisdom damage and are nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
Magnetism (Wu Jen) Draw iron or steel objects to yourself.
Mantle of Good (Silver Pyromancer) You gain SR 12 + CL against spells with the evil descriptor.
Mantle of Law (Silver Pyromancer) You gain SR 12 + CL against spells with the chaotic descriptor.
Mental Weakness (Maho-Tsukai) Target suffers -4 penalty to Will saves.
Mind Bond (Silver Pyromancer) You and your mount gain +4 flanking bonus when flanking the same opponent; mount gains bonus on attack rolls.
Mirror Sending (Mortal Hunter) Caster sends her image to a mirror and can see and speak through it.
Mislead (Telflammar Shadowlord) Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Moral Facade (Bard) Divination spells give a false alignment reading.
Nightmare Terrain (Bard) Create patch of illusory terrain that hinders foes and allows you to hide.
One Mind, Greater (Silver Pyromancer) As one mind, but also gain +2 to damage while mounted.
Otto’s Imperative Ambulation (Bard) Target must move at least 10 feet each round.
Phantom Battle (Bard) Illusion of battle flanks creatures and denies attacks of opportunity.
Planar Binding, Lesser (Demonologist) Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
Plant Growth (Wu Jen) Grows vegetation, improves crops.
Poison (Warmage) Touch deals 1d10 points of Con damage, repeats in 1 minute.
Prayer (Silver Pyromancer) Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies -1 penalty.
Primal Instinct (Sorcerer) Gain a +5 bonus on initiative checks and Survival checks.
Puppeteer (Bard) Target mimics your actions.
Rebirth of Iron (Wu Jen) Completely restores any metal item destroyed by rust, even if reduced to powder.
Redirect Spell (Silver Pyromancer) Spells targeting ally target you instead.
Refreshment (Bard) Cures creatures of all non-lethal damage.
Remove Blindness/Deafness (Silver Pyromancer) Cures normal or magical conditions.
Remove Curse (Bard) Frees object or person from curse.
Remove Disease (Impure Prince) Cures all diseases affecting subject.
Rend Essentia (Assassin) Deal Charisma damage or essentia damage to foe; gain essentia.
Repel Vermin (Hexblade) Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away.
Resurgence, Mass (Silver Pyromancer) As resurgence, but multiple targets.
Righteous Fury (Silver Pyromancer) Gain temporary hp, +4 to Strength.
Ring of Blades (Warmage) Blades surround you, damaging other creatures (1d6 damage +1/level).
Roar of the Waves (Bard) Make one target/2 levels deafened and shaken.
Rusted Blade (Assassin) Touched weapon delivers filth fever.
Scrying (Bard) Spies on Target from a distance.
Sculpt Sound (Bard) Creates new sounds or changes existing ones.
Searing Light (Exalted Arcanist) Ray deals 1d8/two levels, more against undead.
Seek Eternal Rest (Silver Pyromancer) Turn undead as cleric of your level.
Siren’s Call (Bard) Compel one creature/2 levels to submerse itself.
Slipsand (Sand Shaper) Creates a volume of slipsand.
Smite Heretic (Silver Pyromancer) +2 on attack roll and extra damage to smite evil ability vas divine spell casting evil creature.
Soldiers of Sanctity (Silver Pyromancer) Fellow worshipers provide bonuses to turn undead, gain AC bonus against undead.
Song of the Calling (Bard) Ghost departs immediately for the True Afterlife.
Sonic Shield (Bard) +4 deflection bonus to AC; 1d8 sonic damage and push back creatures that hit you in melee.
Speak with Dead (Dread Necromancer) Corpse answers one question/2 levels.
Speechlink (Bard) You and the target can verbally communicate at any distance.
Stand Firm (Silver Pyromancer) Grant instant benefits against charges, bull rushes, grapples, trips, and similar attacks.
Steam Breath (Wu Jen) Superheated steam deals 1d6/level fire damage (Max 10d6).
Stiffen (Bard) Touch imposes penalties to Dex and speed and reduces maneuverability.
Summon Desert Ally III (Sand Shaper) Calls dustform creature to fight.
Terra Cotta Warrior (Wu Jen) Statuette becomes a Medium animated object which fights for you.
Thornskin (Wu Jen) Your unarmed attacks deal +1d6 damage; natural and unarmed attacks against you take 5 damage.
Toxic Tongue (Assassin) Generate small amount of poison that you can spit or place on a weapon.
Treasure Scent (Bard) You detect valuable metals and gems.
True Prayer of the Chosen (Silver Pyromancer) You gain +3 AC and save bonus.
Unbind Chakra (Assassin) Sever one chakra bind per four CLs; deal 1d6 + 1d6/essentia damage per bind severed.
