Author Topic: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer  (Read 3104 times)

Offline JAPG

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Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« on: April 30, 2019, 09:13:55 PM »
Erandis d'Vol is a 16th-level half-dragon elf wizard lich. But I want to make her a more suitable boss. I was thinking of adding the Spellstitched and Evolved templates, and moving wizard levels into prestige classes (probably Master Specialist), but I'm curious what you guys think. Wizard Necromancer 6/Master Specialist 10?

Also, what feats should she take? I really like Fell Drain and Fell Energy.

I'm also curious as to spells that are both thematic and powerful. Since so many of these effects are shut down by Death Ward, how can she deal with that?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 10:10:28 PM by JAPG »

Offline Skyrock

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2019, 06:36:34 AM »
Since so many of these effects are shut down by Death Ward, how can she deal with that?
The only real way to deal with it is dispelling or supressing Death Ward.

Greater Dispel Magic works, but consumes actions and slots. Otiluke's Suppressing Field is the economy version that auto-tries to counterspell and supress spells of a chosen school, but only within a 20ft radius of the caster (unless you can find a way to transfer a personal 4th level spell on a tanky minion who can be placed smack in the middle).

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2019, 05:21:56 PM »
The various builds in the various books, are usually train-wrecks.
Step 1 is almost always a Psychic Reformation (level 23 can find and afford) to re-pick feats (!!) and skills (meh).

Step 2 is almost always go out on a PHB2 Rebuild Quest, to knock of (in this case) five horribly picked levels, for 5 more of the good stuff.
Here-in lies a curious point :   why the hells+gehenna would a level 16 wizard not pick the level 17 of wizard?  Why mister anderson WHY ?!

Anyway, a Wizard 21 / Half Dragon racial prog +1 (with LA buy off) / Lich racial prog +1 (also with LA buyoff) = 21 ECL.
And the only reason said epic wizard doesn't win is ... shoot I know the answers around here somewhere ... just wait-a-sec it'll come to me.
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline JAPG

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2019, 07:41:06 PM »
Wait, 21st level? I was discussing a 16th level character. Where are the extra 5 levels from?

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2019, 11:04:50 PM »
Wait, 21st level? I was discussing a 16th level character. Where are the extra 5 levels from?

I would assume the CR adjustments of Half-Dragon and Lich except those are +4 total and not +5 (and the LA is +7 total).

aDMg is suggesting to use the racial progressions and buy off the LA instead of go with the full templates from the SRD so that you can have more class levels to play with.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2019, 04:46:54 PM »
Like the new avatar Nanshork.



always a good strategy


I was discussing a 16th level character.

No. No you weren't.


Where are the extra 5 levels from?

I explained that one post up under Step 2, and they aren't extra.

Erandis d'Vol is a 16th-level half-dragon elf wizard lich.

Half Dragon is LA+3.
Lich is LA+4.

16 + 3 + 4 = 23

Half Dragon racial prog --->
Lich racial prog --->

If you just go Wizard 17 for the oomph, that'll work too.

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Offline magic9mushroom

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2019, 12:45:35 AM »
Step 2 is almost always go out on a PHB2 Rebuild Quest, to knock of (in this case) five horribly picked levels, for 5 more of the good stuff.
Here-in lies a curious point :   why the hells+gehenna would a level 16 wizard not pick the level 17 of wizard?  Why mister anderson WHY ?!

You're forgetting that this is an NPC and not a PC. ECL doesn't matter*; CR does. In this case, knocking off those five levels of the template classes would only reduce CR by 3, not 5, so to keep her at the same CR you could only add 3 wizard levels. Also, it would knock off lich rejuvenation, which the DM probably wants to keep because it's kinda the defining feature of liches.

*Depending on which source you take, it might affect their treasure, but that's all.

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Making Erandis d'Vol Fiercer
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2019, 03:46:20 PM »
Good points.
My response was ECL -ocentric.

I don't think any LA Buyoff and CR interactions, have even been queried before.
I don't have any idea how exactly that would be handled, but it looks rather straightforward.
It's a dm ruling to say it works just like regular PCs, but I can't imagine it working any different.

Lich generally advances by character class.
But 4 undead racial hit dice would be quite tasty. (which a dm can just fiat to be OK)
Wizard 16+1 is +1 CR
Wizard 17 + 4 Urhd is +1 CR too.
That would get a pile of hp, an Improved Turn Resistance feat and the mandatory Epic Spells feat going.
With the 1/2 Dragon bought off, it'd be the same CR, but obviously more dangerous.
Your codpiece is a mimic.