Author Topic: Nuclear Dragon  (Read 16499 times)

Offline oslecamo

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Nuclear Dragon
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:47:53 PM »
Nuclear Dragon

The oldest scrolls of the Divine Flame speaks of mysterious”scientists” that suposedly developed the school, yet no sign can be found of such group in any place. The school is actually transmited mostly by fire monsters of diferent kinds that decided to dabble on it, as only their bodies can whitstand the destructive initiation processes, but even then it's a secondary nature to them. Except for the rare but highly dangerous Nuclear Dragon. This rare draconic being seems to have evolved to perfectly channel the power of the atom and altough it usually remains deep underground most of the time, when it rises to the surface it leaves but a glassed wasteland behind. It also has the power to turn into an humanoid shape and a wicked sense of humor. Could this being be the actual source of the Divine Flame school? Or the last experiment of those mysterious “scientists” that went horribly wrong? Maybe the oldest nuclear wyrms know the answer, but they aren't telling.

Level Bab Fort Ref Will FeatureManeuvers KnownManeuvers ReadiedStances Known
1+1 + 2+0+2Nuclear Dragon Body, Completely Harmless, Atomic Blood 221
2+2 + 3+0+3Keen Senses, Atomic Breath 321
3+3 + 3+1+3BlindSense, +1 Con421
4+4 + 4+1+4Wings, +1 Str431
5+5 + 4+1+4Desolation Breath, +1 Con531
6+6 + 5+2+5Control and Conquer, +1 Str532
7+7 + 5+2+5Scarlet Alert, +1 Con632
8+8 + 6+2+6Nuclear Fallout, +1 Str642
9+9 + 6+3+6Growth, +1 Con742
10+10 +7+3+7Tail Slap, +1 Str743
11+11 + 7+3+7Atomic Temple, +1 Con853
12+12 + 8+4+8New Nuclear Fallout, +1 Str853
13+13 + 8+4+8Liberator, +1 Con953
14+14 + 9+4+9Growth, Crush, +1 Str954
15+15 + 9+5+9Frightful Presence, +1 Con1054
16+16 +10+5+10Craft of Stars, +1 Str1064
17+17 +10+5+10Nuclear Fallout-Plan B, +1 Con1164
18+18 +11+6+11Stone Ager, +1 Str1165
19+19 +11+6+11Craft of Star Wings, +1 Con1275
20+20 +12+6+12Nuclear Dragon Launch Detected, +1 Str1375
Skills:4+int modifier per level, quadruple at firt level, Class skills are: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Knowledge(Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local Nature, Nobility and Royalty, Planes, Religion), Martial Lore,  Sense Motive, Spot, Survival

Proficiencies: a Nuclear Dragon is  proficient with the Control rod, Crossbow (all kinds), firearms, sapper’s launcher, siege engines, sling and its own natural weapons.

Nuclear Dragon Body: The Nuclear Dragon loses all other racial bonuses, and gains Dragon traits(60ft Darkvision, low light vision, and immunity to sleep and paralysis), bite 1d8 damage, Fire Subtype,  and 30 feet base speed, medium size. The Nuclear Dragon has wings, but they're too weak to do anything for now. His front limbs  are capable of fine manipulation and can be used for somatic components of spellcasting or anything else a human hand could do.

The Nuclear Dragon is immune to Atomic damage besides Fire damage (but remember he takes +50% damage from cold attacks due to Fire subtype) He also gains a natural armor bonus equal to its Con modifier. Whenever the Nuclear Dragon grows one size category, his natural armor increases by a further 1.

Completely Harmless: Nuclear energy is completely safe and for all the family, you can play with it all you want! The Nuclear Dragon gains Deceivingly Innocent Form as a bonus feat even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. If he already had it, he can pick any other feat for which he meets the prerequisites. In addition he gains two claw natural attacks each dealing 1d6 damage.

Atomic Blood: the Nuclear Dragon learns and readies maneuvers of the Divine Flame school as shown in the table. His iniator level is equal to his Nuclear Dragon level and he can only learn maneuvers of a level no bigger than half (IL+1). The Nuclear Dragon uses Craft (Explosives) as the key skill for the school instead of the one listed in the link (this change is not optional).  Every time the Nuclear Dragon sucessfully damages an opponent with either its bite attack or its Control Rod's ranged attack, he  can recover one expended maneuver.

When the Nuclear Dragon enters a Divine Flame stance, the control rod always forms inside its neck and throat, the plasma shots being released from inside its mouth. It can still use its bite attack. If the Nuclear Dragon swallows an unattended weapon (a move action), it may count it as a held weapon for combining with the control rod. The Nuclear Dragon can only keep one "held" weapon on its throat at a time, but may spit them in an empty adjacent square as a free action to make room for more (assuming it's not currently combined with the control rod).

The Nuclear Dragon can choose and prepare its readied maneuvers with 5 minutes of meditation (or mad euphoria in the wake of its destruction potential). After each battle, 1 minute of meditation is enough to recover his maneuvers if no victims are at hand to be reduced to atoms (allies excluded, even though they may be perfectly combustible).

At 4th level, and every even-numbered level afterwards, the Nuclear Dragon can swap  one of his older maneuvers with a new one he qualifies for from the Divine Flame school.

Keen senses:At 2nd level the Nuclear dragon sees four times as well as a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision  out to 120 feet.

