Author Topic: [PFS]Is there a way to filter PFS legal from illegal content?  (Read 2181 times)

Offline Nytemare3701

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As the name says. I'm going to start playing in PFS on tuesdays (still not quite sure WHY I'm doing this, but the urge struck me) and I'm trying to figure out what resources I actually have available to me. THIS is a start, but I was wondering if anyone has anything else to add.

For context, I'm going to try the Mount summoner for a small group of Lantern Archons as my normal attack, with other random celestials as utility.

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: [PFS]Is there a way to filter PFS legal from illegal content?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2016, 03:26:29 AM »
This website puts a little symbol next to the PFS legal stuff, and they are pretty up-to-date like PFSRD

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Offline MortalSword

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Re: [PFS]Is there a way to filter PFS legal from illegal content?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2016, 03:21:04 PM »
I know this isnt very useful on a grander scale than the previous post. But what I do is I cross reference. I always have an open tab on the Paizo Additional Resources page, for information I use

95% of the stuff on the d20 site has the book its listed in at the bottom of the page. Its simply a matter of tabbing to the additional resources page and "Ctrl + F" to find the book. Then a quick read to see whats allowed and whats not allowed.

Offline Ghostwheel

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Re: [PFS]Is there a way to filter PFS legal from illegal content?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2016, 08:42:29 PM »
This is half the reason I'm so invested in Hero Lab. Not only does it do all the heavy lifting of building a character and validates that there are no errors (as well as buying equipment, etc), it also has an option to create a PFS character and automatically shows what's allowed and what isn't.