Some flaws and trait drawbacks are completely avoidable. Murky eyes is a penalty to range combat- easy dont do range. As a DM would have to approve it I'm sure they will try to exploite it if it is taken.
Limiting yourself to never using anything ranged is a pretty significant limitation on the player, even melee characters sometimes can't reach an opponent and want to pull a bow. But expecting the DM to reshape the whole campaign to make sure there's elves around every corner that somehow the party can't just get away with killing is not very nice, neither is anything that throws more work on the DM's side.
Nonswimmer is even worst because a -4 penalty on a skill is just too weak of a drawback. Compare it to Inattentive that applies the same penalty to two skills, it's literally twice as crippling in a vaccuum, then you need to take in account spot and listen are actually skills one can be expected to roll in every session at any campaign, often multiple times per session.
Look, I can understand the desire to make fluffy flaws. But it's just bad design and bad rules and bad for actual gameplay. Need to eat elves will either be a non-factor or get the party hunted down by the high elven council and either way it's bad.
Plus, if the player really wants their character to murderize elven babies, then that should be an active decision from the player, not left to random dice rolls.
also i'm pretty sure i mentioned it doesn't work on things with low intelligence like rats. supposely if it has atleast a 3 it should be able to talk. shall i move it up to atleast a 10 intellengence?
Missed the int prerequisite, but then you're still basically rewarding the player for going full psycho and enslaving weak villages to use as sacrificial batteries. And your "flaw" above is exactly the opposite when you're actively rewarding the PC for eating people. "Oh, I need to make a will save or kill those elves? I just auto-fail, was gonna kill them anyway to refuel my psionics lol".
Would strongly suggest just replacing it with something else, there's already too much PP recovery shenigans in the game.
yep thats what hunter mind does
It's still not very clear and took me multiple readings.