Atomic Breath:Cone  with 35 feet inflicting 1d6 atomic damage per HD, useable  every 1d4 turns. A Fort save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Con modifier halves the damage. Cone increases by 5 feet with each extra HD the player takes from here. This doesn't deal any damage to objects. Unlike regular cones, a Nuclear Dragon may aim his atomic breath in a way that goes over himself, and take atomic damage despite his immunity.

Blindsense:As the normal ability, range 60 feet at 3rd level.

Ability Score Increase: The Nuclear Dragon gains a permanent +1 to

Con at levels 3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Str at levels 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,16, 18, 20

For a total of +9 Str and +9 Con at level 20.

Wings:The Nuclear dragon becomes able to fly at the speed of 10 feet per HD, with poor maneuverability. Each wing can also be now used to deliver a natural attack dealing 1d4 damage.

Desolation Breath:Nuclear radiation is so enviromentally friendly that when unleashed it sticks to the land itself, blessing it with the energy of the atom! At 5th level if the Nuclear Dragon can use his Atomic breath as a fullround action, in which it case it leaves behind dangerous lingering radiation. It will deal half the breath weapon damage again on the same area on the next round, then still 2d6 for the next hour, then 2 damage for the next 24 hours. A Fort save for half damage is still allowed. In addition the Nuclear Dragon recovers two expended Divine Flame maneuvers when he uses Desolation Breath.

Control and Conquer:Nuclear energy has all sorts of potential uses! Killing, maiming, energy, desolation, genocide, extermination, some medical applications perhaps when not developing yet new ways of killing with nuclear energy. At 6th level 1/day per 3 HD the Nuclear Dragon can use any one Divine Flame Strike or Boost he doesn't know or has unreadied as if he had it readied. The maneuver must be of a level no bigger than the highest level Divine Flame maneuver the Nuclear Dragon knows, and he can't pick the same maneuver with this ability more than once per day. Also the Nuclear Dragon can choose for this maneuver to don't add any Heat, or to add double the normal heat.

In addition, the Nuclear Dragon can now use Str instead of Dex on to-hit rolls with his Control Rod.

Scarlet Alert: Such is the beauty of nuclear energy, that massive wars could be fought for, and decided with  the power of the atom! Or perhaps just massive stalemates because fullblown conflict with nuclear powers would leave behind little for a victor (if any) to reign over. Who would activate the red rune first? At 7th level when the Nuclear Dragon gains a bonus  depending on the amount of heat he has.

Easy: up to 1/2 of your maximum Heat capacity, no bonus
Normal: between 1/2 and 3/4 of your maximum Heat capacity, +1 to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and skill checks and Atomic Breath deals an extra 1d6
Hard: between 3/4 and 4/4 of your maximum Heat capacity, +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and skill checks and Atomic Breath deals an extra 2d6
Lunatic: Overheating, +4 to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and skill checks and Atomic Breath deals an extra 4d6

Nuclear Fallout:At 8th level the Nuclear dragon is surrounded by a faint radiation aura that disrupts the physical and mystical alike, and grows stronger the more nuclear power he unleashes. The Nuclear Dragon gains DR/lawful equal to ¼ its HD and SR equal to 6+HD, which improve based on his Heat level.

Easy: up to 1/2 of your maximum Heat capacity, no bonus
Normal: between 1/2 and 3/4 of your maximum Heat capacity, DR and SR increase by 5 each.
Hard: between 3/4 and 4/4 of your maximum Heat capacity, DR and SR increase by 7 each
Lunatic: Overheating, DR and SR increase by 10 each.

Growth:At 9th  and 14th  levels the Nuclear Dragon grows one size category.

Tail slap:At 10th level the Nuclear Dragon can now make a tail slap attack dealing 1d8 damage(already taking in acount large size).

Atomic Temple:Once its secrets are known, nuclear power is suprisingly easy and fun to use, even by crazed cults wanting to destroy or conquer the world! Specially by crazed cults wanting to destroy or conquer the world. At 11th  this works as the Leadership feat, except it only grants followers (no cohort) and you can use your Con mod instead of your Cha mod for calculating your leadership score.  Any casualities among said followers are instantly replaced every 24 hours, and they don't suffer any damage from the lingering damage of Desolation Breath and New Nuclear Fallout, so great is their devotion to you. Those followers stack with the ones actually provided by the Leadership feat.

In addition the Nuclear Dragon gains Monster Lord as a bonus feat if he has Deceivingly Innocent Form. This ability also works as Leadership, except the Nuclear Dragon doesn't gain a cohort. If it already had Monster Lord, he may pick another feat.

New Nuclear Fallout:The energy of atoms can last decades! Centuries! An eternity! At 12th level the Nuclear Dragon can spend a swift action when using Desolation Breath, in which case it will affect even undeads and constructs and deals 1d6 Con drain to those failing their Fort saves, and the lingering area atomic damage will last for a century (but the Con Drain only applies on the initial breath). Only a Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle can remove it beforehand, or the Nuclear Dragon that created it either being slain or willingly dismissing the effect. If they're immune to Con drain they still take half if they fail the save, while creatures whitout Con take half that drain to their Str scores instead (even if they're normally immune to ability drain). Either way the Nuclear Dragon recovers three expended Divine Flame maneuvers when using this.