Undead Bane Weapon (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon gains undead bane property and is considered good-aligned.
Verraketh’s Shadow Crown (Bard) +4 competence bonus on Perform checks, and Bardic music uses Shadow Weave.
Vital Strike (Assassin) Your next attack deals sneak attack damage.
Wall of Stone (Trapsmith) Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
War-Mount (Silver Pyromancer) Mount gains +2 bonus on attack/damage rolls with natural weapons; other spells grants fly speed.
Weapon of the Deity (Silver Pyromancer) Your weapon gains enhancement bonus and special ability.
Winding Alleys (Bard) Trap foe in phantasmal maze.
Word of Binding (Silver Pyromancer) Magical manacles restrain foe.
Wounding Whispers (Bard) Sonic aura damages foes that strike you.
Wrack (Mortal Hunter) Blinds Target and renders it helpless for 1 round/level, then -2 on attacks, saves, and checks for 3d10 minutes.
Zone of Silence (Beguiler) Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations.
Aligned Aura (Silver Pyromancer) Grant combat bonuses to like-aligned allies and impose penalties on creatures of opposing alignment.
Antiplant Shell (Wu Jen) Keeps animated plants at bay.
Aspect of the Deity, Lesser (Exalted Arcanist) You gain +4 Cha and resistance 10 to certain energy types.
Assassin’s Darkness (Assassin) Globe of pure darkness blocks all sight but your own.
Aura of Cold, Lesser (Silver Pyromancer) Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.
Aura of the Sun (Silver Pyromancer) Fills an area with light that damages undead and hampers magical darkness.
Baleful Polymorph (Hexblade) Transforms Target into harmless animal.
Battlecry (Bard) Gain bonus on attack, save; Bardic music effects extended.
Battlefield Illumination (Silver Pyromancer) Improve light in 80-ft radius cylinder.
Bestow Curse, Greater (Demonologist) As bestow curse, but more severe penalties.
Blessing of the Righteous (Silver Pyromancer) Weapons deal +1d6 holy damage and become good-aligned.
Blight (Maho-Tsukai) Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creatures.
Blinding Beauty (Celebrant of Sharess) You become as beautiful as a nymph, and can blind humanoids who look at you.
Blood of the Martyr (Silver Pyromancer) You heal a target at range and take a like amount of damage.
Bloodfreeze Arrow (Assassin) Masterwork arrow or bolt deals extra 2d6 cold damage and paralyzes target.
Bolster Aura (Silver Pyromancer) Subject’s aura strengthens as if it had 1 HD/two CLs more than it actually does.
Burrow, Mass (Prime Underdark Guide) As burrow, but affects 1/level subjects.
Cacophonic Shield (Bard) Blocks sounds 10-ft radius; deals 1d6 sonic +1/level; deafens creatures passing through.
Call Lemure Horde (Mortal Hunter) Summons 2d4 lemures.
Call Nightmare (Demonologist) Summons a nightmare.
Camouflage, Mass (Harper Scout) As camouflage, but multiple subjects.
Castigate (Silver Pyromancer) Creatures of different alignment take 2d6 or 5d6 damage and are deafened for 1d4 rounds.
Celebration (Bard) Intoxicate subjects.
Charm Person, Mass (Bard) As charm person, but all within 30 ft.
Choir (Bard) This spell creates spectral accompanists.
Cloak of Hate (Corrupt Avenger) Target provokes hostile reactions, takes -10 penalty on Diplomacy checks.
Cloud of Taint (Maho-Tsukai) Damages and sickens untainted creatures.
Cloud of the Achaierai (Demonologist) Cloud deals 2d6 damage plus confusion.
Command Plants (Wu Jen) Sway the actions of one or more plant creatures.
Conjure Ice Beast IV (Frost Mage) Conjures ice creature to fight for you.
Contact Other Plane (Hexblade) Ask question of extraplanar entity.
Control Winds (Durthan) Change wind direction and speed.
Creeping Darkness (Wu Jen) Cloud of inky blackness moves at your command.
Cure Critical Wounds (Bard) Cures 4d8 +1/level damage (Max +20).
Cursed Blade (Assassin) Wounds dealt by weapon can’t be healed without remove curse.
Dancing Blade (Wu Jen) A weapon attacks on its own.
Deathsight (Assassin) Make death attack without spending rounds in observation.
Dismissal (Wu Jen) Forces a creature to return to native plane.
Dispel Chaos (Silver Pyromancer) +4 bonus against attacks by chaotic creatures.
Dispel Evil (Silver Pyromancer) +4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures.
Dispel Possession (Bard) Forces possessing creature out of its host body.
Dispel Water (Bard) Cancels water spells and effects or dismisses water creatures.
Divination (Magewright) Provides useful advice for specific, proposed action.
