Ranger's Guide to the Northlands Saga, GM's Section This section gives a breakdown of enemy and terrain types per adventure.
Naturally, this section is going to be heavy on spoilers, both in the places PCs can go and certain enemies they might encounter.NS0: Spears in the Ice Part One, Spring Rites
Set-Piece Encounters:Humanoid (giant): 1
Humanoid (human): 4
Undead: 3
Random Encounters:Animal: 2
Humanoid (human): 1
Terrain: Forest, Mountains, and Swamp comprise the entirety of the combat encounters. There’s some pre-combat role-playing in the farmland, which would count as Plains.
NS0: Wyrd of the Winter King
Set-Piece Encounters:
Animal: 1
Construct: 1
Dragon: 1
Monstrous Humanoid: 2
Outsider (Cold): 1
Outsider (Chaos/Evil): 1
Undead: 13
Random Encounters:
Obviously, undead dominate this adventure.
Terrain: The entirety of the adventure takes place on an iceberg with a castle. Depending on how liberal your GM is, the castle is technically a building, which falls into the Urban entry. Cold and Urban.
NS1: Vengeance of the Long Serpent
Set-piece Encounters:
Animal: 6
Construct: 1
Humanoid (human): 5
Outsider (cold): 5
Undead: 1 (may not end as combat)
Vermin: 1
Random Encounters:
Animal: 9
Dragon: 1 (intended as non-combat)
Humanoid (human): 1
Monstrous Humanoid: 1
Undead: 1
Vermin: 1
Humans and animals are the majority of enemies here.
Terrain: The first part of the adventure takes place on a longship voyage, the second part on the shores of an arctic region. Cold and Water.
NS2: Beyond the Wailing Mountains
Set-piece Encounters:
Humanoid (giant): 1
Humanoid (humans): 4
Monstrous Humanoid: 3
Outsider (chaos): 1
Outsider (evil): 2
Undead: 2
Random Encounters:
Animal: 9
Construct: 1
Dragon: 1
Humanoid (giant): 3
Humanoid (human): 2
Magical Beast: 2
Monstrous Humanoid: 1
Outsider (evil): 1
Outsider (native): 1
Humans are still predominant, and there’s quite a lot of animals, but we see 4 encounters involving monstrous humanoids and 4 with giant subtype. There’s a bit of outsiders, too.
Terrain: arctic tundra over mountains and a city. Cold, Mountains, and Urban.
NS3: The Death Curse of Sven Oakenfist
Set-Piece Encounters:
Animal: 2
Dragon: 2
Humanoid (giant): 1
Humanoid (goblinoids): 1
Humanoid (human): 2
Outsider (evil): 1
Undead: 3
Random Encounters:
The random encounters for seabound travel make reference to the North Sea-Winter table in the setting portion of the book. The forest section references Seagestreland: Coastal Forest-Winter table. These encounter tables will be handled as their own entry.
Adventure-specific encounter table:
Animal: 1 (encounters are very easy)
Vermin: 7 (encounters are very easy)
This adventure has the most variables, although humans still win out by a small margin. Technically vermin is the winner here, but the encounters in question are relatively trivial and situational so it would be a waste of Favored Enemy. Undead are the most common, followed by humans.
Terrain: This is by far the most versatile adventure yet. The major mode of travels involves the North Sea, with some rocky islands, a cave and barrow, and forests and marshes. Forest, Mountain (most likely interpretation of a rocky island), Swamp, Underground, and Water. The majority of random encounters will take place on the sea and in the forest/swamp portion.
NS4: Blood on the Snow
Enemies: For set-piece events, the first encounter can be a mix-up of random enemies, but generally speaking they are humanoids (human), monstrous humanoids, outsiders (evil, lawful), magical beasts, and fey. So the opponent’s true make-up may vary and is not counted below
Set-Piece Encounters:
Animal: 2
Construct: 2
Dragon: 1
Fey: 1
Humanoid (giant): 6
Humanoid (human): 10
Magical Beast: 3
Monstrous Humanoids: 3
Plant: 1
Undead: 1
If the PCs fuck up big time, there’s an outsider (chaos, evil), but it is far beyond their capabilities to conceivably fight at this level.
Random Encounters:
Animal: 2
Aberration: 1
Dragon: 1
Fey: 1
Humanoid (giant): 2
Humanoid (Human): 3
Magical Beast: 2
Monstrous Humanoid: 1
Outsider (evil, lawful): 1
Outsider (fire): 1
Plant: 1
Humans and giants win, with some magical beasts and monstrous humanoids in a respectable tie for third place.