Liberator:Nuclear power can save countless lives! Simply by killing millions and  unacountable collateral damage! Or something like that.  At 13th level anyone aproaching or starting their turn whitin 30 feet of the Nuclear dragon takes Atomic Damage equal to its current Heat (up to his overheat level). The Nuclear dragon can turn this ability on/off as a swift or move action, and no single creature can be affected by it more than 1/round. In addition as another swift/move action the Nuclear dragon can focus this ability, restricting the range to 15 feet but in return the radiation lingers where he passed trough, dealing half that damage to anyone passing trough where he passed during the next round, and then 1 atomic damage to anyone ending their turn inside that area  for the next century. Still no single creature can suffer from this more than 1/round, and multiple passages don't stack, count only the highest damaging one. Nothing short of a limited wish/wish/miracle, slaying the Nuclear Dragon or or if it willingly dismissing the effect  can remove the lasting effect. This doesn't deal damage to objects, but does to constructs and undeads.

Crush: At 14th level the dragon can make a crush attack dealing 2d8 damage base, already taking in acount huge size
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Frightful Presence:At 15th level this ability takes effect automatically whenever the dragon attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Enemies within a radius of 30 feet × half the dragon's level are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the dragon. A potentially affected enemy that succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ dragon’s HD + dragon’s Con modifier) remains immune to that dragon’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, enemies with 4 or less HD become panicked  for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of other dragons.               

Craft of Stars:The Control Rod of a Nuclear dragon grows with him, becoming a deadly yet precise tool of destruction. At 16th level when the Nuclear dragon performs a basic non-maneuver attack with his Control Rod, it has double range, automatically threatens a critical hit, can re-roll miss chances, ignores any resistances and immunities to atomic damage and the target must suceed on a Will save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod or be permanent blinded. If it hits, the Nuclear Dragon may perform a free trip, bullrush, disarm or sunder attempt on the target whitout provoking attacks of opportunity.

Nuclear Fallout-Plan B:When everything else goes wrong, hiding deep underground is always a nice secondary plan. At 17th level the Nuclear Dragon gains a burrow speed equal to his base speed, and can even burrow trough solid rock or similar at half speed. It can choose to leave an useable tunnel behind. In addition it can now remain in two stances at the same time, but still needs a swift action to change each and if they're both from Divine Flame, each produces Heat every round as normal.

Stone Ager: None can predict how a fullout war with multiple nuclear powers involved against each other would go, but the next fullout war would be with sticks and stones. At 18th level 1/day per 6 HD, by firing his Control Rod as a fullround action, the Nuclear Dragon will cause a Disjuction effect centered on the target, CL=HD, any saves DC becoming 10+1/2 HD+Con mod.

Craft of  Star Wings: The body of the nuclear dragon keeps undergoing great changes. At 19th level the Nuclear Dragon's flight maneuverability increases by 1 step and his movement speeds are doubled when performing a Charge becoming able to charge even trough squares occupied by enemies (but provoking aoos anyway) and hard terrain.

In addition when the Nuclear Dragon charges, he may fire his Control Rod at range once as a free action as if he had spent a fullround action activating it.

Nuclear Dragon Launch DetectedAt 20th level, 1/day per 5 HD the Nuclear Dragon may unleash his ultimate attack. As a fullround action, he rises up into the skies before crashing down trough all barriers before exploding in a mushroom cloud. This basically works as a Plane Shift, then Greater Teleport (carrying only himself and a light load), then a regular charge, and at the end of it he can use either a Fullround action Divine Flame strike and a standard action Divine Flame strike, two standard action Divine Flame strikes, or a Divine Flame standard action Divine Flame Strike and one Divine Flame boost that doesn't use his swift action for the round. Any areas and ranges from the Divine Flame Strikes involved are doubled in the round this is used.

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« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 05:33:39 AM by oslecamo »

Offline FireInTheSky

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 09:13:03 PM »
Some typos & copy/paste errors in here.  (Sorry if it seems nitpicky.  I noticed a couple big ones (like saying Battle Dragon), and then starting reading the whole thing in the reply, highlighting some things as I went along.  I also stopped highlighting after a while, cause I didn't want to seem like a dick. (I feel like this whole explanation is making me feel like even more of a dick.  :())
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Offline Anomander

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 04:58:40 AM »
Exceptionally, I'll begin with the general notes.
I must thank you for even considered making a monster centered on the DF discipline.
I express my appreciation for actually doing it.

As to the class itself, I note that it seems to be more focused on radiations than actual fiery explosions (though the DF maneuvers might do the trick in themselves). The control rod in the throat idea is badass and, although there is nothing visibly hi-tech on the dragon, the picture is quite fitting.

I'm also touched that you went through the trouble/fun of adding all the fluff elements depicting nuclear energy as the dangerous but safe toy that it is.
Overall I really like it. It is a neat monster. I'd say its only downside is that it is a dragon, and as such is stuck getting the traditional meh dragon abilities (Blindsense, Tail Slap, Frightful Presence)

Nuclear Dragon Body
Not sure that the super vulnerability to cold is right for this one. Especially since it tightly follows the Frostwind Virago's abilities, whom has no vulnerability at all. The extra immunity to atomic damage doesn't seem like such a big advantage considering its only sources are the nuclear dragon's own damage and DF maneuvers.

Might want to add that clause:
Maneuvers Readied: The Nuclear Dragon can choose and prepare its readied maneuvers with 5 minutes of meditation (or mad euphoria in the wake of its destruction potential). After each battle, 1 minute of meditation is enough to recover her maneuvers if no victims are at hand to be reduced to atoms (allies excluded, even though they may be perfectly combustible).