Divine Retaliation (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon appears and strikes those who attack you.
Door to Great Evil (Silver Pyromancer) Teleports you to the nearest source of evil.
Draconic Might (Silver Pyromancer) Gain +5 to Str, Con, Cha; +4 natural armor; immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects.
Dragonmarked Weapon, Greater (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon deals +2d6 damage to dragonmarked foes, hardness is doubled.
Drums of War (Bard) Enemies take -2 penalty on attacks and saves.
Elemental Ward (Wu Jen) Drives elementals away.
Favor of The Martyr (Silver Pyromancer) Target becomes immune to subdual damage and pain, or you switch hp totals with target.
Flesh Armor (Assassin) Caster gains DR 10/+1.
Flowsight (Bard) You can scry creatures in contact with a body of water.
Follow the Leader (Bard) You compel others to follow you.
Fracturing Weapon (Assassin) Enchant a weapon so it bestows penalties to AC and DR when it strikes.
Freedom of Movement (Bard) Target moves normally despite impediments.
Fugue (Bard) Your Perform check creates variety of effects.
Giant Vermin (Dread Necromancer) Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin.
Glory of the Martyr (Silver Pyromancer) Target gains +1 deflection AC and +1 resistance bonus on saves; split damage with you.
Hardening (Magewright) Increases object’s hardness by 1 point/2 levels.
Harmonize, Greater (Bard) concentrating on a Bardic music effect that requires concentration only requires a move action.
Heart Ripper (Assassin) Kills living creature with up to your CL in HD.
Hide from Dragons (Assassin) Dragons can’t perceive one subject/2 levels.
Hoard Life (Sorcerer) Store some of your life force for later healing.
Holy Smite (Exalted Arcanist) Damages and blinds evil creatures.
Holy Sword (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon becomes +5, deals +2d6 damage against evil.
Imbue with Spell Ability (Magewright) Transfer spells to subject.
Implacable Pursuer (Assassin) You know where prey is, as long as it’s moving.
Impotent Possessor (Demonologist) Target that can possess creatures is powerless in current body.
Imprison Possessor (Demonologist) Target that can possess creatures is trapped in current body.
Inflict Critical Wounds (Dread Necromancer) Touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/level (Max +20).
Inner Beauty (Bard) Target’s physical appearance changes to match its personality..
Insidious Suggestion (Bard) Suggestion repeats over and over in creature’s mind.
Inspired Aim (Bard) Allies within 40 ft. gain +2 insight bonus on ranged attack rolls.
Interminable Echo (Bard) Illusory sound applies -10 penalty on Listen checks, deals 2d6 damage each round.
Irresistible Force (Silver Pyromancer) Freedom of movement, plus bonuses to moving in combat.
Karmic Retribution (Hexblade) Any creature damaging you becomes stunned for 1 round.
Lawful Sword (Silver Pyromancer) Weapon becomes +5 axiomatic weapon and emits magic circle against chaos.
Lay of the Land (Bard) You gain an overview of the geography around you.
Legend Lore (Bard) Learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
Light of Xymor (Silver Pyromancer) Imbues object with natural daylight.
Lingering Chorus (Bard) Magic voices maintain your Bardic music.
Manifest Life (Silver Pyromancer) Draw positive energy from a living creature, causing damage and granting you further options.
Mark of Justice (Silver Pyromancer) Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
Meteoric Strike (Silver Pyromancer) Melee attack deals an extra 1d6 damage + 1d6/4 levels; adjacent creatures take half damage.
Mind Fog (Thayan Slaver) Subjects in fog get -10 to Wisdom and Will checks.
Modify Memory (Bard) Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories.
Morality Undone (Mortal Hunter) Target becomes evil.
Mordenkainen’s Trusted Bloodhound (Assassin) Create a ferocious hound that tracks and attacks foes.
Nature’s Wrath (Impure Prince) Damages and dazes aberrations. Damages other creatures.
Neutralize Poison (Bard) Immunizes Target against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Pacification (Bard) Breath pacifies 1 creature (As calm emotion spell)
Pain (Wu Jen) Wracking pain gives targets -4 on attack rolls, skill and ability checks.
Phantasmal Wasting (Bard) Touch causes foe to believe he has aged and become weaker.
Phantom Charge (Silver Pyromancer) Mount teleports forward 5 ft. /two CLs; use with other spells grants mount fly speed.
Planar Ally, Lesser (Exalted Arcanist) Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature.
Planar Binding (Demonologist) As planar binding, lesser but up to 12 HD.
Poison Needles (Wu Jen) Hail of poison needles deals range of effects to target.
Primal Senses (Sorcerer) Gain low-light vision and a +5 bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
Pronouncement of Fate (Corrupt Avenger) Imposes a -4 penalty on an offender’s attacks, damage, saves, and checks; target loses actions.