Terrain: A trek through the forests to a town under siege, then marshes. Forest, Swamp, and Urban.
NS5: Raven Banners over Gatland
Set-piece Encounters:
Aberration: 2
Dragon: 1
Fey: 1
Humanoid (giant): 4
Humanoid (human): 5
Monstrous Humanoid: 1
Ooze: 1
Outsider (native): 1
Outsider (just extraplanar): 1
Outsider (evil): 2
Outsider (lawful): 1
Plant: 2
Undead: 1
Vermin: 2
Random Encounters:
The adventure uses the North Sea-Summer encounter table for the first chapter.
Aberration: 2 (1 is a hazard and not monster proper)
Humanoid (giant): 1
Humanoid (human): 1
Plant: 1
Vermin: 2
Surprisingly humans are not nearly as common as an enemy type, with a smattering of creepy crawly denizens of darkness. Humans are 6, giants are 5, vermin 4, aberrations 4, plants 3 and the rest 2 or lower.
Terrain: The very first encounter takes place on a beach. From then on, the terrain involved includes sea travel, caves, and a fortress. Underground, Urban, and Water.
NS6: Plague in Trotheim
Set-piece Encounters:
Animal: 1 (may or may not be combative based on circumstance)
Construct: 1
Dragon: 2
Humanoid (elf): 1
Humanoid (giant): 3
Humanoid (human): 4
Magical Beast: 3
Outsider (no subtype): 2
Outsider (evil, law): 1
Outsider (chaos, good): 1
Undead: 1
Vermin: 1
Random Encounters:
The first chapter takes place in a city with a Danger of +5. Depending on your GM the random encounter table for cities from the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide may be in use.
The second chapter uses the Western Andøvan Mountains table in the setting section.
4 humans, 3 giants, and 3 magical beasts, are the most common. Technically outsiders tie with humans, but their various kinds puts a damper on the usefulness.
Terrain: The Northlands’ largest city, along with mountain vales and an extradimensional space. Too bad planes of existence require specific kinds for favored terrain, and the plane in question is more of a “go there once” kind of deal. Mountains and Urban.
NS7: The Return of [NPC X]
Set-piece Encounters:
Aberration: 1
Animal: 3
Construct: 2
Dragon: 1
Humanoid (giant): 17
Humanoid (human): 1
Humanoid (sasquatch): 1
Magical Beast: 6
Monstrous Humanoid: 3
Outsider (air): 1
Outsider (earth, water): 1
Plant: 1
Undead: 1
Vermin: 4
In addition to the set-piece encounters, Chapter 3 has a roster of enemies which are scattered about the crannog, all of which are humanoid (giant)
Random Encounters:
Animal: 2
Humanoid (sasquatch): 1
Magical Beast: 6
Outsider (air): 1
Outsider (earth, water): 2
Plant: 2
Undead: 1
Vermin: 2 (one of which are CR ½ pushovers)
Seriously, the amount of giants in this one’s stupendous. Giant-hunter PCs are going to be in high heaven in this adventure,
Or feel like genocidal fuckwads because the giants in question are trollish Native American stand-ins
. Otherwise we got a respectable amount of magical beasts, some vermin, and a little bit of everything.
Terrain: A brief ocean voyage is followed by a heavily forested and swampy land with mountains in the east. The second chapter of the adventure is a sandbox, the third in the mountains. Forest, mountains, swamp, and urban.
NS8: the Hallburners
Set-piece Encounters:
There are 3 sets of recurring enemy groups as set-piece encounters. Without exception, they are all human (counted in the below entries), although the ranger has a wolf animal companion.
Animal: 3
Dragon: 1
Humanoid (giant): 5
Humanoid (human): 10
Magical Beast: 2
Ooze: 1
Outsider (earth): 1
Outsider (evil, lawful): 1
In terms of set-piece encounters, 1 involves humans and animals, 1 involves a humanoid (giant) and a magical beast with a summoned outsider (earth), 1 involves an outsider (evil, lawful) joining one of the top enemy groups, 8 involve humans, 1 involves animals, 1 involves humans and humanoids (giants), 2 involve humanoids (giant), 1 involves dragons, 1 involves oozes, 1 involves magical beasts, and 1 involves humanoid (giants) and animals.
Random Encounters:
Chapter 2 uses Storstrøm Vale- Waldron Mountains encounter table for random encounters.
In short, a boatload of humans, a good number of giants, a few animals, and a smattering of other creature types.