There is a big problem with the rate at which the ND acquires stances.
He gets:
Level 1 stance at ND level 1
Level 3 stance at ND level 6 (normally available at level 5)
Level 5 stance at ND level 12 (normally available at level 9)
Level 7 stance at ND level 14 (normally available at level 13)
Level 9 stance at ND level 16 (normally available at level 17)
There is no more DF stances, but he gets another at ND level 18.

Basically, this means that at level 16 it gets a stance it doesn't meet the required level to acquire and at level 18 it gets a stance but has no more stances.
On a more personal opinion, I don't see why stances are sometimes acquired a level or more after or even before you get the required initiator level to get them. It seems to pointlessly encourage multiclassing just to get IL off some other classes just so that you may time your stance gains with the level you can use them.

Atomic Breath
Just to make sure I picture this right.
Since it is a Fort save instead of a Reflex save, the breath isn't some kind of fire/exploding dodge-able breath. More like some kind of radioactive emission that just cannot be moved around?
Perhaps it would be a good idea to move this ability up to level 2. Unlike most dragons this one gets access to maneuver right from level 1 instead of getting some Xblood ability at level 2. The firepower would be more evenly distributed then and would give a new battle option to want at the second level.
Completely Harmless could be put at level 1 since at that point it offers no real combat advantage and is essentially a bonus feat.

In the table, it is blindsight for some reason.

Desolation Breath
Since it also normally recovers maneuvers by hitting with the Control Rod, it might be a good idea to also have it recover two maneuvers when it hits with the rod by attacking with it as a fullround action.
After all, the FV recovers by hitting with her Icy Touch and she got two of those, while a dragon can only bite once per round and a Control rod normally can only hit once per round as well.
Personal note; I see that this ability is more or less a bonus feat that is somewhat replicating the effects of Lingering Breath if not for the great maneuver recovery effect.

Control Rod
Speaking of control rods, since it is in the throat I think it means it cannot be used as a bludgeoning weapon (club). Unless you can somehow give neck slaps or your bite counts as a control rod melee attack or something. I imagine this also means that the weapon that becomes the control rod forms in the throat, instead of just getting a control rod that doesn't have any enchantments to it. It seems to carry over even if it takes a humanoid form, which seems normal.
How does this work with the High-Tension Blade stance? You get a blade of plasma energy oozing out of your mouth?

Control and Conquer
The FV gets it at level 3, but it gets it at level 6 even though it is pretty much the same thing.

Scarlet Alert
This one is definitely too powerful. With careful management one could plan starting his round just below Overheating status then overheat with a maneuver fusion for a massive stat boost.
Or worst, after overheating, simply stay in overheat mode and keep getting more and more heat from a DF stance.
It would lose the ability to use DF maneuvers but would get infinite stats in exchange, since it can even prevent itself from cooling down.

Nuclear Fallout
The maximum heat capacity is double your HD, so let's say the comfortable Heat each round is half that amount (so equal to HD), that means the usual DR would be about 3/4 HD (1/4 + HD/2). So between 1/4 and 5/4 DR before overheating.
That means that most of the time (except perhaps the first or second round of combat) the nuclear dragon's DR will be higher than the norm for most monster classes. Just to make sure it was intended.
As with Scarlet Alert, it gives the nuclear dragon the option to forfeit DF maneuvers for a SR so high it becomes more or less immune to magic.

The idea to have them depend on Heat is sweet but maybe encouraging overheating isn't for the best. Unless perhaps something a la danger zones are used. Or perhaps I should just make it so one can keep his DF stance but just stops getting Heat from them along with the ability to get increased effects for more Heat.

Atomic Temple
It shouldn't be necessary to mention that you get the bonus if you have the Deceivingly Innocent Form feat considering it gets it automatically as part of the class features.
I notice it works more or less the same way as the FV's Ice Queen ability, but a few levels higher. Perhaps that is why it also grants a bonus feat, but unlike it there is no mention that the followers stacks with the followers of the Leadership feat and which kind of followers can be attracted, if there is supposed to be a specific kind.

New Nuclear Fallout
I'm not sure why the Desolation Breath didn't affect undead and constructs before getting this ability, as it seems to imply.

I don't think the radioactivity should be this unforgiving. I mean, you're just spending a an extra swift action and you're almost irrevocably dooming the land until someone somewhere mans up and pays the XP.
A century is pretty darn long just because you want to inflict some extra Con damage for a round or two (or, god forbid, didn't actually want to permanently ruin the area). Perhaps a a spell like Quench could be allowed to fix areas of radiation. This is also for balance/fun purposes.
Imagine a party of PCs are tasked with slaying a Nuke Dragon in his lair. As they reach its territory, before they even find the entrance of the cave, they suddenly start losing 2 HP and risk suffering Con damage every round. Now that's a hard quest!

Maybe also have it apply to fullround control rod attacks, along with the maneuver recovery on a hit.

Perhaps this ability should just be called Nuclear Fallout and have the original Nuclear Fallout be named something else. Since this ability has nothing to do with the other, having it called the New feels strange.

Like the other two, since it scales with Heat and there is no overheating clause the damage per round can be infinite.
That and half infinite damage for a century.
Also, the fluff part mentions collateral damage. Is it damaging only creatures or does it also break stuff within the area?

Craft of Stars
Alright, the throat Control Rod gets some very tasty goods.
Not sure if it is normal but the class prioritizes getting Str and Con for all of its abilities but if it cannot use the control rod in melee hitting with it relies on Dexterity. Unless it tries to pump that score up as well hitting with a control rod might not be the most relied upon source of damage.
For the miss-chance rerolling, you might want to specify that you only reroll once per attack or per round.
Although I'll note that this is many feats in one ability, as it allows you to sunder and do other such stuff with a ranged weapon.