Protégé (Bard) Target can use Bardic music and Bardic knowledge as Bard of half your level.
Rain of Spines (Wu Jen) Spines rain down on area, dealing 6d6 damage and pinning creatures to ground.
Reflective Disguise, Mass (Prime Underdark Guide) Viewers see subjects as their own species and gender.
Resonating Resistance (Mortal Hunter) Foes must check spell resistance twice against caster.
Resounding Thunder (Bard) Lasting sound deals 4d6 sonic damage per round, deafens creatures within area.
Restoration (Silver Pyromancer) Restores level and ability score drains.
Revenance (Silver Pyromancer) Restores dead creature to life for 1 minute/level.
Righteous Aura (Silver Pyromancer) You detonate on death, healing good creatures and damaging others (2d6/level damage).
Rusting Grasp (Wu Jen) Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.
Sacred Haven (Silver Pyromancer) +2 sacred bonus to AC and retains AC Dex bonus when flat-footed; you can heal target at range.
Sacred Item (Silver Pyromancer) Target object deals 1d4/CL (Max. 10d4) to undead, evil outsider/shapechanger that touches it.
Seed of Life (Silver Pyromancer) Target gains fast healing 2 and can invoke a burst of healing.
Sending (Prime Underdark Guide) Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
Sequester (Thayan Slaver) Target is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.
Shadow Arrow (Assassin) Masterwork arrow or bolt deals 1d6 points of Strength damage.
Shadow Form (Assassin) +4 on Hide, Move Silently, Escape Artist, and concealment.
Sirine’s Grace (Bard) You gain bonuses to Charisma and Dexterity, AC, and Perform checks, and can breathe water.
Snake Darts (Wu Jen) Two snakes hit one or two targets, deal 3d6 damage and inject poison(1d6 Con damage, repeats in 1 minute.)
Sniper’s Eye (Assassin) Gain +10 Spot, darkvision, 60-ft range for sneak attacks, and death attacks with ranged weapons.
Soulbleed (Assassin) Melee weapon drains 1 point of essentia per hit.
Speak with Plants (Bard) You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures.
Spell Theft (Bard) Dispel spells on target and gain their benefit for yourself.
Spirit Binding, Lesser (Wu Jen) Traps spirit creature of 8 HD or less until it performs a task.
Spurn the Supernatural (Bard) Suppresses one or more of a foe’s supernatural abilities.
Stop Heart (Assassin) Target drops to -8 hp immediately.
Storm of Needles (Wu Jen) A deluge of needles deals 1d4 damage/level (Max. 15d4) in 30-ft cone.
Subdue Aura (Silver Pyromancer) Subject’s aura weakens as if it had 1 HD/two CLs fewer than it actually does.
Suggestion, Mass (Celebrant of Sharess) As suggestion, plus one subject/level.
Summon Desert Ally IV (Sand Shaper) Calls dustform creature to fight.
Suppress Legacy (Hexblade) Target temporarily loses all legacy abilities of one item.
Sword of Conscience (Silver Pyromancer) Evil creature confesses crimes, takes Wisdom damage.
Tail Sweep (Sorcerer) Your tail of force can attack a group of foes within 10 ft.
Taunt Dragon (Bard) Dragon must attack you or take a penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.
Telepathic Aura (Silver Pyromancer) One-way mental communication to allies within 100 ft.
Thunder Field (Bard) Creatures in area take 1d8 sonic damage/round, knocked prone.
Toxic Weapon (Duskblade) Coats weapon with poison.
Unmovable Object (Silver Pyromancer) Gain +2 Str, +4 Con, and bonuses to prevent being moved against your will.
Unseen Strike (Assassin) Invisibility effect triggered to activate the instant you successfully attack someone.
Valiant Spirit (Bard) Target can activate bonus on attack, damage, Fort saves, and Str-based checks for 1 minute.
Veil (Thayan Slaver) Changes appearance of group of creatures.
Visage of the Deity, Lesser (Silver Pyromancer) You gain +4 Cha and resistance 10 to certain energy types.
Vulnerability (Assassin) Reduces an opponent’s DR.
Wall of Bones (Wu Jen) Shapeable wall grants cover and concealment, deals damage to anyone who tries to pass.
Wall of Dispel Magic (Bard) Creatures passing through a transparent wall become subjects of targeted dispel magic.
Wall of Scales (Sorcerer) Create a barrier of dragon hide.
Water to Poison (Wu Jen) Transform water into ingested poison.
Winged Mount (Silver Pyromancer) Your mount grows wings and flies at speed of 60 ft.
Wings of Flurry (Sorcerer) Your wings of force can attack all foes within 30 ft.