Terrain: A race across the plains, then into mountains and a fortress with a cave complex beneath it and ends up in the city of Trotheim. Mountains, Plains, Urban, and Underground.
NS9: Daughter of Thunder and Storm
Set-piece Encounters:
Animal: 1
Construct: 1
Dragon: 7
Humanoid (giant): 21
Humanoid (goblinoid): 3
Humanoid (human): 3
Magical Beast: 7
Monstrous Humanoid: 4
Ooze: 3
Outsider (air, water): 2
Outsider (chaos): 3
Outsider (evil): 7
Outsider (fire): 3
Outsider (giant, oni): 1
Outsider (lawful): 2
Outsider (native): 3
Undead: 8
the final battle’s creature type depends on how the PCs role-played up to this point. It can be an outsider (native), outsider (giant, native, oni), humanoid (giant), a fey, or monstrous humanoid
Random Encounters
The random encounters in chapter 4 draw upon already existing areas of the dungeon, so they are not included.
Aberration: 1
Fey: 1
Humanoid (giant): 1
Magical Beast: 1
Outsider (chaos, evil, native): 1
Undead: 1
A few of the random encounters in Chapter 5 draw upon existing areas, but a few are area-less true random encounters and are included in the above.
Giants galore, undead, outsiders, magical beasts, dragons, and more! At this point the Northlands is pulling no punches with fantastically terrible and mighty beasts of legend.
Terrain: First chapter takes place in a major building, the second cliffside caves, the third through a tundra and taiga forest, the fourth inside a mountain fortress, and the fifth in the dark extraplanar void known as the Ginnungagap. Cold, forest, mountains, underground, urban, and a specific plane of existence.
NS10: The Broken Shieldwall
Set-piece Encounters:
Aberration: 2
Animal: 2
Construct: 3
Dragon: 3
Humanoid (dwarf): 1
Humanoid (giant): 10
Humanoid (gnoll): 1
Humanoid (goblinoid): 1
Humanoid (human): 13
Humanoid (reptilian): 5
Magical Beast: 2
Monstrous Humanoid: 2
Ooze: 1
Outsider (daemon): 4
Outsider (evil): 6
Outsider (fire, lawful): 2
Undead: 7
Vermin: 2
Random Encounter:
In terms of random encounters, Chapter 3 involves a semi-random encounter of undead but otherwise nothing else.
Overall, there’s 10 encounters with humans, 10 with giants, 8 undead, and 6 with outsiders (evil) as the most common types of foe.
Terrain: The terrain is quite varied. The first chapter involves a war meeting upon a hilltop, followed by a proving grounds in fighting an old monster in a cave. The warfare portion of the adventure involves fighting an army post in a swampy beachhead, as well as an assault against a Mulstahbin fortress and thwarting an assassination attempt at a castle back in Hrolfland. The final part of the adventure involves a great final battle on the fields of Mulstahba.
Desert, mountains, swamp, urban, and underground.
Regional Random Encounter Tables
The setting section of the Northlands Saga Complete has a great variety of terrain, but there are only 4 such tables which are referenced proper in the adventure path.
North Sea, Summer:
North Sea, Winter:
Seagestreland: Coastal Forest-Winter
Storstrøm Vale- Waldron Mountains:
Total Monster and Terrain Types
These do not include the regional random encounter tables.
Aberration: 9
Animal: 46
Construct: 12
Dragon: 22 (1 intended non-combat)
Fey: 4
Humanoid (dwarf): 1
Humanoid (giant): 76
Humanoid (gnoll): 1
Humanoid (goblinoid): 5
Humanoid (human): 69
Humanoid (reptilian): 5
Magical Beast: 34
Monstrous Humanoid: 18
Ooze: 6
Outsider (air): 4
Outsider (chaos): 8 (1 of which is an optional worst-case scenario)
Outsider (daemon): 4
Outsider (earth): 4
Outsider (evil): 24
Outsider (fire): 6
Outsider (good): 1
Outsider (lawful): 8
Outsider (native): 6
Outsider (water): 5
Plant: 8
Undead: 44
Vermin: 22 (9 of which are underpowered for their appearance in the AP)
Cold: 4
Desert: 0
Forest: 5
Jungle: 0
Mountain: 8
Plains: 2
Planes: 2
Swamp: 5
Underground: 5
Urban: 9
Water: 3
So overall by number alone, the top 5 most common enemy types are Humanoid (giant), Humanoid (human), Animal, Undead, and Magical Beast. Urban is the most common (perhaps due to buildings being included), followed closely by mountains (which also include hills), and then a three-way tie between forest, swamp, and underground.