Nuclear Fallout-Plan B
More of a personal note but the only thing I find odd here is that it seems a bit late into the class to get a new movement speed.

Nuclear Dragon Launch Detected
This one is a little odd.
To be sure: It is like the Unnatural Frost but with less flexibility and less uses for lesser options.
In trade, it grants a surge to some unknown distance skywards that breaks all barriers followed by a fall down that breaks all barriers (pretty much making a crater all the way down to the center of the earth, but hopefully not dealing you fall damage) followed by a planeshift (sending you 5 to 500 miles from your intended location), then a teleport (that possibly sends you off target) followed by a charge (double move speed + attack, hoping that your teleport didn't send you too far away from your prey) then the maneuver combo?
Also, LOL at the name.

Half Dragon?
A half-nuclear dragon might need a special mention of its own for the draconic blood ability, seeing how it doesn't have one one of those.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:38:24 AM by Anomander »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 07:31:59 PM »
General Notes
Indeed, I'm leaving the explosion aspect to the maneuvers themselves.

Nuclear Dragon Body
The diference here is that the Nuclear Dragon has both a bigger HD and full Bab. The atomic damage immunity allows him to ignore his own "radiated" areas. Altough I'm willing to reduce the vulnerability back to the normal level of +50%.

Will do.:P

Ah, a distraction on my part, forgot DF has no 8th level stance.

As for the delay, it's there to keep things more fair with the Battle Dragon, that is iniating at 2/3 level, plus a touch of originality. And the basic ToB classes are already infamous for greatly encouraging multiclassing to get specific stances/maneuvers at other points.

Atomic Breath
Yes, radioactive emission. Can't dodge that! And yes, perhaps it's probably better to get it at the 2nd level and Harmless to 1stlevel. Also renamed the Maneuvers to Atomic Blood.

Desolation Breath
Yes, the Virago has two claw attacks, but on the other hand she has just average Bab (so less likely to hit) and is melee range, so she can't always reliably attack with both claws, while the Control Rod has pretty good range, so you can safely snipe enemies from afar.

Control Rod
I would say you can indeed bludgeon your enemies with your long dragon neck, and yes you could fuse a weapon to your throat with it, and also applies to the humanoid form.
The High tension Blade would grant you a blade of plasma energy coming from your mouth indeed.

Control and Conquer
Well, this one gives you a superior control of your Heat income/outcome. I tought that would be good enough to justify the level diference, but if not then I can tinker something else.

Scarlet Alert and Nuclear Fallout
Redid them based on the danger zones.

Atomic Temple
The feat is indeed there because it comes a few levels later and the clause is there to stop cheesy retraining tricks. Clarified that followers stack, and yes you don't have limitation on what kind of people you atract.

New Nuclear Fallout
Undeads and constructs are automatically immune to effects that demand a Fort save unless it specifically can affect objects.
Only the atomic damage lingers for a century, not the con drain, clarified. Also added clause that killing the Nuclear Dragon ends the effect, and he can willingly dismiss it as well.Radioactive lairs were fully intended.

As for the name, yes the abilities don't have much in common, but that's precisely why I named it "new"! :p

I really did miss the whole "you can still gain heat trough stances while overheating". Capped damage at the overheat level, only affects creatures. Mind you, killing every plant and little animal sounds pretty collateral to me.

Craft of Stars
Added ability to Control and Conquer for firing your Control Rod with Str instead of Dex. I believe the re-roll limitation is already pretty implied, otherwise it would be the same as ignoring miss chances. Also that's how I do it for every other abilities that involve re-rolling.

Being the equivalent of many feats, well yeah probably, but they would be pretty minor feats and this is 16th level.

Nuclear Fallout-Plan B
I'll admit at this point I was kinda running out of ideas.

Nuclear Dragon Launch Detected
The whole skyward/crashing down is just fluff, what you really get is Plane Shift->Greater Teleport(buffed to avoid miss chance)->charge-maneuver combo. Also increased number of uses and added a buff in doubling area/range of the involved maneuvers. Plus I must point out the plane shift+ greaterteleport allows you to make sure your strike is gonna hurt

Ah, yes I knew I was forgeting something. Will add this to the Half-Dragon as well.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 07:34:23 PM by oslecamo »

Offline Anomander

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 10:42:59 PM »
Atomic Blood
It is still called Maneuvers in the table. I also fixed the incomplete part of the text you copied in.

The 3rd stance should be acquired at level 10 to maintain the pattern. Level 12 is very late.

Completely Harmless
The text still states you get it at level 2.

Desolation Breath
Yes, the Virago has two claw attacks, but on the other hand she has just average Bab (so less likely to hit) and is melee range, so she can't always reliably attack with both claws, while the Control Rod has pretty good range, so you can safely snipe enemies from afar.

I actually got you to reduce her BAB to low since her icy touch are touch attacks and as such not that hard to hit.

I suggested the Control Rod maneuvers recovery as a fullround action mostly because it takes a fullround action to use Desolation Breath, while recovering with a fullround CR attack would still actually require a hit as opposed to simply breath about. Also to level with the Icy Vortex, which requires a Standard Action that can be done every round while the Desolation Breath can only be done once per 1d4 round. But it is just a thought.

Scarlet Alert & Nuclear Fallout
Might want to reverse zone names as Easy mode is usually the one having the best effects with Hard giving nothing and Lunatic actually giving you a weakness but granting something special, though it might instead now just refer to the atomic dragon's difficulty level against its enemies. Now that some spellcards got the Overdrive difficulty in Touhou I might have to add a new dangerzone for something like 5/4 or 3/2 heat capacity (super overheating omg)
Lunatic+ should really be worth it because overheating is quite crippling.

For Scarlet Alert I think getting +1 at normal then +2 at hard isn't changing much considering your stats matters only on even numbers. If your Str/Con is odd, you're fine in the normal zone but would have no interest in going into the hard zone.

New Nuclear Fallout and Atomic Breath
Waiiit! Are you telling me that the atomic breath does not damage objects? It deals fire/bludgeoning damage but cannot damage object!? What kind of nuke dragon breath is this?  >:( :lmao

Mind you, killing every plant and little animal sounds pretty collateral to me.

You'll have to specify it kills normal vegetation because plants aren't creatures.
Plant type
This type comprises vegetable creatures. Note that regular plants, such as one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores and are not creatures, but objects, even though they are alive.

Nuclear Dragon Launch Detected
No wonder those dragons are rare. Legislation on nukes in the DnD world is probably just as harsh.  :P
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 10:44:54 PM by Anomander »

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 07:32:14 AM »
Atomic Blood
It is still called Maneuvers in the table. I also fixed the incomplete part of the text you copied in.
Fixed table, but what do you mean with fixing incomplete text part? They seem to be the same.

The 3rd stance should be acquired at level 10 to maintain the pattern. Level 12 is very late.

Completely Harmless
The text still states you get it at level 2.

Desolation Breath
Yes, the Virago has two claw attacks, but on the other hand she has just average Bab (so less likely to hit) and is melee range, so she can't always reliably attack with both claws, while the Control Rod has pretty good range, so you can safely snipe enemies from afar.

I actually got you to reduce her BAB to low since her icy touch are touch attacks and as such not that hard to hit.

I suggested the Control Rod maneuvers recovery as a fullround action mostly because it takes a fullround action to use Desolation Breath, while recovering with a fullround CR attack would still actually require a hit as opposed to simply breath about. Also to level with the Icy Vortex, which requires a Standard Action that can be done every round while the Desolation Breath can only be done once per 1d4 round. But it is just a thought.
Meh, the breath has cooldown yes but its range keeps improving, is easier to avoid friendly fire and notice you don't need to actually damage anything with it, just venting it out is enough.

Scarlet Alert & Nuclear Fallout
Might want to reverse zone names as Easy mode is usually the one having the best effects with Hard giving nothing and Lunatic actually giving you a weakness but granting something special, though it might instead now just refer to the atomic dragon's difficulty level against its enemies.
My tought exactly.

Now that some spellcards got the Overdrive difficulty in Touhou I might have to add a new dangerzone for something like 5/4 or 3/2 heat capacity (super overheating omg)
Lunatic+ should really be worth it because overheating is quite crippling.
Eeer, Divine Flame really doesn't need any buffs if you ask me. Actually your tactical feat needs to be nerfed if you missed that on the Lunatic Princess dicussion, as it can potentially be chained with itself for potentially infinite Con bonus all day long.

For Scarlet Alert I think getting +1 at normal then +2 at hard isn't changing much considering your stats matters only on even numbers. If your Str/Con is odd, you're fine in the normal zone but would have no interest in going into the hard zone.
Changed to +2/+4/+8.

New Nuclear Fallout and Atomic Breath
Waiiit! Are you telling me that the atomic breath does not damage objects? It deals fire/bludgeoning damage but cannot damage object!? What kind of nuke dragon breath is this?  >:( :lmao
Pure, invisible radiation of course!

Mind you, killing every plant and little animal sounds pretty collateral to me.

You'll have to specify it kills normal vegetation because plants aren't creatures.
Plant type
This type comprises vegetable creatures. Note that regular plants, such as one finds growing in gardens and fields, lack Wisdom and Charisma scores and are not creatures, but objects, even though they are alive.
Added clause to atomic breath and Liberator that it affects all living stuff.

Nuclear Dragon Launch Detected
No wonder those dragons are rare. Legislation on nukes in the DnD world is probably just as harsh.  :P
Where do you think all those ruins filled with inanimate non-living treasures come from again? :p

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2012, 08:35:15 AM »
Class Skills
Escape Artist and Perform feel a bit out of place. Most dragons have Appraise for the whole hoard-thing and since this one does martial maneuvers it might need the Martial Study skill.

Atomic Blood
Fixed table, but what do you mean with fixing incomplete text part? They seem to be the same.

I was referring to the part in parenthesis.

The Nuclear Dragon can choose and prepare his readied maneuvers with 5 minutes of meditation (aka contemplation of .
The Nuclear Dragon can choose and prepare its readied maneuvers with 5 minutes of meditation (or mad euphoria in the wake of its destruction potential).

On another side note, I now realize that there is something kinda poetic in having the Atomic Dragon being able to initiate Mega Flare.

Desolation Breath
Meh, the breath has cooldown yes but its range keeps improving, is easier to avoid friendly fire and notice you don't need to actually damage anything with it, just venting it out is enough.

I had noticed. If you think it is enough, alright.

Overdrive zone
Eeer, Divine Flame really doesn't need any buffs if you ask me. Actually your tactical feat needs to be nerfed if you missed that on the Lunatic Princess dicussion, as it can potentially be chained with itself for potentially infinite Con bonus all day long.

I removed the possibility to have it stack but will probably change it a bit more as I'm not too happy with the way it works. Just not sure how yet.
As to the Overdrive zone, hehe, I really don't see it as a buff. Just as Lunatic is penalizing for a somewhat not-worth-really-it benefit, Overdrive would follow into the same path with even harsher penalties. What I'm wondering though is if I should have it give a benefit one step above Lunatic's just to make one wonder if they aren't insane for not changing stance already or just be evil and have the Overdrive zone only lock you into that stance along with the penalties until you properly cooldown. Or both.

Atomic Breath/Desolation Breath
Just to be certain, was it intended to encourage the use of a fullaction breath when those cannot be used in flight when you have a flight maneuverability below good or if you do not have the Hover feat? I mean, making the use of your breath effect with your main movement speed feat dependent? Though I suppose it comes with being a dragon.

Pure, invisible radiation of course!
Since the atomic breath (or radiation breath) is invisible, does it mean that unless you can see invisible stuff you do not know which areas are still affected by the breath's lingering radiations?
Also, now all the radiation breath is missing is the ability to doom its victims with cancer or superpower mutations.  :smirk

New Nuclear Fallout
Incomplete or an extra word in the sentence: "only a Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle able to remove it before, or the Nuclear Dragon that created it either being slayed or willingly dismissing the effect"
Instead of 'slayed' the tense would be 'slain'.
I also notice that incorporeal undead creatures are perfectly immune to the ability damage, but it kinda makes sense, not having a body and everything...

At the end, its says "slaying the Nuclear Dragon or  can remove the lasting effect"
I think you meant to put something like "or if it willingly dismisses the effect."

Craft of Star Wings
Looking at it again, increased maneuverability (feat) and double move speed for charges only sounds kinda weak for 19th level.
Would it be better to down it to level 11 to rise Atomic Temple (which also grants a feat) to level 19 and have it grant Quasi-Deity status instead? They'll worship nuclear power for a good reason then.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 02:40:31 AM by Anomander »

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 10:14:00 PM »
The Divine Flame link in the Atomic Blood class feature goes to the Crystallized Silver school instead.

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2012, 07:45:43 PM »
Skills and Atomic Blood should be updated now.

Atomic Breath/Desolation Breath
Meh, crappy fly maneuverability is part of being a dragon. They have pretty high speed, but unless they specialize in it, it's more for geting in or out of combat.

Also DF itself can't grant you more maneuverable flight speeds.

Pure, Invisible Radiation of course!
Yes, it's suposed to not be easily detectable. Cancer is kinda suposed to be represented by the Con Drain. Superpower mutations did cross my mind, just not very sure how to implement it. Hmm, maybe a feat. The Nuclear Dragon should have his supermutants after all. :P

New Nuclear Fallout and Liberator
Cleaned up the removing conditions. Also incorporeal undeads being immune wasn't intended, but indeed it makes sense so leting it stay.

Craft of Star Wings
I really don't like giving quasi-deity status to monsters just because they're big and strong (note to self: start meating up that god prc skeleton I have lying in my ideas folder). Also I specifically wanted Monster Lord as a bonus feat at 11th level.

However I now remember there was one ability idea I had in the start for the Nuclear Dragon that I ended up not including anywhere, and I guess at 19th place is good. Now the Nuclear Dragon can fire his Control Rod as a free action while charging as if he had used a fullround action.

Heat levels

Big(ger) penalties for bizzarre(r) effects always sounds good in paper, rarely turns out well. Just look at the mindstealer drone, when the big trouble of finding legendary casters and warriors to nom their abilities aparently becomes a trivial task for the exact gains instead of completely situational ones like I first envisioned.

tl:dr-people will find ways to laugh at whatever penalties you impose and find ways to abuse exotic abilities. So I don't care if it kills them and their family, you will be increasing DF's power level up if you start adding new heat ranks, regardless of any penalties you come up with.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 07:48:53 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2012, 11:50:13 PM »
Atomic Breath/Desolation Breath
Meh, crappy fly maneuverability is part of being a dragon. They have pretty high speed, but unless they specialize in it, it's more for geting in or out of combat.

Kinda. The general dragon tactic is to use their speed to stay out of reach and wear their opponent down by coming in, breath with a flyby attack and leave. Rince/repeat.

Also DF itself can't grant you more maneuverable flight speeds.
Shooting Star is the only one, I think, but good point.

Pure, Invisible Radiation of course!
Yes, it's suposed to not be easily detectable. Cancer is kinda supposed to be represented by the Con Drain. Superpower mutations did cross my mind, just not very sure how to implement it. Hmm, maybe a feat. The Nuclear Dragon should have his supermutants after all. :P

We may be one step closer to unleashing an army of ninja turtles upon the world. Brilliant!
If you're curious, d20 Future got some rules on Radiation and Mutations.

Craft of Star Wings
However I now remember there was one ability idea I had in the start for the Nuclear Dragon that I ended up not including anywhere, and I guess at 19th place is good. Now the Nuclear Dragon can fire his Control Rod as a free action while charging as if he had used a fullround action.

Although what the ability is meant to grant is quite obvious (a ranged attack at the end of a charge deals damage as if you had used your Control Rod with a fullattack action; kind of like a ranged pounce), it is a bit impractical.
Mostly because your attack as part of a charge can only be a melee attack, so it doesn't really do anything.
The damage of a fullattack action is only for ranged attacks, unless the ability is supposed to work for melee attacks with a control rod, in which case it might as well be called Pounce since attacks at melee are performed normally.

Heat levels
Big(ger) penalties for bizzarre(r) effects always sounds good in paper, rarely turns out well. Just look at the mindstealer drone, when the big trouble of finding legendary casters and warriors to nom their abilities aparently becomes a trivial task for the exact gains instead of completely situational ones like I first envisioned.

tl:dr-people will find ways to laugh at whatever penalties you impose and find ways to abuse exotic abilities. So I don't care if it kills them and their family, you will be increasing DF's power level up if you start adding new heat ranks, regardless of any penalties you come up with.

I showed what I had in mind for them in the DF thread. Maybe it will change yours.

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2012, 07:14:09 AM »
Atomic Breath/Desolation Breath
Meh, crappy fly maneuverability is part of being a dragon. They have pretty high speed, but unless they specialize in it, it's more for geting in or out of combat.

Kinda. The general dragon tactic is to use their speed to stay out of reach and wear their opponent down by coming in, breath with a flyby attack and leave. Rince/repeat.
Meh, not really. For one that costs you a feat like flyby attack and whatnot, for other it's anti-synergetic with the butload of natural attacks a dragon has. Plus since most dragon breaths have cooldowns, giving time to the enemy to prepare for your next strafe isn't very optimal.

Craft of Star Wings
However I now remember there was one ability idea I had in the start for the Nuclear Dragon that I ended up not including anywhere, and I guess at 19th place is good. Now the Nuclear Dragon can fire his Control Rod as a free action while charging as if he had used a fullround action.

Although what the ability is meant to grant is quite obvious (a ranged attack at the end of a charge deals damage as if you had used your Control Rod with a fullattack action; kind of like a ranged pounce), it is a bit impractical.
Mostly because your attack as part of a charge can only be a melee attack, so it doesn't really do anything.
On the contrary, there's a precedent on the Miniatures Handbook of a feat that allows you to throw a thrown weapon as part of a charge, so ranged attacks can indeed be used in that kind of situation.

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2012, 11:57:46 AM »
Atomic Breath/Desolation Breath
Meh, not really. For one that costs you a feat like flyby attack and whatnot, for other it's anti-synergetic with the butload of natural attacks a dragon has. Plus since most dragon breaths have cooldowns, giving time to the enemy to prepare for your next strafe isn't very optimal.

Flyby attack isn't necessary but it makes it easier. It is also one of the favored dragon feats and one of the best feats out there anyway. As to the tactic itself, it isn't an opinion. I'm taking this straight off the Combat tactics of dragons in general.

Craft of Star Wings
On the contrary, there's a precedent on the Miniatures Handbook of a feat that allows you to throw a thrown weapon as part of a charge, so ranged attacks can indeed be used in that kind of situation.

I'm not saying that. The issue is that the ability suggested here enhances an ability that it doesn't have (charging with ranged attacks). The ability to make a ranged attack as part of a charge isn't granted by the class.

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2012, 06:13:28 PM »
It is. It specifically says you can make a ranged attack as part of the charge. Specific abillities trump general rules.

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2012, 08:12:54 PM »
My bad. Didn't notice you had modified it this morning.
The way it is written now indicates that you get a free powered-up attack on top of the charge (so up to double move + melee attack + ranged attack).
Unless it was what was intended, how about describing it this way:
In addition when the Nuclear Dragon charges, it may make a ranged fullattack with its Control Rod instead of a melee attack and it does not need to move to the closest space from which it can attack the opponent.
That way you can actually make ranged charges without entering melee. It otherwise penalizes the ND for having a large movement speed by having it get closer than it needs to be. Saying it makes a fullattack action is clearer since there is no way to get a control rod to make more than one ranged attack with a fullattack action anyway.

Scarlet Alert hasn't been adjusted yet.
The link to Divine Flame still forwards to Crystallized Silver and the Divine Flame link is misplaced above it.
The links to Deceivingly Innocent Form and Monster Lord do not work.
New Nuclear Fallout states in its description that it is acquired at level 11. Liberator states in the description that it is acquired at level 14 and Crush at level 15.

Otherwise all clear!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 10:16:54 PM by Anomander »

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2012, 05:49:17 AM »
It is intended to give you the ranged attack on top of the regular charge attack, level 19 and stuff.

Typos should be all fixed now as well.

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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2019, 10:02:14 PM »
This is super late, but since you still appear on the forums, kinda, and people do check these out:

I find that the fact that dragon's control rod always manifests in throat to be problematic. Not only does it look super dumb in human form if you try to use the High Tension Blade stance, but ordinarily control rod could replace a weapon and gain that weapon's special material and magical properties on the bludgeoning part of Atomic Damage. This genuinely nerfs it and prevents the Nuclear Dragon from benefiting from that in any form.

Also I still think human having laser sword coming out of mouth to swing around is dumb image though. It's funny but I ain't here in nuclear dragon for funny.
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Re: Nuclear Dragon
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2019, 05:29:15 AM »
Mouthpick weapons can be held in one's mouth.

And plenty of people consider Zorro from One Piece pretty serious despite fighting with a sword on his mouth.

EDIT: Plus the whole combining thingy was a sneak update from Anomander since I'm pretty sure not recalling that when I first did the Nuclear Dragon. But sure, added the option of the Nuclear Dragon swallowing weapons for combining with the control rod if you insist.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 05:34:55 AM by oslecamo »